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Of the finalists, who do you think should get priority?

  • Sig (Japan)

    Votes: 14 21.9%
  • 159man (Japan)

    Votes: 43 67.2%
  • zeknife (Sweden)

    Votes: 29 45.3%
  • Yaya (Canada)

    Votes: 11 17.2%

  • Total voters
Magicman is in the army he's not coming here to play.
I have no idea how ROK military leave works, but since they're modeled after us, I'm hoping it's similar. I'm gonna say that when I was in the service, taking leave for a weekend trip wasn't too hard. He'll have been in for a while, by then, and will likely have this as at least an option.

Then again, it's South Korea. Vacation time could be like, frowned upon or something :/ We should try to reach out to somebody who's in contact with him.
I have no idea how ROK military leave works, but since they're modeled after us, I'm hoping it's similar. I'm gonna say that when I was in the service, taking leave for a weekend trip wasn't too hard. He'll have been in for a while, by then, and will likely have this as at least an option.

Then again, it's South Korea. Vacation time could be like, frowned upon or something :/ We should try to reach out to somebody who's in contact with him.
It's not trivial to take leave in the South Korean military, and it would also not just be a weekend thing - timezones mean that anyone form our side of the world realistically needs to take 4 days off to attend a 2 day major overseas. That's not to say that it's impossible for him to make it (you'd have to ask him), but I really wouldn't be surprised if the answer is no.
Woofly, Uzu, Baiken, Caio if he needs help, whoever the Painwheel/HK Bomber/A-Train player is.

Any of these 5. If I had to choose ONE it'd be a toss up between Woofly or Uzu, they deserve it the most.

Caio would be #1 but it seems like he's just going on his own accord?

Are we just funding 1-2 like last time or we trying to pull as many as possible?
Voted for the people I think need the most help, but I wish I had 6 votes.
jorge wasn't on the list...?

First post says "who handles he campaign" which, while funny, is probably not accurate.
Woofly, Uzu, Baiken, Caio if he needs help, whoever the Painwheel/HK Bomber/A-Train player is.

Any of these 5. If I had to choose ONE it'd be a toss up between Woofly or Uzu, they deserve it the most.

Caio would be #1 but it seems like he's just going on his own accord?

Are we just funding 1-2 like last time or we trying to pull as many as possible?
Just kinda brainstorming at this point. I'd like to help as many international players as is possible, which means partial subsidization for more people instead of full rides for a couple. Hopefully something like this is workable. Still waiting to hear back from @CaioLugon about him flying on his own power.
Voted for the people I think need the most help, but I wish I had 6 votes.
jorge wasn't on the list...?
Jorge opted out. Family, life, etc.

I limited the votes so we'd be able to see who people really want. Can't fly 'em all out, unfortunately.
First post says "who handles he campaign" which, while funny, is probably not accurate.
me run he campaign, me run good with rock

aren't you the dude that streams and calls sg shit all the time? you can stay home~

People want to see that EU tear toss scrub me/knife play? You guys are mad. Jokes aside it's nice to see people really want to see me get destroyed!

Well I did want you here so we could play, but if this is your mentality you can also stay home lol

@ClarenceMage has my vote.
This thread was a really good idea and I hope some of these players can make it out. Some other players I'd also help out are Mulnim and GFarmer.
I voted for Poccola, Magicman (even if he couldn't make, I still like to support him), Caiolugon, and Mr Peck. Poccola especially for his excellent content as well as being one of the people who encouraged me to try Parasoul and make Skullgirls videos. I also saw Magicman's skills and they were amazing.
I've seen @GFarmer suggested a few times. Where is he from? Does he still play? He hasn't been here since February.

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GFarmer's Korean I'm pretty sure.

Also, a question I had in my mind: in the very, very small "let's not get our hopes up" off-chance that SG is included in EVO's lineup next year, will that change anything or will the focus still solely be on Combo Breaker in that case?
GFarmer's Korean I'm pretty sure.

Also, a question I had in my mind: in the very, very small "let's not get our hopes up" off-chance that SG is included in EVO's lineup next year, will that change anything or will the focus still solely be on Combo Breaker in that case?
I see absolutely no way in which Skulllgirls would be selected as an official game at EVO. I mean, that's just reality (I would love to eat my words, but come on).

