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Skullgirls PC Beta Updates Discussion

If you fail to tech a blue bounce, you can still be otgd for a combo

That's fine. That's on the person getting hit. If I read I'm going to get hit by j.hk I will tech it. No one really reads they're going to get hit by parasouls j.hp it just kinda happens

If Filia can j.hk and gregor me before I hit the ground though, then mmm it's still a nerf but now its not instant crazy j.hk starter super damage reward
That's fine. That's on the person getting hit. If I read I'm going to get hit by j.hk I will tech it. No one really reads they're going to get hit by parasouls j.hp it just kinda happens

If Filia can j.hk and gregor me before I hit the ground though, then mmm it's still a nerf but now its not instant crazy j.hk starter super damage reward
I know, it was more for the guy saying just eat the jHK hit.
I dont mind to much if filia keeps her janky ass million way mixup. I just want it to be my turn after she gets blocked, is all.
It kinda doesn't huh. I don't know I think I'd be fine with Filia having IAD J.hk cross up as long as dash up j.hk doesn't work to cross up anymore and j.hk on hit in the air causes a blue bounce. Because then its still a 50-50 on whether you get hit high or low right???

If this is possible to even do that is. lol
i prolly did not express that but i feel i should FEEL i should cross up IF I fucking committed to a burst bait.
Is there a way to make it so horizontal momentum isn't preserved on the way up for jhk?
This gets rid of dash and super jump crossups, and allows for j hk to be used for movement in neutral as well. And you can still cross up with it if you use your air dash. Doing it this way also gets rid of the extra mixups/pressure after a crossup attempt nonsense she gets from dash jumping. Right? Please correct me if I am wrong

edit:idk if this idea would mess with the duckator first air combo string. I really really like that string a lot. I hope not
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If there is a way to make dash jump j.hk never crossup do that, while at the same time allow for superjump IAD j.hk cross up, keep blue bounce and that should be fine. The main problems with filia, from what i gathered in this discussion (and reasons for the experiment), were the massive gains she gets on a reset non-linked j.hk, and that dash up j.hk and sj j.hk led to ambiguous crossups.So just fix those two rather than see if she functions without a useful tool.
Didn't get to test the health change in time, just the meter one. I noticed the change afterwards but in general, it didn't seem to do much. I play solo where I'm not really relying as much on meter, probably because I play Bella and BB. I suspect Eliza solo would benefit but for now, it's a nice little benefit that doesn't totally tip the scales to solo.
uhmm thats not new, I can't tell if you did a super jump or not, because if you did the super jump it would still do this, if you didnt it would not cross up
I was wondering if this was new. It most likely isnt but I'm wondering if this a.HK is nerfed as well.
I see you're on PS3.

The j.HK nerf is a beta only change. The console versions and the retail PC versions have the old version.

And yes, that was normal then. And stupid. And easy. And yeah.
Meter gain for solos is just silly. In one 1v1 game, when I didn't use any meter, I took the first down and was at about 70-65% life and had like 4 bars still. Having access to 2 level 3's per game went from "pretty rare" to "about half the time". Like, in terms of amount of meter gain I think its alright I guess since it at least feels a little like a reward that's visible to see if someone found it worrisome.

I just don't really feel like it actually does anything though. It's like a lateral buff. The only solo's who feel like it benefits much for are the characters that really need meter for everything, so basically Val and Squigly, maaaaybe Solo Double would be great with this but no one plays solo double so idk? For every other solo, they never really looked or felt to me like they were starving for meter so it doesn't really feel necessary or too beneficial (the characters that probably benefit the most out of it, besides the aforementioned, are Filia's multiple air gregors and Eliza getting more sekhmet usage).

Not gonna complain about it since it's still a buff so w/e, but I didn't really feel like it really helped out much at all. At least the Health buff felt a little significant and made people think "Oh Solos might be okay" for a sec. IMO the only problems with the Health Buff were regeneration starting too fast (90f is more ideal), and the Health regenerating too fast (which it should've been probably at half the speed it was). The amount of life regenerated was never super high unless someone did multiple resets that included a throw reset in there, so its not like it skyrocketed solos to the top or anything.

tl;dr - Meter buff is weird and feels mostly inconsequential, Health buff was okay just needed a little tweaking. Just my 2cents on the changes.
I think a meter gain would buff:
PW (relies on meter for reversals, plus lvl 2 gives her an awesome neutral)
Eliza (Sek)
Squigs (probably the best meter user in the game)

Some I'm unsure about:
Big Band (the threat of even more SSJ seems like it could be strong)
Double (more cat heads?!?)

