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Parasoul Burst Baits

Oct 23, 2013
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Robo Fortune Double
First thing, I'm going to the make the color of the hit that first activates IPS or Undizzy this color.

2MP bursts are still pretty useful for baiting bursts.

2LK 2MK HP HP L Shot
5MP 4HK L Egret ... 2MP

Or Corner:
LP MP L Egret, 44, 2MP

These can be easy to see coming, so try and use them at different times after 2MP has been added to the watched list.

In the corner or midscreen:

7/\, JLP JHP

JHP will whiff midscreen.

Instead of jumping backwards and doing jLP, you can do 6LP | 6MP | Throw | Air Throw to make it hard to tell what you're going for.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New ones found from others! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Link] The Burst Bait (Thanks @IsaVulpes )

*JLP whiffs on lighter characters since you fall faster than them.
**JLK seems to hit on light characters as long as the JLP comes out very fast after the launcher.

*JLK will not set off IPS, and you will fall to the ground to do 4HK|Throw|6LP, this makes it difficult to tell if the burst bait is coming or the reset instead.

2HP 7/\ JHK[1 hit] [Corner Only]

2HP JMP JHP J214LK JHP 5MP 4HK x J214LK 9/\ JLK JHP [Tear Explodes] \/, 7/\ JLK
(You can just wait for them to leave hitstun and dash forward into mix up instead as they touch the ground maybe)

LP or LK is watched in the corner:
(LP/LK)* 2MP[1Hit] x Napalm Detonate
*You will be knocked away if they burst on this hit, they must burst on the 2MP.

JHP is watched:
2HP 8*/\ [Delay] JHP
*7/\ if in the corner.
Very obvious to see coming, however, if you have not used your OTG for that combo, the opponent can't tech the JHP left or right when they land, if they try and tech, they will get a burst. This creates a pseudo hard knock down!

With JLP unwatched and corner:
7/\ JLP JHP J214HK x JLP \/
5LP 2MP or 5MP
[Link] Thanks @Skullmageddon
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BB #1: s.HP > L Bomber > H Tear > c.HP > j.LK > j.MK > wait to crossover b.j.LK > Burst.

The burst will work on 1st, 2nd or final hit.

BB # 2: C.hp > j.MP > j.HP > L Tear > j.HP > s.MP > b.HK > M Tear > j.LK > j.HP > j.LK > j.HK

The j.HK is used to make her hitbox smaller.

BB # 3: s.HP > L Bomber > M Tear > c.HP > j.MK > Wait j.d.MK > j.d.MK > Air grab or c.HP

BB # 4: c.HP > j.MP > j.d.MKx2 > j.LK > j.d.MK > j.LP > j.MK > j.MP

You can air grab after the j.MP if they don't burst which is cool. and you can also grab after the j.MK

BB # 5: C.hp > j.MP > j.HP > L Tear > j.HP > s.MP > b.HK > M Tear > SJ j.LK > j.HP > L or M Tear > j.MP

Same thing after j.MP. You can air grab if they don't burst.

Hope I made use for you.

I just used L Bomber for these but there's much more. But I know you use Double on your sub team.

E: I just found that can dash under and j.b.LK on lights.
Works on some (i forget who) but launch > jump back j.hk will hit once in the corner. So:
Some combo that uses j.hk, launch, jump back j.hk
Then fast fall by doing tear toss x j.2mk, land, punish.
Oh I also forgot.

I'm sure that you know Napalm Trigger moves her hitbox back so esentially you should bait with it.

(Excuse then shakiness.)
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Works on some (i forget who) but launch > jump back j.hk will hit once in the corner. So:
Some combo that uses j.hk, launch, jump back j.hk
Then fast fall by doing tear toss x j.2mk, land, punish.
Yeah, jHP works from everywhere though, and in the corner so usually I just use that instead. It gets you a hard knockdown since if they try and tech, they will burst, so they have to respect it and wake up without teching into whatever set up you want.

I'm sure that you know Napalm Trigger moves her hitbox back so esentially you should bait with it.
Yessss, thank you.
That was in the OP at the start looking for some Napalm Trigger shenangins, I'll look at how to move Parasoul a bit out of the corner to set them up.
Won't add either of your videos to the bottom list though because I need more time to look over them when I'm not about to leave for work, heh.
J.hp works if they immediately burst? or is that jump back j.hp? Also isn't the untechable thing gone now? or is it just that the burst is always safe?
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Yes it does you catch them with the tip of the hitbox if you jump backwards.

Also I think it's gone for like sweeps like Squigly but I don't think for teachable jumping knockdowns like Parasoul? I see people lay on the floor for like 40 frames then try and tech and they burst and I get a counter hit.
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I have some stuff I'll share once I'm home from work tonight and have some time to put a quick video together.
Also I think it's gone for like sweeps like Squigly but I don't think for teachable jumping knockdowns like Parasoul? I see people lay on the floor for like 40 frames then try and tech and they burst and I get a counter hit.
This only works if you haven't used otg, otherwise they can tech it immediately upon landing
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Here's a video showing a couple of the burst baits that I've been using for a while:

The first one isn't all that good because the opponent can easily punish you if they don't burst, but it works on button mashing scrubs and it also utilizes j.Hk in order to pull Parasoul's profile further from the burst. I believe you can also technically avoid the burst by using j.Mk (hold) instead, but the window for avoiding the burst is much tighter. Still, it might be worth messing around with these sorts of things.

The second one is a corner bait that gets in a decent number of hits. You can do this bait from a number of combo paths as long as you don't use up your otg, so I just did an easy low damage path in order to showcase the burst bait itself. You can technically still get hit based on timing and positioning, but it's a pretty safe bait. You can also do c.Mp instead of s.Lp -> s.Mp, which is a little safer but does less damage.

Let me know if you would like me to provide the notation. I usually don't bother cuz I'm lazy and most people around here can derive all of the information they need from just watching the video, but I don't mind writing it out if people ask me to :)
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This is an awesome start, thank you.
I've added most of the ones that I think are good and have ways to become a burst bait or a reset to make it more likely to catch experienced players.

I'll try and keep the OP as updated as I can for anyone else who pops in.

@Skullmageddon Notation is in the OP now anyways so it's coo.
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I found you can repeatedly press j.d.mk to trigger a burst bait. The burst won't even knock you back for some reason. Anybody else discover this? It's really stupid but it serves as a potential reset at the very least.
The burst will knock you back if it hits you while your foot is extended out.

I've had very limited success with that one, but it is an option.
You can use J2MK for cross overs vs Big Band though since he's too tall to jump over haha.