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The Official League of Legends Thread!

no, I mean when you have it in the non active state. he builds up two normal attacks, but on the third (which has an indicator showing you have life steal) he stabs forward, and he'll continue stabbing forward until he hits an enemy, and he'll stab forward on structures. he seems to attack faster with that.
I know what you mean, I think it's just a thing, but not really going faster. OR MAYBE IT IS. I don't know.
Everybody play aatrox and do the thing that I'm talking about! I think he might have an autocancel in with his lifesteal strike! We need more perspectives on this! Or we could play a custom game when I get home and I can show you what I mean.
Everybody play aatrox and do the thing that I'm talking about! I think he might have an autocancel in with his lifesteal strike! We need more perspectives on this! Or we could play a custom game when I get home and I can show you what I mean.
I mean. There's no need. I know exactly what you mean. But sure. :o
Holy shit the current meta is frustrating as an ADC main. With all the tanks and hard CC being popular picking my favorite champ (Draven) is hard to justify. With all the tanks it really feels like picking someone other than Kalista, jinx, or kogmaw is really risky. Vayne is good at tank busting but god help you if you are laning against an IE/PD champ, where they can crit you for half your life before you can even get one silver bolt proc off.

Falling behind as an ADC is especially punishing too, where you are literally useless until you have two core items that cost way more gold than the other classes of champs need to be able to affect the game in any way. I get that ADCs are the most consistent sources of damage in the game and are the most gold reliant class by design, but it's frustrating when you are even or slightly ahead in your lane (hell, sometimes even if you are fed) and it doesn't matter because either the midlaner can delete you instantly or their cinderhulk tanks are literally unkillable to you when they have like two items (that are really cheap comparatively).

The ADC role overall seems to be the most reliant on your teammates while simultaneously being the most mechanically challenging.

Maybe i'm just burned out and need to try maining another role for awhile. I've been playing some mid lane and top in normals with friends and it's pretty fun but i'm not confident enough in my lane matchup knowledge to be able to call the roles in ranked. I've carried some games with Ahri and Cassiopeia in mid, and haven't really been able to do much top since they nerfed Sion (though his nerfs were completely justifiable).
I actually like this meta for adc. Hyper carries are good, graves and corki are bad.
The thing about tank metas is that if your team is aware, you will also have 2 or so tanks on your team as well bringing the same hell to the enemy mid and adc. The game has sorta reduced to-who has the most tanks, who has the better adc. mid lane is moot, with assassins being good since the teams damage is centralized around a single role, and support is an accessory to the adc.

You're right that Adc is the most team reliant role, because to be frank, ADC is the best role at winning the game, since they can, you know, take towers in a significantly short time frame. As for mechanically challenging... iunno you might be right, with us being in a tank meta, but I think I'd put it to jungle in most cases.

I can understand being burned out though. I used to feel comfortable on pretty much every role, and now, I don't wanna bother playing anything but ADC or riven in top or mid.

Also, does anyone else get annoyed when an ally picks something dumb like yasuo or akali? why do people pick such risky stuff in ranked. I haven't seen anyone do well on yasuo in ages.
I say don't play a champ in ranked until you get your mastery of that champ to the highest level.
meaning you should try playing champs of all roles.
in every lane.
you might be comfortable in a duo lane, but you should always try to play all lanes.
I dunno, it just feels wrong to me when I'm playing Draven (who's supposed to be the KING of snowballing and doing insane amounts of damage) and I cant do anything about their tanks even when i'm ahead. I think i'm going to just stop picking him unless their team is squishy.

I definitely agree that the game seems much more team oriented now, which is great for people that are playing in organized 5's but it's making solo queue really frustrating. Perhaps I need to stop caring about solo Queue so much and try finding a group of 5 to play with regularly.

When I say ADC is the most mechanically challenging, it's a combinations of things. One, since it is the most gold reliant class your farming has to be on point, both in actually last hitting and wave management. Two, you are almost always the #1 target for the enemy team's CC and asssassins, therefore your positioning has to be perfect or you'll get blown up and contribute nothing to the fight. ADC's also have to be able to orbwalk and kite constantly, where mistiming a click ONCE can lead to death.

I do agree that jungle is also challenging but not mechanically for the most part (some like Lee Sin and Elise are mechanically challenging. most of the tanks are not). The hard part about jungle is they have the most complicated decisions to make through out the course of the game. Knowing when and where to gank, clear paths, whether you can take dragon/baron safely, deciding which camps to smite, helping ward, deciding whether you can invade the enemy jungler... the list goes on.

