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Daily donations can change from one day to another and we can also expect a boost towards the end. There is no reason to stick with the graphic's prediction as it can change tomorrow.

There can be low periods in crowdfunding campains. Remember that in the Skullgirls campain, it took a long time to get Big Band funded, and he was just the first stretch goal. And in the end we ended with five characters funded.

Also, don't forget that this campain will end in November, meaning that people will get a new salary meanwhile. And that is awesome.

My feeling is that having a playable prototype for free can make people reluctant to donate, as they think that they should try before giving any money, but in exchange there are gameplay videos of it, creating more coverage. For this reason, I believe that this campaign needs more time than others to succeed.

Who knows, maybe Lab Zero wil add additional rewards or tiers in the future, like they did with the voicemail? I wish they would add an extra tier with a custom palette for Skullgirls as a reward (it would be of course in a very limited number) That would also be a "quick reward", as the backer won't need to get Indivisible finished to get it.

That being said, here is now my useless rant: I wonder why other projects with nothing solid to show (no playable demo, no gameplay video, no final graphics, only foggy concept arts or even only vague ideas) got more hype and succeed...before ending in a website article saying "why it failed" one year later. I believe it is just about marketing, how to sell stuff, create the hype and get people "hypnotised" so they throw money at the screen without thinking twice. Lab Zero plays the card of honesty and apparently, a lot of the Earth population is not used to it and show doubts and even accuse them like if it was a scam. After all, buying overpriced DLCs, cheaply designed but expensive sequels, "more of the same" games, and even pre-alpha/ultra buggy access at the cost of a finished game is a normal thing today. I don't want to judge people as anybody has the right to do what they want with their money, but these bad comments around the Indivisble campain are unjust and sad (i'm not talking about fair critisism regarding the game of course) But I believe that with time, we know more about the other side of the curtain and how games are made, and the speech of Mike Z is a great addition, both for the Indivisble campain and for the customer's knowledge.
That being said, here is now my useless rant: I wonder why other projects with nothing solid to show (no playable demo, no gameplay video, no final graphics, only foggy concept arts or even only vague ideas) got more hype and succeed...

you answered your own question, people fall for hype and hype alone despite claiming otherwise
I wonder why other projects with nothing solid to show (no playable demo, no gameplay video, no final graphics, only foggy concept arts or even only vague ideas) got more hype and succeed...before ending in a website article saying "why it failed" one year later.

They didn't ask for enough money, and they didn't ask for enough money.

By asking for a smaller amount, it's easier for them to get that amount. However, that smaller amount wasn't enough for them to complete their project, so they failed.

Also, we don't have the easy nostalgia-grab. I'd only vaguely heard of Valkyrie Profile before this campaign started. Aesthetic matters, and unfortunately Indivisible's aesthetic hasn't honed in on the "oh yeah that thing from my childhood" aspect quite yet. Metroid fans might like it, but I think they'll want something, well, a little more space-themed.

Unfortunately, it appears we're caught in the difference between "good, high quality product" and "exciting."
But we already have one.

What I meant was offering to put a very special boss, like someone from the Skullgirls cast in the final game. This would appeal to Skullgirls fans, FGC members, die-hard fans of Marie, maybe a little bit more of Japanese gamers.

Also, thank you Beuzer. Your words make me feel better. To be honest, I'd be one of those producers that want immediate results and response, and I need people with a cool head on their shoulders to calm down. I'm going to be honest here: I donated to Bloodstained, because I really love the Castlevania saga, but I'm still shocked that IGA managed to get so much money from backers when he only asked for a third of the Indivisible goal. I can hear it now, all the fans crying and raging, the press having a good time bashing the game... because I know what people want from IGA; Symphony of the Night 2.
you answered your own question, people fall for hype and hype alone despite claiming otherwise
Also at the chance to flip the bird at big companies. (Ex. Konami and Capcom.)
Yeah, I never funded stuff because of that. Reason being that I like to fund out of love. Not spite. Plus it's not always so cut and dried. Kinda like with Inafune.
About people whining about this not being on Kickstarter; well if it was me and my friend wouldn't be able to give any money, because PayPal is the only accessible way for us to pay. :P

Hell I remember how I was worried Skullgirls DLC campaign would be on Kickstarter, cause it would be impossible for me to contribute then.

anyone know anything about this site? I've only seen it post 1 thing about Indiv, and that was back before the IGG launched. I get emails (I don't recall signing up but eh) from it often and it's a pretty good eye catcher. We can use Mike's Video and the new video that Nick fellow made to combine into 1 orgy of info.

wow.. that er... turned a way I didn't think it would.. but yeah! You get the idea XD
ah ok. Might as well tack that onto the Media page if you haven't already. I remember I did get an email that had Indiv in the title of the email back in the day so was hoping.
You know what we need, a song parody of Simply Irresistible by Robert Palmer. Someone get on it. Why I hear you ask? Because Z's so fine, I don't know where my money went.
So, I have a crazy, impractical, nigh-impossible idea:
Try to get Notch, Gabe Newell, or a someone similar to buy the $20K tier.

