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The Wulf Den

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there is salty tonight
The Fruits of Said Salty.

The silence is scary... Q_Q

but also exciting, I can feel the wulf coming in my bones!
So I've been watching a ton of WWE 2K games recently and it got me wondering.

Has anyone made a CAW of Beowulf yet?
So I've been watching a ton of WWE 2K games recently and it got me wondering.

Has anyone made a CAW of Beowulf yet?
*puts hand up* me, I did. Should be in this thread somewhere :)

heres a quote of it so you should just be able to hit the little arrow

beo CAW stuff
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Beowulf tidbits in new interview from one of the mods?

X: With work on Eliza wrapping up, we've begun to see work on Beowulf and you've put a few frames in game to show off in motion at Salty. Is he past the stage where the team brainstorms his arsenal of moves?
MZ: He's at brainstorm finalization right now, actually. There is a lot of required stuff that can be done for a character without needing to decide their attacks, which is why he's got animations.

X: What are some examples of this required stuff?

: Hitstuns, blockstuns, stand/crouch/walk/jump etc. Things that aren't moves.

X: Is he looking like a character you'll put on your team when entering tournaments?

MZ: OOOOOOOH YEAAAAAAAAAH, he's the other one I was waiting for besides Big Band.

X: Could you tease a little info about him? Something to make the wait even worse.

MZ: He has a throw which is wrestling related and doesn't have an airdash. (=.=)

Well I guess he isn't going to be terribly mobile, but then again maybe not.

Also, in regards to that thread I worked on about wrestling videos.

Might be working on wrestling playlists again...but still suppppper busy. No longer have to work multiple jobs to help out my aunt tho, as I just got a nice lineman job. So, hopefully things keep looking up.

If I do it expect a Daniel Bryan list, NXT, and probably more japanese playlists because I honestly can't help myself with those.
Well Let's think about this... Mike LOVES grapplers and characters that have some throw back to games he loves. Cerebella= Potemkin, Big Band= Juggernaut/ 3rd Strike, Beowulf is totally going to have some form of a powerful grappler that might have 1 or 2 ranged moves ( most likely using the Hurting ), so Beowulf might some elements of Crome Dome from TMNT Tourny Fighter, just with out the Dhalsim normals cause that would be OP. ( that game was broken. )
I can deal without an air dash, as long as he's got that ground speed and a quick heavy jump.
That gratuitous Randy Savage impression though.
Why can he not air dash? He's a wrestler. He should have invisible strings attached to him allowing him to fly.
Im not suprised he doesent have an air dash, I imagined he was going to have a more ground based approach and pressure game anyway, with the hurting assisting. springboarding off the chair to get some mobile air approach could still be a thing though.
We are still missing a character with a wall jump mechanic too; like Vega or She-Hulk..that is, if they do that.
We are still missing a character with a wall jump mechanic too; like Vega or She-Hulk..that is, if they do that.

What if he gets a wall and ceiling grab... but only when he uses a super that allows him to summon a cage over the stage for a period of time?
Beowulf doesn't need no airdash to be a hulking force to be reckoned with. See: Cerebella and Big Band.

I do hope he gets a double jump to aid his mobility, though. See: Cerebella and Big Band.
Actually I think the more different Beowulf is from the clown and the tin can the better.
Forget the double jump, I never liked 'em. Give him something truly unique and out of this world.
He could always be fast on the ground, guys. It doesn't necessarily have to be air-based mobility to be good.
He could always be fast on the ground, guys. It doesn't necessarily have to be air-based mobility to be good.
We know that tentacle head, but if you consider the high probability that Beowulf will be able to leap off The Hurting it's safe to say that he'll have air mobility options even if it's not in the form of a dash. I don't even think he needs a double jump if his moves inherently give him air mobility. I'd rather draw more parallels to Painwheel in that regard.

Let's move this to Retiring from Retirement.
Armored command air run get.
I imagined Beo stretching his pelt out to glide like batman in the arkham games, it was funny. I also imagined if the glide kick and dive bomb (also an arkham mechanic) were follow ups, that was also funny. :D

Goddammit I love the way Maysey thinks.

aww shucks. Thanks :)




"THE WULF DEN~!!!!!"

(oh and you can combo into it too)

dont forget what I added into the mix for that in steam chat, using the chair to dive upwards at them like excellabella with ten times more testosterone, then he may or may not land on the chair for extra damage, I was proud of that idea.
I might take it back now that you drove Mike away from the other thread.

I understand Q_Q *walks away guiltily, door hits him on the way out*
Mike is gone just because he's done his job, he replied what he needed to reply to, and then left to don't fill his notification list with stuff he doesn't really care about.
Leave Maysey alone >:C
Mike gets that way generally when people ask him about gameplay for the most part when he's making characters and junk.

Just wants to do his thing and make something everyone will like, without any distraction. A fighting game artiste if you will. I can respect it.

In any case an animation stream on some of his basic assets can't be too far off.
In any case an animation stream on some of his basic assets can't be too far off.

i hope so, this break from the last one is KILLING me, I need my fix dawg. :D

EDIT: just thought, @ all again: if we do eventually start discussing how beo will fit into those situations mike stated, as I mentioned in Retirement, would all that be better off taking place in retirement or here? I dont know how the two really work. I would also very much like to get some discussion going, the length of time this subforum died made me all sad inside Q_Q
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