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Project X Zone 2


Knight of Skittles
Sep 4, 2013
Reaction score
The Abyss
Cerebella Valentine Cerebella
Project X Zone 2 Announcement Trailer

Coming this fall to North America.

Confirmed characters so far.

Chris Redfield (Resident Evil series)
Jill Valentine (Reident Evil series)
Leon S. Kennedy (Resident Evil 6) New
Kazuma Kiryu (Yakuza: Dead Souls) New
Majima Goro (Yakuza: Dead Souls) New
Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
Flynn Schifo (Tales of Vesperia)
Dante (Devil May Cry series)
Vergil (Devil May Cry series) New
Erica Fontaine (Sakura Wars series)
Ichiro Ogami (Sakura Wars series)
Jin Kazama (Tekken series)
Kazuya Mishima (Tekken series) New
Mega Man X (Mega Man X series)
Zero (Mega Man X series)
Akira Yuki (Virtua Fighter series)
Kage-Maru (Virtua Fighter series) New
Kite (.hack series)
Haseo (.hack//GU series) New
Hotsuma (Shinobi) New
Natsu (Soulcalibur V) New
Strider Hiryu (Strider) New

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The fact that Hotsuma is in this makes me shocked that Sega knows Shinobi still exists.
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Wow, what a coincidence, considering I just started playing Super Robot Wars.

Also Hotsuma? Holy shit, that's awesome. If some Phantasy Star peeps got in, I'd buy it.
It would be the best game ever if we could play as this guy.
Segata Sanshiro

Notice in the trailer that Sakura isn't with Ogami since Erica is replacing her as his new partner.

How much you wanna bet this is what they're waiting to reveal?

The Dream Team

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Notice in the trailer that Sakura isn't with Ogami since Erica is replacing her as his new partner.

How much you wanna bet this is what they're waiting to reveal?

The Dream Team

Sadly, I don't think the world is awesome enough. ;-;
For a spilt second at the end you can see that Reiji and Xiaomu are also returning

When's Phoenix Wright

Edit: I find it a little hard to believe Fall 2015 is when it's going to happen
Just a tad

Edit 2 Brave New Post: You know who would be really cool for Namco
Oliver/Esther from Ni No Kuni
Attacking with familiars and magic and Drippy's commentary
It'd be tidy
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Bayonetta and Phoenix Wright when.

Wright/Miles or Wright/Gumshoe

Every other universe from every other plane of existence is canned
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If Bayonetta becomes a character, I also want Jack Cayman. They're both Platinum Games characters who were playable in Anarchy Reigns.

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Inb4 Last minute Lab Zero DLC on release day

Can't wait for thrilling additions such as

Mike Z/Food
get ready for everyone to say it sucks because megaman isn't in it!
I didn't like the previous game cause it felt tedious and repetitive. That and I feel they didn't get many of the personalities right, screwed with the .hack world by just doing Skeith instead of actually having that make sense and a few other things. I saw Leon and Haseo, so they have my attention. Hope they don't screw it up again.

Here's hoping for English VA this time? Please? PLEASE?!
English VA


That takes a LOT of work for a game like this but it's possible I guess
Tons of time would be consumed doing it
It could be voiced in Morse Code for all I care
As long as there are English subs
So far I've been hoping for any of these teams to be a thing.

Joe & Silvia (Viewtiful Joe)
Bayonetta and Jeanne (Bayonetta)
Luke & Tear (Tales of The Abyss)
Asura & Gene (Asura's Wrath/God Hand)
Axel & Blaze (Streets of Rage)
Julius & Ciel (God Eater 2)
So far I've been hoping for any of these teams to be a thing.

Joe & Silvia (Viewtiful Joe)
Bayonetta and Jeanne (Bayonetta)
Luke & Tear (Tales of The Abyss)
Asura & Gene (Asura's Wrath/God Hand)
Axel & Blaze (Streets of Rage)
Julius & Ciel (God Eater 2)
somewhere in Canada, the salt mines pour.
View attachment 9232

That takes a LOT of work for a game like this but it's possible I guess
Tons of time would be consumed doing it
It could be voiced in Morse Code for all I care
As long as there are English subs
Well the way they are actually advertising it makes me hopeful they feel that the game has an actual market here and the english dubbing would be worth it...

