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Sadly, I won't be getting this til tomorrow. Enjoy the game everyone.
If anyone wants to add me to play my username is its Magma97
Just got home first thing I did was test my new squirt gun :3. (Listen I got off at 4 so I knew I would get the 3 pack so I went with the next best thing). The squirt gun is actually pretty descent, kinda small but not tiny, shoots like 10-15 feet (i think i'm a terrible judge at these things just know it shoots decently far[like in terms of the game I'd say around splatershot jr. range :p])

Also Nintendo Id is TheGoggledGamer
Is anyone else fining the splatter shot jr. terrifying? Seriously, I played aggressively and forced the entire team to come after me, leaving my teammates to do what ever they wanted, and me eventually getting 1,000pts+ on a regular basis!
I'm finding myself horrible with the splat charger right now. Splattershot seems to be the way to go so far. Have yet to try the roller. Gonna give that a try next.
Not going to lie I absolutely love the Roller. Not too big on the splat charger either. After playing single player for a bit the game has a lot more lore then I would expect.
Does anybody know if that Gamestop preorder code only applies to the Wii U?

Anyway there's going to be a Japanese direct on the 31st, so I've got a feeling that DLC is going to be explained in depth for both Splatoon and Smash Bros.
Ok so far the .52 gal is pretty godlike. High damage, splash wall and killer wall. Rate of fire is kinda low but that's ok it's manageable.
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I'm gunna tell yall, My ability with the charger increased tenfold once I started using motion controls. Those small adjustments that The motion controls provide benefited me So much. It felt like I was using a mouse.

Seriously anyone who wants to main charger, CONSIDER Motion controls.
Ok idk if it was just a bad team but when you outperform 3 rollers on your team either they suck or the .52 is godlike like I thought. Also I love the mini game they included when waiting in lobbies. Helps to pass the time.
Ugh, wish I wasn't broke and could pay the rest of my preorder so I could get this DX
Never mind about not getting it tomorrow. I took a two hour walk to my Gamestop store and picked it up.

I'm trying to join people in regular battles but every time I do they leave.
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I'm trying to join people in regular battles but every time I do they leave.

(I'm sorry)
So after having the game for 24 hours and playing it excessively whenever I have time... I have come to the conclusion that the roller is beyond overpowered. It's just way too good and fits my playstyle too well. Sneaking up behind people is so satisfying.

Also haven't even touched single player yet.
So after having the game for 24 hours and playing it excessively whenever I have time... I have come to the conclusion that the roller is beyond overpowered. It's just way too good and fits my playstyle too well. Sneaking up behind people is so satisfying.

Also haven't even touched single player yet.
i feel the same about charger. I can control an entire half of the map very easily now. Especially with the sprinkler sub. I get the objective, and it stays mine.
I'm kind of ashamed, but even though I thought my best weapon was gonna be one of the roller variants...

My best weapon is the Vanilla Splattershot Jr. I've been getting around 1000p in almost every single game I play with it, as opposed to the 500-600p with the rollers. I never would have expected it, but its range is enough that I am not helpless in a firefight (especially once I learned how to Squid Swim really well) and it coats a lot of ground quickly.

Plus, the Bubble super is an effective anti-noob tool ("Why are you still attacking me? I have the bubble!!") and passing the invincibility to allies lets you turn the tide of a mid-map battle.
Finally got in some friend battles last night. I did one with Rellek where I never died and came in third on our team. I went 8/0 during that match.

Played some with BrandX and Goggle which had some interesting moments.
Can the boy please get some Panty and Stocking X Squid Idols crossover art?
Finally got in some friend battles last night. I did one with Rellek where I never died and came in third on our team. I went 8/0 during that match.

Played some with BrandX and Goggle which had some interesting moments.
One battle, but there were others I remember specifically taking you out... But yeah it was fun :)
Finally got in some friend battles last night. I did one with Rellek where I never died and came in third on our team. I went 8/0 during that match.

