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The Wulf Den

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its probably in the stars, but said stars are very, very, VERY, far away.
Farther away than Andromeda, at the very least.

His pelt could be the green Spiral Energy.
If Beo is king of the ring give him a Godzilla palette. Godzilla 2014 was hype.
If Beo is king of the ring give him a Godzilla palette. Godzilla 2014 was hype.
I haven't seen it yet, I'm gonna convince the family to go together. While we're on the topic of kings Beowulf should have a classic kingly palette, like a red cape and stuff. I dunno I'm just throwing ideas out there.
Man, I really am not a fan of supes.

I just want to make sure of why you're not a fan of him, if you don't mind me asking.
Lack of continuity as a hero in regards to traits. His personality and character are likable but his powers are often vastly overstated or added for the sake of his victory. He is a Mary Sue/John Doe style character that really only has just a few glaring weaknesses as well. He is predictable and lackluster. I don't like him. It's simply my own personal opinion. Everyone is entitled to one.

Even so, I have read one or two comics with Superman that I did enjoy.
Alright that's fine, as long as you're not disliking him for the principals and ideals he represents, because as a symbol nobody should hate Superman since he represents that which mankind should aspire to be.

As a comic book character he definitely sucks, I agree with you on that bud.
Everyone should aspire to be the best that they can be. Many would rather look to heroes like Spider-man, Blue Beetle, and Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel. Supes is just too perfect in too many regards. He is a symbol of good, yes. But something that we should all aspire to be? Not so much but I understand where you are coming from.
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Well I know one role model who everyone can rally behind.

Superman as a comic hero concept is the victim of his own superpower. He's so incredibly powerful, the writers have to come up with more and more bizarre obstacles for him to actually have any challenges to face in his stories. These often involve internal struggles pushing Superman into being a lawful evil dictator, making him a questionable role model.
For the comic book aficionado Superman isn't the best of characters to look up to as a role model, I understand that, but for the vast majority of people who only know Superman as a symbol he serves the role just fine.
Because to the common man, this is Superman. I don't read comic books that often so I guess I don't really know the real Superman, but I guess I don't want to know because it would ruin the sweet illusion that helps me to do right.
Except if you're a pacifist who doesn't want to enter a sport to hurt people/rip their arms off.
A Pacifist can admire the Beowulf outside of the ring, everyone knows that fighters are more than just fighters.
I like to think Steve Rogers is the ultimate comic book icon and the best role model for comic book fans.
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I don't know much about Steve Rogers but I know that he jumped on a grenade and that's pretty damn awesome, not even I would do that. In my defense I think I'm lot more useful to the world alive than dead.
Steve is just one of the most selfless heroes of the Marvrl universe. A beacon of freedom, justice, and hope not just for America, but for all mankind.
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He is a Mary Sue/John Doe style character that really only has just a few glaring weaknesses as well. He is predictable and lackluster. I don't like him. It's simply my own personal opinion. Everyone is entitled to one.

Even so, I have read one or two comics with Superman that I did enjoy.
I hear people say this a lot, but I don't agree. Yes, he's powerful, but in the frame of his own stories he has things that give him a challenge and can supersede his abilities. Sure if he swoops in to fight normal thugs in Gotham he'll have no problem, but when he's facing Luthor, Parasite, Mongul, or the other cosmic or magical horrors he often faces, he's in trouble. I like that not all of his struggles are physical, but mental. The thing is, a lot of the modern day stories are obsessed with making Superman frequently prone to going on the dark side and I find that absolutely tired and predictable. I love Batman as well (when I was a kid, the mountain of Batman figures and hours spent watching BTAS and the movies are a testament to that), but I feel he falls more into the Marty Stu territory that people would like to admit.

In my opinion, when written lazily and poorly, Batman becomes Batgod. Yes there's the perception of him being mortal and vulnerable because he's human, but seriously, at times he can be written as a man 12 steps ahead of God with planning and infallible backups, capable of deducing any weakness and being able to defeat anyone or anything no matter how dynamic in scope because preptime.

Now, I know Batman isn't always like that and neither is Superman, but if you view their attibutes in a certain way, they come off as terrible or amazing.

Upstanding, Champion of the weak and becon of inspiration and hope
Indomitable will
Patient, socialble, friend to citizens of the world
Has Godline powers, yet shows humility, grace, love and patience to humanity

Unbreakable resolve
Powerful mind and skills, yet never forgets to aid the weak and often brings in victims of tragedy into the fold

Capable of doing good outside of beating up criminals and aids through charity, resolving incidents through smarts, willing to forgive and has in the past given villains second chances etc

Has a fatherly passion for his city and people


Numerous super powers capable of devastating armies, two major weakness (kryptonite and magic), can punch planents into orbit,
practically immortal

One True Hope for humanity, yet easily goes evil and loopy and drunk with power

Can easily win a battle

No powers, around his 30s yet knows every major martial art and translated them into a hybrid style, world's greatest detective, chemist, psychologist, escpape artist, mechanic, pilot, inventor

Has billions of dollars to buy and get anything he needs, Silverspoon in his mouth, not in danger of "real world dangers" like rent, poverty

In all the countless elsworlds and out of continuity stories where various heroes go through corruption, he is a paragon of gritty strength that neeeeeeever goes the evil path and is tasked with showing them the truth path of justice.

