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It's a me! Paper Mario!

Which Paper Mario game do you like best?

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Sep 2, 2013
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East Coast
Valentine Unknown
Well this is probably the equivalent of releasing the hell hounds but what the heck, all in good fun right? right?

Place all your Papery Mario-y thoughts, comments, rants, never ending hate, unadulterated loathing or general love here.

I'll start I guess.

Paper Mario 64
I absolutely and completely ADORE this game. The partners, the gameplay, the characters, the music, did I mention the partners? Essentially one of my all time favorite games because it was fun, memorable and different [for me at the time I was introduced to it] It's one of the very first and few games that I've obsessed over, putting in a ton of hours. Heck, I still have to replay it and get everything! (I'm looking at you and your recipes Tayce T.)
Yep. Much love for this game.

PM: Thousand Year Door
I'm ashamed to admit I ran straight through this game without as much as a second glance. Only after visiting it again did I actually get to appreciate how well made the game was. A true sequel to the first (a great one at that) One of the same things that got my attention from this one was THE PARTNERS. I definitely appreciated the new variety and loved that they improved on the system. The folding paper mechanic was pretty clever in my opinion. The plot was fantastic and I LOOOOOOVE what they did with the end boss. Pretty great game here.

Super Paper Mario
Okay so here's where things change. One thing I was hyped for was the 2D to 3D mechanic. It looked like fun. I will admit though, I was DEVASTATED when I found out that partners were taken out (Yes I know there are the pixel guys buuuuuut they don't really count for me) It made me hesitant to try the game but I did eventually. The beginning of the story was great (Powser. Hehehe) and I was getting into it but somewhere down the road....I started losing interest. The levels weren't all THAT appealing (The one where Mimi was introduced was neat though) I honestly was sad that battles didn't work the same at all. I think my issue with this one is the fact that they entirely overhauled the Paper Mario concept to the point where it was unrecognizable [to me] and I really didn't like it. I mean, I can definitely appreciate the fact that they changed it up and did something different but...why?
I thought the second one was an excellent improvement and I was looking forward to them going even further so what happened?

Last I remember of my in game progress I was in space....looking for something? Someone? I don't even know.

Also one thing I REALLY didn't like was how severely the worlds were cut into parts. I felt it was so unnecessary because it took me out of the experience and I got tired of the constant stopping and going. DANG IT JUST LET ME FREERANGE EXPLORE AND FIND THINGS ON MY OWN!

For what it's worth, I did enjoy the fact that you can switch between the 4 main characters at any point. Also it felt sooooooooo good to demolish a level in an 8-bit form.

PM: Sticker Star
I haven't played this game yet (I will though since I own it) so I can't really say anything about it. The sticker idea seems pretty interesting. (No partners yet again it seems. Le sigh) I will say though I am curious of all the hate it gets.

Aaaand now here's the part where opinions get ripped to shreds. Oh boy :D
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Paper Mario (N64)
A really great game in its own right, I'd stick it in my top three Mario RPGs any day. Great music, fun characters, it's an absolute steal on the Virtual Console right now. Go pick that shit up. I don't think it's aged that well visually, but what N64 game has?

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
Like, seriously, my favorite game of all time. I adore this baby. I remember when I was like 8 and I had to sell all my GBA games because my GBA broke and I didn't want to buy a new one. I had enough money to buy two Gamecube games. One being Mario Kart: Double Dash, and the other being TTYD. It's not just nostalgic fuzzies with this one though. I make it a priority to play it once a year, around the end of summer, and goddamn, it's always a blast. It stands as both one of my older sister's favorite games, and my personal #1.

Super Paper Mario
What it lacks in boring gameplay and a dumb visual style, it makes up for with arguably the best writing in a Nintendo game. This game is absolutely hilarious, and quite dark to boot. Having to look at that dark void all the time, as it grows and grows has the exact same effect as the moon in Majora's Mask for me. It's creepy, and foreboding, and makes ya wanna save these people no matter what. And I do like the relationship between Count Bleck and Tippi, especially the bits of dialogue we get between the two when a chapter ends.

Paper Mario: Shitter Star
Fuck this game.

