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General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

I hope this isn't a bad time to be posting Squigly, I finished this recently:

You're right guys, I'm sorry. I don't want to fight anymore. I'll admit that Squigly is 14 and a corpse and dead and gross and has a hole in her back and etc. There's no getting anything past you, it seems. :/

Please accept this as my condolences.






squigly's big booty.png




what Squigly does to her h8rs:


btw condolences always means "Squigly butt", hope you enjoy them ;)
You're right guys, I'm sorry. I don't want to fight anymore. I'll admit that Squigly is 14 and a corpse and dead and gross and has a hole in her back and etc. There's no getting anything past you, it seems. :/

Please accept this as my condolences.
View attachment 7791

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View attachment 7788

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what Squigly does to her h8rs:
View attachment 7789

btw condolences always means "Squigly butt", hope you enjoy them ;)
Well,if I didn't know any better,I'd say these weren't condolences at all,and just a bunch of corpse butt porn to spite us all.
But you'd never do that,right?This is some sort of mistake,I'd assume?
I just compared the variety and type of art on page 1 of this thread to page 17, and I'm saddened.

Petition to have a few posts that are not fap material of any character. Plz.
Well,if I didn't know any better,I'd say these weren't condolences at all,and just a bunch of corpse butt porn to spite us all.
But you'd never do that,right?This is some sort of mistake,I'd assume?
You know me better than that, don'tcha? ;)
I just compared the variety and type of art on page 1 of this thread to page 17, and I'm saddened.

Petition to have a few posts that are not fap material of any character. Plz.
I second this motion.What has happened here is awful,but as rational Skullfans and Skullplayers,we could get through this.#SkullHearticaUnite#AHouseDividedCannotStand
You know me better than that, don'tcha? ;)
Know you?This is the internet,for all I know you could be at home,being a family man,or training to beat Sheng Long.
As an idiot,I cannot get that link to work on my Vita,so you'll have to Copy/paste it.It's the source.
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Don't even pretend "underage" is a thing people care about in here. Not a SINGLE word of protest is said by anyone when Filia's butt gets posted.

Hey man, I care SUPER hard. Also 16-17 is of age in a lot of parts in the word, including parts of the US. That said, I DO have a policy on drawing porn of girls under 18. Ask Zen!
Forgot to mention: to the people who constantly complain about her hand/hole/whatever not being present, where were your complaints when it was missing in the game during Eliza's story? If the actual game's art can get away with something like that, fanart has free reign to do whatever it wants, dammit!

Anyway, enough negativity, here's some Squigly to lighten the mood:

look at dat smooth back~
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Can we have a separate art thread for Squigly (or maybe just post them on the Squigly Appreciation Thread)?
Unless I'm the only one here who legitimately enjoys actually looking through aesthetically pleasing art rather than an entire page of Squigly booty and at least two disgusted mutterings of the word "underage"?
I had/have no intention to make this a "Squigly booty thread". It's just that some people can't leave well enough alone, but I'm sure they'll let me know if they want more.
I had/have no intention to make this a "Squigly booty thread". It's just that some people can't leave well enough alone, but I'm sure they'll let me know if they want more.

I am okay with ecchi art. Don't know why people are so upset.

It may be there is an excess of sexy products while there is market for cool, moe, funny, post-modern, dramatic, action, etc. I also like those and I would be disappointed if one would vanish. Although, it is kind of jerkery to ask an artist to draw something he doesn't want to for free.

As for holes and skeletal hands, well now I want to see them. It may be more of a challenge, still I don't think Squigly loses smexy for having them.
I just compared the variety and type of art on page 1 of this thread to page 17, and I'm saddened.

Petition to have a few posts that are not fap material of any character. Plz.
You have been heard. Last time I complained about that kind of thing, I was gratified with 2 weeks of panty shots. But this time I got ammo to counter. Surprisingly enough, deviantart presented more interesting art lately :
(warning, big spoiler)
(All art certified no-fap-zone)

WOW, even PIXIV got no-fap material now!

You're welcome.
It's weird- Squigly is young, but I feel her butt is old and overplayed.

Can we get some more Eliza? Sexy and she knows it!

Question: What's the status on Cerebella? On the one hand, kinda young-ish, but on the other, I get a sort of almost burlesque vibe from the character. Weird.
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Question: What's the status on Cerebella? On the one hand, kinda young-ish, but on the other, I get a sort of almost burlesque vibe from the character. Weird.
Bella is 18. So at least you can do what you want. Though the way to get the most respect is to do art that respect her visual AND manage to make people look at something else than her boobs or pants.
Bella is 18. So at least you can do what you want. Though the way to get the most respect is to do art that respect her visual AND manage to make people look at something else than her boobs or pants.

