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Skullgirls Gameplay Improvement Thread - Post your videos!


I don't exist
Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
Parasoul Filia Double
I'd like this to be a thread where people can post videos of their gameplay so that they can have the benefit of feedback from other players in the Skullgirls community.

So post your videos and hopefully we can all help each other to improve!

EDIT: Please try to limit your videos to no more than 30 minutes in length as it takes quite a while for people to work through them.
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Aaaand to kick things off

Please be kind.

Game 1:
-Parasoul does nothing, Peacock runs up and grabs her twice. I would consider pillaring the second time I saw that since you have the meter to make it safeish.
- 0:47 Filia comes in and scores a hit with hornet bomber, gregor would have confirmed into a full combo
- 0:53 This reset was very early, it worked but since you didn't convert it into a second combo it just gave up some potential damage/positioning
- 1:18 a counterhit with this much meter should probably lead into a tod
-1:35 This looks like you got caught off guard with the confirm a bit. when in doubt just hairball into gregor
-1:42 I think this reset is questionable, you might have been able to kill with a dhc into level 3. Certainly you don't need any resets after the j.hk one.
-2:08 there were a couple of other kill opportunities but the final one I think it would have been safer to go for a chip kill as soon as they blocked your assist.

Game 2:
-This Parasoul matchup is definately looking shaky. Some things to try out would be bike into sniper, air tears (and then blocking) or just starting a different characters.
-3:17 again gregor would work as a confirm off hornet bomber at range
-3:20 I assume that was an input error but yeah, double snap or just a dhc combo to kill peacock would have been good.
-3:46 With 5 meters you should be able to kill. If you have trouble keeping track of how much meter you have try glancing up that way during a really easy part of your bnb (like a ground chain), then deciding on an ender/reset.

Game 3:
-5:58 this should have been a kill obviously, input error I'm assuming
-6:14 for really long punish windows like this it's probably better to go for filia's jump in string rather than raw launcher. It's extra damage free from undizzy and if you happen to do it too late you have frame advantage.
-You dropped a few combos near the end, practicing filia bnbs should help that. Also even though it worked every time I think it's a bit weird how often you went for crossup whiff throw into c.lk.

Main points:
-work on Parasoul vs Peacock matchup or switch order for it.
-judge when you have a potential kill
-practice filia bnbs and confirms
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You get a lot of stray hits that you could confirm better I feel. This is also something I think I need to improve on myself.

It is more a criticism of your character choices, you know Mao's team so I really would suggest you not put Parasoul on point against Peacock. If you MUST play point Para, rush Peacock down, you are never going to win the full screen game. If you find yourself locked down, Bike xx Sniper if Peacock gets predictable (Mao has some patterns he tends to stick to)

You also know (or maybe you don't?) that Mao tends to collapse under offensive pressure, so there is never any reason to be moving in any direction against Mao other than forward, he will corner himself or teleport badly to be punished nearly every time.

Don't block low against Peacock (I think I'm telling myself this) unless you REALLY expect 2MK.

Also don't try to challenge Be Brave, it is ridiculously invincible.


This thread is a thing and we should use it, I think we should have character specific ones in every character forum as well for more targetted advice.
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Okay, here

Played solo to practice some assistless neutral etc

Things I know I have to work on:
- Incoming mixups (I just get hit after killing an opponent's character)
- Random execution things (I keep screwing *something* up, I think here I fucked up dashing all the time)
- Tear Toss usage (Para specific; should be more focussed on keeping Tears near me for Detonate/Buttons/etc)
- Punishing some things (I'm notoriously bad at hitting people after they Tag)
- Some combo fixes (I learned Backthrow xx H.Egret > Combo sometime but forgot it over a break, haven't practiced combo after Lvl3 once, etc)
- Antiairs (Got a lot better at this but still needs work~)
- Everything else~

Any help much appreciated!

Also @Dime_x , there's the requested Eliza play. Not reposting this in that other thread. Take out of this what you will, maybe your AUS Elizas are much better than LJ?? I don't know
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Ok i finally have had time to check out this video kinda fully. First of all thanks for uploading it and being so quick about it, i appreciate that. Unfortunately i wont be able to do the same for awhile because I'm still stuck at work (in the middle of the desert) and cant get a solid connection for sg play.
having said that, woofly was the person i was hoping for when i asked for video of you playing against an Eliza.

Ok so i did happen to check out about 11 minutes of the video when you first put it on here. There isnt that much to be taken from those videos since the ratio is all out of wack. But things i did take from it at first glance:

Use a higher ratio to combat bad matchups or personally bad matchups.
You got opened up by woofly (he got first combo) like damn near 90% of the time. So... Me thinking in 3v3 terms... Your parasoul got stomped in those first games... Were it even ratio.
BUT...woofly had the power of the assist to help him out in his neutral... So as i said... Not much could be inferred from that. I DID notice that wooflys assist useage... As always, seemed strange to say the least. There were entire 15 second periods where he didnt call any assists.. And he also wiffed his assists that he did call...ALOT.
This seemed weird... VERY weird. Even weirder was the fact that when he wiffed his AA assist... He didnt follow it up for pressure... Thats strange because there is a dynamic event that happens after wiffing an updo/pillar assist/w/e that lasts about 30 frames or so (completely unscientific approximation), that makes it a VERY good place to attack... Because... The opponent isnt close to you since your assist just wiffed.

This of course isnt an end all be all strat to use everytime... But its just a generally from what ive seen, go to place to go in (and it has the byproduct of protecting the assist, which is its primary reason to be done anyways)

Its weird that he wasnt choosing to go in here since its actually one of the best times for Eliza to go in. She can just jump into instant j.hp then dash cancel it into another j.hp or j.lk. And speaking of dash canceling:

Today i just skipped forward to to your solo matches since they would tell me way way more about the matchup than skewed ratios ever will... And here you are beating him. And at first i was like..
Hmm... Whats going on... But then... It didnt take long... I realized that he isnt empty canceling at all... Like AT ALL. Eliza is an empty cancel beast. Jump back j.hp to cover your space, then empty cancel it on wiff into forward dash... Or jump forward j.hp and empty dash cancel it into jump back j.whatever Eliza's random ass wants to do. Shes got so many aerial options for movement that i was HIGHLY DISAPPOINTED 2chep want using them... It was as if he didnt know about their power, or he's been taught by you in previous matches not to do empty cancels... Idk. But its very suspicious of his Eliza being "new" because empty cancels to control space...is what Eliza does. It isnt a new concept either... Painwheel uses empty cancels to control space as well such as upback j.mp xx fly. Val does it with upback j.hk xx j.mp or j.hp...

And with both of these characters it isnt nearly as easily spammable as Eliza's versions. I could list all of the different options that my opponents use against me... But it would be a pretty long list, and very boring. Just suffice it to say that they control the skies with lots of variants of jump forward or back j.hp,j.mk,j.hk,j.lk canceled into airdash back or forward j.hp,j.mk,j.lk,j.mp

Eliza controls space midrange space incredibly well. It looks to me like woofly hasn't realized just how she does it, OR because of the laggy nature of au play... That i cant do something easy to Eliza that everyone else can... such as wiff punish her aerial shenanigans on reaction...but something is missing either way.