But even aside from that, the benefit of choosing CB is that showing up with 100+ people there gets us a lot more than at EVO.
Having "the best" from every region, ie Woofly/EU, ClarenceMage/Aus, Uzu/IRC and then whoever is the best in Kor and/or Jp makes the most sense to me

The question of course being how many of those actually play the game actively and can see themselves still doing that by the time CB rolls around

And Infy of course
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The Poccolla guy has 30+ votes?

Guuuuys CMOOOOOOON. I voted ;_;
I still think this is way way way early to be doing this, but what if we asked the JP community who they wanted to send, and we offered to try to raise funds to send whoever they elected?

Going by what SIG said, it's difficult for people over there to get time off work, so it might be better to let them coordinate who they want to send, rather than us picking someone we'd like to have come without any knowledge about whether or not they could even come at all.
what if we asked the JP community who they wanted to send, and we offered to try to raise funds to send whoever they elected?
Very good idea. This is gonna be the most efficient method, I think, as it lets them organize a lot of it themselves. Are you able to reach out to SIG for us, or put him in touch with another community member who can act as an intermediary?
Are you able to reach out to SIG for us, or put him in touch with another community member who can act as an intermediary?

Yeah, I can get in touch with him about it, but I still think it's way too early. Doesn't hurt to find out how he/the JP SGC feels about it though.

EDIT: They could hold their own qualifier of sorts! Winner wins a flight to the US to compete at CB. Or something.
Caio is a really strong player. I'm very happy that he'll make it to CB.
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Get in touch with him, see if he's actually open to this.
Uzu is open to it.
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Re-voted, I guess? I'm in the "send the best from each region" camp.

And I think MrPeck can afford to attend by himself, otherwise I would have voted for him. Hi Peck!

Though let it be known that if we had 6 votes I would vote for ClarenceMage JUST to see him come and get destroyed so I can bring that up whenever he offers opinions about tiers and things. Hi ClarenceMage! :^P
Though let it be known that if we had 6 votes I would vote for ClarenceMage JUST to see him come and get destroyed so I can bring that up whenever he offers opinions about tiers and things. Hi ClarenceMage! :^P

I will body you old man. Loser pays for a romantic candle-lit dinner.
Well I did want you here so we could play, but if this is your mentality you can also stay home lol
Well it was a joke, a joke based around the "EU parasoul EU toss spam meta" and felt like a slightly better post than "I think this is too early too" but feel that may offend all the people who voted for me, sorry!

I think Infy being listed is a little strange since he stopped playing back in vanilla and has little to no interest in playing, ever.

Thanks for all the votes people really, it would be amazing to go to CB.
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Thanks for all the votes people really, it would be amazing to go to CEO.

go to CEO

And I think MrPeck can afford to attend by himself, otherwise I would have voted for him. Hi Peck!
We chatted, and I'm keeping him on emergency backup status. He anticipates being able to attend as normal, but admits a small measure of uncertainty due to several things happening in that time frame. If it comes down to him needing some help, I want to make sure he gets it. If he doesn't need it, hey, more for everyone else.
Uzu is open to it.
We're talking about people's money, so get him in here so he can be present for this.
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I've seen @GFarmer suggested a few times. Where is he from? Does he still play? He hasn't been here since February.


I played him about a month ago or so. He got salty but he's still good as hell. My internet is the only way I can keep up with s class players.

I don't think he cares enough about the game anymore, but he understands English somewhat decently so anyone can contact him.
People like the panty shot videos. I can't imagine you're really surprised.
I think it's more likely the reason people want him is the dozens of hours of edited gameplay that he's uploaded.
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I think it's more likely the reason people want him is the dozens of hours of edited gameplay that he's uploaded.
I've seen his videos and based on what I've seen I don't think he would go far in the bracket. I'd prefer to get some return on my investment. I also think he's a massive creep and I don't want him anywhere near this game or this community.
I've seen his videos and based on what I've seen I don't think he would go far in the bracket. I'd prefer to get some return on my investment. I also think he's a massive creep and I don't want him anywhere near this game or this community.
Fair enough. I think everyone knows the same thing about how he'd do in a tourney, but some people want him because of the funny videos. I mean, one of his editing jokes made it into the game itself.
Cool, taking you off the list, then. Excited to see you up here, next May :D
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I also think he's a massive creep and I don't want him anywhere near this game or this community.
Implying anybody in this community wasn't a creep already, massive or not.

Not that it's a bad thing
before this goes anymore off-topic: @mcpeanuts can you explain why you think pocolla is a massive creep.

On-topic: Asked a fellow japanese player on who are the top players in that region. Currently awaiting on Scott whale and will be looking through the vids he made.
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