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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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sometimes i wish the character select placement looked like this

Big Band and Eliza are antisocial

Where's Robo-Fortune
I think it should be:

Fortune Peacock Painwheel
Filia Random Cerebella
Valentine Parasoul Double
Squiggly Big Band Eliza
Fukua (Marie) Robo-Fortune

Using 6 rows instead of 5 gives the illusion that the roster is larger than it is and it fills out some of the empty space on the character select screen. Wishful thinking fora playable non-boss version Marie though.

Edit: The formatting doesn't show properly for some reason
best post ever
;_; this is too magnificent

One more thing. She's says "さあ どうした?" which is one of Jotaro's taunts in ASB
Where's t̶h̶e̶ ̶Q̶u̶e̶e̶n̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶sa̶l̶t̶ Umbrella?

Anyway, the previous talk about Darkstalkers* and the recent mention of Delilah in other pastures got me wondering if it wouldn't be fitting for Eliza to have a special winpose where she shifts to her original appearance. Bearing in mind her shape-shifting capabilities, it wouldn't seem too far off and it might be a cool special winpose against Samson, Leviathan and whoever else knows her from back in the day. Truth be told, just want to see her classic appearance in-game.

*Was thinking specifically of Raptor and Anakaris who have special Arcade final round win poses (Anakaris' was extra special - finish the decisive round with a Super and Hathor sits on his shoulder).
There was a Chinese site, that had EVERY freakin' animation of the game ripped. Shouldn't have lost that URL. Ah well, it's probably defunct by now...
For character select screen...I think

Squiggly Big Band Eliza (Musical trio, 2 singers on either side of the band (instruments))
Valentine Peacock Double(Villains?)
Painwheel Beowulf Cerebella (Grapplers)
Filia Parasoul Fortune(Heroes?)

Fukua would be hidden selectable to the left of Filia. Robo Fortune would be hidden selectable to the right of Fortune. Don't know where random would go.
Regarding the possible censorship issues surrounding Eliza's "Blood Mechanic" i've thought of a solution that has probably been suggested many MANY times since this problem arose. But i'll say it anyway:

Instead of possibly having to convert her spilled blood to "sand" perhaps a more fitting suggestion would be to colour it neon-red instead of blood-red and add a slight glow to it, This would then be considered Sekhmet's "Life Essence".

The Blood gathered by Eliza's charity blood drives is used to sustain Sekhmet's Life Essence, it is this that gets spilled when she's hit and its this thats potentially used to boost the effectiveness of moves when Eliza is in "Parasite mode".

Done this way you could argue no "blood" is depicted at all and you could keep a very similar aesthetic. To me it makes a lot more sense than simply substituting some sand for spilled blood, both in terms of visuals and from a story perspective.
Regarding the possible censorship issues surrounding Eliza's "Blood Mechanic"...
Pardon my bluntness but, there aren't any.
The ESRB rating makes a different evaluation on whether the spilled blood comes from self-injury or provoked by a external source. In Eliza's case, any blood shown is a result of self injury...that isn't even that because it's becoming more and more apparent that her body is liquid, like one of our all-time favorites.

Couple that with the excessively-stylized 2D presentation of the game and there's no call for censorships.
Furthermore, let's not forget about Fortune and the gallons of blood she spills in some of her moves, most noticeably her back dash. And that's it when it comes to blood in Skullgirls. Unless I'm forgetting something, you can't really "make" the opponent bleed (unless you count Valentine's Dead On Arrival).

Again with Darkstalkers, the games in that series all get away with a T and they feature characters getting sliced open in all sorts of manners (including seppuku) and LOADSABLOOD to go with them.

As for the previous talk about characters alignments and at the risk of getting all D&D in here, I personally peg Pea as Chaotic Good.
Balder said:
The ESRB rating makes a different evaluation on whether the spilled blood comes from self-injury or provoked by a external source. In Eliza's case, any blood shown is a result of self injury...that isn't even that because it's becoming more and more apparent that her body is liquid, like one of our all-time favorites.

