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Spotlight Indivisible Indiegogo Now Live!

Number 13

Sep 3, 2013
Reaction score
Brentwood, Ca

Now that the Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign has begun, it's time to start donating! For every $100,000 USD donated, an Incarnation will be revealed in a fashion very similar to the Skullgirls Indiegogo campaign. This means that when Indivisible reaches it's goal of $1,500,000 USD, there will be at least 15 playable characters revealed. While it may seem that 1.5 million dollars is a very steep goal, this number represents only less than half of the cost of the entire game. Indivisible's publisher, 505 Games, will put forward $2,000,000 when the goal of the crowdfunding campaign has been met, essentially doubling all of the donations that had been made prior. If you want to support Lab Zero's newest game it is essential that you donate, because if the goal is not met within the 40 days that the crowdfunding campaign takes place the game will not be created as a result. You'll still have the cool prototype though. There are 2.857142857142857 Two Weekses to make Indivisible a reality in the future.[prebreak] [/prebreak]

Indivisible will be featuring music by Hiroki Kikuta, a prolific musician and composer for The Secret of Mana, if you are not familiar with his works it may be of benefit to listen to one or two of the songs that he has worked on in order get a feel for how the game will sound.

In addition, all of the music featured in the prototype is available to be listened to while you wait for those donations to go through.

If you find your shelf or desk is lacking in protagonists of a video game made by Lab Zero and published by 505 Games you are in luck, as this statue will be available as a donation incentive for the Indivisible Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign.

With the campaign now live let's make this happen like we did for Skullgirls! :PUJNA:

Note: Article credit largely goes to @Fizzxwizz. I just did a few minor edits/posted front page since Fizz needed sleep while campaign went live.
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I think this is awesome and already donated and would love to be wrong but I really dont see 1.5 mil being reached here... :(
I think this is awesome and already donated and would love to be wrong but I really dont see 1.5 mil being reached here... :(
If someone can raise $55,000 to make a bowl of potato salad, Lab Zero can raise $1,500,000 to make an amazing game. Hell, they raised $828,000 or so for DLC.
I wonder if we'll get any crossovers between Indivisible and Skullgirls? Maybe some silly ruin drawings.
If only I had the dolla dolla bills to dolla dolla donate, because that is some mighty fine dolla dolla statue...
Definitely backing for much more than last time! The prototype was just fantastic, especially from such a short time! If things like Bloodstained, Shenmue 3 and mighty number 9 got away with much more, it would be a crime if this one doesn't get it's goal!

The only thing that could play against it is that Valkyrie profile, even thought it's reputation is superb and well-deserved, haven't been played by tons of people an it's a name that haven't been heard for a while, so the initial pitch may confuse some people.

Anyway, hoping for the best! Good luck everyone!
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Truth be told, I was skeptical about this game when I first heard about it. I liked that it was described as a "Metroidvania platformer", but then I heard about a "turn-based RPG-inspired" battle system and I just sort of tuned out. Decided to try the prototype on a whim and it turns out it wasn't really all that turn-based (I was expecting something akin to that braindead "Attack/Magic/Items/Run" battle system I keep seeing). Had a lot of fun with it.

I ended up ponying up $30. Might double my backing later on, depends on some stuff.
Im happy about the campaing will take 40 days... because another campaing, im a little out of money, but I can help this one later :D
Droppend US$ 75,00 on it. That's over R$ 300,00 (more than enough for 15 good meals).

Even with busted exchange rates i'm still trying to help make the dream come true.

Good Fortune awaits you guys, so make it happen!
100000$ milestone get! At this rate(judging by the average of pledge per person), if all those who backed skullgirls back this, The goal will be attained!
but then I heard about a "turn-based RPG-inspired" battle system and I just sort of tuned out. Decided to try the prototype on a whim and it turns out it wasn't really all that turn-based
I hope ya didn't hear "turn based" from us, cuz it's not. :^P "Inspired by" doesn't mean anything other than "inspired by".
I think this is awesome and already donated and would love to be wrong but I really dont see 1.5 mil being reached here... :(
Trust me.

It's possible.
Getting agitated reading people's reactions out in the wild.

For every person saying, "man, this is a textbook example of how CF should work," there's 5 guys going, "huehuehue $1.5m for a dust: elysian tale ripoff, yeah right, these other guys made their procedurally based whatever game for $500k."

And I'm just like
giphy (1).gif
Did my part, getting a bit distraught by the doomsayers' predictions and the slow start, but I want to believe in the dream. The game looks terrific and I'll be devastated if derivative platformers can make several millions by namedropping some has been rockstars and some concept art but lab zero can't manage it with a prototype of this kind of quality (frankly unprecedented for a game to my knowledge).

Best of luck, signal boost this shit wherever you can.
Is lab zero doing any promotion for this or just leaving all of it to the fans?
hmmm... well I don't care I ploped some of my money onto this. I will wait for the day when my very own Roti comes in the mail (so cute) And thanks again Mike and LZ people, for everything really. You making great stuff, us forming a tight nit community around it, the whole thing... just makes me feel happy being a part of it, even if it i am small and somewhat crappy.
Dust was...animals...and didn't have RPG battles...and was a single character...and....what?
Mike, you don't have to tell me this! I am also confused by this comparison, lol
Dropped my small cents on this. Will probably drop more near the end of the campaign.

