- Joined
- Sep 13, 2015
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- PeggleFrank

These are just some of my notes that I use for combo crafting. I might touch up a few other files and put them here later if people find them useful.
Damage of Big Band's moves at max scaling
Beat Extend
"A" Train
Aerial moves with the most efficient damage:undizzy ratios, in order from best to worst:
Grounded moves with the most efficient damage:undizzy ratios, in order from best to worst:
I probably made lots of mistakes. Tell me if you see any; I really only made this table for myself, so if there's something wrong with it, I'll be likely to fix it immediately.
Optimal moves
Optimal chains
Optimal chargeless chains
Optimal chains without sound stun
Optimal chargeless chains without sound stun
MK "A" Train
Giant Step
Tympany Drive
Damage of Big Band's moves at max scaling
Damage Move Expanded Damage Undizzy (Damage:Undizzy Ratio) Scaling (consecutive total hits) {Cancelable +/-}
120 j.lk 120 15 (8:1) +3 {+}
360 j.mk 80 + 70(4) 20 (18:1) +1 (+5) {+}
330 j.hk 330 30 (11:1) +1 {+}
80 j.lp 80 15 (5 1/3:1) +1 {+}
130 j.mp 130 20 (6 1/2:1) +1 {+}
180 j.hp 180 30 (6:1) +1 {+}
120 s.lk 55 + 65 15 (8:1) +2 {+}
250 s.mk 120 + 130 20 (12 1/2:1) +1 (+2) {+}
190 s.hk 190 30 (6 1/3:1) +1 {+}
120 s.lp 60 + 60 15 (8:1) +1 (+2) {+}
140 s.mp 140 + 15(n) 20 (7:1) +1 (+1(n+1)) {+}
190 s.hp 190 30 (6 1/3:1) +1 {+}
65 c.lk 65 15 (4 1/3:1) +1 {+}
150 c.mk 150 20 (7 1/2:1) +1 {+}
330 c.hk 330 30 (11:1) +1 {+}
150 c.lp 50 + 20(5) 15 (10:1) +1 (+6) {+}
250 c.mp 110 + 140 20 (12 1/2:1) +1 (+2) {+}
190 [275] c.hp 190 [275] 30 (6 1/3:1) [9 1/6:1] +1 {+}
410 LP Beat Extend 70(2) + 30(9) 20 (20 1/2:1) +2 (+11) {-?}
540 MP Beat Extend 70 + 110 + 30(12) 20 (27:1) +2 (+14) {-?}
670 HP Beat Extend 70(2) + 110 + 30(14) 20 (33 1/2:1) +3 (+17) {-?}
180 LP Brass 180 20 (9:1) +1 {+}
357 MP Brass 357 20 (17 1/17:1) +1 {+}
481 HP Brass 481 20 (24 1/20:1) +1 {+}
345 LK "A" Train 70 + 275 20 (17 1/4:1) Command Grab {-}
435 MK "A" Train 70 + 90 + 275 20 (21 3/4:1) Command Grab {-}
535 HK "A" Train 70 + 90 + 100 + 275 20 (26 3/4:1) Command Grab {-}
140 LK Cymbals 140 20 (7:1) +1 {-}
180 MK Cymbals 80 + 100 20 (9:1) +2 {-}
240 HK Cymbals 70 + 80 + 90 20 (12:1) +3 {-}
130 LK Giant Step 130 20 (6 1/2:1) +1 {+}
160 MK Giant Step 160 20 (8:1) +1 {+}
190 HK Giant Step 190 20 (9 1/2:1) +1 {+}
992 SSJ 120(3) + 632 N/A +4 {-}
2252 Charged SSJ 120(4) + 95(12) + 632 N/A +17 {-}
1155 Tympany 55(15) + 330 N/A +16 {-?}
2475 Charged Tympany 55(15) + 250 + 1400 N/A +15 (Command Grab) {-?????}
Beat Extend
Beat Extend is marked with a {-?} for cancelability because, although not cancelable during active frames, the number of hits can be controlled
without cancelling to another move. Tympany is marked with a {-?} for the same reason. Charged Tympany is marked with a {-?????} because, although
the number of hits can be controlled, if the last hit of 55(15) hits then Death Toll will initiate, which is completely uncancelable (even by DHC)
and will max out scaling. It is also extremely difficult to convert off Tympany when the last hit whiffs.