Also, I think this should've been a Mario RPG thread, not just PM. But that's just me.
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I love the Mario RPGs, every single one of them (Or at least most of them, anyway...). Thousand-Year Door is easily in my list of top fifteen games, and continues to define me as a gamer. I love how they always endeavored to make the player part of the action. You weren't navigating through menus looking for the right attack, then watching a cinematic; you were made part of that fight. You had to jump, swing, dodge and block right along with Mario and Co., and that made the game a hell of a lot more engaging. I would like way more RPGs if more of them employed devices like that. And don't get me started on those side characters, because I won't stop.

Since this is the big offender, though...I really tried to like Sticker Star. Really, I did. But it's a butchery of the system I fell in love with and a big disappointment. The combat system was hilariously broken; fighting normal enemies was interesting and fun enough, even if the game did make it too easy, but the bosses were bogged down with the most stupid and inane puzzles I've ever seen: "If you have this Thing Sticker, you win. If you don't have it, you lose. Have fun." On top of that, the plotline was enough to put me to sleep, and the only new character was Kersti, who was as flat as the adhesive paper she was made of. I hope they can make another Paper Mario that's actually good someday...because from what I've seen, the fandom isn't working on one at all (Though I admit I'm not in close contact with the Mario fandom).
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Also, I think this should've been a Mario RPG thread, not just PM. But that's just me.

Probably but I wanted to focus on Paper Mario instead of running into discussion of other Mario Series RPGs T̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶t̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶y̶e̶t̶
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Paper Mario: My all-time favorite game. Admittedly the only reason I prefer it over TTYD is nostalgia, but I still love the dialogue, characters, locations, artstyle, and even the battle system is fun (even if later games did it better). I love all the little details put in (evolving NPC dialogue, for instance) and the OST is pretty good too. (I'm also currently in the middle of yet another playthrough of this game. I've easily beaten this game more times than any other.)

TTYD: It may not be #1, but it's still in my top 5 favorite games of all time. The battle system is one the best ones ever put into a turn-based RPG, the story and characters are awesome, the artstyle is great, and a lot of the level design is pretty good. It does everything except the soundtrack better than 64. Again, I only prefer that game for nostalgic reasons.

Super: I admit, when I heard this game was a platformer I was very disappointed, but when I played it I changed my mind. While I do feel that the first two games were better, SPM is still a great game in its own right. The story is easily the best of any Mario game (not that that's saying too much) and the gameplay, while not what I wanted, is pretty good for what it is. I do wish that the partners had more dialogue than they did.

SS: This is my biggest gaming disappointment of the last few years. Partners are gone. The story has been reduced to a full-blown excuse plot. The battle system just isn't fun overall and even encourages you to skip fights. Bosses had no dialogue and have to be taken down with the same strategy. Overall, the game just feels soulless and boring. I beat it, shelved it, and have no desire whatsoever to touch it again. I'll admit that it does have a few good moments (Enigmansion, Wiggler, it was cool to see Birdo finally show up in a PM game, even if it was just a cameo) but they weren't enough to save it.
Probably but I wanted to focus on Paper Mario instead of running into discussion of other Mario Series RPGs T̶o̶t̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶n̶o̶t̶ ̶b̶e̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶I̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶g̶o̶t̶t̶e̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶p̶l̶a̶y̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶y̶e̶t̶
You've never played any of the other Mario RPGs? Well, what are you waiting for?

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is only eight bucks on the Wii U Virtual Console store. I'd say that's the best of the non-paper RPGs (And it's not for nostalgia's sake; I played it and beat it for the first time only a month ago, and it's aged like fine wine), and at that price, it's a steal. If you're short a Wii U, I guess it would be easier for you to get Bowser's Inside Story for the DS (I never played it myself, but I heard that Partners in Time was subpar compared to the others).

My thoughts:

Superstar Saga: This game is a classic. Great battle system. Memorable dialogue. Good level design and music. This is an excellent place to start if you want to get into the M&L games.

Partners in Time: My least favorite of the four. It's not a bad game, but it's pretty barren as far as sidequests go (you have the main quest and... that's about it) and the final boss is a ridiculous damage sponge. The four party members thing was an interesting evolution of the battle system though, and it's probably the hardest game in the series so far. Like I said, it's not a bad game, but the other three are better.

Bowser's Inside Story: I put this about on par with SS. This game is great! The battle system is still good and playable Bowser offers a cool new twist (plus it's really cool to see Bowser in the spotlight for once). The dialogue is pretty great too.