And last but not least, woofly seemed in your matches to be trying to use Eliza like shes filia. He was jumping backwards and then airdashing in, and doing dash jump into solo jump attacks and doing regular airdash into jump attacks. He seemed to be trying to get in all at once instead of relying on Eliza's ridiculous priority to move him into midrange and then to simply use that priority at midrange to suffocate the opponent. Eliza's most powerful position from what ive seen, is just inside her hp dp range or just out side her neutral jump j.hp range. Because at that distance she can preemptively stick out whatever variant of j.hp she wants, and then dash cancel it forward or backwards depending on what she wants to do.

In other words... Woofly seems to be playing way to "straight up" there. He imho needs to abuse Eliza's aerial movement options much more. Eliza is a ball of priority, whereas he seems to be using her like shes a mixup character first and a priority character...

Way back there somewhere.

I could be totally wrong and he may know exactly what he's doing and he may have reasons for not using Eliza that way against you. But as it looks to me its like someone telling me that x st character has a good matchup against og Sagat and then puts up a vid to prove it.. And they are playing against a good Sagat... But he doesnt throw many fireballs at all... Which is the entire thing that makes st Sagat good... I hope you know what i mean and i will try to get some matchups up as soon as possible in a few days time.
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I don't know if this counts since it is twitch and not mine,but I'm in a majority of it.

I stupidly mashed when I shouldn't have and did other dumb things. I can delete this post if it's unacceptable.
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I don't know if this counts since it is twitch and not mine,but I'm in a majority of it.

I stupidly mashed when I shouldn't have and did other dumb things. I can delete this post if it's unacceptable.
It'll be fine, but because the video is over 2.5 hours long you might want to include timestamps to one or two matches you particularly want help with.
OK then,here are some time stamps.I really messed up some things and got plenty of stray hits that I did not convert.I struggled with cerecopter and double j.hp pressure. I fought against Panda a lot and had the same problems fighting.
@2:31:05-no audio
I should
  • Learn how to convert with Ms.Fortune
  • Use the carry and corner combos with PW I've been learning
  • Learn more about converting with double
  • Stop flying and moving so awkwardly
  • Learn how to deal with lock down
  • Stop dropping
I usually have problems with crossups and crossunders. Gotta work on that.
OK then,here are some time stamps.I really messed up some things and got plenty of stray hits that I did not convert.I struggled with cerecopter and double j.hp pressure. I fought against Panda a lot and had the same problems fighting.
@2:31:05-no audio
I should
  • Learn how to convert with Ms.Fortune
  • Use the carry and corner combos with PW I've been learning
  • Learn more about converting with double
  • Stop flying and moving so awkwardly
  • Learn how to deal with lock down
  • Stop dropping

Starting at @88m30s I played a set with mastercj. He plays a similiarly designed team as yours and his painwheel completely destroyed me.
Starting at @88m30s I played a set with mastercj. He plays a similiarly designed team as yours and his painwheel completely destroyed me.
I will steal some of the stuff he does with his team and PW then. I should still learn more about each character on my team though. The two biggest things I learned are judgement and aggressiveness.
I usually have problems with crossups and crossunders. Gotta work on that.
I don't have too much to go off with your Valentine because you kinda went ham a lot, meaning you were either running train or your opponent countered you and was running train on you.

You seem afraid to back up, maybe it's because you only have one assist and it isn't vertical, but you were in with a chance that 2nd game if you slowed down.

When you do bypss xx scalpels, your opponent is at advantage, so you should prepare for the mixup instead of trying to reset pressure with a j.LK.

Nice use of counter super, you tend to use it a lot in general which I think stems from the fact you play a very aggressive Valentine.

I'm not sure what to say about your Bella, I didn't get to see much of Bella at neutral, I don't think there was a single j.MP used? titan knuckle either, I mostly saw jumping around throwing out j.HK and blocking, you seemed kind of lost with Bella in that matchup? I don't know if this is representative of your Bella in general so take it wit ha grain of salt, I'm just commenting on what I saw.

As for resets, well this is Skullgirls, I can't exactly tell you to "read better". You just need to try to avoid the same situation multiple times, noaa was mixing up pretty well so I don't think anyone would actually fault you for being opened up in those circumstances. It's just a side effect of playing an in your face Valentine, you need to read reset points I guess, you did that well against Fillia but not so well against Double I saw.].
This took forever to comment on vulpes's video because its super long. There should be a rule that your sets to comment on here should only be at most 30 min long or something.

General Notes that I could say about everything that happened:

1. Maybe Superjump more? I know I know, I superjump *all* the time like an idiot, that's fair. But I really think it's a solid option for Para for a lot of situations. I really felt my play got better when I noticed NCV/Noah using Superjump in neutral when I'd only ever seen other Paras use it from fullscreen with float. While I at least like to *think* I got better, it very certainly changed my approaches to neutral so if you are looking for the same it is worth considering.

2. Look over the set and compare what you do to zone, and compare it with Woofly's. I don't think you or anyone really needs to zone like he does, but it's good to at least realize what he's doing and why. Once you see that and know it, you can maybe adapt it to your own game when it fits or find your own spin on it that you like. If you are fine with your zoning and what it does for your play as is, then at least you are aware of the options that Parasoul gives you.

3. Just a general thought from a motivation angle, but to be honest, it doesn't look like you played all that badly? Like yeah you didn't win every single game and round and stuff, and you certainly made your fair share of mistakes, but there are a bunch of things you did right and you ended up with some very solid rounds when you made the correct reads. In those situations too, look over what you did so you know "This is what went right, so I need to know why this was right".

4. Please please please please please please PLEASE bait out and punish Napalm Pillar more. :'(

5. More so than anything, it felt to me like Woofly's Squiggly was the thing that was giving the most trouble in the set. It's worth considering to look at your approach to the Squiggly MU (which I guess we can do later or something if you want, but I just wanted to point it out).

I didn't really comment much during the Eliza section because there wasn't much to really say, considering the play that was going on it seemed that you did correct things that paid out. I also tried to avoid talking about resets and obvious drops and combos and stuff cause I suck at that stuff. Also bear in mind I have no idea what things were bad decisions or what things were mistaken inputs or lag issues, so I wrote most everything assuming it was a decision since that's all I have to go on here.


0:44 - The Bomb Jump into jHP. As an incoming it's okay I suppose, but you went for a jHP that crossed over and failed. Justa general execution note, but if you want to go for an jHP or any non-Spiral flare move after SJ/BJ then you have to go for the button slightly late so that it corrects sides as you cross over. Spiral flare, on the other hand, is best to do that move early. I literally mixup my inputs on spiral flare all the time in this scenario and it kind of sucks.

1:04 - Backthrow after Lshot loop. You probably already know this, but it's worth mentioning since it came up, but you have to be aware of that tear if you go for this. It didn't look like you were ready at all for a mixup here. I think you can combo after the tear if you use jLK there, but in general I try to stay away from throwing at this spot since it's tricky enough. Personally, I'd rather go for a combo after getting a reset instead of risking it on an immediate mixup, but if you are okay with this one I just say be more aware (also go for overhead, I've never hit anyone with a low in that mixup)

1:22 - doing stuff when triggered IPS/undizzy. When you got off the launcher, you could've gone for a throw there which generally works? I mean if you knew Woofly was gonna do that then fine, but you could've done something to mixup at least like a cHP or Pillar if they try to throw tech, instead he came falling down and you got hit low by the jLP.

3:32 - Against parasoul zoning with the detonated tears. Was gonna say something here but I honestly can't think of what to say, other than "Hey look at this and pay attention". I cna go over this bit in more detail later if you want but I think it's a good example of Woofly's zoning.