I've been maining ADC ever since i started playing this game 2 years ago, so it's the only role i understand really (besides support, which i learned how to play to make my ADC play better). Like I said, I play a little mid and top from time to time and sometimes i can do well enough to carry games from these roles purely from my mechanics, but my lack of knowledge specific to the lane hinders me since i don't play the lanes often.

I've seen it called the Shaco Effect. When a guy on your team picks yasuo/akali/shaco/lee sin/other hard champ he feeds like shit, but when someone on the other team picks them they solo carry and you get steamrolled lol.
Do you guys know the feeling of having this one main you play almost all the time and having played a decent amount of games with,to eventually lose against a first timer with that specific champ on the same lane?

Do you?

Because I did last night.

And the fact that my name is "Awful Ahri" isn't helping.
I don't even mean it ironically.
When I say ADC is the most mechanically challenging, it's a combinations of things. One, since it is the most gold reliant class your farming has to be on point, both in actually last hitting and wave management. Two, you are almost always the #1 target for the enemy team's CC and asssassins, therefore your positioning has to be perfect or you'll get blown up and contribute nothing to the fight. ADC's also have to be able to orbwalk and kite constantly, where mistiming a click ONCE can lead to death.

I do agree that jungle is also challenging but not mechanically for the most part (some like Lee Sin and Elise are mechanically challenging. most of the tanks are not). The hard part about jungle is they have the most complicated decisions to make through out the course of the game. Knowing when and where to gank, clear paths, whether you can take dragon/baron safely, deciding which camps to smite, helping ward, deciding whether you can invade the enemy jungler... the list goes on.

I've been maining ADC ever since i started playing this game 2 years ago, so it's the only role i understand really (besides support, which i learned how to play to make my ADC play better). Like I said, I play a little mid and top from time to time and sometimes i can do well enough to carry games from these roles purely from my mechanics, but my lack of knowledge specific to the lane hinders me since i don't play the lanes often.
lemme first just say, mid would probably be arguably the most farm and gold reliant since you have such a short space to run around in so every bit of farm counts, not to mention you have to use mana more. like, you have to last hit like crazy in mid. it's insane. and you don't have someone in that lane that can heal or or use themselves s a shield for you. you're on your own for gold. mid is probably one of the more difficult positions, because you are in the dead center of everything. you are always at risk of getting blown up. which leads me to jungling.

one way to look at being a jungler is you are the guy making everyone feel safe. if one of your allies is being pushed to tower, help fight off their lane opponent. you see your friend is about to die? jump in, and even if they do die, finish the job on their lane opponent so they didn't die for nothing. you see your team needs a little extra push on a tower? be that push. also, be fair when you take minion tax. don't be some mother fucker who is like "well, I stopped by, so I deserves some gold" if you didn't AT LEAST get their flash to pop, you don't deserve jack shit.

also, if you constantly have to ask for the jungler's buffs all game, just fucking quit. I don't need some fucking Jayce constantly asking for for my buffs when I'm busting my ass as Jarvan helping everyone out, especially when you aren't even in your fucking lane half the time, and they pushed all the way to base before 10 minutes is up BECAUSE YOU WANT MY JUNGLE FARM! GET THE FUCK OUT AND STAY IN YOUR FUCKING LANE YOU STUPID SHIT!
the thing with draven is you kind of have to win lane or have some hardcore farming.
draven rips through tanks if you play right, you should be able to kite and your team should have some peel for you
though in the end it comes down to peeling and the other teams match up
lemme first just say, mid would probably be arguably the most farm and gold reliant since you have such a short space to run around in so every bit of farm counts, not to mention you have to use mana more. like, you have to last hit like crazy in mid. it's insane. and you don't have someone in that lane that can heal or or use themselves s a shield for you. you're on your own for gold. mid is probably one of the more difficult positions, because you are in the dead center of everything. you are always at risk of getting blown up. which leads me to jungling.
The reason i say ADC is the most gold reliant is because the impact they can have on the game is very low until they have two items basically, which are infinity edge and phantom dancer a lot of the time (i know it varies depending on the champ, some rush BotRK and some rush triforce. They're still expensive items though), which cost a total of 6600 gold. That's why ADCs lane with supports, a class whose sole job in laning phase is to make sure ADCs can get the farm they need because they're useless without it. After ADCs get their core items they only get stronger as the game goes on, and eventually the consistent DPS they can put out exceeds what most midlaners can do (especially vs. buildings).

Most mid laners can start really affecting the game once they hit level six or seven and don't even necessarily need an item finished to do it (though it obviously helps). Mid laners' abilities scale well of off levels so with a few ranks in one of their abilities they can start blowing people up. Obviously they still need gold, and I'd say they're the 2nd most gold reliant class of champs since they still need gold and items to be strong, they just don't need as much since their core items tend to be cheaper.