The ones it won't help much (due to supers doing nothing but adding damage or just generally not being conducive to solo play)

Health as a buff was a net buff across the board. Meter seems more sporadic.

What happened to the vampire idea in which snapping out gave some red health back?
Meter helps everyone.

Bella gets quicker level 3 or more stuff like excelebella>super
Parasoul gets quicker level 3 or can do combos like whatever first chain xx sniper which is a great way to use sniper before full scaling so that it does damage and also gives a free link.

Peacock gets more argus... Never a bad thing for peacock seeing as to how she can chain the damn things.

Fukua gets more fireball super as a poke or combo ender for hard knockdown or as a punish for wiffed pokes..

Mf gets more airsuper continuations and can combo 2 supers in one combo for big damage.

I dont see how adding damage is doing nothing... But, yeah.
I dont mind to much if filia keeps her janky ass million way mixup. I just want it to be my turn after she gets blocked, is all.
pushblock guard cancel
pushblock guard cancel

Filia can react to pushblock and just... block for a sec after them instead of brainlessly going in.

Come on, man.
Filia can react to pushblock and just... block for a sec after them instead of brainlessly going in.

Come on, man.
Okay? So she's no longer attacking and it's "your turn" now. Jesus Christ.
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"Filia won't stop attacking me! How do I make an opening?"
"pushblock guard cancel"
"Well then she reacts to the pushblock and gives you an opening. What good does that do, smart guy?"

I also love how "going in" with a pixie is somehow "brainless." Sure are a lot of Filia professionals in this thread!
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Okay? So she's no longer attacking and it's "your turn" now. Jesus Christ.
"Filia won't stop attacking me! How do I make an opening?"
"pushblock guard cancel"
"Well then she reacts to the pushblock and gives you an opening. What good does that do, smart guy?"

I also love how "going in" with a pixie is somehow "brainless." Sure are a lot of Filia professionals in this thread!

The "opening" you get from Filia blocking for just under a sec after she reacts to pushblock is really small, especially considering "oh, they pushblocked, time to block back for a sec and call my assist" woops it looks like that you couldn't take advantage of the situation and you're gonna have to eat another mixup in her favour again.

You are acting as if this isn't really strong, and that reacting to Filia blocking for under a sec after you pushblock is completely trivially easy.

You are awful at Filia and Skullgirls in general so really you shouldn't be talking shit about "sure are a lot of filia professionals in this thread".
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I'm going to be honest I can't really say I wouldn't be glad if Filia couldn't cross up at all with j.HK because that shit is BS.

But I would still prefer the suggestion of Filia being punishable on block if she gets blocked. Either that or some way to make sure she can't just get back in again.

Or maybe a combination of both. She is less advantageous if she gets blocked and she can only cross up with SJ IAD j.HK.

Also this is just a personally peeve of mine but I really hate it when the method to stop stupid crap is of multiple magnitudes harder than inflicting said crap.
(A) The concept of reacting to Filia not attacking being hard is mutually exclusive with the concept of Filia reacting to pushblock being easy.
(B) You don't know shit about me and nobody knows who the fuck you are. If you're so good with Filia who so terribly overpowered, why don't you trounce all over everybody with her like you're claiming is so easy to do?
(A) The concept of reacting to Filia not attacking being hard is mutually exclusive with the concept of Filia reacting to pushblock being easy.
(B) You don't know shit about me and nobody knows who the fuck you are. If you're so good with Filia who so terribly overpowered, why don't you trounce all over everybody with her like you're claiming is so easy to do?
calm your tits m8
Can you cross up at all with j.HK now? Even if you wait for the full jump and then do air dash. I don't think you can.
Played a set on Beta and I have to say I really enjoy everything that's on there (not a filia player so pretend i'm ignoring those changes).

All the undizzy tweaks feel great, including the superflash change. I definitely feel a lot more compelled to reset early in the combo, and I honestly really enjoy the style of playing a constant guessing game with your opponent. I think the post flash blocking during undizzy makes this guessing game a little more interesting than "is he using a reversal super or not" which is (an exaggeration) kinda how I feel retail is right now.