Fair, and thanks for the input. As for respecting the visuals, I'm lucky if I can do stick-figures, so nothing to worry about from me there. Well, except for really lousy stick figures. Which, to artists of talent and dedication, I guess could be disturbing and offensive. I do appreciate what other people do, though! It's a great aesthetic and I'm glad to see all the cool things other people've made.
To put things in perspective, Squigly is barely a year older than Peacock.
I really don't know how to make it more clear.

Okay, but there is a thing called dissonance.

Let's say you are attracted to Dizzy (Guilty Gear). She is hot, gentle, awesome. Then SUDDENLY police: "HA! She is a 3 year old! You are the most disgusting kind of pedo!"

As you see her ID a part of you despair while other part of your brain goes "Say what? Look at her! This is cheating bullshit"

A lot of young characters in fiction present this dissonance. Writer says: "age this" and from our own RL experiences we subconsciouly answer "no". Dizzy is 3, May is 20.

Applicable to Squigly. I have two sisters that are 14 turning to 15. Squigly looks, sounds and thinks MUCH more mature than then.

Also there is the question of ficctional dissonance that is exagerated because of the cartoonish art.

Seeing a cat suffer it is cringing and tear inducing. Now, a cartoon cat like Tom? Hilarious, because of the visual disconection and also because cartoon characters are not just cats, dogs or etc. Fictional children and teens are not like real ones, specially in cartoonish and fictional media.

This is why we can also play a genocidal, murdering, rapist woman (Eliza) and be repeled by those same kinds of acts in reality. Or any other character who goes randomly beating people (including Squigly, an underage minor, you monster). The fictional wall makes it a safe place to indulge in those fantasies. I have played muder simulators but so far I dared not to see the Isis execution's.
User warned for being a jerk and purposely antagonising others.
I love mentioning Squigly's age because I know that some nerds are going to go off on me and defend Rule 34 of her.
It lets me know that this is a person I should avoid.
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Yes, let's look at some art. And more Fortune!

Here's a funny/cute failed gift exchange between the DLC characters from this recent Xmas season:
Skullgirls Encore Cast Christmas Gift Handout by ITZ-M3-DAVE

And another piece from a Skullgirls fan art favorite featuring two characters currently in development:
SG waiting room by emlan

Finally, a costume swap for Valentine and Ms. Fortune:
A Trip to the Vet by EpicTones

Forgot to mention: to the people who constantly complain about her hand/hole/whatever not being present, where were your complaints when it was missing in the game during Eliza's story? If the actual game's art can get away with something like that, fanart has free reign to do whatever it wants, dammit!
Buuuuuut, they admitted it was a mistake and then fixed it.
I got some fan art. The idea is that the skullgirls charcters are normal people at the same high school.
SkullGirls High Drama Club Practice

Sienna Contiello and Levi A. Tan practicing for the upcoming musical play Romero and Juliet. A love story about a Zombie and a human. Love after death is eternal. Sienna is a 15 year old freshman and Levi is a 17 year old Senior. I may put them in full costume later.
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SkullGirls High Parasoul's Debate Club


Class President Parasoul Renoir taking charge and choosing her debate club vice president. Everybody wants that job but Adam is the only logical choice. Parasoul is a 17 year old senior class president and president of the debate club.

SkullGirls High Day Dream 1 Parasouls Debate Club


Hey! Pay attention! Stop Day Dreaming!!
How much further did you want this to go perv...
If you have seen and like the Mean Girls movie the Valentine picture I'm working on may appeal to you.
I love mentioning Squigly's age because I know that some nerds are going to go off on me and defend Rule 34 of her.
It lets me know that this is a person I should avoid.
But again, why don't you ever complain about Filia 34 being posted? It lets ME know that you're either trying to be an asshole or you're just a gigantic hypocrite.

God, Squigly gets so much disproportional hate. Just why.
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You will get the love for your girl that you are looking for in the Squigly thread, designed for Squigly!
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I still don't like Filia porn either, but I don't mention it because otherwise I'd be arguing with people like you constantly. Honestly this thread needs stricter rules on what can and can't be posted because things are getting very gross lately.
I love mentioning Squigly's age because I know that some nerds are going to go off on me and defend Rule 34 of her.
It lets me know that this is a person I should avoid.
You say that like 14 isn't legal, though


That being said, I'm pretty sure we have some rules on pornography. If you're going to post something lewd, please mark it with NSFW and spoiler it, if you're going to post straight up porn, you should probably PM it or not post it.

I personally don't mind it but let's see where this goes. I'm going to change the title thread to say "Potentially NSFW" for now.

Also fuck your favorite character(s), they're not as cool as my favorite character(s) and for that we're not friendos
Also fuck your favorite character(s), they're not as cool as my favorite character(s) and for that we're not friendos

Isn't that the whole debate right there? :PUN: