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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

living peacefully in a quiet village with her dad for i assume most of her life have inner demons?
that's the key right there
it's because she was living peacefully and shielded from the horrors of war that the trauma of losing her dad and village is such a contrast to that and hits her hard
on top of that, the guy who is presumably responsible for it suddenly gets sucked into her head
you can't go "hmm, okay" when that happens
Plus, random nightmares happen. "Wait, clowns, really?" "Have you seen their teeth!?" This will give Lab Zero a chance for all the weird stuff that wouldn't make sense in the game proper! Well, I guess they could just say someone slipped something funny in Kaldi's coffee and now they have to fight all the pretty colors.
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I was going to comment on this whole VO vs. Extra Dungeon sillyness, but then I walked away for a second and couldn't help but laugh a little at the fact that it took all of... what, two days(?) for us to get over the fact that this game got funded at all? It's actually pretty great that these debates can happen :PUJNA:

That being said...
I have that weird kink where good audio design just multiplies my base enjoyment of game by a lot.
You're not the only one with that kink ;)
that's the key right there
it's because she was living peacefully and shielded from the horrors of war that the trauma of losing her dad and village is such a contrast to that and hits her hard
on top of that, the guy who is presumably responsible for it suddenly gets sucked into her head
you can't go "hmm, okay" when that happens
Plus it could be that she doesn't really see her Heruka form as a good thing.
Maybe her Heruka form could end up being the final boss of the hardcore dungeon, but I'm just speculating now.
So im curious, why was there no mane6 guest character? Also, are there unrevealed incarnations aside from the remaining 4?
It means they don't have to be stuck in a town, yes.

That's probably possible. It might be more like "Ajna is going to visit this place 3 times, and these will be the events of those times. Do you want new dialogue for those?"

Cool! Thanks for answering mike!
So im curious, why was there no mane6 guest character? Also, are there unrevealed incarnations aside from the remaining 4?

It was stated earlier that there are possible Incarnations that MIGHT end up in the game and weren't shown yet.
Why must it have a Mane6 character
They already got the Z engine
Can we avoid that
I don't see any problem with that if the character would somehow fit the universe. And I guess it's pretty obvious that they don't and that's why we don't have a cartoon ungulate incarnation (I think).
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I don't see any problem with that if the character would somehow fit the universe. And I guess it's pretty obvious that they don't and that's why we don't have a cartoon ungulate incarnation (I think).

Shows what you know. :P Tianhuo would fit very nicely.

Not that I'm interested in having that character in.
Tianhuo would fit very nicely.
Ok, kind of agree with you on that. A longma would fit into the game very nicely. But I still think that a talking pony-sized longma is a bit too clashing with Indivisible. Compare her with Lanshi, for example. She'd need the biggest redesign of all guest incarnations if she was to get in.
So im curious, why was there no mane6 guest character?

There's a lot of potential indie characters that they left on the table, so its not like they specifically left them out (as far as we know). And just because the games use the same engine doesn't mean you can drag-and-drop the mane6 sprites right into indiv (especially for the characters who aren't animated yet like Tianhuo). Most likely guess is Lab zero wasn't thinking the characters perfectly fit cause talking animals is a bit different from what they've shown so far.

That said, put Velvet in indiv :v
You kinda maybeeee forgot the part where her father and village are murdered
I would personally feel horrible knowing that I survived knowing that some of those people were much better than me.
Ah yes, this is a thing btw.

Ok, kind of agree with you on that. A longma would fit into the game very nicely. But I still think that a talking pony-sized longma is a bit too clashing with Indivisible.
I was about to reply something similar once someone suggested a Them's Fightin' Herds guest character, but then I realised we already have a talking anthropomorphic dinosaur with a skateboard and shutter shades.

That said, Lab Zero is very much aware of TFH's existence without our help, what with the whole sharing the Z-engine thing and all. If all involved parties were interested in including a character from it in Indivisible, they surely wouldn't need us to ignite it.
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yeah let's just trust that Lab Zero will give Ajna a deep and somewhat personal character ark. In a way she's following the same path as Luke Skywalker.

