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Trying to outsmart the Skullheart.

Trying to outsmart me won't turn you into the Skullgirl :P See if you can find a way around my logic and you might have what it takes to beat the Heart.
what if what if what if what if you just wish that you couldn't kill anyone? You could still be made the Skullgirl, but you'd be pretty useless XD...though through collateral damage...I just killed my own arguement...
"Skullheart, I wish to be invincible."
Kill everything, including the Trinity, considering the fact that you are immortal, you should be able to find out a way to mess them up eventually.

Checkmate Skullgirls.
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So, after reading this thread, I think it's safe to come to the conclusion that it's almost impossible, if not actually impossible, to outsmart the Skullheart.

So, does that mean it's time for Plan B: wish to become an invincible Skullgirl? I mean, if you can't beat 'em, which you apparently can't in this case, then join 'em, right? Kind of like what Milk Chan suggested. After all, the Skullheart will just translate whatever you said into something selfish, anyway.

Unless you're Cerebella, apparently. Then you could, apparently, make a pure wish and get off scot free or something.
Unless you're Cerebella, apparently. Then you could, apparently, make a pure wish and get off scot free or something.
"I know everyone else for thousands of years has turned into a monster when they make a wish on me, but trust me, you're totally safe. Now, c'mon, make a wish. I pinky promise I'm not trying to manipulate you here."
What if you wished for a guy to be a skullgirl?
What if you wished to become a guy?
Do gender-neutral sentient beings identifying as female get a wish?
If you wished for something that was beyond the trinity's power to grant what would happen?
What if you wished to become the skullheart?
I would probably just wish for the best goddamn sandwich in existance, tbh.
What if you wished you died right after making a wish.
Good morning Chicken
This thread is slowly becoming a "Good Skullheart-ical Morning."
Sorry I cannot resist:

On topic, yeah I think the Skull Heart just wants to transform anyone into a Skullgirl, with the whole "wish" thing as a payment or something.

Not sure about Peacock's case, though.

How about if you wish your body cease to exist?
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Can I wish the skullheart to space and to never return?
I wish for cerebella to be removed from the gam- existence
We won't be playing Skullgirls if Cerebella doesn't even exist.
I mean, She's the second-to-main character.

What do you mean second? But anyway back on topic. Say someone wishes for the goddesses to be permently destroyed could it be done?
Come to think of it... as much as I'm a fan of the "Going to Space" option, even that won't be permanent. See... Meridian-kind will go to space, too, one day. And when they start branching out to the stars, they'll find a very grumpy Skullheart waiting.

[Skullheart] "Two hundred years of this immature nincompoop rearranging star-dust into lewd stick-figures and crashing through planets, and finally somebody approaches to challenge her power. Make a wish, please."

[The seriously bored Cosmic Skullgirl] "People! Yay! Oh, while you're here, did the Spread Eagle Constellation have any effect on cultural development? The Zodiak, maybe? Just curious..."

It'll be like the Phoenix Entity meets Dead Space!

On a more serious note, I'd like to see some sort of professional business woman try to negotiate with the Heart. After all... what if a desire's purely selfish?

"Skull Heart! I wish... to make a deal. Tell me what you want, and I'll figure out a way to provide it acceptable to my liking and synergistic with my own goals."

"Did you just say 'synergy'? I didn't think anybody actually used that kind of language. I actually kind of hurt now. I think I'll make you an extra-painful Skullgirl for this."

"So, I'm a Skullgirl anyway, huh? Can we use it to fight crime or something? Ooh, maybe I can have lots of pouches and guns that shoot skulls! Maybe even a cape!"

"...No capes."
How about if you wish your body cease to exist?

Then you'd be a Skull-Ghostgirl, then.

"You wished for your body to lose existence... but you never said anything about your soul. Congratulations, you are now the first physically intangible Skullgirl!"
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If I wish for the skullheart to be destroyed would I be destroyed too?
If I wish for the skullheart to be destroyed would I be destroyed too?

They'd probably just make another one in seven years.
And just remove Eliza from his old to-be-put-in-the-game list and replace it with Annie.
It's always nice to know that someone out there agrees with me!
"I wish to become Alex Ahad."
And just remove the Skullheart from his old to-be-put-in-the-game list and replace it with Eliza.

Why would you replace it with somthing more evil?
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What-a-twist! scenario

Skull Heart! I wish to be weak to water!
Skull Heart: What are you, M. Night Shyamalan? This planet and its lifeforms are mostly water. You will be the weakest Skullgirl in history!
Wisher: Checkmate.
Skull Heart: Yeah, thanks for wasting seven years of my time, idiot.

Disney's Aladdin scenario

Wisher: Skull Heart, I wish you to be free.
Skull Heart: I'm not a genie. Try again.
Wisher: Oh. Um, okay. I wish Queen Lamia was a healthy, normal human again.
Skull Heart: <blushing> Wha... who told... I don't know what to say. No one has ever been nice to us.
<nearby, Double twirls in a magical glittering transformation. One final change from globular horror to normal woman. Skull Heart starts to fade.>
Skull Heart: My urge for revenge and my grip on this world is disappearing...