3:57 - This was a spacing issue. You came directly into his Dash-jump-jHP range, and only backed a little away for charge time it looked like. And you only did a Lshot which doens't cover much options at that spot. If you are in that spacing I think you need to consider different options. Dash in LP gives offense against them zoning you (and might catch them dashing in with cLK too maybe), dash jump jLK will beat out a jHP from them, dash jump jLP has a slight chance at beating their air options while also give you a little chance to hit them if they are dashing in grounded. At the very least, if you want to throw a fireball there, I'd reccomend a backdash first so that their jHP lands right in the fireball.

5:13 - You do these raw sweeps...unless you are going to egret cancel them sweep isn't the best raw option to go for. Were you expecting Eliza's boat? cMP beats that too and is a little easier to manage than sweep I feel. ::FAKE EDIT:: Okay, maybe you were going for that thing where cHK lowprofile dodges certain jump-ins? I still wouldn't advise it against eliza unless you had Napalm Pillar loaded.

6:04 - Dash in sweep. I see from the other seconds that you wanted to get in, but again I don't feel sweep is a good option at all here. Just do a jump in, if he reacted with singxxgrab then you can airtoss, if he does singxxSBO then you can just block. You could also maybe just do fHP to apply pressure if you are really scared of Sing and that close.

9:16 - Not a critique, but I really liked your chase down with Dash in LP here, even if technically Woofly could've super'd/DHC'd or something.

10:04 - You try punishing the SIlver cord with a dash in ground normal. Just do Dash in jump jHP

10:37 - In general for this section, I think you play well against his Parasoul and keep your spacing down, but I don't agree with the Napalm Trigger here. You had 2 tears close to each other compared to his 1, which were all right next to him. I think if you wanted to detonate them, it would've been a bettre bet to use an air button since you have a lot more coverage with your 2 tears versus his, or at least use cMP. A napalm trigger from that close is very risky with not a lot of good payoff IMO compared to you advancing in.

13:51 - In this section, you take advantage of Woofly's slow tear zoning setup and just go in, which is the right thing to do I think, but I think you need to be more on top of looking for the holes in Para's game and looking to level 3 it. You kind of try to do this later times in the set, but you look for the wrong thing or do it at the wrong timing.

14:09 - Almost the right spacing for Bike, but I think it was at the wrong time. Bike in general (even still after the buff) not the great except from the absolute max distance full screen away and more importantly when you have the zoning momentum on your side. Getting hit by the burst sets up the spacing, but it kills momentum. If you wanted to zone, H shot may have worked better.

16:23 - I know you know about this one already, but really, this was a really bad time to go for a throw reset. :(

17:48 - Patience is good sometimes, but this looked more like a deer caught in the headlights. Squiggly with charge and meter IS scary, but while you need to play carefully, you still need to *play*. Squiggly can easily catch you being too patient like here, and you have to establish that you will sometimes jump. Jump with an HP sometimes since that will catch either the squigs not doing anything or you can cancel into toss if it's a grave super, and sometimes empty jump since that will guard against an SBO.

18:07 - cHP? Maybe an accident, but if on purpose, you'd probably have to delay some more if you wanted to anti-air anyways. Funnily enough, at a lot of spacings where cHP works on Squiggly anti-airs, you can probably backdash-sLP as well since that can work as an anti-air in this MU too against divekicks. I mean, in the immediate next match, you get the cHP anti-air, but it's at a completely dfifferent spot in momentum from the matches.

20:25 - Jumping in with jLP I like, but you go for the cLK twice. I dunno if you already did this in the set, but mixing it up between throw and overhead too works pretty well a lot of times. ::FAKE EDIT:: Okay it looks like you did it occasionally, but it's still worth getting down and mentioning.

24:56 - this is just a thing you do a lot, but when you get full screen, and you don't want to go in, and it looks like you don't want to zone, you do that thing where you jump and do instant toss-lp/HP detonate. Were you trying to hit woofly attempting to tag in front of you? It didn't look like woofly tried that in the set from the video so far, so I don't think so. Point is, sometimes it's okay to do that because not everyone is out looking to punish fullscreen stuff, but a lot of characters can hit you trying that, and Woofly was just fishing to DHC eliza out here. If you are unsure at the moment of what to do, just down-back until you feel what to do. While Instant-detonating tears is certainly good, it really shouldn't be a time-waster if you get what I mean. If you do it, do it on purpose to catch them doing something, and not "just something to do cause idk what to do there". ::FAKE EDIT:: This works better against Fortune and Eliza, and I'll guess it cna work against Filia and maybe Val too, but its still worth keeping in mind in general to have a purpose for this

29:48 - This is the smartest thing of the whole set. While Woofly could've (and should've?) tried to use his level 3 throughout this segment, you bulldogged him into the corner, patiently waited until you had the right timing in zoning/counter-zoning, and caught his fireball with a dash in jHP. It's "basic", arguably, but it's classic and always good shit to see.

30:12 - Shoutouts to Roundstart Superjump jHK! o/

31:47 - Never Give Up(tm) at work. This was a pretty sick moment.

39:51 - Again, you do sweep in neutral, but here you cancel it into fireball? At least Napalm pillar would make sense since you had enough time to see him jump.

40:43 - I dunno why, but I just felt like this was the most defeating part of Woofly's zoning when he got you here. You get in once, but I feel like this section is worth examining and going over in specific to look at where your attempts to get through his Para zoning didn't work well.

43:46 - I know you already mentioned that you need better incoming mixups, but still.....bHK from that distance? You set up the tears too, so you should've guessed he'd already be blocking, and you weren't anywhere close to him. Unless it was lag? Which did happen right afterwards.

44:02 - You have the right idea with looking for level 3, but your timing isn't quite fast enough. If needed, you might want to practice reaction level 3-ing since its very handy.

44:16 - You were both almost dead, and he had a full rainbow of meter. I'm trying to avoid comments about resets in general, but you *had* to of expected him to mash out something. If you didn't alreayd do this, keep track of your opponents meter when you have them in a combo and are thinking about a reset, because it will help you be aware of their potential to reversal out and you need as much info as you can when you do a reset.

47:04 - Jump in Napalm Trigger? Was this an error?

49:38 - I'm not applying this to all of Woofly's play, but I'm going to talk about it here since it was a consistent thing in this round that you didn't know to deal with. He does a neutral thing to place a tear close to the ground, hits with cMP to detonate the tear xx Napalm shot, then tear toss, then starts to zone again with whatever coverage he wants/reads. During this round, he patterns this and while you get in a couple of times you don't "solve" it, so he just goes and keeps doing it. I'm not going to tell you how to "solve" this, but I'm pointing this out to you so that you can think about it. If you think about it, I'm sure you can come up with something to either bypass this or ignore it. This is what neutral is all about, seeing that thing that the opponent is keeping you out with and using your knowledge and tools to do something about it. Sometimes the answer is something that bypasses it completely, sometimes the answer is something that stays far away from the troubled spacing and ignores it. Sometimes the answer is easy like a Jump in jHP, sometimes its not. If you want me to go over this specific pattern more in detail I can, but I just wanted to highlight it so that it sticks out to you, since being able to highlight things like this is a part of getting better at neutral.

50:12 - This can apply for the whole section, but you really need to look at this section until here. Woofly has been mashing pillar out of your resets for the past...4 times? You need to see that he isn't respecting your resets and bait a pillar properly. If I'm a Parasoul, and I see that the opponent isn't punishing or baiting my pillars if I did 2 of them in a row, then I'm going to mash the shit out of pillar. This is classic ST "what do I do against the Ryu who keeps doing Jab SRK".

