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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

I don't believe in luck, but don't jinx us. I'd hate to get to 97% and have it be over.
I don't believe in luck or jinxes when it comes to this campaign, but we'd be pretty damn "lucky" to have this goal not reached. The sheer amount of effort put into this campaign by the community and the dev team is puts me at ease.
I don't believe in luck or jinxes when it comes to this campaign, but we'd be pretty damn "lucky" to have this goal not reached. The sheer amount of effort put into this campaign by the community and the dev team is puts me at ease.

I'm not stating there's a lack of effort, I'm stating that I refuse to relax until the campaign is finished.
Lab Zero better hurry up or they'll be 3 updates behind. Quite possibly the best problem to have.
Rootbeer doesn't have Caffeine...

Does it have to?

When the Hell did this turn into a chat on caffeine?
I'm starting to feel chickenwithtie's pain. This is becoming ridiculously off-topic.
I know quite a bit about Scotland, bu' wha's tha'?
I misquoted, oops. Of course I meant to say pattle, which is old Doric slang for a plough or a hoe, rather than brattle, which means speech or chatter. I was referencing one of Burns' poems - 'To a Mouse' - at the end of the first stanza, he thinks about chasing the titular mouse with his ploughing stick after he accidentally destroyed its little mouse home while ploughing the fields. Thinking about it in the moment seemed rather cool, dunno about you.
The question now is: how many mystery stretch goals will we get before the campaign ends?
Well g'night tho. I'm super happy we only need 5 digits now.

Yeah melon, that shit is more than Destiny's!!!!1!
Only 100k to be beat!!! After that, is time to destroy some stretch goals :D

@MysticSpirit I think melon are going sarcastic to the ones call Lab 0 crazy to set the goal to high :P
But guys, 1.5 million is way too much for a game it will never make it!
Man like i know... What Lab Zero was thinking?!?!?!

oh baby i can feel it in my bones.

the hype it's too real.
Well... Im holding my pledge to the last sprint (to make all calculations needed to try to get the best tier possible without crash my finances). But I already set the time to be before we hit the goal.

Maybe I will be sleeping them we get the goal (or working later), so I will place my pledge before the sleep time :D
This is looking like a success. Happy the uphill battle is reaching the peak.

I wonder if Lab zero crew is freaking out right now because it is so close or panicking because the deadline is so close :p

Truly inspiring
pretty much have this now. People are going to start donating just to go "I was the person who got them to $1.5m", so I'm now waiting on LZ's Incarnations and Stretch Goal reveals =3
But guys, 1.5 million is way too much for a game it will never make it!
(It's too soon to talk like the campaign is already funded, but I don't believe in jinxing so I'll go ahead anyway)

Though it is surely tempting/satisfying to rub "ha-ha, told you!" in any non-believer's face, I wouldn't say this is a case of "see, you were wrong about the campaign having small chances to succeed".

Let's be honest, things did look pretty grim for Indivisible for a long time. But Lab Zero fought their fight no matter the grim perspectives, and the fans kept smiling and doing their part in spreading the word, even if optimism was is short supple.

The success it on our very eyes results in is indeed something to be happy about, but it's not something that was destined to happen by itself. Not if a whole lot of determination and hard work wasn't consistently invested by both the dev team and the fans. Wouldn't blame anyone who understandably doubted the campaign's success - but on the other hand it sure is (or very soon will be) a good occasion to be proud of the team and ourselves.
So theres this weird thing going on on the indiegogo site where it'll say "$1,xxx,xxx" and then after i refresh it it'll go down a few hundred or maybe even a thousand, is this a bug or are people getting refunds? can you even get a refund?
So theres this weird thing going on on the indiegogo site where it'll say "$1,xxx,xxx" and then after i refresh it it'll go down a few hundred or maybe even a thousand, is this a bug or are people getting refunds? can you even get a refund?
maybe people are upgrading. Since it refunds then you pay the full amount instead of paying the difference.
Who cares? After what the Escapist did to shame Skullgirls, I'm happy that a "critic" site has something nice to say.
Did I miss/forget something over the years, or was this recent?
Rootbeer doesn't have Caffeine...
Barq's does! They add it, intentionally. I had occasion to research this last week.

I misquoted, oops. Of course I meant to say pattle, which is old Doric slang for a plough or a hoe, rather than brattle, which means speech or chatter.
Aye, ye've naythin ta concern yerself aboat. Thanks fer explainin'. (^.^)
Did I miss/forget something over the years, or was this recent?
Yes. From what I remember, the Escapist labeled Skullgirls "sexist", because a few frames are panty shots.
I got a bit worried about general development thinking about all those characters and stuff. Some people are saying Lab Zero won't make it past half the development and that they will cancel it halfway through because "they mismanaged the money in skullgirls".

I'm only worrying about chars cost rather than this becoming another Mighty No 9 (pfft yeah okay), but I hope things turn out for the best in dev. Keep a good connection with the community after the campaign though.
Though it is surely tempting/satisfying to rub "ha-ha, told you!" in any non-believer's face, I wouldn't say this is a case of "see, you were wrong about the campaign having small chances to succeed".

I agree with everything you said, but please don't look down on me if I still have resentment for the people that spread negativity during the early parts of the campaign. It was stressful business for all involved, especially for the folks at L0 (we need Mike to keep his hair! Or not... maybe they were actually trying to help us?). I'm not going to spit venom in anyone's face, but I will hold my head up a little bit.
The only mismanaging of money in skullgirls was coming up with imaginary money to fund the two extra character and buttloads of extra content we got not detailed in the original indiegogo lol