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Everybody loves hates me but im still here
Maybe it's better to be a nobody.

Hiding in the shadows. Hiding from butthurt.
Ninja get your butt back in here
No reason to jump ship, mate

Exit's over that way.

...whoever you are...
But.. I made you a santa hat :(.
Like you did for everyone else on here
I'm like 200% sure that way more people hate me than Ninja.
There's no reason for him to be acting like this.
I came in here to cosign this

Ninja pls, take your Ls and use it to motivate yourself. Unless you have some anxiety, you really are taking this too hard.
So I'm confused are you quitting because you lost on a stream? So?! Everyone loses it's no reason to quit. Heck he's probably not even going to see this
I dont think the reason he left was cause he lost. But thats for him to confirm and would be kinda gr8 if people would stop wasting time with their limited time of day to talk in a thread like this.
I'm like 200% sure that way more people hate me than Ninja.
There's no reason for him to be acting like this.
Gotta confirm
He updated the first post.

Good luck with your journey. At the end of the day, remember you gotta love your self.
sorry guys. I've been dealing with alot of pressure since August. alot crap has happened to me over those months and i've been getting down on myself. I didn't mean to do this, but you guys became the straw on the camel's back. and for all of you guys i met at NEC, i sacrificed something kinda important to go and have fun, and i realized when i got there it was a bad and that i was stuck, that i actually didn't enjoy myself. I'm sorry but i have to turn down my visits to this place and to the game in general, maybe after i get life in order i can feel a little better and come back here and be a better community member.
Hey, if you think we're stressing you out. It's fine if you want to go, can't blame you for thinking you need less going on. I wish you the best of luck with your situations and personal problems.
Let me be the one to say depression is something that's difficult to deal with and I too have depression, manic may I add. Clearing your head maybe what you need to do, but being alone with your own thoughts for too long can be dangerous. As far as I knew, you were one of the popular ones around these parts by your definition I'm the one whose just kinda around. I wish the best for you and I hope you find that happy place
I am not upset about my lost to Yaya. I accept it, i lost yaya won. No the reason as to why i am distancing myself from this community is that I always get the feeling that i'm just there. That despite people say they like me that i'm cool or uncool i still feel like a nobody.

Come on Ninja! Who even knows who Medici Mob Boss is? I'm not the Annie Guy, or the Beowulf Guy, the famous troll, the guy with the creepy homeless man avatar, I'm not known for my voice work, my gaming skills, my art, my palettes...
What I'm saying is, some people have made some meaningful relationships on this forum, most have not. Most of us get to talk about a shared interest, check out fan palettes and fan art or try and stay up to date with the latest news on unreleased content.
I understand the sentiment of wanting to dedicate some time away from the forum, I only joined myself about a year ago, so I had something to do while I dealt with my newly formed Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. And I still come here mostly just to pass some time when my thoughts get racey and I get impatient about recovery.
Don't feel unwelcome here, recognize this forum for what it is. If you have some personal matters that need your attention, it is so normal to take time off from hobbies during such times.
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but being alone with your own thoughts for too long can be dangerous. As far as I knew, you were one of the popular ones around these parts by your definition I'm the one whose just kinda around.

wow... yeah i kinda spent most of my time in my room. i do not go out often. i think i should schedule walks or something. and i'm not known really well in the real world. it's been that way for a long time, hence my name, Ninja. one who can hide in plain sight.
Not to double post, but if he is dealing with depression no one is really helping the coping process and it may seem like nothing, or over something small, but people handle situations differently

@Ninja yeah try getting some fresh, if you have the money try doing something you've never done. I love Skullgirls but last year when I was about to go to Evo, I realized I didn't have the time nor do I log hours like most people who git gud at fighting games (not saying everyone else doesn't have lives). Like I said I understand depression and I was a ghost in the real world until I got tired of it and made sure everyone I came across remembered my name. To think I almost ignored this thread, something told me to check it out (mainly cause I saw you were the poster)
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I'm sorry but i have to turn down my visits to this place and to the game in general, maybe after i get life in order i can feel a little better and come back here and be a better community member.
Protip: lurk

wow... yeah i kinda spent most of my time in my room. i do not go out often. i think i should schedule walks or something. and i'm not known really well in the real world. it's been that way for a long time, hence my name, Ninja. one who can hide in plain sight.
Go find something to volunteer at.
A bit unclear from the posts, but are you actually experiencing depression (as in, the clinical, circumstance independent kind) or are you just going through a harsh time in your life and have a lot of stress built up?