51:00 - If there was one round to look at and be like "Where is me Parasoul Neutral at Now in the Mirror match?", I'd look here. There are so many things that really tell a lot if you think about them. Ask yourself as the match progresses, "Why did I get Zoned out here?", "What did I do right here to get the hit?", "What mistakes did I make right here?" and you'll start thinking about the little details of your game. Once you start thinking about it, then hopefully you can begin to change things up or make better decisions. If you want me to go over this game in detail, just ask though it will probably be long.

54:07 - I might be wrong on this, but I've thought it over a while looking over at this set/knowing some of your play. You just kind of...throw out tears. In this specific instance, you keep throwing out H tears specifically and it doesn't pay off in general. If I had to give advice on this, think about it like this: Don't throw out tears, place them. Put tears where you think they will benefit area coverage, and think about where you put them, what you want to do with them or how you want to handle your zoning. As is, it looks like you "know" that tear toss is pretty good but are not actually sure how to use it. Just start out with simply placing them in different spots and switching up between each variation of toss since they all have their own area coverage and usage in terms of zoning/mobility/trap setups.

57:45 - This isn't the first time I've seen this, but it looks like you get hit by cMP in neutral, then freeze. If you need to, practice what to do against this move at close ranges since it looks like you are stumped by it.

58:54 - You probably already knew this, from before this occurance to after it, but in general I *really* don't like trying to counter Parasoul actions with sniper, especially when they have meter as well.

59:14 - I just want to point out that this was completely awesome.

1:02:30 - Also worth pointing out that you just took the last 2 rounds straight with very solid play. Not much to specifically go over in them, but its worth looking back on to see what reads/things you did right, and a little confidence boost can go a long way too.

1:06:46 - Not a critique but a comment: I agree with the idea that in the Eliza MU, cHP might actually be a solid button for AA-ing her.

1:08:03 - Eliza Neutral and MU knowledge still needs to developer obviously, but I think that the close distance you were firing a tear shot here was very dangerous for this reason. Eliza's boat is a real threat I think, and you were lucky that this didn't explode in your face, but in general I'd keep tear shots on the minimum in this Matchup unless from fullscreen. I say, treat it like a bella who knows how to reflect in terms of figuring out when it is safe or not to use Napalm Shots.

1:09:59 - Risky as hell, but paid off. One thing I like to do sometimes, that's similar, is bait with Napalm Pillar when I have them cornered, so if you did a super afterwards it'd probably autocorrect for you. Maybe worth considering? I dunno

1:11:40 - Great idea, just wrong execution. In general, I feel like with floating you need to plan your directions a head of time and go full on in if you want to go a direction, just in case you maybe didn't compensate enough for trying to control your float.

1:14:06 and 1:14:10 - Using cHPxxShot. Gets you blown up once, and you get the hit the other time. I just want to point out, that in general, I like doing cHPxx Napalm Pillar. Maybe that's crazy, I dunno, but I think throwing it as a variation of what to do after a whiffed cHP isn't a bad idea and has certainly helped me out in some situations.

1:14:54 - I just want to point out that this song is making me feel uncomfortable. >.>

1:29:38 - A lot of low blocking against Eliza in general. Perhaps it was just your read, but you got opened up quite a bit by the highs earlier, and in this moment you just stuck to low blocking which I don't feel was the right choice. High block or chicken block...idk, but unless you were fishing for a pillar I don't think it's safe when cornered against eliza to low block like that (even if her low range is scarier than filias/vals).

1:29:51 - This looks to be the only time it comes up, but I think it's worth mentioning: beware Eliza's sLP since it works pretty well as an anti-air against Para jump ins. Here you try detinating with jmk which generally works out, but jLP also works well to cover that I think and hits Eliza standing form point blank at least.

I hope there was at least 1 useful thing in there since it took a while to get through and write. Hope it helps!
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12:20 was really scary for me and I was surprised I even won (complete misunderstand the Band mirror martchup), please don't be too hard on me. Only played this for a couple of months.
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12:20 was really scary for me and I was surprised I even won (complete misunderstand the Band mirror martchup), please don't be too hard on me. Only played this for a couple of months.

I've not watched the entire thing but I did notice that at 0:50 when Valentine raw tags in, you got the punish which was great :) If possible you should aim to punish those situations with a heavy normal so that you get the bonus undizzy to do a more damaging combo.

There should be a rule that your sets to comment on here should only be at most 30 min long or something.

Agree absolutely.
Originally, I wasn't planning on making this a post (or thread originally), but then what transpired in this video happened:
So my question is: How could I have avoided this outcome.
Originally, I wasn't planning on making this a post (or thread originally), but then what transpired in this video happened:
So my question is: How could I have avoided this outcome.

Ok, I don't know how much you know about fighting games, so if anything doesn't make sense, ask.

Giving you specific advice from this very short video is difficult.

What I know for sure:

You mashed the whole round.
You had no idea when you had advantage or not.

You need to work on your basics right now, don't be so hasty to press buttons all the time, ESPECIALLY during opponent's combos/resets. You weren't even getting mixed up in that game, you were opened up with mids and lows the entire game, you need to calm down and just defend appropriately.

Big Band's ground pressure is abysmal outside staggered lights to keep frame advantage, he has no way of resetting pressure, just block one string and you are at + frames. When I say string, I mean string, don't push buttons the second you block anything, he can frame trap you if you try to mash in the middle of his strings. If you are really scared, you can pushblock him out and try to play from there, you have assists, he doesn't.

Really I'm not sure what else there is to say about this game in particular, you should ask any questions you have, people around here will be happy to help you.

Here's a fantastic thread if you haven't seen it yet: http://skullgirls.com/forums/index.php?threads/defense-in-skullgirls.3791/
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Basically my skill extends to ground combo's and partial air combo knowledge (no knowledge on resuming to the ground). My defensive/counter game seems fuzzy, especially with the newer characters. In hindsight I can't for the life of me tell why I didn't attempt pushblocking.

I'll look up the thread.
@IsaVulpes this is the first match. I'll continue to post more matches as they finish uploading. (Just mute the sound)

Mislabeled this one... Its the 3rd game:

I dont know how long it will take for vids 6,7,8 and 10 will take to be approved or whatever but ive uploaded all the matches.

I think i win in vids 4 and 5...

Anyone who wants to critique these feel free to.

Things im aware of:

In later matches i keep missing j.lp, j.hp, st.lk,st.mk,cr.hp, j.mp,j.hp,j.hk. At the j.hk cause my otg is already used. That alone cost me a few matches so i need to shore that up. But lag was a huge issue in these matches and much of the drops were because of lag... But thats whatever.

I dont generally play parasoul solo so my resets are really terrible later on. Basically going for nothing but launch throws and launch throw tech counterhits which i time terribly, and my other reset is just dash up throw or overhead combo.

I'm trying to gain space to engineer dash cr.lk, or dash j.hp into pressure or dash j.lp,j.hp as an AA but folks doesnt allow me to gain space easily. After all he has an airdash that moves forward whereas all parasoul has is a back dash and a back jump.

In the first match I'm getting hit all over the place and all my buttons are getting beaten 9 times out of 10 with the exception of the occasional jump back j.hp or or j.lp,j.hp and this is the "balanced" version of Eliza that has her full hurtboxes.

This matchup sucks for me... To much priority and to much ability to just go in on Eliza's part and her throws are dumb with also having an airdash and very viable low/throw/high mixups.

