Meter gain for solos is just silly. In one 1v1 game, when I didn't use any meter, I took the first down and was at about 70-65% life and had like 4 bars still. Having access to 2 level 3's per game went from "pretty rare" to "about half the time". Like, in terms of amount of meter gain I think its alright I guess since it at least feels a little like a reward that's visible to see if someone found it worrisome.
I just don't really feel like it actually does anything though. It's like a lateral buff. The only solo's who feel like it benefits much for are the characters that really need meter for everything, so basically Val and Squigly, maaaaybe Solo Double would be great with this but no one plays solo double so idk? For every other solo, they never really looked or felt to me like they were starving for meter so it doesn't really feel necessary or too beneficial (the characters that probably benefit the most out of it, besides the aforementioned, are Filia's multiple air gregors and Eliza getting more sekhmet usage).
Not gonna complain about it since it's still a buff so w/e, but I didn't really feel like it really helped out much at all. At least the Health buff felt a little significant and made people think "Oh Solos might be okay" for a sec. IMO the only problems with the Health Buff were regeneration starting too fast (90f is more ideal), and the Health regenerating too fast (which it should've been probably at half the speed it was). The amount of life regenerated was never super high unless someone did multiple resets that included a throw reset in there, so its not like it skyrocketed solos to the top or anything.
tl;dr - Meter buff is weird and feels mostly inconsequential, Health buff was okay just needed a little tweaking. Just my 2cents on the changes.