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Skullgirls and Eighty-Sixed Stuff, and sometimes other things. I guess.


Merch Guy
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Peacock Big Band Double
Uh, I am gonna be posting articles of breakdowns on some stuff I have been doing on my personal site on OAlvero.com, right now theres only breakdowns for my two shirt designs but I am working on some articles for my clean-up assignments and the site itself.
I also stream my clean-up assignments over on the stream I run at

Nov. 2015 edit:

That site doesn't exist anymore and I started my job with Eighty Sixed awhile back, if you're looking to contact me, my work e-mail is ART AT EIGHTYSIXED.COM
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I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you. That clean-up stuff is very interesting/useful!
I'm gonna have to keep an eye on you. That clean-up stuff is very interesting/useful!
Do you think people would be interested in a clean up example but at different stages? Like showing the lines, then the order of the shading, etc? I have some stuff I was considering for it, it would be something that isn't in the game, that I could document better while doing it. Though I would probably post up the rest of my current assignments before that.
Do you think people would be interested in a clean up example but at different stages? Like showing the lines, then the order of the shading, etc? I have some stuff I was considering for it, it would be something that isn't in the game, that I could document better while doing it. Though I would probably post up the rest of my current assignments before that.

I KNOW they would be interested. Or at least I am (I wanted to try out for a Clean-Up Artist slot back when they were offering them but didn't get around to it) So any kind of clean-up work would be lovely.

Showing the different stages sounds great. Also, just as a suggestion, perhaps you should add some comments/notes to each one? It'd be neat to know what you were thinking at each stage.
I KNOW they would be interested. Or at least I am (I wanted to try out for a Clean-Up Artist slot back when they were offering them but didn't get around to it) So any kind of clean-up work would be lovely.

Showing the different stages sounds great. Also, just as a suggestion, perhaps you should add some comments/notes to each one? It'd be neat to know what you were thinking at each stage.
I would be able to do it, though my thoughts, etc wouldn't really amount to much beyond "gotta finish, gotta finish, don't fuck up". Awhile back I got permission to do something like this with an unused Peacock concept, so it would probably be with that. Or my own character. I also know how to kinda fake the in-game look of coloring, though I don't have all the tools to render it in-game like that one fake shot Persona made ages ago with that police girl from Groove-On Fight that vanished from the internet.
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That's quite impressive.
Just wondering, wouldn't Photoshop work in making a screenshot like that?
You can fake it in photoshop but it pales in comparison to one of the dev's actually putting it into the engine.
I meant to stream earlier but my day dragged on more than I would have wanted. I'm gonna take a nap. Japan time streams~
I meant to stream earlier but my day dragged on more than I would have wanted. I'm gonna take a nap. Japan time streams~

It's cool. Have a good nap~
And dang, I keep missing your streams!
I made this
I saw that made the shirt. I'm glad you picked black and red.
I saw that made the shirt. I'm glad you picked black and red.
There was like, 20 color variants with different styles of shading/colors, but this was the most popular. Red is a color that shows up in a lot of the game though.
So I ended up getting the one hour skype callperk for the Indiegogo campaign for Skullgirls, as that was the amount of money I ended up setting aside for it at the time. Though the call is largely pointless for myself since I can contact most of the team anyway, so I figured I can take a bunch of questions from the community and have Alex answer them on stream it. So if you have any questions you would want to ask Alex Ahad about Skullgirls, ask me here or tweet it to me @majiomni, or PM me on Skullheart (Maji) because theres no way I can memorize everything. I don’t know when the skype call/interview will be but I’ll update when I know.
So I ended up getting the one hour skype callperk for the Indiegogo campaign for Skullgirls, as that was the amount of money I ended up setting aside for it at the time. Though the call is largely pointless for myself since I can contact most of the team anyway, so I figured I can take a bunch of questions from the community and have Alex answer them on stream it. So if you have any questions you would want to ask Alex Ahad about Skullgirls, ask me here or tweet it to me @majiomni, or PM me on Skullheart (Maji) because theres no way I can memorize everything. I don’t know when the skype call/interview will be but I’ll update when I know.
I have a couple of questions:
What inspired you to make Skullgirls?
How different would Skullgirls have been if Mike Z wasn't involved?
Who is your favourite and least favourite Skullgirls character and why?
What is your favourite Ice Cream flavour?
If you could take one character out of Skullgirls, who would it be? Why?
If you could have one character killed in Skullgirls, who would it be? Why and How?
What would happen to Skullgirls if nobody played it anymore? Would it go Free?
And those are my questions.
Hi Maji, thanks for doing this as well as streaming your work! I'd like a rematch against your Big Band when I get better.

