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Evo 2015 salt


Sep 27, 2013
Reaction score
Squigly Double Ms. Fortune
Yuck. What a reveal. They didn't have room for Skullgirls, but they did have room for both Smash Bros wii U AND Smash Bros Melee.
They announced Wii U first and commented how awesome it will be to see new Wii U players vs classic Melee players. Then they announced Melee that killed all hype.
Announced a 9th game Tekken 7 to be played on cabinets. Then teased two more games just to say jk.
Booooooooooo. Thumbs down. I wanted to go this year also.
Were you really expecting Skullgirls to be a main game?
The Melee and T7 announcements did surprise me, though.
so T7 is playable via arcade cab only? I dont feel like the 2 smash games are excessive, they both play really differently and are differently paced
Well i know what I'm going to be doing instead of being at Evo this year.

chunny-ts-yawn.gif sleep
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so T7 is playable via arcade cab only? I dont feel like the 2 smash games are excessive, they both play really differently and are differently paced
Namco will accommodate pad players, too.

As for SG at EVO, you guys can, you know, talk to Markman and see if he and Mad Catz has a spot for SG.
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evo is for nerds anyways
We'll see what Markman does with the side stage this year. He said that he would give stage time to Ultimax if it was given the shaft, so it's clear he's running a side stage. He also said that he would put more of an effort to support the SG community in the future, so that may mean we get guaranteed stream time. And enforce it this time. I guess it wouldn't hurt to remind him?

At first I thought that including Ultimax instead of UNIEL was a hugely unusual decision, but then it occurred to me: with the direction that EVO is going, I think they're trying to cater to the larger gaming community as a whole and not necessarily to just the most hardcore of hardcore fighting gamers. Lots of people LOVE the Persona universe and mythos. Myself included. On the other hand not that many people have heard of Blazblue or UNIEL. So P4AU would be the more appealing game to run, even if it's not as good as UNIEL.
Can't be mad at any other games because we didn't get main-game status. But our side tournament looks like it'll have MarkMan involved? Sounded like side games can get top8 streamed? Maybe we'll get the keep that promise to make it up to SG in some way from last year (unless he's already done so somewhere I don't remember)?
Did they ever have two games of a same series on main stage in a single year? Like did they have SF3 and SF4 on stage at a time?
I didn't expect Skullgirls to be a headliner, but I wanted some kind of presence. EVO gets lots of attention and it would be nice for Skullgirls to get some of that spotlight.

Did they ever have two games of a same series on main stage in a single year? Like did they have SF3 and SF4 on stage at a time?

Yeah, technically (they were scheduled, but I don't know how prominent each were), 2003-2008 had Street Fighter II and III. 2009 had Street Fighter IV, III, and II.

I dont feel like the 2 smash games are excessive, they both play really differently and are differently paced

To my ignorant eye (haven't played Smash in years), they boil down to the same sumo (push-'em-out-of-the-circle) gameplay to a spectator.
Er, okay then. At least MarkMan's willing to put the effort where the main stage didn't.
I'm actually surprised that they put two non-Mahvel airdashers in. Thought that they would go the traditional "Capcom is God, ASW is sin" route and only give Xrd the go-ahead. One question, though: Why are they going to have not one, but two games that will only have been playable for a month or two before showing up on the main stage (one of which will still be stuck in arcades by then)? They're asking for another Injustice incident! Besides, they're setting themselves up for complete failure to launch on Tekken 7, because I think it'll be very likely that the majority of T7 players will be Americans who won't have played the new game and gotten to grips with its changes, which will lead to anti-hype matches all around. The twin Smash games also confuses me, because while there have been several changes made between Melee and Kerfluffle, most non-tourney people aren't gonna know what makes them different competitively, so they'll be more likely to only take a look at one of them and the flip the bird to the other because they think that Kerfluffle is a graphically enhanced version of Melee. And Mahvel 3? Really? That game is dying due to lack of new things being created and everyone focusing on the same TAC infinites. The only reason I can think of that that's still on the main stage is because for some stupid reason, Mahvel equals money.
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We can support both CB and Evo. There is no reason we can't be the biggest side game again, and have the same hype as hell presence on the floor.
He also said that he would put more of an effort to support the SG community in the future, so that may mean we get guaranteed stream time. And enforce it this time. I guess it wouldn't hurt to remind him?