Played some with BrandX and Goggle which had some interesting moments.

oh shit we played? I never noticed lol
One battle, but there were others I remember specifically taking you out... But yeah it was fun :)

No, we played a lot of matches together and lost a few. Also, the same to you. I snuck up behind you a few times and surprise shotted you, but you won against me because of the two level 14's and level 11 you had on your team and I had a level 6, 9, and 3 on mine.

I honestly think they need to balance out the searching for people online and pair people up with others who are around their level.

oh shit we played? I never noticed lol

You need to pay more attention to the lobby screen for names.
You need to pay more attention to the lobby screen for names.

It was really late at night, I was exhausted haha

My favorite combination right now is custom splattershot jr. I have 2 ink savers on and a sub ink saver on. It allows me to be able to shoot tons of ink and throw a disruptor or two. I've stunned so many people and got so many kills.
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Just to confirm, do clothes buffs stack? Please say they do so I can stack attack up or special charge reduction or something.
Ok idk if it was just a bad team but when you outperform 3 rollers on your team either they suck or the .52 is godlike like I thought. Also I love the mini game they included when waiting in lobbies. Helps to pass the time.
Nah standard rollers just aren't that great. I suspected it in the beta but now that we have more weapons it's pretty clear rollers aren't OP in the slightest.

The .52 gal is good, it's the weapon I usually use, but it's balanced by having a shitty special. Killer wail is terrible against good players since you can dodge it so easily, I usually use it to zone players most of the time now rather than offensively. I would take bubble or kraken or inkzooka or air strike any day of the week over killer wail.

Just to confirm, do clothes buffs stack? Please say they do so I can stack attack up or special charge reduction or something.
99% sure they do considering I have a pair of shoes with double +run speed buffs.
I wish I had a dollar for every time I tried to join a friend and they just leave after every round. Happened throughout most of the day and last night when trying to play with BrandX lol.

As of now, I'm quite fond of w/e that gun is that you get at lvl10. Good range and great accuracy.
I wish I had a dollar for every time I tried to join a friend and they just leave after every round. Happened throughout most of the day and last night when trying to play with BrandX lol.

As of now, I'm quite fond of w/e that gun is that you get at lvl10. Good range and great accuracy.

My bad bro lol. You should have told me. I don't like staying in a lobby more than once haha
My bad bro lol. You should have told me. I don't like staying in a lobby more than once haha
if only there was a place online where we all congregate to...
So anyway besides the really rude sarcastic comments, it's not like the game tells you that your friend wants to join.

I really wish that friend match making wasn't until August. lol
One of the biggest issues I have is not being able to switch weapons/gear between matches, which commonly leads to people leaving and searching for a new group when I was trying to join them lol.
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One of the biggest issues I have is not being able to switch weapons/gear between matches, which commonly leads to people leaving and searching for a new group when I was trying to join them lol.
Yeah. That combined with a game that makes you level up gear for a random effect, so it's really common atm for me to level up gear I'm working on only to find out the second/third perk sucks so I have to back out to swap to something else.
Time to dig into some deep lore stuff

i love this game's post-apocalypse stuff
it's great how a game with such a silly mid-late 90s aesthetic just reminds you that "oh yeah humanity got fucking wiped out"
i love it
Ive been going through story mode to collect all the lore, the octarians are interesting.
Played through story mode yesterday takes like 4hrs, I think, not too hard but definitely interesting.
But that final boss, man that final boss. I haven't had so much fun with a final boss in a long while. It's like if Nintendo got together with the good part of SEGA bosses and Platinum bosses, and mixed them together to make an awesome ending to a decent single player.

Also, I too didn't realized I played with anyone yesterday :p.

Finding my best weapons are Rollers and ironically chargers has I typically suck with snipers. Digging the Krak-on Roller (as I don't use my sub weapon to often and Kraken is fantastic). And the charger you unlock doing story mode for more or less the same reasons.
The post-apocalyptic thing is cool and all but I just want to point out how in the backstory
the world was literally forced into a survival-of-the-fittest scenario because all these people can't swim.

Sleep on that.
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