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Trying to outsmart the Skullheart.

found out how to outsmart the skullheart, just ask for a wish that makes no sense.

"Skullheart my wish is for you to ignore my wish".

He can't grant it yet he's granting it at the same time thus causing a paradox.
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found out how to outsmart the skullheart, just ask for a wish that makes no sense.

"Skullheart my wish is for you to ignore my wish".

He can't grant it yet he's granting it at the same time thus causing a paradox.
Oh the heart could just ignore you wanting to make the wish, thereby granting it but by it's own powers. Remember, the Heart grants wishes made on it, but if it grants a wish without actually using its powers, that is of no consequence to it. So sorry :P
What-a-twist! scenario

Skull Heart! I wish to be weak to water!
Skull Heart: What are you, M. Night Shyamalan? This planet and its lifeforms are mostly water. You will be the weakest Skullgirl in history!
Wisher: Checkmate.
Skull Heart: Yeah, thanks for wasting seven years of my time, idiot.

Disney's Aladdin scenario

Wisher: Skull Heart, I wish you to be free.
Skull Heart: I'm not a genie. Try again.
Wisher: Oh. Um, okay. I wish Queen Lamia was a healthy, normal human again.
Skull Heart: <blushing> Wha... who told... I don't know what to say. No one has ever been nice to us.
<nearby, Double twirls in a magical glittering transformation. One final change from globular horror to normal woman. Skull Heart starts to fade.>
Skull Heart: My urge for revenge and my grip on this world is disappearing...

*The shyamalan part*
Nostalgia critic reference FTW
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What about
"I wish for the Skullheart TO HAVE NEVER EXISTED!"

That has to have some consequence.
Skullheart: "Yeah...no. Wish again, idiot."

Skullheart's exact words, trust meh.
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Skullheart: "Yeah...no. Wish again, idiot."

Skullheart's exact words, trust meh.
Truer words haven't been spoken.
It would only work if the Skullheart was a being FORCED to grant every wish in its power. Which it's not.
And even if it DID grant the wish for whatever reason, the entire world would be changed. Parasites wouldn't exist, as they come from the Skullheart itself or something like that IIRC. The Great War never would have been fought, Squigly probably wouldn't have died, etc etc.
Parasites wouldn't exist, as they come from the Skullheart itself or something like that IIRC. The Great War never would have been fought
Parasites have existed before the Skull Heart and The Grand War was fought over other reasons.
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Parasites have existed before the Skull Heart and The Grand War was fought over other reasons.
My mistake on the war thing, but I had thought I remember seeing on the lore thread that parasites came from the Skullheart, unless I misunderstood that.

"- Theonite is roughly as rare a meteor rock (maybe just a bit more common) and has some connection to the Skullheart (not 100% clear). It's what Living Weapons are made of, whereas Parasites are directly derived from the Skullheart itself, in some way."

Nonetheless, thank you for setting me straight.

Here is the list of solutions: DO NOT!!!
1. Look at the skullheart
2. Do not touch the skullheart
3. Do not talk about he skullheart
4. Do not make out with skullheart
5. Don't even THINK about the skullheart
6. Don't even walk in the skullheart's direction
7. (IMPORTANT!!) Don't wish on the skullheart
8. Don't go to the cathedral since that's where the skullheart lives
9. Don't tell friends, family, gigans, aliens, pets, parasites, mafia members, assholes, Filia, and of course children about the skullheart
10. just stay at home and workout.

What if the skullheart finds me?

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO █▀ █▄█ (( █< . ▀█▀ ╠╣ █▓ . ▄█▀ █< █▄█ █▄ █▄ ((╗ ║ █▀▄ █▄ I REPEAT DO NOT █▀ █▄█ (( █< . ▀█▀ ╠╣ █▓ . ▄█▀ █< █▄█ █▄ █▄ ((╗ ║ █▀▄ █▄ !!!!!!!!!!
Would the Skullheart not be able to tell that you are trying to outsmart it though. I feel as though a being that has lived for what seems to be ages wouldn't be outsmarted by any of the current cast members.
Would the Skullheart not be able to tell that you are trying to outsmart it though. I feel as though a being that has lived for what seems to be ages wouldn't be outsmarted by any of the current cast members.

That's a really good point. The Skullheart is old, and last I checked, senility never really sets in for metaphysical objects like the Skullheart. (Assuming "metaphysical" is the right term.)

In fact, now that I think of it, for all we know, basically every trick that someone thought up on this thread has probably already been tried by someone else in the past history of the world of Skullgirls.
Exactly! The Skull Heart is an expert at defending against loophole wishes. In truth, I don't think it even has an obligation to fulfill wishes. It only does so to propagate the legend and thus keep it in circulation.


You can run. You can hide. Next thing you know a stranger is at your birthday party handing you a gift... Skull Heart!
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You can run. You can hide. Next thing you know a stranger is at your birthday party handing you a gift... Skull Heart!

But wait, whose that? OH, GODDESS!! IT'S THE MAFIA!! YOU'VE BEEN HAD!!
"I wish only I can use the Skullheart."

Final Skullgirl Get!
but once you're dead, the Skull Heart could easily ignore your wish. :/

C'mon! Try harder! There's must be a giant contract we can trick the Skullheart into signing! It will have fine print so small, not even a being of otherworldly power can escape its legality! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
"I wish only Ms. Fortune can use the Skullheart."