If the latter, I would think distancing yourself from a form of escapism (a video game) would only make things worse. But if it is causing you stress than perhaps taking a break and focusing on something else couldn't hurt. It's up to you.

On the same note I wouldn't worry too much about the sense of being "nobody" in a community. True friendship and bonds are a rare thing in this world. Whether its an online community or a "real life" one, you can't expect to find more than a few people in this world to truly cherish, or be cherished by.
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I suggest to take short, frequent pauses from what is bothering you. Like, three days of pause and two of activity, something like that. I do so with the internet, it works for me.
Take a walk, see what you can find in your city, read a book. Take care of yourself, Nin. Wish ya the best.
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No the reason as to why i am distancing myself from this community is that I always get the feeling that i'm just there. That despite people say they like me that i'm cool or uncool i still feel like a nobody.

You're probably not going to read this but fuck it.

You are a nobody. 90% of the people that play SG are nobody, and to the rest of the fgc, 100% of them are nobody.
And that's fine. Just enjoy the game for what it is, and stop worrying so much about other people.

I have to say though, if you really wanted recognition, you would've done something about it by now instead of expecting it to come to you without any kind of effort.
While not always, you would be surprised how often depression is a consequence of inactivity or not enough direct sunlight on the skin.

I get depressed when i sit in the house to much, even though i much prefer being indoors.

I start to get depressive after anywhere from 3-10 days of being inside with few to no adventures outside in the daylight.
Luckily for me, my dayjob forces me to be in the sun 12 hours a day, and when im working i NEVER get depressed.

Im no doctor so take this with a huge grain of salt, but depression in many forms is a consequence of inactivity and to much leisure time in the form of non physical activity.

Not all depression can be "cured" by being more active, but you would do yourself a good favor by getting out there being active and talking to people. Talk to rote nerds if you need to.

And i believe that if this forum is one of the only places you actually talk to people then its a mistake to leave it. I think you should become even more active... Perhaps in the lore or offtopic forums where people tend to make friends a bit more rather than in gameplay general where everyone is like a wolf on the prowl.

But yeah, if you look at people, even though there is no direct 1-1 correlation, very busy/active people tend to be at least outwardly depressed alot less... Its simple why as well.... They just dont have time for it.

Like myself when im busy... Im never depressed. Im only ever really depressed when im lazing around on the couch or in bed playing games or watching to many movies/tv.

My $.02
While not always, you would be surprised how often depression is a consequence of inactivity or not enough direct sunlight on the skin.

I get depressed when i sit in the house to much, even though i much prefer being indoors.

As a home schooled individual who has spent 99% of my life indoors, I can at least chip in that this must be different for different people, as I've never been depressed.

Okay, wow. Think I now know why he wanted to leave.

Was that directed at Duckator? What he said was perfectly logical and reasonable. This is the internet, populated by millions. You can't expect every single person to treat you like family or some sort of celebrity. It's just impossible.
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While not always, you would be surprised how often depression is a consequence of inactivity or not enough direct sunlight on the skin.
This is actually scientifically proven in most all individuals.

Lack of sunlight leads to a lack of Vitamin D, you can take Vitamin D supplements, but they will have a very hard time absorbing into your body without proper amounts of sunlight.

Lack of Physical Activity leads to stagnation, which is a form of boredom that will lead to depression.

Lack of Sunlight
Lack of Physical Activity
If you have depression talk to a qualified professional about it. Don't listen to posts on the Internet. (Except this one)
This is a good way to get addicted to anti-depressant pills you never needed.

If you do see someone, say no to any medication.
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uhmmm... i would like it if i could trust both... i think?

look for right now i'm going to try to go out of my way to do other stuff and be a little bit more active. If i am still feeling like complete crap after a month or two, then i will consult a doctor.
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Who are you gonna believe, a dude with a medical degree or a shithead with 6 posts and a Fortune head avatar

I posted the wrong one

My medical degree
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