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Paladins- Overborn Fortress 2

The Dave

Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
Robo Fortune Eliza Cerebella
Started playing Paladins, figured I'd make a thread. It's like Overwatch, but free! And on Steam. And with more fantasy elements.

I ground a few hours to unlock BOMB KING, who is just utterly delightful. I haven't had a large ham this scrumptious since last Christmas.

And Fernando is glorious- he's like the sexy pizza tracker voice in Dominoes with a flamethrower! (Also solves one of my major gripes with OW, the lack of a proper pyro.) Having the pyro as a run around shieldy tank class also much better fits my playstyle than TF2's "We designed this class for ambushes, honest!"

At any rate, hail to the King, baby!

I played around for a few matches and it was alright.
Oh my god, having characters CONSTANTLY THROWING OUT VOICE LINES
It's like playing Overwatch except everyone is constantly throwing out their Ult line. Ugh.

But thoughts:
My biggest issue from what I can remember is that most things lacked "impact"? It didn't really feel satisfying to play.
But aside from that it really just struck me as boring...

I've played both TF2 and Overwatch but I don't think my thoughts on the game were in anyway affected by this?
Might go back and try it again, it was the first game where I had fun with a sniper which is at least commendable.
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Just fought some real people. Matches seem really stompy, one way or another. Hard to deal with Skye and Soldier 76. I'm guessing there's balance issues, hence the Beta.

Bomb King is still awesome. I haven't had much trouble with all the voice lines, but I do think Ults charge a little too fast. Fernando continues to be nice and practical.

I haven't played Overwatch due to the paywall, but I did a bunch of TF2 years ago. (Before it went free, funnily enough.) Was really keen on Pyro, but Kamikaze Demo Knight was fun, too. Backburner (chase opponents to get mini crits) was fun, but "good" players had a "Puff & Sting" trick where they'd optimize for weapon switch speed, set people on fire, and then smack with an axe that crit on burning targets.
I started playing this and I'm really enjoying it. I never played OW (or TF2), so I can't really compare, but the fact that you can't change characters after you die is a big plus for me.
Finished unlocking all the characters last night, just before Hi Rez's "All champions are free!" weekend. :P

The new guy, Mal 'Damba, is lots of fun. Voodoo themed healer/debuffer with acid grenades and a snake. Snake is cute.

Flanks are weird to play- I think I've figured out that, as long as I'm pestering the enemy team away from the objective, that helps my team take the point. If the sniper's turned around to shoot me, that's five other people she's not shooting instead. Stay mobile, strew chaos amidst their ranks, visit the point every now and then to help push.

Bomb King continues to be GLORIOUSLY INCANDESCENT.
I'm really interested in the whole customization thing with the cards and all. I might go ahead and try this out. Androxious and Skye look like chars I'd play.