Eh... or else bring a witness for the first wish.
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Cerebellas the only true "pure" character who can use the skullheart without becoming a Skullgirl (See the cut alt ending). So you must really have to be pure the fact that you are trying to trick it could show impurity.
Magma the alternate endings have no bearing on canon and Alex Ahad already said a long time ago that Cerebella is only "pure" in the sense that she isn't completely corrupted by those that she works for. Come on think about it for a second, aren't there A LOT more characters that are of higher moral standing than her?

Just to throw in my two cents, I think the best way to outsmart the Skull Heart is to use it against the Trinity as a weapon. Making a wish is the dumbest decision anyone could make honestly.

EDIT: Sorry that was pretty harsh. There are plenty of things I myself would go Skulldude for, but if you're just looking for a way to stop it for good, well then it's not going to be with a wish.
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Eh you make a good point.

Honestly the only way to stop the skullheart is to not give it a trigger in the first place. So basically ignore it. The best plan is to eliminate double so she can no longer spread rumors and the heart around. It can do no harm in its own.
Yes, but Double can revive as well, can't it? Or am I wrong? It seems like the only real solution ere is wat is already being done. Kill the Current Skullgirl and the heart and go after the ones moving the heart about.
Honestly the only way to stop the skullheart is to not give it a trigger in the first place. So basically ignore it. The best plan is to eliminate double so she can no longer spread rumors and the heart around. It can do no harm in its own.
That's a good idea. I mean people will still seek out the Heart for their own devices, but without Double it can't move around or be pushed on people, which is it's best method of spreading. Problem is, Double is SUPER TOUGH to kill, and even someone managed to do it, there's still a possibility that the Trinity could make another Double.
(I think Squigly was able to put her down for good, figures that she used fire to do it.)
So, I got an idea from Robo Fortune's self destruct sequence... <everybody hides>
  • Set up a fighter with a bomb inside of her. She doesn't know about the bomb.
  • Send this fighter to go wish on the Skullheart.
  • Bomb detonates shortly after the wish is made.
  • ???
  • Profit!
I mean... Brain Drain is supposed to make weapons to fight the Skullgirl, after all.
But then that would result in the skullheart regenerating in another 7 years. Actually can Robo fortune even make a wish? She's a robot not a woman.
We don't know if Robo can wish or not. There are some hints that female identity, not plumbing, is needed for the Skull Heart to work its magic, so... maybe?

That said:
  • Create an Artificial Parasite set to self-destruct after certain conditions IE "I'm the Skullgirl."
  • Hook it up to someone and send her to wish to become the Skullgirl.
  • Every time the Skullgirl dies without a wish made, she regenerates.
  • Every time the Skullgirl regenerates, her bombastic Artificial Parasite does, too.
  • So, every time the Skullgirl regenerates, she explodes.
If you want to be nice about all this, rig up the Artificial Parasite to negate the host's ability to feel pain. There would be a random explosion every seven years as the Heart respawns... And, conceivably, the Heart can simply make this explosion bigger and bigger so eventually the planet can't take it anymore... Still, this gives time to find the source of the Heart's power and stab it in the face or something.
how would you track the heart? It must re spawn around the planet during the 7 years. Also how do you keep something continuously blowing up? Isn't the point of an explosion is to erase everything?
That's the cool thing- the bomb respawns with the Heart. You don't have to track it after the initial encounter!
  • Bomb-artificial parasite bonds with host. Let's call her "Bombi." The bomb is now part of the host. A bomb bond, if you will.
  • Bombi becomes Skullgirl
  • Bombi explodes.
  • Skullgirl (Bombi) and Skull Heart respawn together. The bomb, being part of Bombi, respawns as well.
  • Bombi explodes again.
  • Bombi respawns with the Heart again...
Let's make Bombi a deer-themed feral before she goes under surgery, that way she'll become the Skull Hart.
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The Skullheart: Sexist, but not transphobic.
Best line in the whole thread tbh!

Back to topic: "I wish that people, who struggle with themselves will find somebody who willingly listens to them"
I mean the only way to not outsmart it, is to not try to outsmart it and just have a wish on Jesus levels.
Speaking of skullheart logic, what would happen if like peacock or molly would become skullgirls? Does their eyes turn into skulls or what?

If either of them became Skullgirls, Molly would get the red skull effect on her eyes. Perhaps her beady eyes will be red, and the skull design faintly projected on her thick glasses.

Peacock, however, doesn't have eyes (her win pose even has her blowing cigar smoke out her eye socket). If she became a Skullgirl, perhaps the skull would appear on the Argus System eyes on her mechanical arms.
Perhaps Peacock would regrow her eyes. Or perhaps her eye-sockets would glow red from within like a furnace.
Wish for all skullgirls from this point onward to be unable to raise the undead. No minions = no threat
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Wish for all skullgirls from this point onward to be unable to raise the undead. No minions = no threat
Skullheart: Ok.
> Future skullgirls can no longer raise the dead but can control corpses.
Aren't the corspes considered the dead.

Perhaps they can control amputated limbs. I mean, the person who had it would still be alive. Or maybe those fake skeletons you see in the labs. They're still skeletons, wouldn't they count?

How about wishing for all Skullgirls to pose no threat at all?
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Aren't the corspes considered the dead.

Perhaps they can control amputated limbs. I mean, the person who had it would still be alive. Or maybe those fake skeletons you see in the labs. They're still skeletons, wouldn't they count?

How about wishing for all Skullgirls to pose no threat at all?
That works even better