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Rambling notes of some player


Beowulf pls
Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Ms. Fortune Double Unknown
Maybe a Training Diary would be nice to have... Better here than anywhere else
Mella:(Mehl - Uh)
Characters - Size (2) /// Ms. Fortune (Point) Double (Second)
Assists - Fiber Uppercut M (Fortune) / Hornet Bomber M (Double)

Character Notes:

Ms. Fortune
  1. What are even Fortune resets? I have watched a lot of Fortune players and I see their resets but idk why I can't do them as competently as I practice them.
  2. #Head On game is slightly stronger than #Head Off game but Head Off game is still formidable in my own opinion.
  3. Get better at Fortune neutral game.
  4. Advanced Head Off BnBs still need perfecting before attempting online or offline
  5. Changed up new Macro to make IAD MUCH simpler for me (Thank You gllt for recommending)
  6. How do you reversal with Fortune during Head Off?
  7. Is it easier to crossup with IAD j.lk or j.hp? I have very random degrees of success doing this.
  8. I seem to be the only Fortune who runs Medium version of Fiber Uppercut as an assist. Is this bad?
  9. Get better at converting off of Hornet Bomber assist.
  10. During Head On in the corner, For some reason it is much easier to reversal with Be Headed instead of Fiber Upper. (Nobody expects the Be Headed lol)

  1. Learned Cilia Slide combos in the rare off chance I feel like using that silly move.
  2. Get better at dealing with corner pressure as Double.
  3. Should I only use Hornet Bomber L when I have no meter as my reversal? Car does more damage and is just as punishable on block really.
  4. Is it ever worth using Level 3 when it won't kill?
  5. Nobody knows (At least on Quick Match) how to PBGC Punish Cat Heads on block yet so Fortune Super > Cat Heads DHC will basically always work.
  6. Since I rarely ever let myself get 5 Bars, is it worth trying to learn a Level 5 Combo?
  7. Get more consistent with Blockstring pressure in midscreen
  8. Assist Call on Block > Fleshstep stuff is a thing I could probably start doing. How good is this? Because I only see it seldomly used.
  9. Learn more higher damage full combos against Big Band if I need to go for the kill.
  10. You CAN (sort of) Fleshstep through Parasoul's Napalm Shot zoning. And basically any zoning that isn't Peacock's.

Generic Things to Improve on/Remember:

  • Learn the Squigly match up better as Ms Fortune. My Fortune is hella free against all these good Squigly players.
  • Many Val players will depend on their assist for reversals. Bait this more often.
  • Learn to block Parasoul mixups.
  • Blocking needs refinement against some character match ups as both characters.
  • New Macro is used for Air Dash so still trying to commit this to muscle memory for Fortune IAD purposes.
  • Pushblock Filia's IAD Overheads that every single player of Filia WILL always try to get me with in neutral will make getting hit less of a thing versus Filia.
  • Some Fukua players actually remember command grab exists. So watch out for that.
  • Big Mash!
  • PBGC Fiber Uppercut to escape pressure as Head Off Fortune in the corner.
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I find your signature pretty amusing. Is that valuable feadback? No. Oh well.

It is amusing, though.
Well it's certainly better than nothing.
Thank you! (─‿‿─)
That is an amazing sig.
6. How do you reversal with Fortune during Head Off.

You don't./Call Assist. You can TRY sneeze but if the head isn't close. welp. but what you can do under pressure is pbgc and fiber then jump follow up to escape. or pray the head hits.

7. Is it easier to crossup with IAD j.lk or j.hp? I have very random degrees of success doing this.

j.hp, j.lk is for fuzzy set ups. or just a faster overhead I guess.

8. I seem to be the only Fortune who runs Medium version of Fiber Uppercut as an assist. Is this bad?

Do you realistically ever find yourself with point double? Do you really keep fortune alive so double has an assist? Yeah. (It doesn't matter M might be better to convert with but H has a large height. I dunno I never find myself with fortune alive I just let her die and build meter.)
Cant you just use fortunes super to reversal when head off?
No. Never reversal ground super with fortune unless you pbgc it and even then it might not even hit. (Unless the enemy is the biggest dummy in the world)
6. How do you reversal with Fortune during Head Off.

You don't./Call Assist. You can TRY sneeze but if the head isn't close. welp. but what you can do under pressure is pbgc and fiber then jump follow up to escape. or pray the head hits.

7. Is it easier to crossup with IAD j.lk or j.hp? I have very random degrees of success doing this.

j.hp, j.lk is for fuzzy set ups. or just a faster overhead I guess.

8. I seem to be the only Fortune who runs Medium version of Fiber Uppercut as an assist. Is this bad?

Do you realistically ever find yourself with point double? Do you really keep fortune alive so double has an assist? Yeah. (It doesn't matter M might be better to convert with but H has a large height. I dunno I never find myself with fortune alive I just let her die and build meter.)

Thx for the feedback.
(6) I shall practice my PBGC Fiber then.
(7) I'll just go for less crossups.
(8) Fortune Super > Cat Heads is how I bring in Double. The M version of this assist has proven to be a great combo conversion so I stick to this one even if I lose out on height/protection with it.
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"Everyday I wake up to a fresh nightmare."​

Been getting good feedback but I guess the true moral of my gameplay is
  • Don't drop combos
  • Stop thinking people won't do a reversal when you reset
I get that second one almost every time because I get hit with numerous reversal moves almost every match mostly because i'm never thinking of the opponent's defensive options *coughnapalmpillarcough*
Better get on that. : P