I'm not a very optimistic person but I want to have faith.
Hey guys, I have an idea. Many gaming youtubers look to their fans for ideas on what to play, so if enough of us tweeted people like pewdiepie or markiplier about the prototype theoreticaly theyd play it. And if they like it (which they should having a decent taste in games and all) the'll inevitably bring more attention to the fundraiser bringing more profits overall.

I just wanted to throw that out there, sorry for weird formatting I'm on my phone.
Dust was...animals...and didn't have RPG battles...and was a single character...and....what?

Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if these are the same people that would bring up nonsense like Monster Hunter vs Dark Souls.
Hey guys, I have an idea. Many gaming youtubers look to their fans for ideas on what to play, so if enough of us tweeted people like pewdiepie or markiplier about the prototype theoreticaly theyd play it. And if they like it (which they should having a decent taste in games and all) the'll inevitably bring more attention to the fundraiser bringing more profits overall.

I just wanted to throw that out there, sorry for weird formatting I'm on my phone.
I personally feel like we don't NEED people like pewdiepie or markiplier to help promote Indivisible. We didn't need em when SG was trying to get the funding for the extra DLC characters. If you do want to ask the more main stream youtube heavy weights then ask people who have played SG first. ( I personally feel the only person who would kinda listen to you would be Maximilian because he played SG and thought it was okay, and also the guy loves RPGS so he's your best bet.)

But yeah sure go knock yourself out, if you can get someone hooray. But i think the rest of us are going to be doing their own way of promoting Indivisible.
Yeah, if it is helping the campaign, almost anything goes.
Getting agitated reading people's reactions out in the wild.

For every person saying, "man, this is a textbook example of how CF should work," there's 5 guys going, "huehuehue $1.5m for a dust: elysian tale ripoff, yeah right, these other guys made their procedurally based whatever game for $500k."

And I'm just like
You're just like jerking off giant ghosts?
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I personally feel like we don't NEED people like pewdiepie or markiplier to help promote Indivisible. We didn't need em when SG was trying to get the funding for the extra DLC characters. If you do want to ask the more main stream youtube heavy weights then ask people who have played SG first. ( I personally feel the only person who would kinda listen to you would be Maximilian because he played SG and thought it was okay, and also the guy loves RPGS so he's your best bet.)

But yeah sure go knock yourself out, if you can get someone hooray. But i think the rest of us are going to be doing their own way of promoting Indivisible.
Zaibatsu still gonna make a video on it tho, you guys know that right?
A German Spy (not a big time YouTuber, but a cool dude, mostly known in the Dark Souls community) did a video for Indivisible:

Maybe those Game Grumps could give it a try (doubtful since they feed off of long series, and their format only succeeds with bad games). They are sort of tangentially related. Kinuko was at their office last October.
Then there are critics like TotalBiscuit, but I'm not sure if they review games that aren't finished.

I don't know. The prototype is fantastic. Trying to convince people something good is good isn't the problem. The main problem is spreading awareness.
Egoraptor is aware of the campaign, looking on his twitter now. I don't know, the game grumps have huge following, so, if they make a video about Indivisible, it will gather some big attention, let's hope they make a video, if they do, is probably going to grumpcade or steam train.

The Best Friends will probably have something, they already mentioned it on the podcast, but i'm sure they know that not everyone listen to the podcast and will make a short video.

I told all my friends already about the game, and i've been doing some fanarts (stuck with zebei because i can't make him look cool D=).
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Yeah we are not in a position right now to be picky with whoever wants to give more exposure to this campaign. We don't have the luxury to do that plain and simple since the Indivisible IGG is in a completely different ballpark compared to the SG IGG. We need 10x more then what the SG IGG asked for just for the base funding never-mind stretch goals.
I've been trying to contact Jim Sterling, because he's always tearing apart money grubbing developers with no thought out plan who just prey on peoples nostalgia and he would appreciate a crowdfunding campaign as upfront and genuine as this one. It's the kind of thing he campaigns for and encourages, I'd ideally love a Jimquisition on it. (Here's hoping.) And although he doesn't have the largest viewership he does have a dedicated one, which includes TotalBiscuit who hopefully could follow suit. I'm being hopeful.
If anyone wants to help me bug Jim I'd appreciate it. (That is if you're not already. Besides I'm sure we're all bugging different people.)

Yeah we are not in a position right now to be picky with whoever wants to give more exposure to this campaign.
Agreed. I just resent that with all his influence Pewdiepie helped make Flappy Bird the success that it is. He and Markiplier never insult games, no matter how bad. They play the games Jim covers in his Squirty Plays and say they're good... I mean with that viewership they could really help make or break games and they really wind up bringing down the entire industry despite being huge game fans. They don't mean to, they're just really stupid.
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