Whelp, it looks like we didn't need to remind him. It looks like he's the one reminding us.

Makes me feel REALLY bad that I probably won't be able to make EVO this year...
I really don't see the point of having two Smash games in the MAIN Evo lineup....it just don't sit well with me :\
I see the point of two smash games. They're very different animals, and new tech is being discovered that I think will make Smash Wii U interesting enough to watch. As for Skullgirls, I figured we all knew that ship had sailed for the main stage. I thought we were just going to plan to make it a the biggest side tournament and make sure that we enforce our stream time this year.

I'll try to get my finances up so I can make it this year.
The communities for Smash 4 and Melee overlap but not as much as you would think.
Smash 4 at Apex this year is going to be pretty big....but Melee manages to still be a lot bigger. It would seem like that means that Evo should only want melee but actually that could lead to a large amount of people not showing up. The reason for this is that the a lot of the community for Smash 4 comes from Brawl and from new players, which means they have no real ability to play Melee. Melee has a lot important, high execution techniques that are not present in the rest of the series. This combined with the fact that a lot of melee players don't care as much about Smash 4 makes the communities for the two games very unique.
Melee attracts 1000 entrants
Smash 4 seems to have a big number of entrants too

Both deserve it more than MK10 which isnt even existant til 2 months before lol.

Tekken 7 is shocking but its like the vf side event but not called a side event
No KOF is disappointing, though not entirely unexpected.
Tekken 7 on cabinets seems a bit extreme, but also very hype.
P4AU is a bit disappointing, but I can deal with it.
Xrd will probably be cool, but it's newness may be a big detriment, we'll see.
Melee 3rd year in a row, kinda shocking. With Apex being kill, I'll still be able to get my Melee fix, which is nice.
KI wasn't that big of a shock, though MKX is a bit surprising.
As someone who loves Skullgirls and UNIEL, Skullgirls and UNIEL was never going to happen.
Kinda worried to see how they handle Smash U, considering the last time EVO had a brand new Smash game, the community killed itself, hoping it won't come to that again.
Overall, I'm going to wait for the event; a lot of these things could go either way.
Very excited and can't wait to go again :)
This year's lineup is disappointing for all sorts of reasons.

At least Markman is pulling through early, hope this year's side stream is Skullgirls instead of Tekken players who don't know how to count to 13
This might be the most boring Evo lineup. Luckily I want to attend, not watch from home.
While I think smash 4 should be on the list I'm angry that melee is in the lineup because people would complain that it's not on the floor. But why is tekken 7 is on the floor it hasn't even come out on consoles let alone the west.
Markman's already offering SG a hand on twitter.

Take him up on that.
so much Melee hate in here. It will most likely be the 2nd biggest turnout, just watch.

Personally it is MKX and Persona (why not UNIEL????) that shock me. KI did a bit too, but I think that is bigger in the US than here by a long way.

Skullgirls was never going to be a main stage game, not after the first 2 years. It really sucks, but it seems this is the way EVO is running these days.

2 anime is so strange. I'm mad it isn't UNIEL though, is Persona like, actually big over there or something?
It is kinda a joke here.
how on earth does mkx actually surprise people? it usually tends to be the case that evo always adds a NRS game to the lineup and by the time evo rolls around injustice is going to be dead so it only makes sense to add mkx instead. as for 2 smash games they're both going to have huge numbers especially melee and i wouldn't be surprised if smash 4 gets more entrants than marvel 3. you really can't exclude one or the other. i am shocked that ultimax and tekken 7 are in, and i'm surprised that there's 9 games. i'm definitely hype for evo though and i'm definitely looking forward to the skullgirls side tournament
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Why is this disappointing? I was expecting only one ASW game on stage. Smash 4 is going to be an absolute snoozefest but I knew it was going to be in, nintendo money bruh. Sponsors don't care about established games, they want to sell product, of course mkx and tekken 7 are going to be there. The only games that are immune are the ones that pull viewers by themselves, ie marvel and melee.
MKX is the game I'm most excited for this EVO.