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USA [Jul 11, 2014] Skullgirls Encore EVO 2014 Official Side Tournament (Las Vegas, NV)

Any help on the teams stays welcome

Don't know exactly what the rest of these people run.

I used peacock/filia/Bella and beat Shadowstew who used squigly/Bella/bigband I think

Brosaidenrex beat skippymcyay

Mmds used fukua/para

Khaos used fortune/filia

Domo used fukua/double and I think a third character but I can't remember who it is.

Wingzero used para/filia
I used peacock/filia/Bella and beat Shadowstew who used squigly/Bella/bigband I think

Brosaidenrex beat skippymcyay

Mmds used fukua/para

Khaos used fortune/filia

Domo used fukua/double and I think a third character but I can't remember who it is.

Wingzero used para/filia
Wait you're here at evo? Why didn't you say hi? I've known you since my brawl days D:
All hail the new king!

I also want his Avatar, but that's besides the point. Twas godlike. Hopefully some more godlike matches are being recorded from the Suite.
Wait you're here at evo? Why didn't you say hi? I've known you since my brawl days D:
Not sure if serious

Also what's this I hear about an Eliza tournament?

EDIT: salty suite got shut down by security for noise and false reports of pot or something.

EDIT: jk I think it's still going
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Can anyone tell me when the matches and panel will be uploaded? Since I want to watch DeKillSage become the Skullgirls King over and over again.
The top 4 archive can be watched on the madcatz channel now. I'll post a link shortly.

EDIT: here. Mike hits reset on the PS3 at about 04:14:00, which was the start of the gameplay.
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The top 4 archive can be watched on the madcatz channel now. I'll post a link shortly.

EDIT: here. Mike hits reset on the PS3 at about 04:14:00, which was the start of the gameplay.
Thanks, mate.
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I'm pretty salty I didn't get further. Made some key mistakes and I can only blame myself.

That first to 10 against keninblack though... I was gonna have a heart attack! I need to see the replay
*Warning, de feels incoming*

Guys! Thanks for the hype finish, I can't wait to see all of the recorded matches, but from the little I saw I know it was the hypest event at EVO, congratulations to every one who's part of such an amazing community! Much love to everyone that hyped the shit out of SG at EVO! There's just so much good energy, that we're destined to grow non stop! Thank you @IsaVulpes for keeping us updated!

Shoutouts to @dekillsage for taking the whole thing brilliantly, I was jumping off my seat cheering for that reset! @TJGamer for giving us a hype match to watch!

Shoutouts to @Nekro_Surge @Weatherbee @WingZero @severine @Shin ATproof @Broseidon Rex @DJAzure @Viro Veteruscy and DorothyOz for being awesome people to hang out with! Shoutouts to MAH BOIS @keninblack @POS Industries for bringing that mic hype, and taking vocaroo offline for all the FGC to enjoy, fah-row-fah!

The biggest shoutouts goes to @Lethalmind MAH NIGGA LETHAL 'FUCKIN' MIND!!!! For getting that TOP-16!! NEW YOUR is coming from every angle bitches! @render for running such a badass tournament and being this handsome bastard, show the man some love, seriously! @Mike_Z for taking all the crap we give to him as a community and never abandoning us, for someone who has to take everything we say seriously, we're fuckin' annoying. All the amazing, creative, talented, sweet, loving people of Lab Zero @Ravidrath Ahad, Kinuko, @Persona, John, Brady, they fight for this game everyday, and we need to remind them they don't fight alone *throwsmoneytthescreen* be a competitive player or not, we're taking SG to the next level!

EVO is not even over, I wasn't even there, and I'm already having all these feelings... so many feelings... even sev had feelings, and I'm pretty sure @BrandX+ had none... I BLAME YOU DEKILLSAGE you messed up all of our feelings! T_T (I troll cuz I love, I blame the randomness that was USF4 too).

See you guys at 2015, I've already saved this month's $75. o/

MadCatz to donate $300.000 for the creation of D.Violet.
The Year of Cerebella

So much representation.
SSS tier confirmed.
I'm pretty salty I didn't get further. Made some key mistakes and I can only blame myself.

That first to 10 against keninblack though... I was gonna have a heart attack! I need to see the replay
Did *the thing* with Sev really happen? There were rumors.
So uh pretty last minute but since I don't have the full pass to go back to the evo convention for the last day, my friends have left for home and my family is tired... I'm sort of free in my room. If I said people are free to come in and play casuals would anyone come? Note I only have the tv the room provided for me and I didn't bring my ps3 but thought I would throw the idea out there.
Eliza Tournament was hype! Lows not getting blocked all day long son!

Also Eliza has the best win quote "Yes, I AM Rich!"

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EVO is not even over, I wasn't even there, and I'm already having all these feelings... so many feelings... even sev had feelings, and I'm pretty sure @BrandX+ had none... I BLAME YOU DEKILLSAGE you messed up all of our feelings! T_T (I troll cuz I love, I blame the randomness that was USF4 too).

Dude I had so much feels you had no idea.

Thank you to everyone that came to Evo! It was amazing seeing you all in my hometown, hanging out and playing games with you guys!

@RemiKz - @keninblack - @Duckator - NCV - @worldjem - @Izzmo - Mr Peck - @Cellsai - @Skarmand - @Domo - @Negus Eyoel - @ThatOneOtherDude - @alxreaper - @mcpeanuts - @Mike_Z - @SonicFox5000 - @Swiftfox-Dash - @dekillsage - @St. Dorothy Kitty - @severine - @guitalex2007 (And his wife) - @Uzumakihero - @render - @KhaosMuffins - @Ravidrath (even though I didn't really actually say hi XD) and Alex Ahad especially

and others that I want to put but I'm too tired to.

See you all next year!!!!
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Any help on the teams stays welcome

01. Dekillsage (Parasoul/Bella/Double, Double/Bella)
02. Swiftfox-Dash (Peacock/Bella)
03. Elda Taluda (Painwheel/Fortune/Bella)
04. Sonicfox (Filia/Bella)

FYI - Thanks for this. I posted the results in the SRK rankings thread so now our pointless SRK leaderboard can be updated. Yay?
Had a lot of fun at EVO, hope to do it again next time... and with Robots... *evil grin* ;3
BsaCpz2CIAAhzA2.png Robo-Fortune - Rough.jpg Robo Fortune - Thunder.jpg
The top 4 archive can be watched on the madcatz channel now. I'll post a link shortly.

EDIT: here. Mike hits reset on the PS3 at about 04:14:00, which was the start of the gameplay.
The vid will be on my channel until someone from madcatz tells me to shut it down.

And is processing right now, so it'll be up shortly
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Congrats to all who entered, win or lose. I've never been to an EVO. Hope you all had a good time.
I lost track of the topic that has winners list a link to the vids... couldn't find it in Completed Tournaments. Oh, it's in News. Never mind.
I've watched some of the Final 8 on YT so far on breaks. Amazing stuff.