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General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

Also its taking longer than I want it to. (Thats really the main reason I'm not posting it... cause its not done.)
I love you

This post has been edited by a moderator for quoting inappropriate content.
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You can, you just have to put it in spoilers as a link.
Be careful not to upset the babies.

Please consider this baby upset.

Forum rules - http://skullgirls.com/forums/index.php?threads/art-forum-rules-updated-10-feb-2015.106/
  • Posting of NSFW images is allowed but they MUST be hidden in spoilers and marked as Not Safe For Work (NSFW)
  • Outright porn is still banned.
Please be considerate with your posting of Not Safe For Work art anywhere on the site. Before you post anything, consider if you'd be happy if your boss, teacher, parent, etc saw your screen. If you think they might disapprove, hide it behind a Spoiler Tag and clearly mark it as NSFW.

Outright pornography or excessive mutilation and gore cannot be posted here. You're free to link to places off site, but mark them as NSFW and explain the severity of what the viewer is about to see.
Full frontal nudity falls squarely into the realm of porn and it cannot be hidden behind spoiler tags. The offending posts have been edited, including posts where that image was quoted, which you are also not supposed to be doing.

And please stop arguing over which cartoon corpse is less creepy to post sexy art of. It just makes everyone involved look like idiots.
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Alright my bad, won't happen again.
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If outright porn is banned then may we also have a policy against suggestive art of underage characters?
It's making myself and others here uncomfortable.
If outright porn is banned then may we also have a policy against suggestive art of underage characters?
It's making myself and others here uncomfortable.
Define underage. It varies wildly all over the world.

And regardless, there is suggestive art of Squigly in Skullgirls Encore. Y'know, Skullgirls Encore? That game we apparently play when we're not arguing about vitally important stuff like this? If I ban art like that in here I might as well ban game play footage and screenshots.

Drop this subject.
Define underage. It varies wildly all over the world.

And regardless, there is suggestive art of Squigly in Skullgirls Encore. Y'know, Skullgirls Encore? That game we apparently play when we're not arguing about vitally important stuff like this? If I ban art like that in here I might as well ban game play footage and screenshots.

Drop this subject.
Damn Cellsai, you burn like a car hood in the Texas Heat
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Cellsai, I respect you, but honestly these policies are ridiculous.
That's the last thing I have to say I this thread.
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Just because you get your way in a forum ruling does not give you permission to be an ass about it.


And I'm serious. Everyone drop this subject.
Some days I feel like you want to seem like a douche.
Sorry, but isn't everyone in this forum a douche?
It's not very special.

And no. This is Skullheart, for goodness sake, everyone is so damn stubborn here that it will not be dropped. Even myself.
If anyone wants to discuss the rulings I've made here, feel free to PM me or bring them up in the Moderator Problem thread. Any more posts on that topic in this thread from this point on will have warnings issued.
So, getting us back on track to what we're here for:

Source: http://kuroirozuki.deviantart.com/ (he's got lots of cute Marie and Peacock art)




Source: http://bespuni.deviantart.com/ Does lots of Skullgirl Fan Art (latest offerings are 3d sculpts!)

Just a heads up that after some discussion regarding recent posts in here, we've amended the forum rules slightly. Please familiarize yourself with them:
  • Posting of NSFW images is allowed but they MUST be hidden in spoilers and marked as Not Safe For Work (NSFW)
  • Outright porn is banned.
Please be considerate with your posting of Not Safe For Work art anywhere on the site. Before you post anything, consider if you'd be happy if your boss, teacher, parent, etc saw your screen. If you think they might disapprove, hide it behind a Spoiler Tag and clearly mark it as NSFW.

Outright pornography cannot be posted or even linked here. This also covers full frontal nudity or anything of an extremely fetished nature regardless of how artistic you believe it is. If you are unsure if something you're about to post is not allowed on the forum, please PM me. Moderator's decisions are final on this, so please do not get upset if you feel something is okay to post on the forum when the moderation team has said otherwise.

Excessive mutilation and gore is also banned with the same stipulations.

Yes, this still means sexy Squigly posts are allowed so save yourself some time on that 'but zombie fetishes' post. However, if you think something you're about to post goes over the border from sexy to "this should be on PornHub", please PM me before you post.
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I don't see how any of that is any different from how it was before, but I guess some people just need to have the obvious put right in front of them (NSFW is even in the title for god sake). Hopefully now we can post stuff here without stupid drama breaking out with every other post.
I don't see how any of that is any different from how it was before

It's very different because you used to be able to link to hentai and full frontal nudity as long as it was off-site. That is no longer allowed.
This rule change had nothing to do with the recent Squigly posts.
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I cleaned my thread, won't post this stuff anymore. I'm gonna make a dumb question, but just to be sure: is NSFW text still allowed in these fanarts? I'm not talking straight out porn dialogue, but for sexual jokes and stuff? Because I really love those, sadly.
I cleaned my thread, won't post this stuff anymore. I'm gonna make a dumb question, but just to be sure: is NSFW text still allowed in these fanarts? I'm not talking straight out porn dialogue, but for sexual jokes and stuff? Because I really love those, sadly.
Yeah, that's totally fine. Sexually suggestive in general is fine, as are dirty jokes and the like. I and the other mods don't want to make an absolute list of what is and is not acceptable because that would basically be impossible. For the most part the rule of not posting porn has never actually been an issue until now because no one made use of it, which is why it took so long for all us mods to actually decide it needed to change. Just use common sense for what you think falls under Porn, and if you're unsure, run it by a mod.
She can be anything when you think about it.
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Woah good thing you warned us all dude
Speaking of porn, an excellent Squigly fan art appeared yesterday (reblogged around tumblr) and I tracked it down to the Pixiv artist whose portfolio appears to be mostly graphic porn. The Squigly art is clean, but you have my NSFW warning for the artist's other works.

ちゃんスクィグリー ("Squigly-chan")
by 松葉 (Matsuba or "Pine needle")
The image should be reversed so Squigly's features go on the correct side (left bone hand, left eye socket, Lev's exit, etc.), but I don't mind. Kind of reminds me of Jo Chen's Squigly entry in the art gallery.

And then, following the Skullgirls tag, I found this gem:

Samson Chomp!
by wahae
Why Filia is calm and Samson is having a slobbery seizure is incongruous, but look at that beautiful style and coloring!
It is to someone, somewhere.

I am biased to afro and red-headed wigs

Write "PORN" in a post=18 likes