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The Official League of Legends Thread!


I like most of these changes. The only one I question is Kogmaw's as it seems a bit too powerful if it really just it 5 ASPD while being immobile with the current W. I guess they are removing his current W for this one? I question Miss Fortune's and Corki's a little because the changes to Miss Fortune are giving her more damage in a different form than just straight up higher base damage and ratios. I guess that is what she lacks?

Corki's seems nice at first because a magic damage adc! The itemization for penetration doesn't favor hybrids right now...because there is no hybrid penetration item. Also since his damage becomes half magic that means less lifesteal.
Well, a lot of items are getting swapped around, but its really jungle items and pots that are getting altered. You can have 1 pot type, they are refillable, jungle items no longer give regen and we got one that gives a ward, and another that gives pots.

on the ADC end, Essence Reaver gives CDR based on crit and a number of itmes have been changed. Many items, almost at random, have been given little bits of crit, so a lot of non adc champs will actually have some, same for lifesteal iirc.

basically they are looking to up everyone's damage and sustain so to match up with juggernauts and hopefully keep adcs from getting as ridiculous as they used to be.

Also Graves is the most broken pos right now omg.
Some of these changes may make my attack speed Ori jungle more viable...or hybrid mf jungle more viable...

I like doing stupid stuff.

New champ Illaoi! the kraken priestess
Illaoi VO

Void Bringer Illaoi Skin Preview


Void Bringer Illaoi VO

Dragon Trainer Tristana VO

Dragon Trainer Tristana Splash Art


Dragon Trainer Tristana Skin Preview

Gravelord Azir Splash Art

Gravelord Azir Skin Preview

Gravelord Azir VO

Elderwood Hecarim Skin Preview

Gragas Caskbreaker Skin Preview

Ryze Whitebeard Skin Preview

Varus Swiftbolt Skin Preview

Braum Lionheart Skin Preview
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The Dark Souls skins will probably be all 750
but this fucking patch is a winner
Good new character, good skin for said character, a skin everyone wanted but didn't get, and decent skins all across the board, as well as a great legendary skin.
I might end up spending the fabled $35 after this patch drops.
They were trying to say the Minion changes that were pushed to last changes
If you have enough of an advantage, minions get stronger.
I'm pretty confused.. well best word I can think up... about how I should build any of my chars now.. And why 50 Gold for a Pot?! What is it, 1 Potion for Jungle now?
350 is the price of the new jungle items, so you're supposed to get it and a refillable pot. Additionally, you can get a hunter's flask, get leashed on a big buff, and then recall and pick up the machete/locket.
....I don't get it... but you don't need to continue explaining.. I'm more confused about it as I can't play... if I got into the game again, I'll figure out what you mean.. but for now, I'll just say "ok." XD
basically they dropped the price of machete to 350 and now you pick up a refillable pot a la chrystalin flask that has 2 charges, so ti gives the same effect, but refills.
So, Observations:

-My hybrid Orianna setup can actually do damage
-Jungle ADCs are everywhere but they aren't doing as effective as established junglers just yet
-Kindred is basically outmoded by the new item buffs (wow that was fast)
-Other champs can make use of items like Death's Dance for some effective builds. I've seen it built on juggernauts in order to increase their sustain versus the ridiculous amount of grievous wounds and the new whisper upgrades.
-Jinx with a firecannon is ridiculous, but everyone seems to be building fire cannon. It's range boost, the as, crit, and all the other boosts makes it kinda op atm.
-Tanks are getting wrecked
-Fighters are building more damage than actual tank it seems
-Graves is broke atm (duuuuuh)
-Nasus is still a bitch to kill.
I would love to, but either way I don't have you on league :P I also won't have the rp till enxt week.

Also if anyone missed it, the bonus RP from paying for higher lvl tiers on league will be doubled from Nov 19-Dec 11.

In addition, after this week all weekly sales will feature 4 skins and 4 champs.

ALSO! All new skins will have reduced prices on the first week they are out, as is now, but as part of a Early Release Sale, so they'll be a bit more discounted than before. They'll also be on the list for being on sale earlier shortly after the skins are released at the larger discount price. It won't be super immediate, but it'll only a few months down the line instead of almost years.
I can't even remember how much RP I have T~T Half tempted to ask someone to log into my account and check/buy her skin..
I thought that meant no more sales when they first come out, but they will get early sales within the first six months.
And this applies to Legendary and Ultimate skins as well.
Hoooooly he'll guinsoo rageblade is ridiculous. Like always build it on ppl who rely on attack speed good. Kog with a rageblade and runaans and can hypercarry with no other items. Jax with it and a Bork destroys lives. Yi gets a meditate power up at no downside! But it's amazingly not op....

Anyway some balance changes you NEED to know about:
-towers now have 3500 hp with no armor/Mr. This is down front front's 4k and inner's 5k. Inhibs lost a bit of hp. All lanes lost about 3.6k total. Without the armor this means most champs can do decent damage to towers now.
-so when a team gets a large enough gold/exp/kill lead, their minions will now power up. This gives them an extra 1-5 damage increase, but also makes them give increased income and exp. This means top and mid can no longer stomp and get fed and just freeze the lame for 15 minutes until they can just waltz thru your team. Since minions push harder, they quickly force their way to tower so you can farm. This means that if a team gets the advatage they have to five and push hard for more risky plays to keep their lead strong. Its a comeback mechanic, but a subtle and genius one.

Also nerfs to jungle still make me cry, but reduced tear price and buffed roa mean they are now essential to mages. Singed with Sersphs+roa+mansmune+3rd tear w/ frozen heart and iceborn/lich bane is amazing. Essential gives him stupid amounts of Hp, Mp, ad, and so. Is glorious.

Never build runeglaive or warriors. Its not worth the price. Get devours, cinderhulk, or don't upgrade your talisman/machete and sell it later.
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Essence Reaver has become an option for a lot of ADC's. I mostly playing top right now with Tryndamere, Jax and Gangplank. Tryndamere seems so strong with the new masteries + Phantom Dancer. Jax...I haven't tried it yet, but I want to try Hextech on him since he'll be gaining so much life back from his abilities. And Gangplank is my favorite character to play right now.
With Jax you want guinsoo and Bork before ya get hextech, but I can see This working to make him a God. Especially Since trin force is worthless compared to just getting a cleaner 4th or 3rd.

Tryn gets more crit than ever, more lifesteal than ever, and death's dance, which he can use to do many BS things with his ult.

I don't quite know how GP has fared, but from my research it seems the item changes mean you build as a juggernaut at first (so cleaver and then a bit of tank) and then power up his barrels as normal
So I'm gonna be taking a break from League for a week or so whilst I get my computer built up, and to avoid the balls to the wall batshit insanity of early ass preseason.
How bad is it right now?