They both live in the boonies.
They both are rough around the edges.
They both have dreams/goals that have to be placed aside due to a tragedy happening.
Loved one dies setting them on their journey.
They both have a power that is needed to help save the world.
They both somewhat tap into evil powers in combat.
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yeah let's just trust that Lab Zero will give Ajna a deep and somewhat personal character ark. In a way she's following the same path as Luke Skywalker.

yo I'd be so hype if Ajna lost her hand and got a ANCIENT MAGIC ROBOT HAND THAT LETS HER ROCKET PUNCH

that was in Star Wars right
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I'm just saying that Ajna is following the same starting character ark as Luke. She doesn't need to lose her hand or that kind of junk.


I could also see her losing herself more and more to her demon form. That her emotions of anger, sadness, fear... all of these could corrupt Ajna along the way. So the idea of fighting Ajna's inner demons makes total sense, along with the multiple endings, where one could be Ajna takes over the role of the evil deity. She would be certainly powerful enough to do it...
Speaking of Mane6. I'm realllllly excited for that game! I wanna learn a fighting game and SkullGirls is too.....uhm..... But Pretty Ponies are legit! So I'm pumped for that to come out. ( Didn't back it though :T was too late for it. )

Don't believe the lies everyone! Remember Broken Age? Deep space 9? Think REALLY hard if you trust that man with Psychonauts 2.... and also ask if you wanna risk Psychonauts 2 coming out and not being good.

I don't understand why people don't think Ajna can't have inner demons. In the absence of struggle people will create their own. She might have lived in a peaceful village, but that doesn't mean she never felt Anger, Sadness, self doubt or self hate.

Also on the whole VA and Dungeon talk, ultimately we got the game that's all that matters. ( about twenty eight thousand people are backing this project, I feel like there's an anime " hearts beating as one" joke in there as well. )
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Looks like someone got the boot.
I think it's possible not all the people shown were incarnations. There *are* supposed to be npcs that help you in Ajna's head, too.
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The ones in the trailer pretty sure were Incarnations since they look ready to action for me :T I'm kind of sad I couldn't see the two I was mostly excited for. Jeez, how much will I have to wait

Can someone please tell me how much till the last stream begins? I can't timezone
The ones in the trailer pretty sure were Incarnations since they look ready to action for me :T I'm kind of sad I couldn't see the two I was mostly excited for. Jeez, how much will I have to wait

Can someone please tell me how much till the last stream begins? I can't timezone
they said it'll come on at 1pm PST. so that's 9 hours behind your time. So it will be around 10 pm for you.
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@render I'm gona contribute more money toward the ajna statue. Do i need a screencap or something so lab zero will know i want multiple contributions to count as one so i don't have to go through the refund process?
Don't believe the lies everyone! Remember Broken Age? Deep space 9? Think REALLY hard if you trust that man with Psychonauts 2.... and also ask if you wanna risk Psychonauts 2 coming out and not being good.

Well, i can relate to that. I haven't played recent double fine games, but their attitude these last years clearly isn't the best. That said, i really liked Psy 1 so i'll probably be willing to take a risk. But that's the thing : it's a gamble. Where for Lab zero and Indivisible, i'm confident that it will deliver!

Beside, Lab zero isn't as well known as double fine so i didn't minded putting much more money than usual on indivisible while for Psychonauts i'm pretty sure there's already an army that got it covered.
Perhaps they hadn't decided which would be the playable Incarnations and which would be the non-playable, but they did decide to have 27-28 playable ones.
I was about to reply something similar once someone suggested a Them's Fightin' Herds guest character, but then I realised we already have a talking anthropomorphic dinosaur with a skateboard and shutter shades.
Those are COMPLETELY different classes of things, says this 90s kid. (^.^)

Why did they cut them? does anyone know?
Oh, did we cut them? I didn't know the game was out already. :^)
They both somewhat tap into evil powers in combat.
yeah let's just trust that Lab Zero will give Ajna a deep and somewhat personal character ark. In a way she's following the same path as Luke Skywalker.
"Indeed you are powerful as Kala has foreseen." - Supreme Lord Ravannavar 2018

"Good. Use your aggressive feelings, girl. Let the iddhi flow through you." - Kala 2018