That way there's a direct financial boost, as well as the hype-factor of fans wanting to play the secret level/boss/characters designed by whatever gaming celebrity we can wrangle. Is there a "Father of Metroid"? That might be the most appropriate.

Now I just have to try to figure out how to write a twenty thousand dollar sales pitch. Have I mentioned I'm not actually trained in marketing at all? ...eep.
So, I have a crazy, impractical, nigh-impossible idea:
Try to get Notch, Gabe Newell, or a someone similar to buy the $20K tier.

That way there's a direct financial boost, as well as the hype-factor of fans wanting to play the secret level/boss/characters designed by whatever gaming celebrity we can wrangle. Is there a "Father of Metroid"? That might be the most appropriate.

Now I just have to try to figure out how to write a twenty thousand dollar sales pitch. Have I mentioned I'm not actually trained in marketing at all? ...eep.
considering that the guy that made super metroid also made other m, people don't like him very much. =P
So, I have a crazy, impractical, nigh-impossible idea:
Try to get Notch, Gabe Newell, or a someone similar to buy the $20K tier.

That way there's a direct financial boost, as well as the hype-factor of fans wanting to play the secret level/boss/characters designed by whatever gaming celebrity we can wrangle. Is there a "Father of Metroid"? That might be the most appropriate.

Now I just have to try to figure out how to write a twenty thousand dollar sales pitch. Have I mentioned I'm not actually trained in marketing at all? ...eep.

That would be awesome... but I doubt they'll want to buy that tier if they consider the game more of a gamble than an investment, and they'll probably be wary, thinking it would affect their image if the game doesn't become an incredible hit. As for the Father of Metroid... there is Yoshio Sakamoto and Shigeru Miyamoto, but again, I doubt it. Also, I'm supposed to get my master degree in Management the next month and I can say L0 has tackled a lot of conventional marketing strategies. If somebody wants to cosplay as characters and promote the game in the streets... I won't stop them.
well Super Best Friends are looking at getting the NPC tier i know that...

Uh try throwing some of those ideas around. I mean... it might work. let's see if the copy pasta sticks to the wall

BUT uh some one get Maximillion Dood on the phone. His supporters have cash to spare. He is a target. So aim for that
I've mentioned it over on reddit and I'm sure it has been mentioned here too, but getting other popuar youtubers to do a video on it might help a lot. It might be a long shot, but I don't think there is much to lose in trying. Also, between Gabe and Notch, I think Notch would be more likely to contribute/send a shout out, though that's no guarantee that he would. Ultimately I would say try for both. The worst thing that can likely happen is they don't contribute or give any notice, which if things are left the way they are they likely won't because they probably don't even know about this campaign.
We really need to find a way to focus on getting Max on out side by the weekend. Does the guy hang out the most at twitter? what ever either way we have to flood Max with this shit. Ask him kindly to take a look and see if he can help out in supporting us in any way. I know that Max played SG twice and he was "meh, it's a great indie fighter" and I know Max supported Beasts Fury because he was suckered in by the promise of Benny the Hype Dog (we will not do that cause we are not scum bags)

The point is Max can support indie things and he knows that Lab Zero is trusted.

Also show him the Mike Rant Video and some of the other necessary links needed.

EDIT: Also poke these guys, Up Up Down Down. They are Wrestlers who play games. And some fighters. If they don't want to do Indivisible then tell them about SkullGirls and have them play Beowulf and have a meta match of wrestling! We need someone to plug the Indivisible and they can help!

Their twitter: https://twitter.com/UpUpDwnDwn
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I've mentioned it over on reddit and I'm sure it has been mentioned here too, but getting other popuar youtubers to do a video on it might help a lot.
One of the biggest gaming channels, gamegrumps, has already done a video on it and they have 2mil subscribers or something crazy like that. They did help boost it. I REALLY hate to say this, but we could try Pewdiepie. If anything, Markiplier is more likely since he knows the gamegrumps personally and he could do a video on it as well.
One of the biggest gaming channels, gamegrumps, has already done a video on it and they have 2mil subscribers or something crazy like that. They did help boost it. I REALLY hate to say this, but we could try Pewdiepie. If anything, Markiplier is more likely since he knows the gamegrumps personally and he could do a video on it as well.
it was said before, Pewdiepie only looks games if he is paid to do so.

Markiplier, i don't know, but since he is another big one, he would probably request money.