I'm well aware of this distinction that the ESRB makes between self-inflicted injury and injury caused by others, but as i understand it the blood mechanic as originally proposed would work this way: Blood would spill from Eliza every time she is hit, MK style. When she's in "Sekhmet mode" this could then be gathered from the stage and used by Sekhmet to boost specials etc.

This is of course, as you quite rightly state, in contrast to Ms. Fortune who bleeds all over the place because of what she does to herself.
*air throw*
It looks like after the wing smack, the opponent gets tossed against the ground.
I'll have to be honest: with such a cool animation, I'd love to see a Rider Kick variable with Eliza dragging the opponent across the floor.

And it was nice of Mr Kim to think of us. That jello floozy is taking too much of the limelight... :P

I'm well aware of this distinction that the ESRB makes between self-inflicted injury and injury caused by others, but as i understand it the blood mechanic as originally proposed would work this way: Blood would spill from Eliza every time she is hit, MK style. When she's in "Sekhmet mode" this could then be gathered from the stage and used by Sekhmet to boost specials etc.
You raise a good point. I forgot about the damage element. (I mean, Oujo-sama? Damaged? Preposterous.) (__)
I'm wondering how the blood will work as well. My guess right now is that it only serves to power up specials and Blockbusters but what if it can be used as a "timer" for using Sekhmet? That would make Eliza both resource-management and gamble heavy. Use the blood to power up Eliza's specials/Blockbusters or switch to Sekhmet? I'm hoping she will simply be a dual stance character like Gen though.
I think that Eliza being "damaged" is more being attributed to Sekhmet. If Eliza is basically a blob of blood at this point, punching her probably goes straight to the bone-like Sekhmet.
I think the concept goes something like this; Eliza is fairly slow but hits hard, and spills blood/"life essence" or whatever when hit, she can switch to Sekhmet anytime during the match. Sekhmet is faster but hits less hard and has some different moves - Sekhmet can also charge up their specials/supers using the spilled blood/"life essence" for devastating effects and variations. Its a very good concept and i cant wait to play her because the risk/reward or "bleeding" a lot could make things very interesting.
Our fellow forum member and indisputable Overlored just had a recent Lore Q&A with Mr Ahad over Skype and not only was he kind enough to present questions by other members he also wrote down the answers and also uploaded the audio log of the actual conversation.
Here are the ones that are of interest to us:

Q: How long has Annie's show been on TV? Do people know that she is immortal because of a Skullheart wish?
A: She hides by getting different hairstyle. Eliza doing a similar trick.
(Clark Kenting still works like a charm.)

Q: Trivia about Albus and Horace? How are their personalities and how do they stand fighting power-wise? (question by yours truly)
A: Albus younger, more aggressive. Horace out of shape but more refined and experienced. Work together well even if they argue every once in a while. Eliza does most of the fighting. “Comparable” to current cast. They would give Beo an interesting match. More experienced than Filia but not as strong as Samson?

Q: Is Eliza the only club singer in Canopy, or are there more obscure/less popular singers around?
A: There are others around. She is one of the best known.

Q: A basic question, but is Eliza fond of cats?
A: Yes.
(Oujo-sama x Nadia OTP canon. :3 )

Q: What was Eliza up to before becoming a "celebrity" in New Meridian?

So there you have it: A&H rank a respectable "Comparable" in terms of fighting prowess. Now you know who to support if a new vote ever happens. :3
I like the fact that she's tall. It goes very well with her Egyptian theme, since the taller you are the more important you seemed to be.
...and the better you could look down on others. :3

I love Horace and Albus now. I need Eliza's story mode to see all of them interacting together.
Indeed. Hopefully have a in-game appearance (the time out mentions them but for all we know they can just push the chair from off-screen).

