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The Wulf Den

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Surprisingly there were only six guys in my bracket, which is low even for an open division. Unfortunately I had a first round bye so I had to wait like an extra hour for my first match.
My first match was against a tough guy, I got winded too quickly and he was definitely bigger than me so I lost. Only by a couple points though, he actually ended up taking first.
My second match went much better since I got my rhythm going, I won by pin.
My third match was almost as tough as my first, but by then I got my power back and won Third.
All in all it was a good day, I did better than expected considering how out of practice I am.
I have a good feeling about next season, thanks for wishing me luck everyone.
They taste good and bring misery to all who think they are about to eat chocolate chip cookies, but are actually raisen cookies in disguise.
Oatmeal Cranberry Cookies are amaz-

What are we doing, everyone's gonna stop taking us seriously.
Somebody start a cookie thread or something.
I have an idea.not a good one but..
What if as Beowulf you could set the chair up on the screen and then if you threw or knocked someone into it, they would take more damage and be bounced off to continue combos.
I have an idea.not a good one but..
What if as Beowulf you could set the chair up on the screen and then if you threw or knocked someone into it, they would take more damage and be bounced off to continue combos.

they got that rollin as a possibility, so sandwich combos may be a thing
From what I understand they were playing with beowulf bouncing off the chair...so maybe.

Also I think I threw a reference to the cookie mission from that one borderlands 2 mission a while back. Tonally Badass Crater of Badassitute was perfect you see.

Can Lab Zero get the voice actor of Mr. Torgue for Beowulf...please.


It looks like TNA is not getting renewed for tv...and good riddance but I suppose I am obligated to make a tna playlist tomarrow. Sorry guys. I guess Kaiju big battel is the day after.
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Technically I looked at a bit of both already. I just skipped alot because I feel obligated to only post good matches.

I mean late attitude era and late wcw were bad..but they had rare moments of brilliance I think.

And done with the TNA post. That was...not fun.
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Ehhh. Depends on what kind and really whether it fits. Whether it can be animated with the resources they have.

Anything requiring hooked arms is out...anything requiring bent posture is out...so zangief style, tombstone, canadian destroyer, and spike piledriver seem to be the key candidates if lab zero is thinking about it.

Unless they really really want the gringo killer in the game. The big problem as you know is that certain moves would most definitely require additional frames...on the whole existing roster. Which is a no go with the exception of some animation wizardy on lab zero's part. The solution most fighting games take is to cover up the victim as it were.

Lots of possibilities though.
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