Rek'Sai is a ton of fun.
Also, I have begun my dive into the realms of idiocy! WELCOME TO MY STUPID JUNGLE!
Lul. Basically, I've found massive enjoyment in taking characters never playing in the jungle, and finding effective builds to make them competent to an extent and fun. Here's what I've found:
-Orianna Jungle: Build Devourers, Nashor's Tooth, Rabaddon's, Runaan's, Wit's End, and maybe BoRK or Void Staff or Trinity Force or a Sheen item. You'll shred target's magic res with auto attacks and do ridiculous damage over the course of 4 attacks at almost 2.5 attack speed. The biggest problems are duels and ganking. If you can get to your farm, hit level 6, and keep, at minimum, your other lanes from completely failing, you've done well and should do well. Just keep your E attached to yourself as much as possible and throwing your attacks out and immediately shield up again for the sustain.
-Zyra Jungle: Not as effective as someone like Shaco, but if built with mostly damage and a bit or CDR given her passive CDR, she can be a threat. The Turret plants and her long range E root make ganks possible, but she can't duel and her passive on death doesn't do enough mid or late game to make turret dives effective. But when built right she's a ton of fun.
-Miss Fortune Hybrid Jungle: Get stuff like Trinity Force, Hextech Gunblade, a Rabaddons or void staff, and some other damage items for both magic and attack. Since AP makes her ult and bullet rain more powerful at a great rate than her Q, it is worthwhile for the sustain in jungle and ganking via blind firing the E and Ult into groups. A nashor's also works on this build given the damage boosts and her W. It's fun, but not super effective. But I highly suggest trying it sometime.
-Bard Jungle: Build Devours, Luden, and Statick Shiv, since meeps proc ALL 3. Get IE and maybe a sheen item and Phantom Dancer. ADC Bard in the jungle. It's amazing.
-Nami Jungle: Nashor's helps her E, and you want to build CDR and get blue so you can spam Q. Ganking or throwing Ults to help mid lane or bot lane win engages without actually ganking, or throwing waves to heal and damage from a bush and then immediately leaving to go back to farm is a fun experience. It's pretty weak for farming, but you'll want to be doing a lot of fairly early gankingonce you hit lvl 3 actually.
That's my list for junglers that don't play jungle as often, but are super fun. Anyone else have any champs they do this kinda stuff with?