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The Official League of Legends Thread!

To everyone here who doesn't know about Ahri's new chin splash, you either haven't noticed, or haven't been to the League boards.
no, I'm just not good against champs like Vayne WHO WILL JUST CHASE YOU DOWN! and all I want to do is farm!
Then farm behind minions, that's one of the benefits of ADCs, and having a support. When their minions are gone, and you're behind yours, they'll deal damage to the enemy champs in your lane, helping you to open them up if they don't back off. Minions hurt more than they should, in large groups..
Then farm behind minions, that's one of the benefits of ADCs, and having a support. When their minions are gone, and you're behind yours, they'll deal damage to the enemy champs in your lane, helping you to open them up if they don't back off. Minions hurt more than they should, in large groups..
then Vayne just goes aroundthe minions and eats away at my health! her dodge roll is too good! ;A;
Also, for anyone who may have missed it, a new Irelia splash art popped up briefly during yesterday's EU LCS stream.

then Vayne just goes aroundthe minions and eats away at my health! her dodge roll is too good! ;A;
No champ can just go around minions without taking heavy damage from them xD
Minions legit hurt a lot. Vayne goes around minions? Let me just heal you, and watch as Vayne's health disappears to 1 foot tall minions.
Also, for anyone who may have missed it, a new Irelia art popped up briefly during yesterday's EU LCS stream.

No champ can just go around minions without taking heavy damage from them xD
Minions legit hurt a lot. Vayne goes around minions? Let me just heal you, and watch as Vayne's health disappears to 1 foot tall minions.
well then the minions are too busy hitting other minions to hit vayne, and then there was a Leona who just locked me down while Vayne just went in for the kill! ;-;
It's not or I would've heard about it all ready.
Is the PBE still showing the Season 5 Login Screen (which is currently out)? I can check it in 5 hours if no one knows for sure, since I have PBE. Also the Lunar event's not till like, Mid-Near End of Feb.. So PBE might not get it's new Splash animation for another week or so.

@Vayne talk:
Vayne is for real a mean champ to fight against. while she maybe targeted by Minions, she can still out burst almost every ADC. Almost.
yeah, the season 5 login is currently Pantheon smiting the red golem.

it's pretty sweet if you ask me.

Pantheon is the best...
yeah, the season 5 login is currently Pantheon smiting the red golem.

it's pretty sweet if you ask me.

Pantheon is the best...
Yeah just checked. I did love it. Hope for that FCJinx since they did Panda Annie in 2013.
So I have like, 15 champions I don't own, 10 of them are Junglers, think I'll buy Lissandra or Varus next
Played my first Season 5 ranked placement match last night, it lasted an hour with a fed Udyr on their side sniping our objectives while we were fighting other places. They eventually got all of our inhibs but we almost aced them in a final fight in our base because they had no CC. While they were down we killed an inhib and aced them by baiting a baron, which netted us the win. By the end of the game I was completely full build as an ADC (Graves, if you must know), i.e replaced my shiv with phantomm dancer, my boots with Zephyr, buying the AD elixir every back, upgraded trinket, etc.

I haven't had a game that intense in a long time. Goes to show how important CC is, and how susceptible Udyr is to it no matter how fed he is
still working on getting to ranked 30.

and dude, I'd totally be up for being in a skullheart team once we hit ranked.
I don't know xD
I sent a friend request e.e'
Double check for me? I'm still at work. If I did decline your request, may of been one of those I declined cause I didn't know who it was.

I'll make the Ranked Team when I get home. What Abrive should I use? It's a max of 6 letters/numbers if I remember right. Also we can have a max of 10 members (9 People + Leader), if, again, I'm remembering right.

I was thinking of the name "Skullgirls' SkullHeart". Any suggestions are welcome.

