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Street Fighter V

Odd, from what I heard it does affirm certain aspects of the old comics but also directly contradicts others.
That's why I want the book, I..I can't trust the internet, and I can't handle there's only been a brief review and like 3 scans. I wanna know the deal with the scars, how he even gets "lost", just something D:
all I'm saying is



can all rock the white mustache
i don't see why Q can't
he needs to conceal his identity
and what better way
than a mustache
a white mustache
I want chun li to have a great ark in her story in SFV. She is the strongest woman in the world after all. I think making Q her father is not the best way to do that. But it can be done with good results, but i doubt will happen.

But i want to see q's mistery solved, and know which side he is on. =P
i like the idea that you never know a thing about Q. I like to think he's just his own entity, he's not anybodies side, he simply exists GRRRRNNNPH
With Q, you have to balance him. On one hand, if you reveal everything, the fun and mystique is lost. If you reveal absolutely nothing, he'll become disgustingly stale really quick.

I said this on another board, but I feel that to keep him interesting, ever little thing revealed asks more questions, opens up more paths, so that there's always more to learn, but he's not just a block of wood, plotwise. So go ahead, show more than a hint that Q is ___, okay, but if he's __why is this happening and...wait, does this mean that he was there for___WHOA!

You want people to be invested in him and excited to see more with him each appearance. You want to dangle the carrot, but eventually let the audience get a nibble.
It's probably nothing since Birdie's card revealed Ken and it would be too obvious but Ken's card features characters already confirmed and Yang. If Yang does mean anything I would assume it's foreshadowing towards an SFIII character or characters, or a rekka character and not Yang himself. So taking that with what appears to be Brazil and assuming they're connected it would be Oro or Sean. Or it could not be connected and just be another SFIII character, or it could just be any rekka character (like Karin or a new character), or be nothing at all.
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If someone here plan or knows of someone who plans to play this beta with chun li mainly, please send me a link. =P
If someone here plan or knows of someone who plans to play this beta with chun li mainly, please send me a link. =P
Sharing is disabled, you need someone with a capture card.
supposedly you can stream, just no recording/screenshots, I'm stuck at the title screen though :(
I wouldn't mind if Fei-Long returned again, but give him something that isn't the same story he always gets.
That's why I want the book, I..I can't trust the internet, and I can't handle there's only been a brief review and like 3 scans. I wanna know the deal with the scars, how he even gets "lost", just something D:
there's one page where it shows his dismembered body after saving Chun li and Guile from bison.
Beta is going to be extended for the obvious reasons. No ETA on the servers going up.

Would be nice if they just put the training room in the client and let us use it.
You can stream but you cant record?

Well I suppose the share feature could use up more resources than this build of the game. And I'm not even sure how the share feature is implemented.
Didn't stop people from making some combo videos of Nash:

I love the Ex-Grab into teleport thing, even if it has terrible damage for 1 bar.
1 bar and v-trigger. =P
I only got a little time with it, so this may be just from a lack of understanding but it felt odd, Nash seemed to feel far closer to say Alpha 3 or SF3 in terms of, well, feeling, just comboing and movement, but Ryu felt way more SFIV, almost underwater especially when compared to Nash.
there's one page where it shows his dismembered body after saving Chun li and Guile from bison.
What?! Really? *off to hunt for it*

edit: dang, I'm liking those combo vids so far for Nash. Don't care if he's difficult to play, I'm picking him up. He was my main for Alpha and in my top 3 favs of the series.

edit 2:
Found this, a guy who owns the book and shes some light onto the plot:

-Picks up the plot of Charlie being Shadow that was in the Udon books
-Chuck saved Abel sometime before his death
-His body actually died after his fight with Bison, but his brain stayed alive because of Bison's psycho power, so that's why the Illuminati/Secret Society is working on his body and he has memory issues.
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Accoding the the Nash quote I saw, Ryu may still use the satsui no hado.

That said, it's very likely that this was already know lol
I'm actually liking what I've been hearing about Street Fighter V so far.
As of now, I am very interested in trying both Nash and Cammy out as they both seem like the kind of characters that I would be interested in playing.
I also like the general approach behind the game mechanics.
Accoding the the Nash quote I saw, Ryu may still use the satsui no hado.

That said, it's very likely that this was already know lol
Technically, in the comics, Ryu fully accessed the Satsui no Hado, but he chose not to use it to kill Akuma. Which I think is a cool thing that he has the full capability of using it, but its if he wants to use it, which he'll never want to.
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Game is much faster than your typical matches in IV, I honestly don't understand the comments on Youtube or wherever were people say it looks slower, damage is exceptionally high I mean, with a CA, I, a scrub on a controller, was able to figure out a Ryu combo thst does like 60% in about a minute. Stun is VERY strong, builds hard and fast, Ryu with V-Trigger can throw a fully charged fireball that does ~85% stun raw. Game feels way more like Alpha than IV, has a bit of III and IV though. Charge times aren't Skullgirls short, but they're closer than II, III, IV or Alpha. All matches I had were completely smooth, ironically, but there is no way for me to know distance beyond "in North America". Impacts feel nice, game feels nice in general.
Always s.MP, target combo (MP HP HK) is strong, V-Trigger should just give you stun if you combo into a fireball after a few hits, parry is easier than 3S, but since it only cancels to parry it certainly feels more like a defense option than "I will destroy you because I made one read", kind of wish there was air parry but that might be too much honestly. Tatsu is knockdown on any strength, not sure if this was the case in IV, so mentioning it here.
So, for anyone interested in Nash here are some observations.

V-Skill is a good single hit attack and actually safe on block, I wouldn't necessarily call it a poke because you can't confirm it into anything from what I can tell but it's good damage, good range and has a ton of active frames, also if you're trying to grab fireballs it's not parry timing, there is start up, but again, a ton of active frames, so go ahead and use it, just don't wiff close up.

Tragedy assault can punish fireballs, but it pretty much has to be a read, not a reaction. Tragedy Assault removes meter from the opponent, the EX version also gives you a bit of life. Only the fierce version is an overhead, but the start up is so long your opponent would have to be asleep for this to matter, and I mean seriously, it's like a full second. EX Sonic Boom can link to EX Tragedy Assault, but only if you throw one.

His Critical Art is projectile invincible, confirmed this, but it's not strike invincible and can easily be reacted to if you throw it out, which, duh. Also works for catching jumps, if you're good at that. It's two QCBs and a punch, by the way, command list was not in the beta last night or the night before.

I guessed this before, but am able to say it seems true now that I have tried it out, his V-Reversal is a better use of V-Gauge than V-Trigger unless you're extending combos or your opponent isn't good at mix ups. That being said, using V-Trigger mix ups is harder than you'd think, from what I've found anyway.

You can link his target combo s.LK s.MK into his s.LP s.MP target combo, not a hard link honestly, just have to time it. His s.MP s.LK s.HP target combo is okay damage, but you could get more by comboing it into a special, I'd compare it to Dudley's s.LK s.MK s.MP s.HP in that you could always just do better regardless of scenario, it's just kind of there. You can actually link it into scythe kick.

That's pretty much what I've got beyond the obvious stuff you'd have already seen/read like how to use each Sonic boom, etc. His EX Sonic Boom basically being the super from Alpha is pretty awesome, by the way. Like that super you do need to hit punch again.

Someone please tell me a good use for EX Moonsault, because I am nowhere near finding one beyond a really, really specific punish.
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I just wanna play chun, man

at least they said they were going to extend the beta period cuz of all the issues
So far I have been trying to log in with no luck, going to keep trying between Rocket League matches.