Also in the later matches it can be seen that i kinda cant do blocked confirms at all. Everytime i do one i just get pushblocked into hp dp confirm. So i start to just use tick throws. Which is dumb but thats where i was at.

Having said that, Eliza's on hit defense is weak so she can fall victims to resets pretty hardcore... But so do most characters.
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I have it... Dont have a clue how to use it... Need like an obs for dummies guide.
Originally, I wasn't planning on making this a post (or thread originally), but then what transpired in this video happened:
So my question is: How could I have avoided this outcome.

I'm nowhere near a professional, and even I know at 1:31, that raw tag in with Fukua put you in a *real* bad spot. I have a bad habit of doing it myself though. If you were able to block his moves, maybe you could've used an Alpha Counter/Stunt Double to switch in more safely. as you block him.

And for a Band player, that guy seemed to play a little aggresively, most Bands I've seen attempt to try and make you approach them, not the other way around like this guy did. I don't play Parasoul, but I think you coulda used Napalm Pillar at 1:22 when he jumped on you after the hard knockdown. At the beginning of the fight, you didn't anti-air him or take to the air yourself. Band's jump normals are pretty horrible in air to air situations since they don't hit well horizontally, except J.HK, which has a lot of lag when he lands on the ground and leaves him vulnerable. He also kept you in the corner for like the whole fight and you couldn't get out.

Lastly, at 2:01, he grabbed your switch-in with A-Train and you didn't block it. I guess he hid it well by taunting first, but I'd usually block while I switch in unless I see my opponent jumping at me, which they might be using an Air Throw.

But it's really hard to help when you've only got one match uploaded, not sure how all your other fights go out.

I've not watched the entire thing but I did notice that at 0:50 when Valentine raw tags in, you got the punish which was great :) If possible you should aim to punish those situations with a heavy normal so that you get the bonus undizzy to do a more damaging combo/

Okay that's great, thanks. But Can anyone else help me out with my video up there? I'm gonna need a little more guidance than that
I have it... Dont have a clue how to use it... Need like an obs for dummies guide.

I'm nowhere near a professional, and even I know at 1:31, that raw tag in with Fukua put you in a *real* bad spot. I have a bad habit of doing it myself though. If you were able to block his moves, maybe you could've used an Alpha Counter/Stunt Double to switch in more safely. as you block him.

And for a Band player, that guy seemed to play a little aggresively, most Bands I've seen attempt to try and make you approach them, not the other way around like this guy did. I don't play Parasoul, but I think you coulda used Napalm Pillar at 1:22 when he jumped on you after the hard knockdown. At the beginning of the fight, you didn't anti-air him or take to the air yourself. Band's jump normals are pretty horrible in air to air situations since they don't hit well horizontally, except J.HK, which has a lot of lag when he lands on the ground and leaves him vulnerable. He also kept you in the corner for like the whole fight and you couldn't get out.

Lastly, at 2:01, he grabbed your switch-in with A-Train and you didn't block it. I guess he hid it well by taunting first, but I'd usually block while I switch in unless I see my opponent jumping at me, which they might be using an Air Throw.

But it's really hard to help when you've only got one match uploaded, not sure how all your other fights go out.
Thanks for the input, i'll review the footage to see those points. I usually don't play ranked, they guys I usually play with I do well against.
I wanted to reply to Dime_X's videos forever, but I put it off for a while. First to comment on the comments you made:

In later matches i keep missing j.lp, j.hp, st.lk,st.mk,cr.hp, j.mp,j.hp,j.hk. At the j.hk cause my otg is already used. That alone cost me a few matches so i need to shore that up. But lag was a huge issue in these matches and much of the drops were because of lag... But thats whatever.

If you notice in the videos, it actually wasn't the combo starting off of jLP jHP, it was mostly the combos off of throws (there was 1 instance where you are right, but it was mostly throws). For whatever reason, conversions on Eliza off of throws can vary. The sLK sMK cHP conversion causes that weird effect that happened in the matches, so what you can do is just do sLK cHP or cLK cHP which are both more likely to work (though can still drop if your timing is off). Eliza is the one character where it's worth going into training mode to figure out how to convert off of your throws as Parasoul.

I'm trying to gain space to engineer dash cr.lk, or dash j.hp into pressure or dash j.lp,j.hp as an AA but folks doesnt allow me to gain space easily. After all he has an airdash that moves forward whereas all parasoul has is a back dash and a back jump.

One thing you should get used to is taking advantage of Parasoul's movement options, aka Playing with superjump float and superjump jHK some more. They are both fairly ghetto w/r/t every other character's movement, but you still have to use your character's tools.

Another avenue is, try zoning and being a little more patient. Sit back and see what they do since while Eliza's buttons are good, you can still counter with smart play. Predict when they are going for a jump (usually with a jMK), and you can catch them far with a jLK yourself or air grab if they are close. If they don't air approach, that's where Parasoul has some more/better options.

But for everything else, yeah, I don't think Parasoul has a good MU against Eliza at the moment, and I think it'll last as people start to get better with her.

Match 1: Not much to say about this one, but when you were in the corner you did raw forward jHP. In that situation, I probably would've been more defensive (like looking for a jump back HP or napalm pillar), but at least I would've just gone with jLP jHP there if going forward; it catches Eliza standing since she's tall and is a go to air to air obviously.

Match 2: early on you go for a stomp reset which I think you go for in another video as well. While I do think there is potential there in that reset, I don't think it's that solid or easy, so you should be looking to go into other resets. No Punish on Eliza DP. Nothing else much to say.

Match 3: Again, another time where you didn't punish Elzia DP but this time right in your face. You tried cMK, so maybe it was a cLK cMK where the first input was eaten. When you had the advantage after Eliza dropped in your combo, your pressure was once again stomp, which I can't say really is very good for pressure at all.

Match 4: You didn't punish his Lady of Slaughter near the end, which Parasoul can do with Dash throw.

Another note is that, even though you won, you landed pillars but didn't do super off of them. While it's good that you don't auto-pilot pillarxxbikes (like I do), you definitely had the opportunities to go into level 3, especially if you managed to get the hit with pillar. One of the reasons I prefer to cancel into super is just that it's *so* important in a lot of situations that you can drop it if you don't automatically do it due to pressure.

Match 5: Here is where the stomp reset worked, but really, it was the jHK that was the real reset. This is part of why I don't like going for this reset, since it's risky enough that the opponent couldn't also block the jHK after the stomp. Still, an overall good round.

Match 6: Honestly, I think this round was pretty solid, I just think you should've done more Napalm pillar, especially on wakeup. Like yeah, it can get baited, but you have to throw it out there and make safe with bikes sometimes, the ending there in particular would've worked with pillarxxbikes I'm sure.

For overall assessment goes, I don't think there's anything majorly obviously wrong other than: more pillar and specifically more pillarxxsuper, probably more use of jLK to combat Eliza and people sticking in the air, and as you noted yourself some different/better resets though you seemed to get the hang a little of using fLP.
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oh yeah, I did go through that stuff @Dime_x

match 1

0:26 round start is Eliza c.mk Parasoul jump back j.hp. This gives up corner, and keeps you in dp+hp range for a little bit. I don't know any good options vs Eliza at round start.

0:27 after blocking dp+hp neither of you had a big advantage, but you go for a j.hp again. I think j.lp to catch her early would be good instead.

0:30 I assume this was just too little time to charge for pillar, but you can charge while ground teching if you're planning for it.

0:31 somehow Eliza gets under you with c.lk and you're back in the corner? Coming down with j.hk or tear-toss and a normal would have let you start pressure here.