Dream Team: I haven't beaten this game yet; I'm at the final boss. That said, I'm probably putting it between SS \ BIS and PiT. The dialogue is solid and the gameplay is still good, but it just feels like it's missing something. The soundtrack is pretty awesome though, I have to admit.
First two are the only good ones because it's actually paper mario.

super paper mario was eh but I liked the humor

Sticker Star makes me cry.

Best theme though

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My thoughts:

Superstar Saga: This game is a classic. Great battle system. Memorable dialogue. Good level design and music. This is an excellent place to start if you want to get into the M&L games.

Partners in Time: My least favorite of the four. It's not a bad game, but it's pretty barren as far as sidequests go (you have the main quest and... that's about it) and the final boss is a ridiculous damage sponge. The four party members thing was an interesting evolution of the battle system though, and it's probably the hardest game in the series so far. Like I said, it's not a bad game, but the other three are better.

Bowser's Inside Story: I put this about on par with SS. This game is great! The battle system is still good and playable Bowser offers a cool new twist (plus it's really cool to see Bowser in the spotlight for once). The dialogue is pretty great too.

Dream Team: I haven't beaten this game yet; I'm at the final boss. That said, I'm probably putting it between SS \ BIS and PiT. The dialogue is solid and the gameplay is still good, but it just feels like it's missing something. The soundtrack is pretty awesome though, I have to admit.
You're forgetting the original super mario RPG though. Which I actually consider my second favorite turn-based mario RPG (behind thousand year door) although I haven't played bowser's inside story or dream team.
Also am I the only one here who really liked super paper mario's combat?
Also am I the only one here who really liked super paper mario's combat?

Personally, I thought Super Paper Mario's combat was...while fun...lacking in the difficulty department, shall we say? Your abilities were highly exploitable; it was very easy to kill things even if they all ganged up on you, especially if you had Barry (And why would you not have Barry?). Bosses weren't all that hard, either. Bonechill (The Chapter 7 boss, if I've misremembered his name) was obviously supposed to be intimidating, difficult, challenging...only the developers apparently didn't realize that you could use Luigi's super-jump to uppercut him three or four times and drop him like a stone. By comparison, I still to this day have never defeated Bonetail (The bonus boss in TTYD)...although the fact that I lost my copy back in my young and stupid days probably contributed greatly to that fact.
Personally, I thought Super Paper Mario's combat was...while fun...lacking in the difficulty department, shall we say? Your abilities were highly exploitable; it was very easy to kill things even if they all ganged up on you, especially if you had Barry (And why would you not have Barry?). Bosses weren't all that hard, either. Bonechill (The Chapter 7 boss, if I've misremembered his name) was obviously supposed to be intimidating, difficult, challenging...only the developers apparently didn't realize that you could use Luigi's super-jump to uppercut him three or four times and drop him like a stone. By comparison, I still to this day have never defeated Bonetail (The bonus boss in TTYD)...although the fact that I lost my copy back in my young and stupid days probably contributed greatly to that fact.
That's a fair complaint, but people seem to be saying the system in general wasn't fun at all. I actually really liked the basic mechanics, and I would have no complaints if they made another in the same style.
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Paper Mario N64: Pretty darn good game. Music was great (I still listen to the Koopa Bros. Battle Theme all the time), the gameplay was solid, and the dialogue was pretty good. However, while there were several standout characters that I loved in PM64 (Twink, Lady Bow, the Koopa Bros.), I felt that a lot of the partner characters were rather flat and forgettable.

Paper Mario TYD: I love this game. I love this game. I love it, love it, love it. It is easily among my Top 10 videogames, and is only second to Earthbound as my favorite RPG. The music was incredible, the gameplay improved on the already great systems from PM:64, and the game felt like it was visiting a new genre with every chapter, doing so seemlessly (what other game can so easily transition from a Rocky-style rise to glory, to a classic horror story, to a "murder-mystery on a train" style investigation?)

More than any of that, however, TYD always shined to me with its partner characters. The partner characters in TYD were absolutely fantastic, colorfully characterized allies that I adored... yes, even Flurrie.

They didn't just contribute in combat, they also took part in several of the story conversations, and each partner would have their own characterization and resulting dialogue to contribute, leading to some fantastic moments, like Yoshi's comments on the conflict in Twilight Town, and

Vivian's incredibly kickass line when you have your last fight with her sisters.

Super Paper Mario: I thought it was okay.