Here's my question(s) for Alex:

-Do you have the model sheets for the new DLC characters, as well as Annie, or are they under construction?
-If they exist, is it possible for you to upload them somewhere? Pretty please?^^
I can answer that, partially. A model sheet is more or less done for Eliza and Sekhmet.

Oh wow! Is it ok to ask for the link?
As a note I am taking the question in advance, questions DURING the stream are going to be ignored. The reason for this is so I can send the questions to Alex in advance so he can come up with answers he would be satisfied with. That and no time is wasted on questions he doesn't want to answer.
3.How much planning and research do you do before creating a character?
2.I'm heavily intrigued by the story, is there any other way you plan to tell the story or is it only gonna be told through the games.
3. Are you self taught or did you take classes on drawing?
4.Do you have any advice or tips for aspiring artist?
Reposting, I am still taking questions:

So I ended up getting the one hour skype callperk for the Indiegogo campaign for Skullgirls, as that was the amount of money I ended up setting aside for it at the time. Though the call is largely pointless for myself since I can contact most of the team anyway, so I figured I can take a bunch of questions from the community and have Alex answer them on stream it. So if you have any questions you would want to ask Alex Ahad about Skullgirls, ask me here or tweet it to me @majiomni, or PM me on Skullheart (Maji) because theres no way I can memorize everything. I don’t know when the skype call/interview will be but I’ll update when I know.
As a note I am taking the questions in advance, questions DURING the stream (assuming I can stream it) are going to be ignored. The reason for this is so I can send the questions to Alex in advance so he can come up with answers he would be satisfied with. That and no time is wasted on questions he doesn’t want to answer.
1. How do you guys come up with the color palletes? Is there already an idea of what characters get what colors when making them, do you/the team brainstorm for them, they come in a lightbulb moment in the middle of the night, or what?
2. If Skullgirls wasn't a fighting game, what genre (or even medium) would you make it for instead?
3. What was your favorite character to create?
4. Are there any characters you would redesign or recreate if you could/wanted to?
I got a few. Why was Ms. Fortune changed to what she is now? Would she have played differently if the initial design was kept?

Hopefully those weren't answered already or even answerable at all. Also even if streaming the answers is allowed.

Also when did you(Maji) finish the stagger animation anyway?
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I have another not-really-important question...will Painwheel ever find true love?...nah you don't need to ask him that
1) Is Filia's old hairpin sword(s) a scrapped concept or is that something she may use in the future in new/different moves? It was really cool, so it'd be interesting to see her use them some day.

2) I think it was mentioned once that the "George" character in the artbook (the awesome dragon knight guy) was a past character. Will he show up in anyone's stories even if he isn't a character himself, or is he really far in the past?

3) If she gets in in the future / had gotten in through the Indiegogo, would Minette have any kind of cool power-up when she leveled up? I really wondered what her level-up system would have done to her moves. She came so close so I really wondered what her play style would have evolved into at higher levels. Would she get a stronger mode change like Phoenix Wright or added moves like Frank West?

4) Will we get to see the River King some day? He seems very mysterious, but I like his casino, lol.

5) Will future bosses be multi-stage tiered things like Marie? Or was that because you weren't able to add playable Marie at the time? I was not sure whether that was intentional or a result of deadlines, but I wonder what your attitude towards what makes a cool boss fight style is. :)

Those are the ones I'd like to ask, personally. Thanks for taking questions!
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1) Is Filia's old hairpin sword(s) a scrapped concept or is that something she may use in the future in new/different moves? It was really cool, so it'd be interesting to see her use them some day.

I think the swords were given to the lovely lady in the picture, though I most likely, could be wrong. That is actually a question I would like to know the answer for
Awesome that you're doing this! :)

Personally I'm curious about the deities in the Skullgirls universe. In New Meridian, is there just belief in the Trinity and non belief/atheists/agnostics or are there a variety of religions present in the city?

As seen in some fan art, will Beowulf have a cultured side to his personality (hanging out in libraries with the hurting catching up on literature?)