0:40 failed reset attempt; looks like heavy osiris leads to a pretty good air throw/hit mixup. Jumping up to meet eliza didn't seem to work out, maybe a dash under or an anti air normal would have done better

0:57 I think your best bet with just a sliver against sekhmet would be to try to back dash the hell out of there and hope to burn some of his meter. Even if you can punish on block he'd chip you out.

1:03 I might be wrong, but recalling sekhmet has some recovery doesn't it? You may have been able to just stick to the anchor and wait for him to recall then get a punish combo rather than rushing for grabs.

1:06 with Eliza backing up you have time to place some tears or try to catch her with a shot, you don't need to follow right away.

1:55 I don't agree with this low reset because you know he's looking for level 3 for the kill. Air resets would be safe imo

2:00 I'm assuming the drop was an attempt at the j.lp j.lk j.mp reset point but you were holding back. Ah well.

One thing I noticed overall was that Folks is using a lot of ground throws as you land, especially right after something confusing happens.

match 2

0:06 round start is Eliza c.hk Parasoul dash jump forward j.lp. I would have tried this too, but I think a napalm shot when you saw he'd let it ride away from dp range would be good.

0:10 I'm guessing you're avoiding fireballs because c.hk scares you, but don't forget about tear tosses.

0:12 I like how you didn't react to his j.mk until he used up his air dash

0:17 not sure what happened there, maybe another accidental j.b+lk since it's a habit to hold back when possible?

0:23 Folks likes MP sekhmet cancelled into recall and then ground throw, I think the air throw was a yomi thing. It was probably punishble if you were looking for it.

0:25 I think you missed an opportunity to own your optimal distance with neutral jump or back jump j.lp there. Once Eliza gets right above you it's really ambiguous to block and tough to pushblock out of.

0:40 Autopilot fireball. You could probably have reacted to the sweep animation but whiff cancel into dp is rough. I think air tear tosses are your best bet when she's on the ground at a distance.

0:50 This is annoying to try to punish when spaced like this. Hit the lab and figure out a reliable punish if there is one.

0:52 I have no idea about this forward dash, pre-emptive dash under?

1:14 questionable j.hp, I would have liked a j.b+lk here. I'm not sure why he didn't put you under pressure as you landed, you were a bit lucky you could continue yours.

1:37 asshole dp frametraps strike again. Another reason to look for an effective punish for that situation.

You did die with a ton of meter in the bank, parasoul lvl 3 is a big deal since you can basically force a shift in momentum, even more so than cat heads since it will blow through almost anything by itself.

match 3

0:07 round start is Eliza jump forward air throw Parasoul (neutral?) j.hp. My instinct after the first two matches said neutral jump block as an idea, but air throw yomi would beat that too.

0:13 adc j.lk j.mp land throw is a reset point that Folks abused a lot against me. Keep an eye out for it.

0:23 Ok, the first a-hole frametrap was legit, but that second one was probably just a slow punish on your part.

0:31 He switch to medium osiris but still failed that reset point I guess? You also responded the same way by jumping up to meet him.

0:44 Second time you've dropped that combo at that point I think.

0:46 c.hp or hp-hp might work in spots like this where you know he's whiffed something in range. Since the air dash goes up I think j.lp isn't so good for catching it.

0:54 my only suggestion would be level 3 here? I would totally have tried to punish with c.lk too.

match 4

0:06 round start is Eliza jump forward j.mk Parasoul empty jump back. The air dash follow on whiff is very similar to Valentine's j.hk opening. Still dunno how to deal with it though

0:08 questionable j.hp I think since you're not at frame advantage nor long range

0:20 second time that sequence happened with instant j.lp hitting grounded eliza but no follow up. Try j.mk or reacting with j.b+lk maybe.

note: confusing situation? Folks is quick to ground grab you

0:34 This looks like the combo either doesn't work without using otg on Eliza or you need to practice specific timing for her.

0:45 Whaaaaaaaat? Was that a meaty c.lk or something? it whiffed through invincible frames but recovered in time to block. wow. Should have lead to a punish though.

0:49 I'm guessing you felt that he could just do a well spaced dp to avoid being punished so you wanted to get up close and block. Other options would be to try empty jumping to shorten any blockstun from dp, bait level 3 or make the boat whiff under, or try dashing back to stay out of dp range and then run in at the last second?

match 9

that ending lol

match 5 and match 9 looked like you were more confident in neutral than the early games so I don't have much criticism.

The stuff to focus on imo:
-test round opening strategies so that he has something to fear, at the moment it seems in Eliza's favour
-track when you get level 3 and when Eliza gets level 3 because it's a big tool for both.
-practice your combo to avoid dropping Eliza when you don't have an otg to work with
-find reliable punishes for c.hk and dp
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sorry for the late reply guys :( anyways here goes and big thanks to both of you for commentating on my vids.

I wanted to reply to Dime_X's videos forever, but I put it off for a while. First to comment on the comments you made:

If you notice in the videos, it actually wasn't the combo starting off of jLP jHP, it was mostly the combos off of throws (there was 1 instance where you are right, but it was mostly throws). For whatever reason, conversions on Eliza off of throws can vary. The sLK sMK cHP conversion causes that weird effect that happened in the matches, so what you can do is just do sLK cHP or cLK cHP which are both more likely to work (though can still drop if your timing is off). Eliza is the one character where it's worth going into training mode to figure out how to convert off of your throws as Parasoul.

great catch there I wouldn't have noticed that had you not told me, so thanks :)

One thing you should get used to is taking advantage of Parasoul's movement options, aka Playing with superjump float and superjump jHK some more. They are both fairly ghetto w/r/t every other character's movement, but you still have to use your character's tools.

very very true. age showed me parasouls superjump float stuff over a year ago and I still haven't incorporated it... I need to get on that definitely cause I do think there is some good stuff going on there.

Another avenue is, try zoning and being a little more patient. Sit back and see what they do since while Eliza's buttons are good, you can still counter with smart play. Predict when they are going for a jump (usually with a jMK), and you can catch them far with a jLK yourself or air grab if they are close. If they don't air approach, that's where Parasoul has some more/better options.

again very right. but my problem is "how" to zone eliza. if I toss any kind of fireballs predictably she can just boat xx dp through them. ages solution of throwing mainly tears seems like a very good go though... especially if I can combine it superjump float stuff since I have trouble gaining horizontal distance on eliza, perhaps I can gain vertical distance on her. any way it goes I need to study players like woofly and vulpes tearshot keepaway game and start throwing it into my own. ive had great success lately with using it against filia but haven't played against eliza yet.

But for everything else, yeah, I don't think Parasoul has a good MU against Eliza at the moment, and I think it'll last as people start to get better with her.

yeah I don't know yet. I do know that if the parasoul uses the move selection that I use that its definitely an uphill battle. tears may change the matchup... or they may not.

Match 1: Not much to say about this one, but when you were in the corner you did raw forward jHP. In that situation, I probably would've been more defensive (like looking for a jump back HP or napalm pillar), but at least I would've just gone with jLP jHP there if going forward; it catches Eliza standing since she's tall and is a go to air to air obviously.

that was a spacial os of sorts. I knew what range eliza would be in... or at least thought I did. what I didn't know was what state she would be in (air or ground) so I used the button that is good against both but with less dividends. yeah I spaced it incorrectly and j.lp may have been a better go at that range but I would have risked whiffing it if eliza didn't jump... I just need to git gudder to not have to rely on those kinds of things.