"A" Train
"A" Train's hits are irrelevant as the move itself has its own minimum scaling.
c.hp deals 1000 damage instead of 950 with sound stun. This hardly makes a difference toward the beginning of a combo, but toward max scaling it
begins to make a difference as it determines whether or not the move has 20% or 27.5% scaling. The difference in damage is 190 vs. 275. Beat Extend
is almost always a superior choice.
Aerial moves with the most efficient damage:undizzy ratios, in order from best to worst:
Damage Move Expanded Damage Undizzy (Damage:Undizzy Ratio) Scaling (consecutive total hits) {Cancelable +/-}
360 j.mk 80 + 70(4) 20 (18:1) +1 (+5) {+}
240 HK Cymbals 70 + 80 + 90 20 (12:1) +3 {-}
330 j.hk 330 30 (11:1) +1 {+}
180 MK Cymbals 80 + 100 20 (9:1) +2 {-}
120 j.lk 120 15 (8:1) +3 {+}
140 LK Cymbals 140 20 (7:1) +1 {-}
130 j.mp 130 20 (6 1/2:1) +1 {+}
180 j.hp 180 30 (6:1) +1 {+}
80 j.lp 80 15 (5 1/3:1) +1 {+}
Grounded moves with the most efficient damage:undizzy ratios, in order from best to worst:
Damage Move Expanded Damage Undizzy (Damage:Undizzy Ratio) Scaling (consecutive total hits) {Cancelable +/-}
670 HP Beat Extend 70(2) + 110 + 30(14) 20 (33 1/2:1) +2 (+17) {-?}
540 MP Beat Extend 70 + 110 + 30(12) 20 (27:1) +2 (+14) {-?}
535 HK "A" Train 70 + 90 + 100 + 275 20 (26 3/4:1) Command Grab {-}
481 HP Brass 481 20 (24 1/20:1) +1 {+}
435 MK "A" Train 70 + 90 + 275 20 (21 3/4:1) Command Grab {-}
410 LP Beat Extend 70(2) + 30(9) 20 (20 1/2:1) +2 (+11) {-?}
345 LK "A" Train 70 + 275 20 (17 1/4:1) Command Grab {-}
357 MP Brass 357 20 (17 1/17:1) +1 {+}
250 s.mk 120 + 130 20 (12 1/2:1) +1 (+2) {+}
250 c.mp 110 + 140 20 (12 1/2:1) +1 (+2) {+}
330 c.hk 330 30 (11:1) +1 {+}
150 c.lp 50 + 20(5) 15 (10:1) +1 (+6) {+}
190 HK Giant Step 190 20 (9 1/2:1) +1 {+}
190 [275] c.hp 190 [275] 30 (6 1/3:1) [9 1/6:1] +1 {+}
180 LP Brass 180 20 (9:1) +1 {+}
160 MK Giant Step 160 20 (8:1) +1 {+}
120 s.lp 60 + 60 15 (8:1) +1 (+2) {+}
120 s.lk 55 + 65 15 (8:1) +2 {+}
150 c.mk 150 20 (7 1/2:1) +1 {+}
140 s.mp 140 + 15(n) 20 (7:1) +1 (+1(n+1)) {+}
130 LK Giant Step 130 20 (6 1/2:1) +1 {+}
190 [275] c.hp 190 [275] 30 (6 1/3:1) [9 1/6:1] +1 {+}
190 s.hp 190 30 (6 1/3:1) +1 {+}
190 s.hk 190 30 (6 1/3:1) +1 {+}
65 c.lk 65 15 (4 1/3:1) +1 {+}
I probably made lots of mistakes. Tell me if you see any; I really only made this table for myself, so if there's something wrong with it, I'll be likely to fix it immediately.