I"m not saying mid lane takes no skill or whatever, that's obviously retarded. I'm just saying mid laners hit their powerspike earlier than ADCs and are able to make big plays that affect the game much sooner than ADCs can. Because of this, it's possible for an even or slightly ahead mid laner to blow up the enemy ADC even if he's fed and equalize the game. I won't argue that there is a lot of pressure in the mid lane, being susceptible to jungle pressure from so many different angles and being basically the most powerful person on the map early. Mid is an important role.
well, there's another factor that will make me never say ADC is the hardest class, the fact that it has a dedicated support sharing their lane. no one else gets a lane buddy dedicated to making sure they stay alive. and and I've found ADCs can still be viable, but they just aren't as important in the current meta.
well, there's another factor that will make me never say ADC is the hardest class, the fact that it has a dedicated support sharing their lane. no one else gets a lane buddy dedicated to making sure they stay alive. and and I've found ADCs can still be viable, but they just aren't as important in the current meta.
I'd argue that laning 2v2 is much more difficult than 1v1 since you have to keep track of what three other people are doing instead of just one.

Also for the record I'm not saying i think ADCs are crap or need to be buffed or anything like that, i'm just saying the way the game works right now they're very weak early and sometimes the game can be over before you really get a chance to do anything besides farm. and that's frustrating
I'm sorry if I come off a little antsy, most of my viewpoints towards ADCs come from here
(note: I don't share his opinions when it comes to ALL Draven mains)
He's not exactly wrong, there are a lot of ADC mains out there that are terrible and don't realize how reliant on their team they are, especially for the first 25 minutes or so. I always make an effort to say encouraging things to my teammates when we make a good play, and don't bitch to my supports unless they aren't warding cuz that's absolutely unacceptable.

I do feel for jungle mains though, they're usually the first to blame when things go wrong even when it's not their fault. Once when i was jungling as Sejuani I asked my toplaner (a tryndamere) to ward my red since the enemy jungler was a lee sin and i needed to see if he was invading. He simply replied 'no', then proceeded to be first blood right as i was clearing my second buff. He the complained in chat 'sej we need you to gank more or we will lose'.

yeah, if the team is gonna ride you like a bitch when you're jungler, then tell everyone in all chat you're muting your team.
"On 05/28/15, starting at, 01:30 Pacific time (08:30 UTC), ranked queues will be disabled in preparation for patch 5.10. At 03:00 Pacific time (10:00 UTC), the servers will be shut down and all games currently in progress will end in a draw and stats will not be recorded. We estimate the battlegrounds will be unavailable for 3 hours."

And they're all 750 Skins.
And Cho'gath's old voice is so bad that even with this cool T-rex skin for a discount I don't think I'd use it.
They got a vine to promote them in CGi, I gotta wonder if there's a legendary skin we don't know about.
I just want a Chris Pratt skin for somebody.
actually voiced by Chris Pratt.
because League needs the greatest bro in the universe.
I find it hilarious that they keep referring to ekko as a "skirmishing assassin" as thought that is a viable thing for a champion to be. Like the hell does that even mean. Do they just not want to say fighter?
I find it hilarious that they keep referring to ekko as a "skirmishing assassin" as thought that is a viable thing for a champion to be. Like the hell does that even mean. Do they just not want to say fighter?
It's a redundant phrase. A skirmish is a brief encounter or conflict, and assassins are all about bursting down their targets as fast as possible. It's like saying "Super-fast Speedster"
It's a redundant phrase. A skirmish is a brief encounter or conflict, and assassins are all about bursting down their targets as fast as possible. It's like saying "Super-fast Speedster"
except when I think skirmisher, I think darius or riven. Fighters, essentially, who kill quickly, but not burst like assassins.And if you look at ekko's kit, he's a terrible burster.

Essentially I'm saying that "skirmishing assassin" makes no sense because assassins burst and in my mind, skirmisher and fighter are synonymous. It's like saying DPS assassin.
Sorry if this seems a bit off current topic but, just came back from volunteering at MomoCon
and I though this would be the perfect place to show one of the pictures I took with one of cosplayers while I was there (| ‿| )
Some people hate him, Some people love him. I gotta say it doesn't really matter to me. All character are just awesome in there own ways ◕ ◡ ◕
Got to play Ekko, I like him and think he's cool, btu geesh, that Skill Ceiling.
Sadly, I played in a real game since I didn't want someone to snatch him in Practice, and it didn't go to well
MHad to lane against Mordekaiser, and they had a Katarina while we had no stun.
Not fun.