Match 2: early on you go for a stomp reset which I think you go for in another video as well. While I do think there is potential there in that reset, I don't think it's that solid or easy, so you should be looking to go into other resets. No Punish on Eliza DP. Nothing else much to say.

very very true. I use stomp resets in my assist game and in my assist game they are near broken cause of the nature of the resets (opponent has to block high, then crossup and then has to endure a 50/50 if they guessed right, or I can stomp and then cancel into tear and do a non crossup and on block still get another mixup.

but solo... they are kind of wack and tbqh I was mostly using them cause of force of habit of playing teams. though there is the caveat that they are very safe in general and lead to pressure more often than not.

Match 3: Again, another time where you didn't punish Elzia DP but this time right in your face. You tried cMK, so maybe it was a cLK cMK where the first input was eaten. When you had the advantage after Eliza dropped in your combo, your pressure was once again stomp, which I can't say really is very good for pressure at all.

yeah, this was lag or my terrible timing, unfortunately. I don't punish anything with cr.mk. if it cam out without an assist attached to it as a reset it means my input got eaten or I misteimed my cr.lk early.

Match 4: You didn't punish his Lady of Slaughter near the end, which Parasoul can do with Dash throw.

good to know, it was the first time I had seen that move on block and wasn't sure how to proceed :(

Another note is that, even though you won, you landed pillars but didn't do super off of them. While it's good that you don't auto-pilot pillarxxbikes (like I do), you definitely had the opportunities to go into level 3, especially if you managed to get the hit with pillar. One of the reasons I prefer to cancel into super is just that it's *so* important in a lot of situations that you can drop it if you don't automatically do it due to pressure.

yes this is so true. my meter management leaves much to be desired. also my parasoul is usually my first character so I don't have meter dump strats with her. I don't autopilot pillar bikes because many/some of my opponents punish it easily on block (pushblock the pillar and land into combo etc etc) or make the pillar wiff and combo me. at which point ive just gotten punished and lost a meter to do it... a bad look and a game losing one at that. ive gotten used to doing pillar plus assist which gives me full combo on hit. of course I didn't have assists here but as I said I don't really play solo parasoul at all. still this is a very good observation especially about the level 3.

Match 5: Here is where the stomp reset worked, but really, it was the jHK that was the real reset. This is part of why I don't like going for this reset, since it's risky enough that the opponent couldn't also block the jHK after the stomp. Still, an overall good round.

that was just the non crossup version of the reset... he guessed wrong or panicked and tried to mash something out. not the best reset by any means but there are a lot of options off of it that I didn't use simply cause im used to using the much more powerful assisted version. the thing that ruly makes the reset suck is when the opponent starts to pushblock the stomp. at which point there is no mixup anymore... but If the opponent starts doing that that means they are guessing high blockand I dash in and cr.lk instead. the reset never got that far cause I was being bad and dying before getting a hit, mostly.

but don't take this to mean that im arguing the point. after watching this set and hearing your observations I went and took the time to learn the j.lp,jlk.jmp reset point especially for use against the heavies that make the other air string miss when the otg is used.
Match 6: Honestly, I think this round was pretty solid, I just think you should've done more Napalm pillar, especially on wakeup. Like yeah, it can get baited, but you have to throw it out there and make safe with bikes sometimes, the ending there in particular would've worked with pillarxxbikes I'm sure.

I totally agree with this observation as well. in game I agreed with it also, unfortunately lag and my bad reflexes made me misstime/not react fast enough to to pillar many things that I was trying to.

For overall assessment goes, I don't think there's anything majorly obviously wrong other than: more pillar and specifically more pillarxxsuper, probably more use of jLK to combat Eliza and people sticking in the air, and as you noted yourself some different/better resets though you seemed to get the hang a little of [use of j.lp?]

sorry I clipped the last couple of words off that paragraph on accident.

thank you for the kind words :) im not so happy with my play there though unfortunately. but I do now know some ways to start shoring up my obvious deficiencies. and yeah I had to adjust and start using flp as a reset tool (which I hate to do) but it was working so that's good.
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oh yeah, I did go through that stuff @Dime_x

match 1

0:26 round start is Eliza c.mk Parasoul jump back j.hp. This gives up corner, and keeps you in dp+hp range for a little bit. I don't know any good options vs Eliza at round start.

yeah, me neither unfortunately :(

0:27 after blocking dp+hp neither of you had a big advantage, but you go for a j.hp again. I think j.lp to catch her early would be good instead.

tough one to call. I was doing my flowchart land after blocking something and go offensive, strat cause theres no recovery on landing. I figured id get some pressure at least.

0:31 somehow Eliza gets under you with c.lk and you're back in the corner? Coming down with j.hk or tear-toss and a normal would have let you start pressure here.

yeah a confusing situation. it would have been a good move to do what you say, but its hard without practice so I need to lab that wiff up.

0:40 failed reset attempt; looks like heavy osiris leads to a pretty good air throw/hit mixup. Jumping up to meet eliza didn't seem to work out, maybe a dash under or an anti air normal would have done better

im terrible at defending against mixups :( I have to have that read in order to defend. my raw reactions aren't good enough. and whn I cornered by eliza I cant react to her iad stuff so I end up flowcharting up/back. I don't have anything better except guess correct or pillar :(

1:03 I might be wrong, but recalling sekhmet has some recovery doesn't it? You may have been able to just stick to the anchor and wait for him to recall then get a punish combo rather than rushing for grabs.

I will definitely have to try that :)

1:06 with Eliza backing up you have time to place some tears or try to catch her with a shot, you don't need to follow right away.

point definitely taken but I need to have some actual tear shot game in order to toss them effectively
1:55 I don't agree with this low reset because you know he's looking for level 3 for the kill. Air resets would be safe imo

I wasn't expecting level 3 there. folks has confidence against me so he never uses his resources defensively like that. if we were even oh say 5-5 in a first to 10... I would expect the reversal... but I knew from my earlier weak ass resets that he would be confident. and I knew he would probably block high/try to jump out from his defensive pattern.

you are correct though. were it someone else he may have been looking for level 3 there. against me though he tends to save them for last round kills

2:00 I'm assuming the drop was an attempt at the j.lp j.lk j.mp reset point but you were holding back. Ah well.

yep exactly, I wasn't used to using that as a reset point so my muscle memory for charging or something jumped in and fucked me up

One thing I noticed overall was that Folks is using a lot of ground throws as you land, especially right after something confusing happens.
yeah he mashes that throw... hard.

sigh my comp is getting slow and is taking like 30 seconds to write a sentence... I will have to finish this another time

match 2
0:06 round start is Eliza c.hk Parasoul dash jump forward j.lp. I would have tried this too, but I think a napalm shot when you saw he'd let it ride away from dp range would be good.

0:10 I'm guessing you're avoiding fireballs because c.hk scares you, but don't forget about tear tosses.

yeah I need to remember those tear tosses.

0:12 I like how you didn't react to his j.mk until he used up his air dash

0:17 not sure what happened there, maybe another accidental j.b+lk since it's a habit to hold back when possible?

honestly? I have no cluse what happened there either... just messed up execution im thinking
0:23 Folks likes MP sekhmet cancelled into recall and then ground throw, I think the air throw was a yomi thing. It was probably punishble if you were looking for it.

... yeah... you know me. im not super big on the whole cr.lp as soon as possible kind of thing. I try and think. its rather hard to punish wiffs like that when you are thinking and not just flowcharting jabs or shorts at every opportunity. but yeah you are correct, if id reacted quicker I could have punished that.