I am not as annoyed with the gameplay change now as I was when it first came out, but the partner characters weren't nearly as creative (that is including the Pixls, who each had the same mediocre joke when you met them, and nothing else, and the original Mario characters, who where just the same characters we've already seen). I didn't find the Count Bleck story nearly as interesting or emotional as I was supposed to (which is not to say it was badly done, just that I wasn't personally invested in the twist), and the locations you go to weren't nearly as unique as in TYD.

For what it's worth, I thought Francis was great. He was such a dirty, yet clever, stab at geeks like me. I loved it and hated it so much.

The whole partner character thing bothered me the most because, after TYD, I really liked the idea of having unique allies with strong characterization in the Paper Mario games, and wanted to see more of that.

After playing Super Paper Mario, I hoped that the next game would give us another well-written cast of new partner characters for me to love...

Sticker Star: Welp, that was a silly thing to hope, wasn't it?

I have not played it, and I have no desire to. I could forgive the gameplay change. I could forgive using levels less interesting than ANY of the games prior. What made me refuse to buy it was the complete removal of my favorite part of the Paper Mario series, the partner characters. It didn't help that even the people who played the game had the same exact complaints.

I would not be completely against trying it, if someone had a copy for me to borrow, but I would prefer not to buy a game that removed almost everything that made me love its predecessors.
copy paste a rant I made on a different forum, it pretty much sums up my whole thoughts on the serious and why I hold the
kind of rare opinion that Super is the best of the Paper Mario's.

Me said:
I definitely remember playing Paper Mario: TTYD, and I didn't play the original Paper Mario until years after so I don't really have a lot of nostalgic memories on that one (it was pretty standard, nothing special), but Super Paper Mario is oddly enough the installment that stuck out most to me, and I probably consider it the best installment (granted it's been forever since I played TTYD, but I think I played both games at about the same time, so...).

It's not even really because of storyline or even gameplay by itself, though I do love the storyline, but just the way it just messes with the player using really, kinda unique gameplay elements.
I'm sorry, I'm having trouble finding the best way to articulate this.

Like, when Mario breaks Mimi's vase and she puts him to work running on a hamster wheel to generate power to build up enough money to pay her off, there's this thought process in the players head, like, this can't be what I'm supposed to be doing, there's gotta be some kind of secret way out, and granted there is, the game doesn't force you to get enough to pay off her incredibly high price (I think it was like 10 million or something, I dunno it's been a while), but you still have to just, run in place for so long to build enough to pay off guards.
And there's just SOMETHING about that, like, going back and typing up that synopsis makes it feel like that's just straight up game design sin, that why would you force your player to do some meaningless task for so long,
and I really don't know, maybe it was some kind of commentary on level grinding or grinding for money in other RPG's, maybe it was just a way to throw the player off and make them feel confused.
But it feels very intentional, it feels like this was something that the people who made this game wanted the player to feel, and not something that was just the result of bad decision making.

Or, or, when you get to the Sammer Guy kingdom, and the game sets up the level like, you're going to have to tediously fight all 100 Sammer Guys, but at 25 you straight up run out of time,
it's a level where the world is ending while you have to beat an extremely long and arduous task and you run out of time
I feel like that scenario happens so often in games but the player is never allowed to run out of time, the only exception is maybe sections with a timer like the ending of Super Metroid or something, but you're still expected to make it out before the time runs up, but here failure is the only option, you don't have time to finish the task in front of you and you just fail.
And in my entire life, in all the games I've played, no game has ever made me feel as lost and confused and even kind of hopeless as the section after the Sammer Guy Kingdom world is destroyed and everything is just a white void.
And you begin to walk forward, because that's what you do, you walk to the right because that's how you progress in these games.
But there's nothing, you walk forward for so long and there's nothing in front of you, you can even flip the perspective with Mario's power and look at the space ahead of you and see that there's nothing.
You have no idea whether you're supposed to be walking forward, whether you're on a loop, whether there's some secret that you're supposed to figure out but you can't and it just evokes so much emotion being trapped in that situation.
Like that is what I remember most about this game, not any boss or character or cutscene,
but my avatar, ME practically, being stuck in an endless white void trying to figure out what to do, where to go, what the secret is because there has to be a secret.

Aside from that, I did really like the story.
It honestly felt like the Majora's Mask of the series with really dark, depressing sometimes stories and plotlines.
Like when you kill the flower king only to then find out he was just trying to save his kingdom from the cavemen who were dumping trash in the river like idiots.
Or Luvbi realizing that she was a Pure Heart all along and not the biological daughter of the Underwhere and Overthere rulers respectively.
Or the entire backstory of Count Bleck and Tippi.

