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The Smash Bros Discussion Thread

Also, glad to see Wolf not coming back. He was a waste.

I'm pretty whatever about no IC's, because yeah they were in Melee AND Brawl, but I don't know anyone who plays this game casually and likes to main or even use them. On a competitive aspect they've always been pretty dumb especially at lower levels. HOWEVER, I would much rather have them than fucking Doc/DPit/Lucina.

Lucas will be missed because at the very least his normals were different making him a "semi-clone" I guess, but I understand why he got cut.

Squirtle/Ivy is whatever, makes little to no sense to have them return as separate characters honestly.

Yeh... squad.
Plus, this game probably would have ruined Ice Climbers competitively. You can't grab an opponent for a full second after you've already grabbed them, and Ice Climbers' main niche was their horrific chain grabs.
Plus, this game probably would have ruined Ice Climbers competitively. You can't grab an opponent for a full second after you've already grabbed them, and Ice Climbers' main niche was their horrific chain grabs.
They had infinites that had more than 1 second between grabs.
Yeah seeing the way that entire roster is laid out and how much space it looks like could still be filled, I'm expecting DLC somewhere down the line. And if there is, hopefully the last of it won't be put off until 9 months after the game's release.
I'm content if the Ice Climbers got back in, but you could only play as one and the other would be an alt or something.
Huh. Now that I think about it isn't it bizarre that Chorus Men didn't get into smash yet that one Rhythm Heaven enemy is still there? There isn't much of a reason for him to be there if a nothing else from Rhythm Heaven is present.
That would ruin the whole point of the character though ;___;

Ice Climber ;_;7

as terrible as it sounds, I'd prefer the Ice Climbers stay gone than to bring back one by themselves.
Rosalina 2 Lewd 4 you
more of a waste than FALCO?!

Falco is a staple at this point, and a pretty popular character in and outside of Smash. Sure he's a clone, but one is forgivable giving how many other clones who are waaaay more copy paste than Falco are in this game. BUT TWO?! Two Fox clones?! Thats frustrating.
He's definitely not ORIGINAL, thats for sure.

I'll settle for "semi-clone" but the bottom line is having both of them in the game is pointless, and waay more people like Falco over Wolf so if one had to go. Makes sense that he got the boot.
his normals are completely different
his specials have different functions (his blaster can pistolwhip you, even!)
all they have in common is landmaster
He's definitely not ORIGINAL, thats for sure.

no one is saying who is more popular, but with all the hate against clone characters in fighting games it makes NO sense why they would remove a character with more original moves than the first character from that franchise.
Well obviously the guy who created the game doesn't agree with you guys on if he's a clone or not because he's out of the game so I dunno what to tell ya xD

He's still a "semi-clone" in my book and didn't offer anything that new, but o well.
Wolf was BASED on Fox, is what he's saying.
They didn't give Wolf an original moveset that just happened to be similar to Fox's, they took Fox's specials and edited them and gave them different properties and have them different aesthetics.
Well obviously the guy who created the game doesn't agree with you guys on if he's a clone or not because he's out of the game so I dunno what to tell ya xD

He's still a "semi-clone" in my book and didn't offer anything that new, but o well.
At this point, I don't think he removed characters because they were clones. If that was the case, we wouldn't be looking at Dr.Mario/DarkPit/Lucina.

I kind of feel like he needed to have a deadline met and excluded the characters people would probably miss the least and then just replaced them with characters that took little effort to create.
Thats true but maybe he though 2 cloneish characters to Fox was too much. Only really need one IF that.

But yeah I wouldn't mind Wolf as DLC or just DLC in general to help the pretty underwhelming roster :(

I just wanna play it though aaaah
I have a question for you guys. I already have my mains picked out for this game(Ike, Palutena, Rosalina, and Duck Hunt Dog), but is their gonna be a bundle for this game like Mario Kart 8 had. I was gonna buy the Mario Kart 8 bundle, but by the time I had the money they were sold out. I know the 3DS XL is getting a bundle, but I wanted to know about the Wii U version.
since Wayforward has said they'd be okay with Shantae as DLC, I would love the trailer to be she's fighting against Fox and Falco, it looks like she's gonna lose, then we hear those magic words,
[insert clip of can't let you do that Star Fox here]
and it's a scene where Wolf takes on both Falco and Fox with a quick pause to have the subtitle "STARWOLF INTERVENES!"
he beats Falco and Fox looks like he's gonna blind side Star Wolf then Shantae smashes him out and the subtitle "SHANTAE MAKES HER WAY FORWARD!"
Falco is a staple at this point, and a pretty popular character in and outside of Smash. Sure he's a clone, but one is forgivable giving how many other clones who are waaaay more copy paste than Falco are in this game. BUT TWO?! Two Fox clones?! Thats frustrating.

I'm sorry, at one point, I would've supported Falco but eventually it became obvious that not only was he a clone, he was a cheap ass one and he gets worse every game. Falco is not worth bringing back a fourth time. Wolf at least adds a villain to the line-up and there are plenty of weapons in Assault they could use to alter his moveset with. And I'd rather they do that with him than Falco.
I'm sorry, at one point, I would've supported Falco but eventually it became obvious that not only was he a clone, he was a cheap ass one and he gets worse every game. Falco is not worth bringing back a fourth time. Wolf at least adds a villain to the line-up and there are plenty of weapons in Assault they could use to alter his moveset with. And I'd rather they do that with him than Falco.

You mean competitively worse right?
Because in terms of uniqueness he's gotten better in every transition.
By which I mean the one.
Because he was only in two games, so by saying he gets worse in every game all you're saying is that he wasn't as good in Brawl as he was in Melee.
Hey since Duck Hunt Dog sets up cowboys like towers to attack opponents as he still moves around and does whatever, does that make him the closest character to Dillon minus the rolling ball part?
What's the deal with Master... uhh... what's last part of this guy's name? Zone? It's escaping me. How'd the player encounter him because I wasn't watching.
Master Core.

It shows up after Master and Crazy Hand on the higher difficulties.

The higher the difficulty, the more forms it has.
Oh, is there a certain criteria to making him appear once you beat those two? Like killing them in under a certain time?
So here's a video of Dark Pit versus all off Master Hand's forms.
I noticed that before the transformation into the dog beast, you can see how something is forcing it's way out of Master Hand's...body(?) in sharp bulges.
This also shows my biggest problem with Dark Pit, he's barely distinguishable from regular Pit. I can't tell the difference between him and normal until they do one of their differently colored moves. At least with Dr. Mario and Mario they're wearing noticeably different outfits.