That's obviously Filia with blue paint and real makeup all over her.
no thighs no service
Wow...that's pretty impressive actually. Her thighs I mean.
Service for what? Rice?
She could choke a horse with those thighs.
HEY! It's the goddamn story of my life!!!
Not better than Beo's coat...
Really pelted him with that one
The first of them I posted it a while ago... But yea, kind of.
Didn't even know left handed controllers are a thing. Googled it up and hey, I guess they are.
Not enough Double work on here, so here'sDoubleSister Agatha without her habit.
Dude...Shapeshifter, yo. For all we know, everyone is Double. Whereas Brain Drain makes superior robot copies of the main cast in his spare time, Double takes their shape and performs lewd poses for kicks and giggles. Sister needs a hobby, after all.
It'd explain the wildly expanding butts, and why Eliza art can never seem to keep her chest fully contained. (Seriously, Eliza's clothes are extensions of her own body, you'd think if anyone could avoid nip slips at all times, it'd be the celebrity with literally prehensile clothes and complete mental boob-control.) Clearly, Double impersonating and mocking the cast is the only sensible solution.
Good point
Peacock knows what´s up.
And in the end they're both a rip off of Mad Max.
I dont get it...
Kind of an ignorant question, but What does "moe" mean?