• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Administrative PSA: Big changes are coming to Skullheart!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2013
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As the year winds down, Skullheart gears up for a bit of retooling!

Following feedback from dedicated forum-goers, members of the Skullgirls community, and Skullheart's moderation staff, the official Skullgirls forums will soon be overhauled to be leaner, more compact, and more focused on Skullgirls. In the following week, Skullheart users should expect several subforums and threads to be merged, redone, removed, and/or replaced where necessary. Additionally, the forum rules will be reworked to accommodate and explain the ins-and-outs of Skullheart's new layout.

The major changes that are planned are as follows:

  • Removal of the General SG Discussion subforum; this subforum has been almost entirely made obsolete by the Gameplay/Lore/Art/News subforums. Some of the threads that once existed in this subforum have been moved to other locations.
  • Removal of the Cosplay and Sound/Music subforums; neither subforum garnered enough activity to support their continued existence. They've now been merged into a larger Art and Other Media subforum that will cover all creative endeavors related to Skullgirls.
  • Removal of the Unreleased Future Characters subforum; discussion of unreleased future characters will now take place in the Non-Gameplay Character Discussion subforum.
  • Removal of Off-Topic. In Off-Topic's place will be a Other Fighting Games subforum, where other competitive fighters can be discussed. Major fundamental issues with Off-Topic enabled users to freely create unpersecutable borderline-spam threads, and typical discussion was almost always low-quality (forum games being the majority). This discussion often dominated the Recent Posts and What's new? tabs, ensuring that they could retain momentum by being the first things that visitors to Skullheart see; this came at the expense of less exposure for topics related to Skullgirls.
  • Rule revision for all subforums; you'll want to check each individual subforum to see the specifics for this.

To all SH users that feel they are negatively affected by these changes, please understand that they were not carried out in malice, nor were they a knee-jerk reaction. These alterations are the result of months of critique and feedback from community members both new and old, and self-reflection on the inadequacies of how the forum was laid out. We don't wish to create a divide in the Skullgirls community or favor one group over another. The overhaul is ongoing so expect more changes in the upcoming days, some of which will address complaints that the community has recently voiced.

For those still wishing to participate in off-topic banter with fellow Skullgirls community members, Steam Community group BnBeez (formerly known as Unofficial Official Temporary Skullheart) may be right up your alley. Formed after Skullheart went down for an extended period of time in 2013, the group has since become a haven for fans of Skullgirls who wish to discuss the game and other miscellanea in a lax, comfortable atmosphere.

Skullheart's new years resolution is to slim down, shape up, and refocus itself on what this website was created for; providing a quality discussion hub for the Skullgirls community.
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It sure needs it, that much is for certain.
Looking forward to seeing what you guys have planned!
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The suspense!

But real talk, we spent a long time discussing this, including getting Lab Zero's opinion on some of the changes and checking out what systems have worked on other forums for promoting fighting game discussion. Some of the alterations plenty of people will disagree with, but we really think these changes will focus the board and only promote growth for both competitive and casual Skullgirls fans.

I'm pretty excited for this!
Would the threads about the potential characters still remain in these changes ?

Also I imagine that most of the off topics threads would be disappearing in these new alterations to the forums.
No Beowulf on the banner disturbs me

This is quite the bit of info! I'm looking forward to it.
yes I did mean the characters from the indiegogo campaign.

If those forums go it would probably be disappointing for most but if they do end up going in the forum overhaul then it is what it is.
Even though I'm not really into discussing about rejected characters, I really hope there is place for them on the new forum.
Liking it or not, they are somewhat part of the game, and they do attract people.
Not everybody is here because of the gameplay.

About the off topic threads, I really do hope they go away.
About the off topic threads, I really do hope they go away.
WHAT?! NO!!! Every forum has off topic threads. I mean, this website's focus should be quality SG discussion, but we've had some of the best conversations on off topic threads.

Also, I propose that every thread which was locked be placed in a locked thread archive to show people what not to do with a thread. And for some good laughs!
Touch my Scythana thread and I'm leaving forever.
You only encourage them.
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You only encourage them.
Fine. Touch my Scythana thread and I'll go out of my way to leave hidden Scythana messages in my posts.

So. Can anyone tell me what the latest beta changes were? You know I miss them. To think I'd forget the dates all the time. How can you guys stand me. And I just got a new calender too. Night is upon us. Amsterdam.
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There's no problem with having off topic threads. There IS a problem with people that ONLY post on off topic threads and don't even do anything related to the game at all. And we have a lot of people doing this here.
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There IS a problem with people that ONLY post on off topic threads and don't even do anything related to the game at all.
Why? Because it makes the forum look more active than it is? Or because we get 500 members despite only having 200 true members? Are either of those an actual issue?
I really don't see any reason for this being a problem. Every forum ever has people like this (especially if you do X for an extended period of time but then drop it - eg I used to play TCGs and was active on a TCG forum and grew to like some people there, and then I dropped TCGs but I still liked the people, so I stuck in the OT of that forum and kept talking there. Did I ruin a forum by accident??).

There IS a problem if the Off Topic people enter the gameplay section and start spamming there, but this hasn't happened so far (and I haven't gotten any signs that it would happen anytime soon), so I'm not really sure why you have a problem with someone sticking to a place on the forums you don't have to look at?

I'm interested in what these changes are going to be, but I doubt they'll fix anything. The community consist to too large a part of fuckwads for a forum overhaul to accomplish very much, I'm afraid.
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*looks at banner*

*no Peacock, Bella or Beowulf*

I'm stressed.
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I really don't see any reason for this being a problem. Every forum ever has people like this (especially if you do X for an extended period of time but then drop it - eg I used to play TCGs and was active on a TCG forum and grew to like some people there, and then I dropped TCGs but I still liked the people, so I stuck in the OT of that forum and kept talking there. Did I ruin a forum by accident??).
I was this person for a long time (Magic the Gathering). Actually toward the end of my posting career I think most of the active posters did not play MTG anymore.

As is often the case I agree with basically everything you're saying. If people wanna post about Pokemon or anime or other non-Skullgirls things, I don't have a problem with that as long as they talk about those things in their respective threads. I'll never read those threads so it doesn't affect me at all.
They're gonna get rid of all the lesser character threads and fuse them all into one.

And then, the Annie subforum shall be born.
So Will there be a Fan-game sub-form?

Because I dont want the Skulldate thread to be moved everywhere
Is there an exact date for the change?
You guys sound so negative about this. For shame! I for one accept our new SH overlords.

~Future mod of the Annie sub forum
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Are there going to be any aesthetic changes to the forum? I want the dark grays to stay, but I wouldn't mind seeing the tan, brown, and blue accents change.

*looks at banner*

*no Peacock, Bella or Beowulf*

I'm stressed.


If I was home I could sample funnier frames from the DAC and clutter Flotilla's pretty banner so much more easily.
Upon closer inspection, I appear to have too much free time
Random question, do any of those renovations involve the Beginner's Subforum? I've been curious about that stub for a while.
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