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The Official League of Legends Thread!

(´・ω・`) you know
c(´・ω・`) you need to learn to chill about them sona changes.

But she was the only character I was good with...

c(´・ω・`) it'll be okay. you can always learn Soraka.
I don't even know the game anymore. Every time I play I get knocked around like a hooker in Ben Affleck's trailer.

Then they call me names...oh the names...

I dunno. her E seems to work like a short range Thresh lantern, and she's not as good by herself anymore apparently.

tbh, she always seemed to be the best while hugging close to her ADC. it seems like they've been nerfing the supports a bit. Zilean took a big hit on his passive too, and tbh, it was for the better.

also, @Rynozilla these patches arent like super recent. she's had them for a little while now. so if you've just joined in very recently you're good.
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Then they call me names...oh the names...
it's okay. those master yi and ezreal mains are all chodes anyway.

and if it's something else well then you know what I mostly go through then.

Kalista Champion Spotlight

Poro Rider Sejuani Skin Preview

Snowday Malzahar Skin Preview

Blood Moon Elise Skin Preview

Blood Moon Thresh Skin Preview

There is also Winter Wonder Orianna, but I'll wait for the video of it.

So, we have a full Blood Moon team now.

Blood Moon Shen (Top)
Blood Moon Akali (Mid)
Blood Moon Elise (Jungle)
Blood Moon Kalista (Adc Bot)
Blood Moon Thresh (Sup Bot)​
Is it just me or are the servers being weird? I logged on last night, but it takes forever now, like, I can't.
Sona and Soraka are by far the less powerful supports nowadays, maybe only ahead of Kayle and Nidalee support, that aren't meant to be played this way anyway, since Riot destroys everything that is not the way they want.
Nami, Janna and Braum are top tier.
Reason: they can actually protect the ADC while also buffing it. Soraka and Sona only work with low skill people that can't zone decently or get harrassed too much. Also, having a Sona or Soraka at your side gives you the impression of "I don't care if I take damage, because my support can heal me", while the right mentality should be "I will try to deal as much damage as possible without being hit, and if everything goes wrong, my support can stop them".

Janna has a slow, a shield that gives AD, an ok-ish slow and iirc the best knockback.
Braum has a strong slow that can be turned into a stun if his ADC is smart. Also, a projectile barrier that moves along with him that can also be placed in front of the ADC if he jumps right and a giant-ass knockup that slows after.
Nami has a heal, a strong-ish steroid that deals extra damage and slows, an AoE stun and a 2750 range knockup.

Those 3 can stop easily an incoming fed Riven and any other assassin that would burst them down easily.

The golden age of Sona.
Soraka's heals seem to be an emergency thing with her recent rework since it also forced you to sacrifice a bit of health. but I do see the problem you are talking about.

I still find Sona and Soraka to be more enjoyable to play as over someone like Zilean.
Zilean is just an annoying character. He doesn't protect shit and his ultimate is simply dumb to counter. He has harass, but that's it. Old sona had good harass, good sustain, good slow, damage reduction, her ulti to keep the ADC safe (and wombo combo)... If only harass was enough to

My main support is and will always be Leona, since season 2.
My main support is and will always be Leona, since season 2.
I just love Sona so much, because she's perfect for the moronic way I play League... Which is not striving to get kills myself, but striving to help people everyone around me get kills.
(i.e. Healing, and using Movement Speed Boost to catch up to the enemy champ, then dealing Magic Damage with Hymn of Valor. I also like to use Ult while in the enemy base, it's quite fun when storming them.)
I also like to make Sona fast and tanky, it's great~
I know he's not necessarily top tier, but Taric is a really strong support and until they remove his point-and-click stun he's the perfect counter to champs like Katarina or other champs who rely on getting in and getting out. I alternate between playing him in top lane where I can stack on armor and ap or in bot lane as support and the results are fairly consistent.
I remember when Taric was strong because of his armor shred, usually paired with Graves, Caitlyn, Ezreal and Jarvan.
Damn, I miss season 2 so fucking much.
RIP Nunu support.
Wonder why Riot doesn't do what USFIV did. In custom games, choose which version of a champ to play. Is it difficult do put in?
the closest thing to that I think is Urf.

but I say Riot shouldn't allow Urf to be brought back until people can learn the shut the fuck up about it.
Riot is an indie company but has a fucked up line of thought.
I would give my kidney to play season 2 and 1 back again.
Man, you could fucking Ignite minions, dude. How many kills I lost because of this. And it was so goddamn fun.
I remember Fiora jungling with flash/ignite, igniting blue to do the same job Smite does and still don't lose damage on ganks.
I remember Jarvan/Taric and Pantheon/Taric lanes.
I remember Ashe, Caitlyn, Vayne, Corki, Urgot, all played mid lane.
I remember that only Nunu, Fiddle and Warwick were categorized as junglers, because nobody was able to jungle low level.

So a friend of mine sent me a link to this site: https://wastedonlol.com/ so I could see how much time I've spent playing league since they got me into the game.

Since March 7th of this year I've logged 326 hours (14 days) of my life into playing LoL and I'm level 30 and ranked Silver II. It's been a fun ride and even though I don't really care to do more than grind IP so I can play more champs (Riot only gets my time, my money stays with me) I enjoy the game a lot and look forward to climbing the ladder with them as a team in the new season.
[redacted], you've spent about 197 hours on League of Legends which means 8 days of your life.

Not anywhere near as much as I've spent on WoW or TF2.
Nice mechanic. Will work well for top lane, I guess.
Don't know how she'll work out. Are the tunnels visible for everyone? If they are, this kinda sucks.
So Self Mystery Gifts are back up.
And I decided I was gonna take a chance with them for the first time.
So I pay the $10, and I go under the assumption I can Mystery Gift myself champions too
So I get a Mystery Gift..
And it's Crimson Akali.
A recolor for a champion I fucking hate. (I hate her guts)
So then I try to get a Mystery Champion.
That's not an option. Annoyed and frustrated, I debate getting a skin on sale or not.
So I try another Mystery Skin.
I get Shockblade Zedd. That's much better
After that I just got Frejlord Rammus because why not.
So. I've true out some champs in the recent rotation.... And I love Aatrox so much. I never really play champs that aren't support, but first time using Aatrox I did SURPRISINGLY well. I just need to figure him out a bit more, get some practice, and I'll be at least halfway decent at the game.
(Tips are appreciated)
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And it's Crimson Akali.
A recolor for a champion I fucking hate. (I hate her guts)
what about her do you hate? her playstyle? people who play her? her story?
I hate Akali's guts because she's so fucking annoying.
BUrsts you down to death then just runs away with a smokescreen.
I hate Akali's guts because she's so fucking annoying.
BUrsts you down to death then just runs away with a smokescreen.
......So, like Wukong....? :o
At least Wukong is fucking cool and leaves behind duplicates and not leaving like a smokescreen.
It's not even a cool looking smoke screen
If she was cool she would've used a smoke bomb