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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Then stop joking about it. We got it the first time. It doesn't bear repeating. Sakurai Trolls, we all know this
Then stop joking about it. We got it the first time. It doesn't bear repeating. Sakurai Trolls, we all know this

That must mean Ono is a Saint.

Pic of the day. This one marks the 100th pic of the day! Without further ado, I'd like to introduce Luigi as he adjusts his nose. Hope you enjoy!

You can't tell me this man doesn't enjoy our pain.
Though if it is Wonder Red, alright, cool. I can roll with that.
But again, we literally cannot read that man.
We can only grasp at straws and think it's the gospel.
Though if it is Wonder Red, alright, cool. I can roll with that.
But again, we literally cannot read that man.
We can only grasp at straws and think it's the gospel.
Naww, he'll confirm Electrode (Pokemon #101) instead

cause that's how Sakurolls

Combine these. He makes a video for the 101st, which starts out entirely red with the number 101 in the center, hinting at Wonder Red, then pans out to show a pokeball, hinting to a pokemon reveal, and then flips around to show an Electrode face, putting the 101 as #101 in the corner. Then the electrode explodes, confirming that pokeballs have returned.
Combine these. He makes a video for the 101st, which starts out entirely red with the number 101 in the center, hinting at Wonder Red, then pans out to show a pokeball, hinting to a pokemon reveal, and then flips around to show an Electrode face, putting the 101 as #101 in the corner. Then the electrode explodes, confirming that pokeballs have returned.

Watch the 101 be Diddy because fuck rules.
I thought we already established that Sakurai has no rules to fuck.

No we're giving him rules. The rules are determined by us and sakurai rapes them with his unpredictablility
I like the trail marks for this game so far. I can tell that the animations and aesthetics are really being given more effort. Though that's likely Namco being awesome and transferring their aesthetic hitting experience from their other games into this.

Just saying that I like how the game is visualy coming along. Hoping that there's more hitstun... HOPING TO GOD

I do like how Toon Link's slash is cartoony while Link's is more "realistic". It's a nice detail that few people will notice in actual gameplay.

That said where's my Electro-- er, I mean Wonder Red reveal, Sakurai?

Or should I say...



I do like how the spins are functionally different again. Just hope TOon Link's is more wild and unpredictable like in WW this time
Let him charge into a full on Hurricane Spin on the ground. That'd be awesome.
I agree. Moving around on the ground makes total sense. I don't know why they haven't added that in. Give TL some more diversity from Link jeez...
Eh, I'd say wait until the 12th if you want a character, but we've already been shown ONE new item (the X-Bomb from Kid Icarus) so why has he not shown any others?

Also, can we just take a minute to appreciate how good the alt costumes in Project M look?

And they're getting color options. Dark Outset Link, anyone?
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I think we're getting yet another solid week of pretty much nothing.
Unless Sakurai has something planned for tomorrow.
Eh, I'd say wait until the 12th if you want a character, but we've already been shown ONE new item (the X-Bomb from Kid Icarus) so why has he not shown any others?

Also, can we just take a minute to appreciate how good the alt costumes in Project M look?

And they're getting color options. Dark Outset Link, anyone?
The funny thing is, I actually got a Outset Link skin for Toon Link from Brawl Box awhile back, but it had this weird side-effect in which the dust particles that were kicked up from dashing, attacking, etc, were much larger and far more prominent than normal. It didn't really do anything bad, or distract from fighting at all, but it was quite strange.

Once the update for Project: M comes out, I'll likely replace that one with this if I can.
Calling it now.

Pic of the day tomorrow.

Features Luigi, and that's all the relevance towards Halloween, with no comment on it being Halloween whatsoever.
Yay alternate constumes.

Robin's chances of being a playable character just skyrocketed.

On a similar note, Lucina alt for Marth please
It's no character reveal, but the reveal of alternate costumes and maybe even voices?
I can fuckin' dig it.

I'm still gonna be the girl Wii Fit Trainer though.
Does this mean we might get female animal crossing villager??
By that logic we'll also get female and male Miis when they get announced.
I really hope the alternate outfits in this game aren't just girl/boy avatar switches.

I went on Tumblr and this was the first thing I saw, at the top of my dash.

So the Male Wii Fit trainer was revealed to be in the new Smash Bros. today. It’s unclear exactly how he’s going to manifest, but he didn’t get an official introduction video, so it’s most likely he’s just a costume swap for the female trainer revealed at E3. (He may just be an assist trophy? Costume swaps haven’t actually been confirmed yet, I don’t think. He may be the confirmation.)

So anyway, this was a pretty predictable move, actually, because if you have one, it was sort of inevitable you’d have the other. He was shown doing the exact same move set as the Female Trainer, and that’s what has people slightly concerned - because who wants a clone taking up a slot in Smash Bros.?

I was super excited back at E3 when they revealed Female Wii Fit Trainer. I thought it was hilarious, and let’s be serious - she’s kicked all our asses already anyway when we played Wii Fit. She’s capable. She has no personality, but then neither does Pikachu (outside of the anime). Who cares? It was funny, and we got a chick!

There are currently 17 confirmed characters on the new Smash Bros. Roster and three of them are female - Peach, Samus, and Female Wii Fit Trainer. I don’t really think that’s Nintendo’s fault - well, OK, it is - but they don’t have a super big wellspring of well known females to drawn from. I’m hoping to see Zelda again, but it’s not looking too hopeful at this point. If we’re costume swapping, a female Villager would be nice. Frankly, I’m going to resign myself here to 2.5 ladies on the roster (one of whom people still sometimes don’t know is a girl…).

Anyway, the part where I called forth an MRA!

There was an article on a site I frequent for Nintendo news, and it asked how we felt about this “gender equality” of adding in the Male Trainer and said if we thought it was good, we were awesome! (Not quoting exactly, because it was an otherwise good article and I don’t want to bring down the wrath of the internet on these nice folks.)

I replied that I guessed I was a terrible person then. I talked about the general under representation of women in games and how I felt it kinda sucked, as a women. How men are still assumed to be the default gamers, even though 45% of gamers are female these days. That this usually leads to the male character (when there is an option) being the default option.

So, I said, I was a terrible person because in this instance, “gender equality” meant adding yet another dude. I mentioned how cool I thought it was when Nintendo offered the Female Wii Fit Trainer at first and that I doubted the Male Trainer would take up a slot, and that it was cool that for once, the lady appeared to be the default.

I was not super crazy in my reply. I apologized for the derail and tried to make it very clear that my statements were mostly arising because of the two sentences toward the end of the article that could have been worded better. I also said I was done talking about it and would not reply to any posts directed to me, in an effort to keep the comments section on track. (I actually lied and said I was leaving.)

The next post directed at me told me to deal with it because “Life is not fair.”

Then someone came along and told that guy not to be an ass, I had a valid point. (Thank you nice person!)

Then ass revealed himself to be an MRA by posting a link for Nice Person: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/subcultures/mens-rights-movement

And I lol’d and lol’d because I had called forth an MRA by talking about SMASH BROS. Dude, get a life.

(And then literally the next comment after that agreed with me about how female characters are under represented and talked about how when they are there they aren’t represented well, so HOLLA!)