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Guilty Gear Thread

She won't play like Noel. I believe it was mentioned she has range. It would be interesting if she had to reload like Petra.
seeing more screens of Elf seem to indicate she's "wedding" themed. With champagne and a wedding cake.

Daisuke really going all out to make a new "waifu" isn't he?

I think that one of her moves will be like Alessi's machine gun from heritage

he stood still while it was happening, but you could move the crosshair around a bit
Chipp already looks like Billy Idol. I wonder if they'll reference the song in some victory quote after their fight.

"Go out and train. It's a great day to start again." Players leave. Commit suicide.
This was posted at Dustloop

Sourenga said:
Height: 168 cm
Weight: Dream kg
Birthday: December 25th
Bloodtype: Mystery type
Birthplace: Unknown
Affiliation: Unknown
Things she likes: Love stories, Impressions of bush dog
Things important to her: Smiles, Her bush dog-shaped savings box, All kinds of sweets
Things she hates: All kinds of bugs, Brutality, Solitude

"She believes that if there's enough love you can get along with pretty much anyone or anything."
Elfy is probably a Valentine. I guess they're all representing different aspects of Aria?

Also that birth date reminds me of Dizzy.
if she just replaces Dizzy

i'd be okay with that

it'd make people mad
which would give me a chuckle

Move list from Dustloop


Berry Pine (ベリーパイン) 236P (Air OK)
- Upward Throw (上投げ) 4P during Berry Pine (Air OK)
- Downward Throw (下投げ) 2P during Berry Pine

Bridal Express (ブライダルエクスプレス) 214K (Air OK)

Prepare Miss Confire (Miss コンフィールを構える) 236S
- Shooting (射撃) P/K/S/HS during Confire
-- Reload (リロード) 46S during Confire
- Cancel (解除) D during Confire

Prepare Miss Travailler (Miss トラヴァイエを構える) 236HS
- Poke (小突く) P during Travailler
- Roll over (転がる) K during Travailler
- Rise up (突き上げる) S during Travailler
- Shooting (射撃) HS during Travailler
-- Reload (リロード) 46 HS during Shooting
- Break (崩す) D during Travailler
- Cancel (解除) 236HS during Travailler

Judge Better Half (ジャッジベターハーフ) 236236D

Genoise (ジェノワーズ) 632146HS
I've noticed no one cares about/likes Sin. Why is that?
I mean, he is the son of Ky and Dizzy! That about him is pretty cool in itself and should make him the char everyone is interested in or at least is hype about. He should be super strong what with Dizzy as his mother anyway!

I never played Overture though (didn't want xbox), just read about it so, maybe I'm missing blatant reasons why everyone thinks he is garbage.
I like him

he's a brash asshole and a prime reason why Sol shouldn't be allowed anywhere near kids

plus he's Yuri Lowenthal
and Yuri Lowenthal is a handsome, handsome man
Elphy looks like she's the closest in appearance to the original Aria. Her eye color is blue/green rather than red like Overture Valentine.

I guess Daisuke was looking over Mori's shoulder one day and thought "Hrrrmmmm . . . clone girls you say?"
Maybe she'll have an interesting subversion to the sugary look she has going on... hopefully... maybe? I doubt it, but it'd be nice. Unfortunately not every "moe" looking character in a frilly dress can be a raging psychopath underneath I guess...
I kinda like the moe character. =w= she seems to be the opposite of Rammy in terms of personality, which I think is pretty cool.
she sets you up at the alter, she comes down the isles, all beautiful like and stuff, and then when she gets to you, she steps on a landmine.
then you can cut to a giant explosion in the shape of a heart and then we see her in the middle covered in ash and like, "whoops."
*patiently awaits proper translation*
While I'm waiting, Google Translate says she has strawberry grenades, a bazooka, and bouquets for days. That's pretty neat, although I'm not sold yet.

She'll be shown at TGS this month, so get hype.
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