Also I have the ability to host servers, so I can throw up a Team Speak server if anyone's interested.
just wanted to make sure you got my friend request Kit.

it's RedRummage

just wondering since i don't remember if I told you or not.

never mind this. Sano is fucking dumb.
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I'd be down to play some 5's if anyone was interested in doing some stuff. I haven't played League in ages because...well...I have no reason to anymore, but 5's would be a good enough reason to play.
Decided to play League after the sour streak I got last night, and because I was 100 away from getting a new char (Waiting until the next champ sale or freee rotation to decide), ended up getting 15 kills as my boy Cho'Gath
Zilean's fucking ridiculous xD
I got the 2nd most kills on my team, and basically carried everyone early game, and helped Darius get fed, then he carried late game
eh, I told you this Rynozilla, but Zilean just ain't my thing. Its cool that you really like him though.
So. I've started to practice jungling.... e.e'
The monsters hurt soooooooooo baaaaaaaaaad. Until I realized I didn't set up my masteries correctly... Let's hope they don't hurt as much now....
(And why am I always so under-leveled ;w;)
So. I've started to practice jungling.... e.e'
The monsters hurt soooooooooo baaaaaaaaaad. Until I realized I didn't set up my masteries correctly... Let's hope they don't hurt as much now....
(And why am I always so under-leveled ;w;)
jungler usually is the under leveled one from what I've seen.

also, someone posted a list of easy junglers and what they're good/bad at so you might need to go back a few pages, but it helps to know who is good with what.
So. I've started to practice jungling.... e.e'
The monsters hurt soooooooooo baaaaaaaaaad. Until I realized I didn't set up my masteries correctly... Let's hope they don't hurt as much now....
(And why am I always so under-leveled ;w;)
You have tier 3 armor runes and such? What jungler are you trying to play? It's not uncommon to have to go back after Blue > Wolves > Chickens > Red/Golems nowadays unless you're playing a champ with build in heals (warwick/fiddledicks). The jungler should be underlevelled comapred to solo laners but should be able to mostly keep up with bot lane, if you're not keeping up with bot lane you might be spending too much time waiting for ganks or walking around aimlessly.
lol wtf.

I've been doing a "break the Meta" thing where I Jungle Gnar. Normally he's Top lane, but So far I've won 2 ranked matches as Jungle Gnar.. I started to jungle him at the end of Season 4, so it's not a new thing (for him I mean) to me.. the New Jungle and the recent nerf to his Q hurt the jungle phase a bit though.. forces me back at level 3 instead of 4 or 5...
You have tier 3 armor runes and such? What jungler are you trying to play?
I don't have the IP to get any armor and HP Runes... ;w;
And I have champs to buy...
The champ I'm jungling with is Aatrox. He's literally my best champ, and he has the sustain and damage to jungle. Which monster should I go to first? P.S. Which jungle belongs to which team?
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Speaking of Aatrox, yesterday I played him Solo Top because I was bored.
Up against a Teemo, was managing to stay up there because life steal but that fucking blind is a blight.
They ended up surrendering at 20 after we aced though, and I could tell the Teemo was seething with salt because he was just

Speaking of Aatrox, yesterday I played him Solo Top because I was bored.
Up against a Teemo.
So far, I've noticed, Ziggs and Teemo are the most annoying to fight with Aatrox... Haven't played him in PvP enough to think of other champs that counter him, but WOW. Teemo's blind is just CRIPPLING.
The champ I'm jungling with is Aatrox. He's literally my best champ, and he has the sustain and damage to jungle. Which monster should I go to first? P.S. Which jungle belongs to which team?
Aatrox seems okay, I don't know about his clear speed and I've never played the champion but he seems solid. Since you don't have mana to worry about I would probably start Golems, smite before the golem dies to get the stun buff since you are a big autoattacker, then do Red. The stun you get from the smite bonus will negate more damage to you than saving your smite for red would have. You can probably do Chickens, Wolves, and Blue since you get some passive healing, but I don't know what the damage would be like with no armor runes. Those are pretty make-or-break when it comes to jungle damage.

I don't understand what your PS is referring to =/

edit: Make sure you get a leash on golems from your bot lane though, this will help immensely.
League of Legends Music: The Curse of the Sad Mummy

Now I feel like giving Amumu a hug after all.​
Amumu VU incoming?

Also, emotional crit.

He's already had a VU, look up his old model (nasty).

And as for a rework I doubt it because they showed him using bandage toss and tantrum in the video, maybe even ult but who knows.
That was a texture update.
I think he needs a VU to look less like a yordle.
Because they confirmed that he's not a yordle anymore.
Probably a child that was mummified.