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Beowulf SPOILERS - Beowulf Story Mode and Other Lore

It has more synth added to it making it more Classic Fighter HYPE
What has more hype right now is that we're getting a giant machine that is fed with charcoal as a stage on the game.
Oh, and also with beautiful scenery.
(And a hype train, but whatever.)
What has more hype right now is that we're getting a giant machine that is fed with charcoal as a stage on the game.
It looks exactly like NYC Metro, I really doubt that it's charcoal powered.
But whatever.
It looks exactly like NYC Metro, I really doubt that it's charcoal powered.
But whatever.
I won't explain the joke to you just so you can find the reference youself.
Little know fact about the hype train, it is infact not powered by coal or gasoline but rather it's powered by salt and broken dreams.
Can we go back to making jokes at Beowulf's expense? I miss making horrendous jokes at character's expenses.
Peter was just on a livestream playing SG and mentioned something.

Annie will make an appearance in Beo's story

Let's talk about this.

I moved the statement from "speculation" to "what we know".

(Cellsai Edit: Changed the quote a teeny bit so everyone knows who we're talking about!)
Ya know what? Being totally serious, Ima go out on a limb here, with very little basis other than L0 are gods amongs developers and give my 2 cents on Annie. A coupla things.

A). Annie shows up and is an important character who helps Beowulf out but doesn't really do much fighting.
B). Annie shows up for a few scenes, or even just one scene. Doesn't do much of significance, or few things of major significance
C). Annie is secretly playable and is only going to be revealed as of Beo's story mode
D). Annie is a new boss character.

Again, no real basis, other than I know L0 has a tendency to throw curve balls out of absolutely nowhere and create things that are hidden. I dunno, my gut tells me Annie is gonna be more than just emotional support for Beowulf.

EDIT: This is obviously in relation to Beowulf's story mode. Didn't know if I need to point this out or not.
C). Annie is secretly playable and is only going to be revealed as of Beo's story mode
D). Annie is a new boss character.
I wish!
*turns into a skullgirl*
"No. Annie's boss character trait is that she doesn't appear until you throw enough money at L0."
*checks pockets*
*got a dollar*
*curls up and cries in the corner*
Wow beowulfs story is getting a lot of special treatment. I mean we got kai as his voice actor, then we keep getting hints at his story, now we are getting annie in his story mode? What a good day
Another interesting tidbit about Soviet pack: Beo is Comrade Volk. Volk is obviously Russian for Wolf. There was this pretty popular statement in Soviet times you used when someone called you "tovarishch" (which means comrade) and you wouldn't like to be associated with that person and accept comradery with him/her, you would answer that with "Tambovskiy volk tebe tovarishch", which literally means "Wolf from Tambov is your comrade". Tambov being name of Russian city. I'm not sure why they used precisely that city in that saying, probably some old geopolitical connotations and stereotypes.

Anyway, I'm not sure if Mike and the crew were aware of those things, but it's still very interesting nonetheless.

Here's a bit of "lore", not actually related to his Story Mode (ugh thoughts of Beowulf being an ex-soldier are kicking in again) but this is really interesting.
Here's a bit of "lore", not actually related to his Story Mode (ugh thoughts of Beowulf being an ex-soldier are kicking in again) but this is really interesting.
We need Parasoul here A.S.A.P.
guys i have a thought. What if beowulf was actually punished for killing grendels mom and ripping off grendels arm. What if his "retirement" was him being sentenced to a minimum number of years in prison? it's just a thought
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And then he'd work with Scythana. Perfect.

Talking about legal stuff, I'd imagine a conversation between Parasoul and Beowulf like this:

P: That's illegal. You're in over your head.
B: It's only illegal when there's a referee.
P: Take him to custody!
So many possible Beowulf ships! I guess we can only tell which one is canon when the Story Mode is released. We can probably narrow it down when there's Beo's voice by the end of this week Insha Allah.
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It's not in Allahs control it's in Mike Z and the sound guys control. Good news is if he doesn't put beos voice in we can start bombing his email with "Whens Beowulf"
Okay now we're going to a religious debate that I don't want to continue. Let's just move on and continue talking about Beowulf's possible ships [emoji14]
Just imagine the possibilities of Beowulf's relationships with...

Cerebella: a man and his fan
Peacock: "hey, I'm only workin' with ya coz of Andy!"
Valentine: coworkers, nurse who wanted to check him out
Parasoul: coworkers, comrades, commander and soldier, royal rivalry
Squigly: childhood friends
Scythana: prison mates
Mrs. Victoria: coworkers, married couple
Ms. Fortune: dog and cat
Adam: coworkers, "rivals" over Parasoul
Annie: I dunno Alex said that they'd respect each other so...
Squigly: childhood friends
I don't wanna be rude but...
He was in the war so he's at least a decade older than Squigly.
+ H-how would a wrestler become childhood friends with the child of a family of opera singers. ~-~
Annie: I dunno Alex said that they'd respect each other so...
They respect each other in the "Oh, we're both in the entertainment industry" kind of way.
To my knowledge, he doesn't even know that Annie is a legit warrior. He probably only thinks she's an actor.
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I don't wanna be rude but...
He was in the war so he's at least a decade older than Squigly.
Wait he was? OK I guess it's heavily implied.

Also he is in his mid 30s and I guess you're saying he's at least 38.

They respect each other sin the "Oh, were both in the entertainment industry" kind of way.
To my knowledge, he doesn't even know that Annie is a legit warrior. He probably only thinks she's an actor.

It's been said that Annie would be in Beo's story so it must mean something somehow.