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Shin Megami Tensei and Persona

She's out in Japan I think, player think was on a JPN account.
Yup, JP has her already and I think her release date was October 7th for NA?

Either way, I'm up for some online play on PS3 when the game comes out. Although I'll be on barely ever due to the amount of overtime I have incoming.

Edit: Meant to post this but forgot

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Loving the game and Adachi is awesome. If anybody wants to play my PSN is BlackStormTropa.

I REALLY can't wait to main Margaret.
More Persona Q stuff in English

Story Trailer 2


Might as well check out P4U2's story mode.
I'm late to the P4U party. Picking it up todaaay after classssss. And a classic controller for Bayo 2. But that's neither here nor there.
I hate playing multiple fighting games man. I try to call assists and other SG shiz and get beat. Embarrassin.
I hate playing multiple fighting games man. I try to call assists and other SG shiz and get beat. Embarrassin.
you'll get used to it.
Yeah it takes a few plays but the habits do go away. Still embarrassing though lol
As much I don't wanna admit it...I'm pumped to try Yukari.
Yukari is so amazing as a zoner! And she's. Parodying Jetman! My birth Sentai!

also, Rise's music super is hard to do online... fuck...
Just hit every button at once. It doesn't penalize you for hitting extraneous buttons.






Excuse me while I become one with my PS3
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I have yet to play through story mode, so I must ask: Is this real, or did someone photoshop up a hodgepodge of two of the most ridiculous Shadow Operative outfits ever?

So I heard that to unlock navigators in this game, you have to clear all four paths of Risky difficulty in Score Attack with the character of choice. So far I've cleared Path A & B with Yukiko. The good news is that they let you continue an unlimited amount of times, but man, half the time you just wanna give up, especially against Yukari & Liz >:(
Oh shiz they let you use continues in SA now? Trophy timeeeeee
Apparently, you also only have to fight 10 people like in BlazBlue, instead of the entire cast like in the last game. They're still pretty brutal though, as they have all the stuff they had last game plus some new tricks.
I'm excited to play Rise when I finally get this game.
Rise is cool.
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Well guys, I blew up my Teddie bop bag today because my little brother bugged the hell out of me to do so...

Only for him to somehow break it in about the 6 hours it was blown up. I told him specifically not to be rough with it and even took it away at one point when I got mad at him for throwing it around the house. I even showed him the unboxing of the game to show him what not to do. Then while I was preoccupied with Challenge mode he managed to get it and somehow break the little wall inside Teddie to prevent water from getting into the rest of the inflatable. Now every time we hit him he falls over and stays there.

And it's not like my little bro is 5 or anything, he's 12. I got mad and told him this is why we can't have nice things.

My dad did suggest replacing the water with sand so it's possible it can still serve it's intended purpose. Not sure if it'll work but it's worth a shot.

tl;dr Teddie needs someone to cast Samerecarm on him. And if anyone wants to kick my scrubby butt at the game later this week my PSN is Solblade44.
Your brother has the right idea.

We must destroy Teddie before he becomes too powerful.
I'm excited to play Rise when I finally get this game.
Rise is cool.
her music combo is hard to do online. but she is fun regardless. :)
More Persona Q stuff in English

Wow, I know this is old but I just looked at it. Does anyone else hate Zen's voice? It sounds corny to me, like his VA is trying too hard to make him sound mysterious or something. He looks too cool to sound like that.

Anyway...I really like the way Marie plays. I'm diggin' her. Well, really, I'm diggin everyone (even ken) but Marie plays very nicely to me.
I just love Rise :3
Rise is incredibly worth getting her social link to 10 in all games she's in. :)

also she's the reason DAN exists so she's the best girl.
I just love Rise :3
Rise is pretty fun once you get the hang of the tools. She's in the top running for my sub right now. And I just finished getting my Yukiko Navi morning. :D If you don't wanna fool around with beating Liz, she's not on Path D.
You're going to have to fool around with Liz eventually if you want a navi. You gotta beat all four Risky Score Attack courses to get a navi... if that character has one.
Everything in story mode was written for maximum fangasming. Especially if you played P3. I loved it.

Every passing reference made to "him" or "that time we had to say goodbye" (Persona 3 protagonist) felt like a punch in the gut.
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You're going to have to fool around with Liz eventually if you want a navi. You gotta beat all four Risky Score Attack courses to get a navi... if that character has one.
True, but at least for me, fighting a path without Liz is far less time consuming. Only took about an hour to finish Path D. All of my Liz fights by themselves were at least a half-hour >_<
Okay so finished Episode P3 and P4 to 100%
I know full well that I downloaded Adachi and Marie
Where's Episode Adachi man
It's not showing up at all
I got the True Endings and everything

I mean I'm concerned about Marie not showing up too but uh

Where's my Adachi, damnit
Anyone wanna try to give some advice on what I'm missing

I have yet to play through story mode, so I must ask: Is this real, or did someone photoshop up a hodgepodge of two of the most ridiculous Shadow Operative outfits ever?


Yah it's real
Happens when

Akihiko pretty much straight up takes Yukari's helmet to test how useful it is as battle gear
He is pleased and says that it would be good for limited visibility situations

Once again he has demonstrated that he cares more about function than fashion
Akihiko needs to be a suit actor. the ultimate test of endurance and limited uses of your senses.

seriously, give mad respect when you see a suit actor in power rangers or some other show that requires full on suits like that. those guys are the real badasses.
Hey you guys remember that wallpaper of Ahkiko and Naoto being old timey detectives in a middle of a flower field with a old timey car?

Looking for that image again.
If someone could find the larger version of Adachi

That'd be cool too
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