The solo change is awesome, but needs a more clear visual indicator like mike mentioned earlier in the thread. Though personally as somebody who quit solo in the past I'm not sure it's enough to get me back into wanting to play them again. It's an excellent start though.

Again, can't comment on the filia changes but I am really excited about where these are going.
(A) The concept of reacting to Filia not attacking being hard is mutually exclusive with the concept of Filia reacting to pushblock being easy.

Pushblock puts you in pushblock animation for ~20ish frames(someone please give number), you always mentally prepare to react to it by inducing blockstun on your opponnent, and you can react to its large, flashy animation and decide what to do after its animation resolves.

Filia not doing something has no obvious animation, and could at ANY POINT turn into Filia doing something. If Filia blocked for ~8 frames just after you pushblock and you did PBGC Fenrir, you just got baited. If Filia blocks for ~8 frames, and then does dash forward c.LK, and you were not mashing fenrir and instead trying to react to what Filia was doing. Yeah. No.

(B) You don't know shit about me and nobody knows who the fuck you are. If you're so good with Filia who so terribly overpowered, why don't you trounce all over everybody with her like you're claiming is so easy to do?

Reacting to pushblock and doing shit afterwards according to what you think your opponent will do isn't a Filia-specific skill, you can do it with literally anyone else in the game. I'm saying that reacting to pushblock is possible, and you're saying that I think that Filia is the most overpowered broken character in the game because reacting to pushblock is possible...

You have literally no idea what you're talking about.

If I had the disposable income, I'd be traveling around to play not just sg but other fighting games around the world. Should I start getting more money, I will travel to wherever you are to money match you for the cost of my plane ticket+1k.
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I will travel to wherever you are to money match you for the cost of my plane ticket+1k

You are awful at Filia and Skullgirls in general so really you shouldn't be talking shit

You don't know shit about me and nobody knows who the fuck you are.

WhoYallLike finale is coming up soon.
It really isnt worth it to argue with broken loose.

Just, you know, as a "take it as you will" statement. The closest i get to arguing with him is clicking on the "show ignored messages" make my statement and mic drop and let him have the last word. His last word wont be meaningful, so its like you are getting the last word in anyways.

But yeah that just me.
WhoYallLike finale is coming up soon.
This better be a thing
Can Filia still crossup with Air Dash j.HK if she's on the way down from a jump?
Meter helps everyone.
I dont see how adding damage is doing nothing... But, yeah.

Adding damage is not "nothing", but it is probably the single last thing a solo needs. If you are playing solo, you are already killing in like two touches. Giving them the opportunity to use more combos is only ultimately helpful if you are getting utility/defense out of it. Being able to throw out more raw Diamond Dynamo isn't really all that useful.

It will help in a few situations. Like you mention, if you manage to recover enough to get 2 level 3s, that is potentially game changing. But that is limited because not all supers are created equally. I've seen on numerous occasions matches where solos end with 5 bars because they gain enough meter but their supers aren't worth spending it on (especially solo Peacock and Parasoul).

Ultimately, a buff is a buff is a buff, and I'm not saying this isn't one. I'm really grateful that solos are being looked at. I'm just saying I think meter is an odd choice since it will disproportionately favor some over others. If it sticks, I'll be thrilled because I think it will buff PW disproportionately more than most: more PBGC Threshers, more HI, more full-screen level 3s vs Peacock. But what's it going to do for solo Peacock? Probably very, very little.
Is the current health regen change start from 90F (from meter change) or back to the original 60F? I'm fine with allowing the opponent reduce the solo red life amount to an extent if I mess up like when I'm allowed to whenever I use snapbacks on teams. Compromises are a nice thing.
This filia change is pretty much spot on. And duckator sequence still works! A++
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I just thought of something else. I know it would require a UI change in character select and that's work that's not really payed for, but if you decide to make this solos add health or meter a real thing, why not make it selectable? That way characters like fortune, big band, or bella could benefit from the health one, while if you were a solo eliza, double, or painwheel player, you could select meter so they could benefit from it like that. Just a thought.
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Played like 25 matches with Warped. The change felt little enough to not wildly alter matches, and great enough that it felt good to take a breather and potentially turn the match around (only a handful of matches came down to whether or not I had some regen). While taking a breather, opponent could either let me heal or try and come in on me recklessly (if they wanted a hit before I healed).

Would like to try again vs Peacock, to see how different it is getting peppered by projectiles while I try and heal (@mcpeanuts).
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