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The Official League of Legends Thread!

Meeeeehhh. I'm wanting to quit this game more and more everyday... Hmmm... Seems some people just can't have fun in a game, AND take it seriously..
Judging by the posts in here everyone follows the same cycle in League.



"Man, I like League, but the people in ranked are so dumb. They are toxic and always blame everyone else for their own mistakes and completely throw games. I'm sure I'll be able to play well and carry more games the more I play next season." - After first ranked season.

"I'm done with League. I can't handle it. No matter how well I play someone makes a fatal mistake that costs my team the game no matter if I play perfectly or not and whenever I make a mistake I get flamed for being a "terrible player who should be in Bronze league" or "should never play ranked." Even if I hone up to my mistake and say "I shouldn't have done that, I made a mistake, my bad" I am considered the devil. I have been stuck in whatever League I'm in for over 100 games and I see no point in playing anymore because I feel like I cannot progress rank or in my own personal skill level. Screw League." - Second ranked season and beyond.

At least that's my experience with people and myself being in Gold in season 3 and 4 =D
I still like League as a game, I just...find no pleasure in playing it in SoloQ.
I'm too afraid to ever even touch ranked. And I probably never will. (At least not for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time, or until the preparations are right.)
Ryno, there are things you still need to learn about this game.
That doesn't help much. All you said was "ward", that's about it. Even though that's something I always do... And now you're refusing to play with me in normals (which aren't even that important to begin with), because I don't "fully understand" the game...?
(Oh, look, you actually said my name correctly. Yay....)
It wasn't just wards. It's positioning, utility, and engaging also.

I said I wouldn't play until I ran you through some tips on what to do when playing support. Preferably in a custom game.
I havnt played a game with him. Whats he doing? Stealing farm? standing out in open where blitz and thresh can grab him? Did he turret dive?
I havnt played a game with him. Whats he doing? Stealing farm? standing out in open where blitz and thresh can grab him? Did he turret dive?
Oh, I do none of those but the Blitz/Thresh thing. I swear to God as soon as I'm not behind a minion, I'm already dead. It's just so annoying. I honestly think I'm a decent support, that goes well with a lot of players. It just depends on the person I'm with, really.
Oh, I do none of those but the Blitz/Thresh thing. I swear to God as soon as I'm not behind a minion, I'm already dead. It's just so annoying. I honestly think I'm a decent support, that goes well with a lot of players. It just depends on the person I'm with, really.
Youre clearly not doing it right. I play supp from time to time. Mostly Forecaster Janna. Youre supposed to dance in lane. Its what i do for lols. The key to avoiding the grabs is dancing.
@Rynozilla Do you have any specific questions about supporting? Or questions about specific champions that you use to support? I might be able to give you some advice.
I mean. It's be great if we could play together in a game, and you could see for yourself! I really would love any help with supporting.
Youre clearly not doing it right. I play supp from time to time. Mostly Forecaster Janna. Youre supposed to dance in lane. Its what i do for lols. The key to avoiding the grabs is dancing.
Too bad Janna's my worst support champ~
I really would love any help with supporting.
I'm off for spring break, I could play at some point. I've played mostly Mid for my league career but I can ADC. My computer does have problems and freezes for a second every five or so minutes but as long as we play normals it'd be fine.
@Xephyr sounds great! Oh yeah, for everyone looking to help out, my summoner name is the same is my name on here, so please, feel free to add me :3
I dunno if I am stepping into a weird world but my summoner name is Neopolitan45. Feel free to add for some normals or something
/~\ I kinda wish we had league days where all of us skullpeoplez could play together and learn.
It's a team. All 5 of us work together instead of none or 1 person. We work together to form roles and what champs we should play/counter pick with. There's more stratagy than Solo/Duo Q XD
It's a team. All 5 of us work together instead of none or 1 person. We work together to form roles and what champs we should play/counter pick with. There's more stratagy than Solo/Duo Q XD
I hope this turns out well. I'm never doing ranked, so sadly, I can't join. Good luck though!
@Xephyr sounds great! Oh yeah, for everyone looking to help out, my summoner name is the same is my name on here, so please, feel free to add me :3
Added you
Oh I should make that ranked team for us... Any name ideas? Also Need people to say they'd like to join XD
I'd be down. Sano's idea works for me as well
tbh, I hope this won't backfire and make us hate each other...
That depends, do you feed like a food kitchen volunteer? :PUN:

All seriousness, I don't really get mad at people on league. Years of counter strike and team fortress 2 taught me that it's not worth it. That being said as long as nobody is toxic our group should be fine.
That depends, do you feed like a food kitchen volunteer? :PUN:

All seriousness, I don't really get mad at people on league. Years of counter strike and team fortress 2 taught me that it's not worth it. That being said as long as nobody is toxic our group should be fine.
I really want to be in a game with you. Love playing with people who don't really get upset. I'll be online 3 hours from now.
I'm redownloading my League Client because of connectivity issues, I'd love to be a part of the ranked team.

BronzeXephyr <-- Name
Just got the invite from Kit. We're officially the Skullheart Defenders.

Edit: I sent out friend requests to everyone who posted on this page, if you get one from PaperBag Sniper you know who it is.

Also, do people use curse voice? It's great for coordinating during a match.
That depends, do you feed like a food kitchen volunteer? :PUN:
I'm gonna admit here and now that even I'll have a bad game every now and again. :PUN:
there's one match where I was Vlad and the other mid laner was Talon. i got shrekt.

I came up with a good team name =D if you're level 30, hit me up and I'll add ya. (already got you @PaperBag_Sniper =3)

Room for 7 more invites (5 can play, but it's for if someone's offline)
yo, hit me up with one.