It was a blessing that Arin is actually Mariel's friend or something like that.
One of the biggest gaming channels, gamegrumps, has already done a video on it and they have 2mil subscribers or something crazy like that. They did help boost it. I REALLY hate to say this, but we could try Pewdiepie. If anything, Markiplier is more likely since he knows the gamegrumps personally and he could do a video on it as well.

Jim Sterling did a video on it.
I thought Mark himself has said that he plays games that he wants to play. He might get paid for some of them, but I hardly think he gets paid for everything he does. It's worth a shot, everything we can try is worth a shot, and if it doesn't work, then we come up with the next thing. This campaign can't afford, "they probably won't so we shouldn't try." If we don't try then they definitely won't.
it was said before, Pewdiepie only looks games if he is paid to do so.

Markiplier, i don't know, but since he is another big one, he would probably request money.

It was a blessing that Arin is actually Mariel's friend or something like that.
Ah, I forgot that about PewdiePie. Frankly I don't watch any "Let's play" channels on youtube though.

Jim Sterling did a video on it.
Not familiar with Sterling, but hey, he has over 200K subscribers, so that'll help.
Pardon my ignorance but if paying some big names for them to look at Indivisible is an option, any idea of what that would cost?
For as popular as that dip is, it wouldn't actually help... He's got more negative fans than actual positive ones.
I can see how that course of action is unadvisable if the price is that extreme. Well thanks for the information, now that I've been given it I believe such a price would only be useful for a last ditch gamble.
If you guys aren't familiar with Rooster Teeth, they have two shows of interest here: The Know where they briefly mention a few gaming news headlines and The Patch, a podcast where they discuss this stuff more in depth. I don't know how we could reach them or if they would even take suggestions for topics on their show, but I imagine they might pick up on this at some point, after all they did talk a lot about Shenmue's "gauge of interest" campaing and as Mike Z has said repeatedly, this is not a gauge of interest, so they might use Indivisible as an example of how gauge of interest campaigns can hurt other projects that actually need funding. Also Rooster Teeth used IGG to fund their Lazer Team movie, so I think Rooster Teeth fans who might want to support indivisible would probably be less apprehensive about donating to an IGG campaign.
Are they? Well then, maybe they will cover it in the future. Also I think they try to do The Patch every week anyway. I'm not saying this is something to rely on, I'm just saying IF they learned about Indivisible, there would be a good CHANCE that they would cover it.
Pewdiepie has just about 40 million subscribers. 20k to put 40 milion eyes on Indivisible? People think that's not worth? If 1% of the viewers he got in one video in one day donated $10 a piece we'd probably cover that 20k back instantly.

Not that anyone has 20k they're throwing around.
No. I honestly don't trust him to bring in positive revenue. As I said, pretty much a good portion of his viewers are very negative, and his videos tend to be very overly show-boat-y and stupid to the point of warranting stupidity.. it'd be like tryin gto post it on 4Chan. (Edit: It was 4chan right that we was having an issue with? never really got the whole "chan" system down)

on the subject of RoosterTeeth:
Wasn't there a "Contact" link on their page somewhere? I know most companies (as they are conosidered one) have one at the bottom most of the time. And those usually have email adresses in em. I'd look but Bandwidth has bogged me down very heavily
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Pewdiepie has just about 40 million subscribers. 20k to put 40 milion eyes on Indivisible? People think that's not worth? If 1% of the viewers he got in one video in one day donated $10 a piece we'd probably cover that 20k back instantly.

Not that anyone has 20k they're throwing around.

you also have to consider his target demographic, not sure what the actual average is but I assume most are kids/young teens, and those don't tend to back indiegogo campaigns
I mean, he was able to get a lot of money for charity from his fans.

He probably has the power to make people fund Indivisible.

but As kit ballard said, there is the possibility of his fanbase seeing the game as a negative thing, since it is not idk whatever he plays on his channel.
I'm going to keep on saying this but we should really look towards Max Dood

he did his time with SG, he knows Mike Z/ Lab Zero, He plays RPGS and his fan base has money to spare.

All this talk about Mark and Pew is good and all, but I personally feel they are outside of our targeted player base. Max on the other hand is far closer. We start with people inside of circle then branch out, not start all the way out with the big boys and then go inwards.
"We don't need those potential backers" isn't ever a good mindset. And yeah, they raised over 300k in a charity donation when he had 25 mil subs.

Eh. No one is giving him money anyway, so it's pointless discussing it.

And yes. Max.
Max is streaming SF5 right now... Does someone have 5 bucks they could toss at Max while he's streaming with a message asking if he plans to cover the prototype?

(I say 5 because its the minimum for your name to appear on screen, and then he reads the messages out loud when he can.)
So what I'm getting here is first to contact Max Dood, then try Rooster Teeth (maybe after the weekend if they're at a convention now), then try Mark because subscriber base and connections to Game Grumps, and as a last last last resort, we REVISIT the Pewdiepie subject.