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Street Fighter 4

Better move to Socal where they have an FGC. Oh wait. We're in Ohio. We cant actually leave. Tethered by the bonds of birthplace we are. Our only hope of leaving is to become astronauts
You should run for governor with the promise that you'll rename Columbus to LA. Then after you get elected all of the FGC will move there instead thinking that they're going to SoCal, and you'll have your scene. If you do this right, there should be enough time to git gud before EVO.
Better move to Socal where they have an FGC. Oh wait. We're in Ohio. We cant actually leave. Tethered by the bonds of birthplace we are. Our only hope of leaving is to become astronauts
The worst part is that I wasn't even born here, I just made a long series ofnpoor life choices a few years ago and got stuck here.
Would be better to see people actually looking forward to the character but it seems what most want out of this is a character that will get the most people pissed off. Bizarro Waifu War.
Could it be Linn Kurosawa? I think everyone would like her.
I would assume that Tournaments will be playing the Ultra version only.
The other editions are cool and all, but not really appealing to me.
I just want the 5th character to turn out to be a character that doesn't fit ANY of the parameters given. It doesn't matter who it is, just someone who defies every single hint given by Ono.

It would cause the funniest freaking reactions from the FGC ^_^
Could it be Linn Kurosawa? I think everyone would like her.
People liking her already excludes the possibility. :3
But yeah, I almost forgot she has a cameo in SFA2.

Now it's a matter of her appearing in the comics. The most vapid appearance would suffice.

My e-dosh is still on Bison's master from the comics though.

No way. Too futuristic to fit into the Street Fighter series.
Well, they added SFxT's Jurassic Park stage...WITH the dinosaurs. I think everything's fair game at this point.
Count me among the ones who think that shit makes no sense. Fire breathing yogi and cyborg clones totally legit though.
No way. Too futuristic to fit into the Street Fighter series.
Easy retcon. Just say she's really an actress who's starred in a famous monster movie.

Maybe knows Fei Long?
People liking her already excludes the possibility. :3

Well, they added SFxT's Jurassic Park stage...WITH the dinosaurs. I think everything's fair game at this point.
Count me among the ones who think that shit makes no sense. Fire breathing yogi and cyborg clones totally legit though.
M.Bison has long been in the category of Cobra Commander-level cartoonish supervillainy.
Easy retcon. Just say she's really an actress who's starred in a famous monster movie.
they probably wouldnt be able to use her name and likeness because of the copyright and the owners of alien and predator dont seem to want to get along enough for Linn to be able to be distributed to anyone.

I still would like Lita. she had a lot of screen time, Cammy is popular so it would make sense they would pick a character that is connected to Cammy, and she's been in Cammy's intros and endings since Vanilla.

and fighting someone with a sword that has a long reach can be annoying if you think about it.
I'd prefer it if it was Slightly Pissed Off Ryu
im afraid if it was passive agressive Ryu, that would be the only charachter we would see at EVO,

also what are the differences between Ryu and Ken?
Might I mention that the Edition select mode is essentially dead for those of us who have NO chance of getting a community going? I have no feasible way of getting the gas money to drive to Georgia Tech every few Friday nights, meaning that's a useless mode now [For me.], which sucks, because I love the idea.
they could add it as an option in unranked matches, lobbies and such

just for the hell of it, but BOTH players should accept it befor it kicks in
I'm having a lot of trouble finding answers for this anywhere, so I suppose this thread's as good as any to ask- Of the new characters we know so far, are any of them charge? I've heard one rumor pointing to Poison being charge, but I cannot find confirmation.
Based off of her SFxT moveset and that she's likely to have the same motions, no, Poison is not a charge character. The 5th character might be, though.
Glad the mode is filtered out of online (no reason at all to pick the inferior versions of your main which means the three-four other versions are a waste of space) and separated for offline.

What is the point of the boldly claimed "balanced" USFIV if people just go back to Vanilla Sagat, Super Cammy, AE Yun, etc? That nonsense is perfect as a "just for fun" side attraction nothing more/less.
The edition select is a fun feature, I'm glad they made it. It actually makes this the ultimate SFIV in the sense that, if for some reason you want to run a Vanilla tournament, you can totally do it on Ultra. Not to mention the dream matches.

I also think it was a good call to make it offline only. Even if player matches don't affect rank, letting the edition select on the online modes could split the community on whether use edition select or not. Making online Ultra only helps set Ultra as the standard, and edition select as an alternative mode.
I would have preferred edition select lobbies just as something you can mess around online with for shiggles, in much the same way SFxT had scramble mode lobbies available, or even the tournament and team match lobbies that AE already has available.

People who want to play seriously still have ranked and regular endless, but stuff that's there to goof off and blow off steam with is something that's always nice to have. It kinda sucks to have this mode basically only be of use to people who have a local scene.
Based off of her SFxT moveset and that she's likely to have the same motions, no, Poison is not a charge character. The 5th character might be, though.
oh goody, I am not good with charge and was wanting to play h...Poison.
No promises, but Ono might think about edition select for online according to twitter.
it better be a special online mode like Heroes and Heralds then
I wouldnt mind paying for a 5 dollar online version if they had to work on the online AFTER the game is released.
They don't deserve extra 5 bucks for adding old and unbalanced versions of the characters for online lulz
honestly I think Ultra is pretty much done, now until release date just be putting stuff in that we really dont care about
..................................................................................................................... wrestling
..................................................................................................................... wrestling
It's time to oil up.
In the PC version is multiplayer done over GFWL? I want to get it but I don't want to not be able to play online
In the PC version is multiplayer done over GFWL? I want to get it but I don't want to not be able to play online
AE is still GFWL. Ultra won't be.
(Can't remember the source for the latter, though.)
In the PC version is multiplayer done over GFWL? I want to get it but I don't want to not be able to play online
It is in AE 2012, for USFIV itwill be moving to Steam.

AE is still GFWL. Ultra won't be.
(Can't remember the source for the latter, though.)
It was an official post on Capcom Unity, and there's also announcement on the AE newsfeed in steam IIRC.
I haven't really gotten any info on how anyone added since Vanilla SFIV plays.
Any fun/keepers added since then?
I mostly eye Dudley, but I wonder how fun Oni and Evil Ryu are.
Neat remix. It's your typical SFIV tune but with enough audio cues to the original.
I had Final Fight for the Sega CD and Going Up was easily my favorite track.

I guess that's all of them then. Next week we get the chagrined 5th character. :3