Alex pretty much confirmed my suspicion of them having a Red Oni, Blue Oni thing going. Their shirts reflect that but if it's deliberate or coincidental, that I don't know but "these folks think of everything" is usually a dependable guess.
Though it's still my headcanon that despite their behaviors, Horace is the really dangerous one. Albus is loud and brash but enjoys fighting while Horace won't have any of those shenanigans and will pretty much end a fight as quick as he can.

EDIT: fellow forum member LKArtillery and a friend have been tidying up the Q&A with wording that more accurately reflects the answers given by Alex Ahad. You can read the whole thing here.
Of interest to us, is a more developed answer on A&H:
Albus is younger, more aggressive, generally rough around the edges. Horace is out of shape, but he's older, wiser, and more refined. They generally work together as a team, even if they argue every once in a while. They act as back-up to Eliza--she does most of the fighting as soon as she gets an excuse to. They act as moral supporters to Eliza. I would say that they are comparable (to the rest of the cast) but not as much since Eliza's generally doing most of the fighting. They would give Beowulf an interesting match. They're pretty damn strong, it depends on the context. They might be there for comic relief sometimes but they're good enough to put up a fight.
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I had to make some new assets for that recent Eliza article, so here's a couple of things for anyone that wants em:

A transparent background version of the Eliza sprite. (Note that it still has the blue Casino lighting. I aint arsed fixing that)

Eliza cutout.png

Here's a few Sekmehts too.
Just the lineart so you can make palettes:
Sek standing idle.png

And the basic, unshaded colored one I used in the size chart.
Sek standing idle colors.png

And another updated version of this height chart so it looks prettier.

Height Comparison Eliza.png
How tall is Sekhmet when standing? it would make sense if Sekhmet & Eliza were similar heights as Sekhmet is essentially Eliza's Skeleton/parasite, with Eliza herself actually being blood thats wrapped around Sekhmet.

Its a little hard to tell the height from Sekhmet's idle as it has a crouching stance, and obviously Eliza is also wearing heals. I'd expect Sekhmet to be a little shorter than Eliza but not by much.
The heels are made from blood as well + Sekhmet's natural position appears to be standing on her toes anyway (background shots here), so if she stood straight, she'd be the same height as Eliza (not counting the latter's headpiece).
How tall is Sekhmet when standing? it would make sense if Sekhmet & Eliza were similar heights as Sekhmet is essentially Eliza's Skeleton/parasite, with Eliza herself actually being blood thats wrapped around Sekhmet.

Its a little hard to tell the height from Sekhmet's idle as it has a crouching stance, and obviously Eliza is also wearing heals. I'd expect Sekhmet to be a little shorter than Eliza but not by much.

The heels are made from blood as well + Sekhmet's natural position appears to be standing on her toes anyway (background shots here), so if she stood straight, she'd be the same height as Eliza (not counting the latter's headpiece).

Right on all counts. When making the chart I layered those standing shots of Eliza and Sekh onto each other to compare sizes - they are identically sized with Sekh's natural toe stance slotting into Eliza's 'heels'.
Oh! I didn't know it was the same person o:
They're quickly becoming one of my favorite artists (although I hardly have a list)
Persona did a short Eliza animation stream today. He was mostly fixing up her backdash (which we've seen previously) after it got put in-game. But he also had a second tab open called "servants_summon.psd" which he said was something he was still working on... Here are the only frames we got to see of it:



Who or what is our glorious Oujo-sama summoning?! I guess we'll just have to stay tuned!

Here's the stream archive if anyone's interested: http://www.twitch.tv/labzero/b/518206132
Who or what is our glorious Oujo-sama summoning?! I guess we'll just have to stay tuned!

Persona also said something about this being Tag related. I would be very shocked if the Servants were not Albus and Horace.
Persona also said something about this being Tag related. I would be very shocked if the Servants were not Albus and Horace.
It would be funny if that was her tag in, summoning another character to fight.
I can hear it now,

"Room service~"
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