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Show Your Fightstick


I'm so stealing the button icon idea. Thats awesome!
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WAIT do you play south paw or isthis reflected?

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WAIT do you play south paw or isthis reflected?

8/10. Make the stick and buttons color-matching with the image. Consider using bat-top.

This is mine. It's a custom Markman edition TE.
Sayaka Amemiya?
Ps3 fighting edges are works of art . I refused to do any mods to mine after I got it, it's so beautiful!
I bought the overpriced buttons while drunk. While they don't really work well with the design, I'm not gonna let them collect dust.
Having looked through this thread again, I wish I had gone with a Skullgirls design. Might order another art and switch them out on occasion.
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I think I win most ghetto stick, its all about functionality right?

electrical tape>wwe superstars.
Doesn't that feel sticky when your hands sweat slightly onto the tape?
Doesn't that feel sticky when your hands sweat slightly onto the tape?
not at all, and the texture actually doesn't bother me the slightest 0 stickiness as well. its ugly but an awesome stick wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.(well i wouldn't mind a bigger chasis) i had 3 choices for design. WWE superstars that came on the wwe brawl stick, electrical tape or bare metal. electrical tape was the clear choice, I also keep a rag close bye and wipe my hands/stick off inbetween matches.

also electrical tape doesn't have much adhesive/glue whatever you want to call it to begin with. had i used something like ducktape this thing would of been a nightmare. it functions 100% but lacks flash. i don't mind :p
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It's Beyoutiful

What's that cutout for on the right side? Anyway, here's mine:
Emuchu Hitbox.JPG
So nice of Mike_Z to make the 360s easier on these things. One of these days, I'll get around to adding some art under the glass.
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What's that cutout for on the right side?
It's the touch panel
It's the touch panel
Tell me more, J-san! I've never heard of such a thing.
Tell me more, J-san! I've never heard of such a thing.

well, its just a touch panel with the start and select buttons, plus some of the sticks features settings

Somehow, the clear plastic balltop on my stick developed a hairline crack. It looks pretty neat. Also ew this camera is so good you can see the gunk that formed on the base of the shaft (please take that out of context). Time to clean my stick.
Actually that's the only thing I dislike about my current stick - Whenever I play a long set my hands sweat slightly and the next time I go to play with it I have to wipe off a rough patch (of what I assume is dead skin or something) where the base of my palms rests.
Actually that's the only thing I dislike about my current stick - Whenever I play a long set my hands sweat slightly and the next time I go to play with it I have to wipe off a rough patch (of what I assume is dead skin or something) where the base of my palms rests.
The chun-li TE stick is the worst with that. Dead skin gets all stuck in the lenticular finish where your hands sit so I have to regularly clean it with a toothbrush so it doesn't get too gross.

Somehow, the clear plastic balltop on my stick developed a hairline crack. It looks pretty neat. Also ew this camera is so good you can see the gunk that formed on the base of the shaft (please take that out of context). Time to clean my stick.
I have that balltop in black. Mine cracked too.
Is the ball a screw-on? If so, it's very possible that it just wasn't tested for tortional force, which is very common for plastic things you screw onto other things.
Is the ball a screw-on? If so, it's very possible that it just wasn't tested for tortional force, which is very common for plastic things you screw onto other things.
Yes it is! And, judging by Spellbound's post, that very much seems like the case.
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There are some very beautiful sticks on here! I don't post much, but I figure I have something to contribute here.

A wild Lurker comes out of his hidey hole to show off his first stick!


I've been practicing with it for about a week, and I love it! Planning on getting a purple balltop & buttons, and will probably see if a friend can make some art for it. I'll be sure to share some more photos whenever I get around to that.
yo I thought of getting a case with buttons on the sides for pinball too! you know what someone said to me? that my idea was dumb.

what a hater.
It is dumb, for you. Realistically how often are you going to use those buttons? You don't even play pinball; you can't say shit.
It is dumb, for you. Realistically how often are you going to use those buttons? You don't even play pinball; you can't say shit.
If the stick has a 6-button layout then the two side buttons would be L1 and L2 :V
(and how often are you using any of the buttons on your stick? NEVER BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK ON YOUR COMPUTER GET FUKT)
If the stick has a 6-button layout then the two side buttons would be L1 and L2 :V
(and how often are you using any of the buttons on your stick? NEVER BECAUSE IT DOESN'T WORK ON YOUR COMPUTER GET FUKT)

Didn't originally come with the buttons, I drilled holes in the sides and wired them to be extra start and select buttons. Well, works pretty well with Pinball FX2 but I need to remap the buttons via x360ce. For fighting games, nice to have the buttons there for training mode when doing a save state reset... but sometimes it's easy to bump the buttons accidentally when it's on your lap...

TL:DR - Play more pinball yo!
The USPSbox

Modified Hitbox layout; Astrocity rows instead of Vewlix-like.
PS1 digital PCB because it's cheap, easy to wire, and I have a converter.
Covered in yellow reflective tape. Looked nicer than expected.
Seimitsu buttons because master race.






Protip: Never use solderless Playstation PCBs if you value your time and life.
This is what i use to play SG:
Im a PC gamer so, i used an old Genius gamepad to build my own custom arcade stick.

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Here's the stick I've been using since September after replacing my Playtech Pro. It's vanilla, so no mods whatsoever. I wish I could put in some artwork though.
Behold...... the UGLY STICK MK.II
10/10 Would play as that one Big Band, you know the one.
I am thinking of getting a fightstick when I get money.
Currently, I'm thinking about getting a Qanba Q1 for my first fighstick, although I don't know if I should save for more and buy a higher quality one right off the bat or not.

I also would like to know, what the difference is between the types of "gates" on a stick?