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The Official League of Legends Thread!

I already have Aatrox, and that's all the life steal I need. But Sej seems fun, so I thought I'd pick her up. Any tips?
Armour. Lots. She's a tank. Wait, she's a chick riding a Tank.

I wonder which of the two is the pig. AYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY *Winks at Ashe*
But really, I have no idea how to jungle. Not a clue. I know what the camps do, that's it.
I'd show ya, but I now have my PBE's problem of unable to launch on my Official League. Submitted a ticket to Riot. Hope they have a solution that isn't on their help page, as the only one that made sence in trying didn't work.
Dude, Warwick's passive makes him a good entry jungler in general.

combined with his ulti, he gets even better.

isn't Sej a harder jungler?

also, dude, take it from me: Sej is not easy for a first timer. I had trouble when I first started jungling, and Sejuani certainly didn't help much.

there a list of good beginner junglers on this thread that might help, but many still say Warwick is still a good one if you want to learn jungle.
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yeah but you don't want to hate jungling because you're using a difficult champ.
Meh. I couldn't hate any role because of the champ. It just means I need to be better. ANYWAY. I'M FREE NOW.
Okay. Here are some Sej tips from me since I play her a lot.

1. Max w, then e, then q.

2. Get ranger's with the tank enchantment.

3. If they have lots of ad build frozenheart, sunfire cape, and thornmail.

4. If they have a lot of cc build merc treads and banshee's.

5. One of sej's main items is warmogs armor.
Okay. Here are some Sej tips from me since I play her a lot.

1. Max w, then e, then q.

2. Get ranger's with the tank enchantment.

3. If they have lots of ad build frozenheart, sunfire cape, and thornmail.

4. If they have a lot of cc build merc treads and banshee's.

5. One of sej's main items is warmogs armor.
Got it. Thanks!
I already have Aatrox, and that's all the life steal I need. But Sej seems fun, so I thought I'd pick her up. Any tips?

As long as you have proper runes/masteries, jungling is easy.
I recommend the purple axe upgrade for your machete, the AOE stun one. since you're new, it makes clearing a breeze.

If you're worried about the early clear, just go practice it in solo custom games. But remember you'll have a leash in real games so...

Make sure you are watching lanes. As you clear your buffs, take a peek at each lane to see where you might be needed.
Not only for ganking, but for counter-ganking too.

Anyways the best advice I can give for anyone new is, Ward your ASS off the entire game, it is essential. Pink wards especially. Buy the SHIT out of pink wards, dont be afraid of spending lots of gold on them. If you're not warded your team is pretty much blind. You are the most important warder on the team because you're not in a lane, you can ward the entire map, and clear enemy wards.
You need to make sure your team buy's at least a pink or some stealth wards.

You can only place one pink ward at a time so only use another one when you know the one you originally placed was found and removed.
I just go "BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP" in a chat.

Bard is probably the most likable champ.

I also bought Quinn since she was on sale and I had the spare RP :P
Bard is just a friendly cosmic dwoooooob
he's probably pals with Braum
i bet he would let Braum play with the Meeps
Sej is not easy for a first timer
More like Jungling is not easy for a first timer. If you main this role you shouldn't have any problems with any conventional junglers.

Also I didn't liked bard much.
He has some cool stuff but "ECH?!" overall:
1. He has meeps AA procs but Bard is not AA champ... ECH?
2. He needs to roam but he will still lack exp and roam aimlessly most of the time... ECH?
3. His ult is Zhonya but it has delay so you almost can't use it like Zhonya... ECH?

He needs something like Stormspirit's ult from dota (he done it in video). He already can make plays with every skill on his kit anyway... no need to go full utility champ for LCS only.
I've done the worst thing ever... After discussing with some friends, sadly, I didn't get Sejuani. I got a different jungler, instead.... Let's see how he plays...
Well, it's been a demoralizing night of ranked games. Played 4 games with my friend in duo queue and lost all 4. 2 were to people on our team disconnecting (literally lost the ADC within the first 5 minutes of the third game and the mid lane afk'd as a result, solo bot lane Janna isn't fun.)

All in all I've been demoted to Bronze 2 and have that much more ladder to climb to try and get my way back into silver. Don't know if I'll be playing duo queue for a while though since it seems like I attract teams with people who love to afk.
Love it when that happens... =_=
I thought the same thing honestly when I ranked. Always dicks, non-teamworkers, or stupid gits who don't know what a "connection" means in a team game..
I played Rengar and Sion top earlier, wanted to play them in a real game.
Did ok, but wanna know something fun?
Fought Yasuo Top.
Both times.
No matter how you cut it that is so not fun to deal with.
it's not even surprise attacks.

last time I played against him as vlad, he just baited me to use my pool, then he went in because I didn't have an escape tool left.

he ate away at my life. ;-;
he ate away at my life. ;-;
Talon is just one of those lanes that you have to respect if you don't beat him pre-6 or even pre-3 in some cases. If you let him get enough farm early to get an extra damage item or he reaches 6 first you have to accept the fact that the lane is his and focus on staying as safe as possible and only pushing out when he decides to roam. Talon falls off later so it's better for you to keep getting as much farm as you can without necessarily worrying about harass or killing him.
Well that 4 game loss streak in ranked queue has broken and I've got two wins under my belt and am working my way back into Bronze I. Overall I plan to get back to Silver II (because those new season provisionals killed my rank) then shoot for Gold.

Edit: Just qualified for my promos.

Edit 2: Aaaaaaaand troll zed cost me my second loss. :(
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So the lesson I've learned about Solo queue is that someone will always DC.
There is a 7/10 chance that someone will scream "position" or feed.
Solo Queue is like torture, duo queue so you have one less person sucking on the team
Being a support main is double torture since you can't just carry if your team falls behind.

I'll keep at it though. The season is still young.
i honestly don't understand how people climb in solo queue in this game. I have above a 60% win rate on a few of my most played champs (and admittedly a pretty shitty winrate on some other champs but the sample size is small, less than 10 games) and I'll have a good win streak and get up to silver IV, then i lose 3 games and get demoted. It's frustrating.

I also usually say 'fill' in lobby since i can play any role decently at my level (specializing in botlane and jg but have recently gotten better at top and mid and have carried games from there before) but if i'm 4th pick or lower that usually means 'support' lol.
If I was on, I'd be your adc, paperbag. You know I don't deserve to be in bronze 5 T~T
I'm still waiting for when we're both online and free, so I can show you how not-shit of a support I am ;w;
(That one time we played STILL leaves a bad taste... >:c )

P.S. @PaperBag_Sniper You, too! You were online like, that one time, and I wanted to play with youuuu
Have you tried sending them another email? Maybe there was the off chance it didn't go through?

I had trouble with my client opening and they'll respond to emails about that