0:40 Autopilot fireball. You could probably have reacted to the sweep animation but whiff cancel into dp is rough. I think air tear tosses are your best bet when she's on the ground at a distance.

yeah totally autopilot but I telegraphed the hell out of it with jump back j.hp from a range where it couldn't reasonably come within a half screen of hitting anything.

0:50 This is annoying to try to punish when spaced like this. Hit the lab and figure out a reliable punish if there is one.

cant remember what kind of punish this was...a dp punish I think. I know there was a dp punish where I did cr.lk fromn crazy range away... I missed the dash input and only got a cr.lk
0:52 I have no idea about this forward dash, pre-emptive dash under?

iirc this was just a pushblock gone wrong. it happens later as well , but I backdashed.

1:37 asshole dp frametraps strike again. Another reason to look for an effective punish for that situation.

this is actually one of the primary problems I have with sg. I don't think moves should be "anytime cancellable" on block. it makes unsafe moves become inherent 50/50's on block when a dp is added onto them. which isn't a problem except that unsafe moves are balanced by being unsafe. meaning that they are VERY good moves. moves like this are filias sweep and elizas sweep. imho if the actives are gone you shouldn't be able to cancel. but that's just me I guess.

You did die with a ton of meter in the bank, parasoul lvl 3 is a big deal since you can basically force a shift in momentum, even more so than cat heads since it will blow through almost anything by itself.

yeah I definitely need to start making better use of my meter.

match 3

0:13 adc j.lk j.mp land throw is a reset point that Folks abused a lot against me. Keep an eye out for it

will do :)

0:23 Ok, the first a-hole frametrap was legit, but that second one was probably just a slow punish on your part.

yep, just me being a slow ass baddie.

0:31 He switch to medium osiris but still failed that reset point I guess? You also responded the same way by jumping up to meet him.

air attacks are the only place I know I have priority. doing cr.lk on the ground just gets iad over and me opened up. a good try that ive been trying to use more against filia and eliza is st.lp

wow man, such a good call. I would have never known that my j.lp got beaten cause of elizas height had you not mentioned it. now I have an actual use for where to throw in j.lk

match 4

0:49 I'm guessing you felt that he could just do a well spaced dp to avoid being punished so you wanted to get up close and block. Other options would be to try empty jumping to shorten any blockstun from dp, bait level 3 or make the boat whiff under, or try dashing back to stay out of dp range and then run in at the last second?

yeah. and I was EXTREMELY pissed off that the lag gods told me that I didn't dash block that boat :(

match 9

that ending lol

match 5 and match 9 looked like you were more confident in neutral than the early games so I don't have much criticism.

The stuff to focus on imo:
-test round opening strategies so that he has something to fear, at the moment it seems in Eliza's favour
-track when you get level 3 and when Eliza gets level 3 because it's a big tool for both.
-practice your combo to avoid dropping Eliza when you don't have an otg to work with
-find reliable punishes for c.hk and dp

other than raw unblockable super or an invincible move that has more invincibiltity than the frame trap invincible move, I don't think there is a reliable punish for sweeps. there is only 50/50s.
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Umm, judging versus CPU doesn't help much cause CPU is pretty wack. Is it at least on Nightmare? I don't think so, so if you're gonna play the computer it should at least be on that (even though it's still wack). Ideally you'd show us footage against someone else.

It doesn't look like you really have a solid Eliza combo down. I think stuff into cHP ->jump cancel-> jMPxxjHP -> air dash cancel -> jLKxxjMPxxjHP should at least be a simple enough restand combo that works on most characters that you can build off of from there, so try learning that series.

You never combo'd off of throws. When Eliza does a ground throw right in the corner, you can immediately combo starting with cMKxxcHP. Eliza can always convert off of air throws the same way. Eliza can convert off of ground throws midscreen, but its harder, I think what people will end up using is ground throw xx H DP jump cancel jMK xx Sekhmet H.

You don't really seem to have any Eliza approaches. On the ground, you can just dash in with cMK and go into whatever combo if it hit or blockstring if blocked. For air approach, us IAD jLK if they are close to you and jMK if they are farther away.

You should use the MK servant like hell. He's pretty stupid and you can get a lot of easy mileage off of him.

That's my Day 0 to Day 1 Eliza advice. :D
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Was not expecting that much to be wrong with my my Eliza. I opted for CPU (which were on normal) because I wanted to figure out the basic things before trying them on live opponents. Air combo's I know were for sure an issue I had.
It doesn't look like you really have a solid Eliza combo down. I think stuff into cHP ->jump cancel-> jMPxxjHP -> air dash cancel -> jLKxxjMPxxjHP should at least be a simple enough restand combo that works on most characters that you can build off of from there, so try learning that series.
I'll be sure to try that.
I can never seem to beat any of the trio teams leading with Valentine or Parasoul. If you need more videos, check the channel.

A couple of caveats:
1. My neutral game blows. I'm the slowest player in the world. My best reactions are about 4-6f. This is a health issue, there is not really any fixing this.
2. My combos are terrible. My hands can't do regular BnBs so I just end up making up my own garbage and wonky resets.

That said, I can mash or up-back like anyone else. I feel that I can generally beat people who consider themselves "intermediate", but going up to that next level feels like going up four or five tiers, it just seems totally impossible.

Does anyone have any advice for a basic-ass low-tech someone who's in a real slump lately? I'm still determined to level up.
Didn't know this thread existed, I posted this video in my training video but maybe I would get more opinions if I posted it here. It's one of my matches from NEC with post commentary.

Didn't know this thread existed, I posted this video in my training video but maybe I would get more opinions if I posted it here. It's one of my matches from NEC with post commentary.

Honestly I think your own analysis pretty much covered it, it is kind of hard to say anything else after what you said in the video.

Your opponent made a lot of bad judgement calls but your own were pretty solid, with just a few slip ups you identified yourself.

If anything, you could have probably gotten greedier with your zoning patterns because your opponent was realllly hesitant to call you out with brass.
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Hi got a few mates here in the uk to start playing Skullgirls. We play every Sunday at my event called Fate Of Four.
where fairly new but are looking to get better here are some matchs let us no what you think and any improvements we need.
Iam C4IQ (Beowulf and Squigly)
I keep forgetting this thread exists lmao. This is the latest match analysis video I did. I'm sure there's a lot of important things I didn't notice, because there always are, so please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to improve my gameplay.

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This i.

The only little tidbit i have to suggest is playing a slightly better ground game as double. You said this many times about getting her j.hp blocked and then jumping again with a button. You can stagger pressure with slow bomb + c.lk and then do whatever. Whether its another c.lk or j.hp fastfall.

I also dont see too many empty jumps when you jump forward. The idea is to mix up the tempo. If the opponent knows your "algorithm" then thats a very bad sign.

Unfortunately i can only watch half of 610man vs 159man but i'll message you or smthing
The only little tidbit i have to suggest is playing a slightly better ground game as double. You said this many times about getting her j.hp blocked and then jumping again with a button. You can stagger pressure with slow bomb + c.lk and then do whatever. Whether its another c.lk or j.hp fastfall.
gdi am I really still doing that? That's frustrating, not only have I not gotten better about it but I didn't even notice it when I rewatched this set. I'm gonna have to really make that a focus.

I also dont see too many empty jumps when you jump forward. The idea is to mix up the tempo. If the opponent knows your "algorithm" then thats a very bad sign.
Good idea.
There is no audio but it's just a simple match I played recently