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Skullgirls and Eighty-Sixed Stuff, and sometimes other things. I guess.

Misread, I don't have an ETA
I'm just wondering if I have to wait one month or three, but as long as it's coming then I'll be patient.
If for some reason you want a Salt Co crate for a wallpaper.
Sorry, nothing cool. :V


  • crate.jpg
    969.7 KB · Views: 651
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I finished this not too long ago for work. It’s a type thing, so it’s not going to be available by itself online. J-Cat designed the shirt accompanying it!

Thank you o-8 and ashuraoh for all the feedback and input, and the others who don’t happen to be on this site, ah ha ha ha.

It was a lot of work, and a very big image.


  • beowulf-poster-final-tweaks.jpg
    318 KB · Views: 637
Holy shit that looks amazing
Holy shit that looks amazing
Looks great, @Maji ! I love how in universe the whole thing is.
I wanted to keep that authentic look, everything was made from scratch, including the little logos at the bottom, ha ha. Propaganda, old and new wrestling posters and a tiny bit of norse is a rather unique combination.
The dimensions show 376px × 588px. Doesn't seem that big.

Is this a permanent shirt, or is it limited time?

And I take it the timer is how long we have to buy it and still get that swanky poster?
Is this a permanent shirt, or is it limited time?

And I take it the timer is how long we have to buy it and still get that swanky poster?
Permanent shirt, poster is a special preorder bonus and will not be available for purchase.

The dimensions show 376px × 588px. Doesn't seem that big.

Oh you.
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Blessed be this day, a Beowulf shirt with a permanent shelf life

Seriously tho guys, you out did yourselves on the shirt and poster!
Looks really badass.
Pretty nice design. Love all the little sponsorships and lore in the design.
omg non SG art in the art forum. Bans deletions etc.

(Before anyone calls me on that, 86d get special dispensation to post non-SG stuff :P)

Shirt looks good! I really like the color scheme. Pops nicely without being distracting.
I like the spacial arrangement. Intentional or coincidence, looks cool how Candyman+Sonata and Raptor+Latch form two "L"s.
Or, in a way, almost every two neighbouring characters form an "L" in some direction.
omg non SG art in the art forum. Bans deletions etc.

(Before anyone calls me on that, 86d get special dispensation to post non-SG stuff :P)

Shirt looks good! I really like the color scheme. Pops nicely without being distracting.
Oh am I not supposed to post stuff for other games? I recall seeing it pretty regularly so I didn't think it was a big deal.
Oh am I not supposed to post stuff for other games? I recall seeing it pretty regularly so I didn't think it was a big deal.
Nah, it's fine in here.
Other personal art threads are SG art only for the most part is all.
Question, I got an email a while back saying that my pre-ordered Beowulf Shirt had shipped but it said nothing about the poster that's supposed to come with it. I just want to make sure that I'm still getting it, that it's just not mentioned in the email like that other poster I won in a contest.
Question, I got an email a while back saying that my pre-ordered Beowulf Shirt had shipped but it said nothing about the poster that's supposed to come with it. I just want to make sure that I'm still getting it, that it's just not mentioned in the email like that other poster I won in a contest.
As far as I know, it should be packed with it.
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Speak of the devil, they both came in today.
They look fantastic, thanks!