Haseo better fully playable or someone's gonna die!
I was super excited for the first one. The massive blanket of advertising in Akihabara for its launch was pretty cool too.

When I finally played the game it was actually pretty great! Fun, crazy looking battles and a fairly interesting battle system with a lot of really cute nods to other games. Ryu being able to DP focus cancel Ultra as one of his combos got a laugh out of me.

And then the game didn't do anything new for 40 hours. I might as well have just played the first level and turned the game off. I never bothered finishing it because the entire game was boiled down to:
  • Characters appear somewhere. They make injokes. Ask where they are.
  • Meet new character. They make injokes. Ask who they are.
  • Enemies appear. Everyone asks what the enemies are.
  • 30 minutes of repetitive, mindless battles.
  • Boss and more enemies appear. Says something cryptic.
  • Defeat boss. Says more cryptic stuff.
  • Teleport to new random location.
Every single god damn level plays like that. There's zero plot development because there is no plot to develop and the characters have basically nothing to do with any of what little is going on. The combat got so stale I learned the timing off for the teams and played most battles without looking at the screen.

I reckon I'll be giving PXZ2 a skip regardless of how many characters they cram in.
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I hope they add in team creation this time. I enjoyed PxZ1 but the teams got stale after a while (like, I would like to pair X with Ryu or som'in)
If the game manages to do something new, and I hope it does, then it should be cool.

There are ways to do crossover stories. Have the villain already have opened these portals and you have to save or split up, switch characters as multiple groups go about defeating the foes in the different worlds as they make their way back to center of all these portals, where they meet up and march on the actual masterminds....
I'm not sure, but I think this was a bit of a criticism with Super Robot Wars (which is completely different but also an srpg made by the same people). Every challenge = throw 300 billion enemies at you.

SRW benefits from having massive customization and a bit more open ended (I believe) and challenging battle system though.
In all honesty the transformation from a turn/speed based jrpg to a tactics/persona/fire emblem/OG Saga hybrid did not work well. Adding more enemies toward the endgame made it boring and time consuming. If they just fixed that and added over world travel like OG saga had it might have ended better.
Thanks for the info on this. I watched playthroughs of Namco X Capcom & Project X Zone on YouTube & really enjoyed them. Took me quite a while to watch both of those games. PXZ had subtitles, but for NXC I had to read along w/a gamefaqs translation guide in a window next to the video. Man, that was a while ago.
Guys what if surprise character from Nintendo

Here's hoping to a Dr Eggman and Dr Wily team even if they are villains. And hopefully the game will be shorter no offense but project x zone got wayyy too boring halfway through it essentially turned into "oh we need to fix this problem to fix another problem. Hi new person. Let's split up the teams."
In all honesty the transformation from a turn/speed based jrpg to a tactics/persona/fire emblem/OG Saga hybrid did not work well. Adding more enemies toward the endgame made it boring and time consuming. If they just fixed that and added over world travel like OG saga had it might have ended better.
Are you talking about SRW or Project X-Zone here?
New Characters Confirmed!

Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Maya Fey (Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
Axel Stone (voiced by Tomokazu Sugita) (Streets of Rage)
Aty (Summon Night 3)
Nana Kazuki (God Eater 2)
Ciel Alencon (God Eater 2)

Returning Characters.

Ryu (Street Fighter)
Ken (Street Fighter)
Gemini Sunrise (Sakura Wars)
Sakura Shinguji (Sakura Wars)

Well there goes the idea for the Segata Sanshiro pairing with Sakura, but I'm still not giving up on him being in it.

Also, I have a bad feeling Axel is an assist character since they didn't announce Blaze alongside him.

His theme song better be a remix of "Go Straight" from Streets of Rage 2.
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This game looks promising. Maybe I'll try this out.

Well...Pheonix and Maya? Guess I'm buying this game now.
Look all the game needs to do is make the missions shorter and don't have so much padding oh my god the padding in the first game was so bad I actually tapped out after I got Mega Man X. Also make it good tactical RPG don't make me run across the map then have a second wave of enemies you NEED to defeat.

Hopefully there will be some budget left over over from the animation to fix these problems but I'm not holding my breath.
I'm interested in what Maya's move set is going to be since all she had in UMVC 3 was sliding, running while spinning her hands, and shielding Nick.