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General Fanart Discussion (Potentially NSFW)

huh, the link worked.

The interwebz be weird.
Guys, no, what are you doing. Danbooru isn't the source.
so my choices are deviant art only!?!?....MAN
You can post things from nearly anywhere, as long as you to what steps to take. Here's what I'd suggest, taking one of the pictures you tried to share as an example:

You were browsing danbooru, stumbled upon this page and want to share the picture here.

1) Image:
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1691520 -> click "view original" above the pic -> rightclick the picture and click "copy image" -> go to www.imgur.com -> press "ctrl+V" and "Begin Upload" -> rightclick the image and click "copy image URL" -> come to this thread, paste the url in [іmg] brackets

2) Source:
Not the direct link on danbooru. Not the page for the pic on danbooru either, but it's a start.
https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1691520 -> looking at the left side, scroll down until you see the "information" list under the "tags" list -> click the link after "source:". If it's a post with the picture on someone's pixiv, tumblr or deviantart, it's probably the correct source -> copy the url to that page, come to this thread, post it under the imgur image

3) Result:
If the image has no source, save the image, go to Google image search and click on the tiny camera on the search bar. Then choose the image, and it'll find the source.
If you just can't find the source, please avoid posting the image at all.
If the image has no source, save the image, go to Google image search and click on the tiny camera on the search bar. Then choose the image, and it'll find the source.
If you just can't find the source, please avoid posting the image at all.
I was just using it as a test to see if danbooru blocks posting images or not. The reason why i posted danbooru as the source is because it includes who the artist is, while the Steam link (which is what danbooru considers the source) only includes the image and nothing else. I tried to search for the artist, but their name is too common.

EDIT: Found the artist's tumblr, but they didn't make a post about working on the Steam trading card art.
I might as well post one of their other art, though.

i'll just skip this thread then :P
ORRRRR.... you could always rehost to imgur so you dont 403
i'll just skip this thread then :P

You don't have to do any crazy shit like downloading art and reuploading it to imgur (which you really shouldn't do anyway. Many artists do not like having their art reuploaded in places without their permission). Just link to the Pixiv page. If we really want to see the images we can click them.
I don't think I ever posted this fantastic work by @Skullmageddon, he made it for Saturday Night Salt back in 2014. It'll likely make a return for the upcoming fundraiser and live event :)

Play this first, then look below:


The original idea I has was for the Great War, and to feature Adam and Roxie in a helicopter in the pose above. The first pass came out like you can see below.
I then told him, "more like Vietnam."
Hey, we're getting nice and depressed, nice. Next came the color.
And then there were some fixes and animation steps to get up to the image at the top. Overall, just anther example of the great work done by Skullmageddon, and one of my favorite pieces of Skullgirls fan art ever. Stuff like this is why I love working with him still today.
I like how Adam's chest is bare it just seems ridiculous (in a good way).
Yeah, her hair is just kinda like that. It's super poofy :O

Also I found a spelling error. Here you go.
...just anther example...
Luv U 2 Nite Fyre
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Well, it's accurate to Alex's art.

I just notice it because with a bandana hair can stick out like that but where would hair stick out with a helmet.
Highlight what you want to be clickable, click the button that looks like a chain link and post your url there.
Highlight what you want to be clickable, click the button that looks like a chain link and post your url there.

I just notice it because with a bandana hair can stick out like that but where would hair stick out with a helmet.

The assumption is that her hair is somehow creeping out between the helmet and the top of the visor (which obviously isn't really possible). I wanted to give her a standard pilots helmet to fit the theme, but I also had to include her front-facing fro since it's such a defining characteristic. I could have stuffed her hair into her helmet, had it come out differently, given her something else to wear on her head, etc. etc.. Instead I did none of those things and chose to illustrate something physically impossible to uphold the integrity of the character and the theme of the illustration. So yeah, don't think too hard about it.
I don't think I ever posted this fantastic work by @Skullmageddon, he made it for Saturday Night Salt back in 2014. It'll likely make a return for the upcoming fundraiser and live event :)

Overall, just anther example of the great work done by Skullmageddon, and one of my favorite pieces of Skullgirls fan art ever. Stuff like this is why I love working with him still today.
Holy crud, that's gorgeous work! @Skullmageddon do you ever do flash animation? I'd love to collab with you if possible someday :o
So yeah, don't think too hard about it.
But that takes all the fun out of nitpicking D:
people having trouble with forbidden you probably have to rehost to imgur then post them here. I use the imgur chrome extension so you can just right click on the image and automatically rehost it to you account.
Holy crud, that's gorgeous work! @Skullmageddon do you ever do flash animation? I'd love to collab with you if possible someday :o

Thanks! I don't work in Flash specifically, but I do plenty of animation based projects. I work with Night Phyre on all sorts of projects, so perhaps the three of us could talk at some point :).

But that takes all the fun out of nitpicking D:

nitpicking is for bitches
And thus my attempt at funny was ruined...

Either way, the animation is solid. Probably shulda just stated that outright instead of trying to be funny >_>
Thanks! I don't work in Flash specifically, but I do plenty of animation based projects. I work with Night Phyre on all sorts of projects, so perhaps the three of us could talk at some point :).

nitpicking is for bitches
Awesome! Heh, plotting with you guys would be fun!
And thus, the "No Fun Allowed' Rule is born.
Thank you so much, Night Phyre, you have changed our lives with one sentence.
On Topic.
So, how long did it take for you to make that animation, @Skullmageddon?
Wow, never knew that!
I need to re-roll the credits just to see Skullmageddon's name on it.
It's the main reason I became Beowulf's voice actor. I couldn't stand that smug son of a bitch having outdone me! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

"I'll show you!" I shouted, running out my front door on and proceeding on foot to LA, where I immediately recorded my voice lines upon arrival.
It's the main reason I became Beowulf's voice actor. I couldn't stand that smug son of a bitch having outdone me! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻

"I'll show you!" I shouted, running out my front door on and proceeding on foot to LA, where I immediately recorded my voice lines upon arrival.

The mental image of you running to LA, kicking lab zero door down, recording the lines and walk out is hilarious.