Optimal moves
Highest damage lights: c.lp, j.lk/s.lp/s.lk, j.lp, c.lk
Highest damage mediums: j.mk, s.mk/c.mp, c.mk, s.mp, j.mp
Highest damage heavies: j.hk/c.hk, s.hp/s.hk/c.hp, j.hp
Highest damage special: HP Beat Extend (esp. if paired with MK "A" Train)
Highest damage super: Charged Tympany Drive
Optimal chains
An optimal air chain uses [j.lp, j.lk, j.mk x2, j.hp, HK Cymbals xx Tympany Drive (Charged)] and deals 3455 damage.
An optimal ground chain(s?) uses [c.lp x2, s.lk, c.mp x2, s.hk, HP Beat Extend, MK "A" Train xx SSJ (Charged)] and deals 4067 damage.
Optimal chargeless chains
A chargeless optimal air chain uses [j.lp, j.lk, j.mk x2, j.hp, HK Cymbals xx Tympany Drive] and deals 2135 damage.
A chargeless optimal ground chain(s?) uses [c.lp x2, s.lk, c.mp x2, s.hk, HP Beat Extend, MK "A" Train xx SSJ] and deals 2717 damage.
Optimal chains without sound stun
An optimal air chain without sound stun uses [j.lp, j.lk, j.mk x2, j.hk] and deals 890 damage. (Charged Tympany Drive uses sound stun)
An optimal ground chain(s?) without sound stun uses [c.lp x2, s.lk, c.mp x2, s.hk, HK "A" Train xx SSJ (Charged)] and deals 1800 damage.
Optimal chargeless chains without sound stun
A chargeless optimal air chain without sound stun uses [j.lp, j.lk, j.mk x2, j.hk xx Tympany Drive] and deals 2045 damage.
A chargeless optimal ground chain(s?) without sound stun uses [c.lp x2, s.lk, c.mp x2, s.hk, HK "A" Train xx SSJ] and deals 2147 damage.
MK "A" Train
Note: MK "A" Train can be linked into from HP Beat Extend for further damage, but it is considered part of a new chain because specials cannot chain
into each other. This rarely ever makes a difference because you're probably going to be at stage 5 by the time you're using "A" train anyway, so
it's typically written in-line with beat extend when used with it.
Giant Step
Giant step is probably not viable in combos outside of resets.
Giant step ender [2697]
s.lk, c.mk, HK Giant Step
c.lp x2, s.lk, c.mp x2, s.hk, HK "A" Train xx SSJ
Beat extend ender [2807]
c.lp x2, s.lk, c.mp x2, s.hk, HP Beat Extend, MK "A" Train xx SSJ
The c.mk in the giant step ender is used for consistency.
Tympany Drive
Charged Tympany Drive is the most effective move at high scaling. Charged SSJ forces blue bounce due to high recovery, but Tympany has sound stun,
allowing for an optimal ground chain finisher after the bell without even using OTG. Because OTG is not necessary for a charged Tympany setup, you
can 1. make use of Tympany's extremely high damage, 2. use a high-damage ender, and 3. force a hard knockdown through HK "A" Train, all at the same
time. The downside to this is that you can't DHC after the bell and that it's an air super, making most supers useless as a DHC and also preventing
you from doing a DHC after the most important part of the super. The only advantage to doing a DHC in this situation is extracting more damage from
the super before the charge is used up. For reference:
992 SSJ 120(3) + 632
2252 Charged SSJ 120(4) + 95(12) + 632
Charged SSJ uses its charge after 120(4). Even though the fourth hit of 120(4) is unique to the charged version of SSJ, it is not the start of
TUBATUBATUBA, which is where the charged super (TUBATUBATUBA) obviously begins and SSJ ends. You can get 480 damage from charged SSJ before the
charge is used up, which is not optimal to say the least.
1155 Tympany 55(15) + 330
2475 Charged Tympany 55(15) + 250 + 1400
Charged Tympany, on the other hand, only uses its charge at the very end after 55(15). This means you can extract a whopping 825 damage from Tympany
before transitioning to the charged super, Death Toll (aka the bell). For this reason, if you want to make use of the damage provided by BB's level
1 supers without using his charge, it is optimal to go with Charged Tympany. This is not considering the damage of the optimal ground and air chains.
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