Both characters have great backgrounds, yet both have potential to be eye rolling if seen through a filter. There's tradeoffs depending on the writer and medium.

Both have different advantages and disadvantes in both aspects of their life:

Superman has all this power, yet, he embraces the Clark Kent identity and puts his whole into journalism to help people in a different way than crime fighting when able. Despite powers, had to work hard to get where he is (through schooling, patience and restraint, struggles with identity due to not being human)

Bruce is supremely intelligent, has billions at his disposal and an inventor, yet, instead of being outclassed by his superhuman peers, always keeps fighting to improve himself through mind and body.

Batman is noble and dark, yet can be cold and standoffish to even his own family.

Superman is the guy who has a huge heart; he frequently signs autographs for kids, interacts socially with citizens when the danger has passed and is a public figure and role model, yet, this can strain him and put him into a limited role. He has to constantly be aware of what he's doing or else the public can easily turn against him due to holding him to an unrealistic ideal. He is powerful, but he's not a God. He has to deal with the reality that he cannot save everyone. He someitmes can be manipulated and led into disaster because of his big heart and compassion and altruism.

Sorry for the wall of text, I get why you don't like the character, I just wanted to present a different perspective of what he can be and why I like him.
I voted for Eliza out of spite when Beowulf lost the first vote. As long as it wasn't the magical girl or the fish waitress I was content.
I don't think you should hang out with those parasites.

They're a bad influence for you.
Ya gotta let go of the hate maaaaan.
Hey guys, I know I don't post on here much and you guys have probably discussion on Beowulf's moves and how you would like him to play but since I said I would try to make my own potential move lists for all the characters not made I figured I would get this one done before Beowulf gets made. It is not a complete one due to being made quite quickly and not putting as much research into and only being some of the ideas as opposed to the full set of ideas. If you guys like it I will probably finish it later but here is some my ideas for Beowulf:s move list ideas. Also sorry for making that longer than it needed to be.
Feel free to comment and critique and thanks for reading through my ideas.

Brief Beowulf ideas

Specials down down punch sets down the hurting can also be done from the air. Light punch sets it up like a bear trap which can temporarily lock the opponent, medium punch sets up the hurting as seat which Beowulf can stand on the alter the height of some his moves and can also serve as temporary shield as it would take 3 hits before being knock down. With heavy punch in where it is set flat to be used as a spring trap when the opponent walks over it. This motion picks up the chair afterward.

Quarter circle forward punch, Hurting Toss : Beowulf tosses the hurting forward. The button pressed determines damage and how fast it goes and how fast it goes.

Quarter circle forward kick, Wold Dash: a run move press light kick for a sudden stop, medium kick for a leaping pounce, heavy kick for a clothesline that swaps to the other side, press throw in which grabs the opponent and chucks them, f at the corner this wall bounces.

Quarter forward circle throw, Piledriver: Nothing much, just a piledriver and does good damage.

Quarter circle backwards throw x 3, triple suplex : Beowulf will grab the opponent and suplex three times when the motion is done two more times after the initial grab.

Shoryuken motion, throw reach the sky: Beowulf jumps into the air and grabs the opponent and slam dunks them into the ground, which causes hard knockdown.

Taunt 3 full circles, Beowulf will put on his wolf hood and makes him a bit faster and claw energy effect to his punch normal giving him a bit more range, Will lose this powerup if hit


Gigant Throw Full circle throw, Level 1: Beowulf grabs the opponent and spins them a round in a huge giant throw move, will cause them to stick to the wall if they are in range of the corner walls. The opponent would be toss almost half way across the stage.

A hand please? Quarter circle forward two punches, Level 1: Beowulf grabs Grendel’s arm and slam the crap out the opponent for at least 7 hits.

Becoming the Wulf Quarter circle backwards two punches ,Level 3: Beowulf put on the hood on this time but he is faced is covered in shadows and his eyes start glowing unlike the taunt this one runs on a timer and boosts more things like his throws and specials and overall damage. If done after his taunt boost it only costs two meter to use.

Quote idea

Intro Finally the Wulf has come back to.,. what is this place ?

The wulf’s story has only just begun.

Yet another hurdle to conquer.

Win quotes The best there is the best there was and the best there will be, Bret hart quote

The pleasure was all yours Jesse ventura quote ( Note I have no idea who these two people are how famous they are wrestling , which probably something I should researched more when making this, my apologies about that)

This is why I’m the champ, This one is my own idea, apologies if this is a quote from some else.
Batman will never beat supetman though. Ypu guys know this right?
The thing is that Batman has bested Superman several times. He will never "beat" him in the way you're thinking but Bruce definitely has surmounted him as seen in Dark Knight Returns.

You should put this in the gameplay forum for Beowulf. It would definitely be a post that would be more at home there.
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Ah makes sense, I didn't really know which forum would be best to put this in. Thanks way forger
I guess I should ask this then, Should I delete one of my posts about since I only need one of them up and if there are it just splits the discussion of it over two pages.
Man I've been waiting for like a year now, how do you think I feel? By the way we completely forgot to celebrate the anniversary of Beowulf's victory last Friday or Saturday. It might have been after midnight when he was announced, so I'm not sure. I should have recorded the exact time.
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