And the last thing I want to talk about, cause I feel like I've maybe rambled a bit too much here, is the stage with Francis.
And how it just completely DECIMATES the entirety of otaku culture, especially negative bits like the objectification of women and maybe even things like isolation.
Which was a pretty brash move considering how much of the culture had to have been part of the fanbase for the game and how many of them played it when it came out.

Okay, I'm done,
tl;dr I really liked Super Paper Mario because of it's dark story and gameplay sections that seemed to intentionally evoke negative emotions like confusion and hopelessness I really wish I could find my old copy so I could play it again.
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Paper Mario
Maybe I'll get to play this some day...

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Despite my dislike of turn-based combat, I very much enjoyed this game. The gameplay was engaging, and the story was wonderful. I had a blast with this game, from the Tattle Logs to the Pit of 100 Trials. I'm just a bit sad to admit that I didn't get to play the N 64 installment, first.

Super Paper Mario
This is actually my favorite game of the series! The multiple playable characters and the classic jump-on-your-enemies gameplay combined with an amazing story easily put this game near the top of my list. The game was as fun as it was bizarre, and it all felt very creative, especially with the 3D gimmick. I'm still hunting down recipies...

Paper Mario: Sticker Star
As a Paper Mario game... It was pretty bad. I'm not a good problem solver, but I felt lost more times than I'd like to admit. The game's story has about as much depth as that of Super Mario Bros., and Kertsi's "sacrifice" was a failed attempt to add emotion or something. Avoiding battles was a bummer, too. The most fine I had was contributing to the museum.
For those of you who have never seen it, a paper mario speedrun:

It's sort of ridiculous. Every star spirit/card collection is skipped and you don't even bother with Chapter 6/7 anymore.
Am I allowed in this thread?

PM64: Still the best game out of the lot. It's the one that feels most like a Mario game to me. Has the best atmosphere and musical direction in the entire series. It wrote Bowser the best (He's actually the villain! While still being funny! Why was this so hard for the later games to grasp?). The partners weren't anything groundbreaking, but they were all memorable and well-designed and you had gems like Bow and Lakilester in there. The bosses are all fun, fit in perfectly, and pretty much all of them had great music (shout outs to my boys Tubba Blubba and King Crystal). Another thing I really liked? You walked just about everywhere. Even when you did stuff like ride the train or the whale, you still needed to hike a decent amount to get where you needed to go. It felt more adventurous and epic (for lack of a better word). Gameplay-wise, I enjoyed that while the game wasn't inherently difficult, it allowed for a really great degree of customization and allowed for challenge runs that could really push you to the limit. And even on a normal run, a lot of the harder battles still played like puzzles and you really did need to try and work out what move you needed to do next. It was just almost perfectly designed, if you ask me.

TTYD: A lot of steps forward and a lot of steps back. Aesthetically, the game has all the obvious visual improvements and you even got smaller details like Mario's walk cycle looking more like a paper puppet. Musically? They shit the bed. The music in TTYD is so bland and forgettable with only a handful of good tracks that really stand out (Rogueport is the star of the show, the only boss themes I like are Rawk Hawk and Doopliss, etc.), where as I love just about everything in the soundtrack of PM64 like you have no idea. Atmospherically? They shit the bed even harder. Areas are smaller and more cramped (when they really shouldn't have been i mean really), but they still try to have a lot going on, which just made everything seem crowded to me. Rogueport is pitifully small, which is really a shame since it's the best area in the game, but still suffers from being port hub. I really, and I mean REALLY, disliked how getting around in TTYD basically amounted to "take vehicle" or "find slightly out of the way warp pipe". It just took away so so much of the actual adventure feel for me. The towns weren't all that great either (which I neglected to mention in PM64, but I like the greater lot of them), while some of them had some decent aesthetic or a fun quirk (Russian Bob-ombs!), I just couldn't get into them as much. Doesn't help that some of them were kinda rehashy (oh look, another village of friendly koopas) or the town WAS the entire level (oh Glitzville. you were so so good and so so bad at the same time). Character-wise, the game is really a shining star. The majority of the NPCs in the game really do have a lot of personality and even had their own connections and subplots going on (I absolutely loved the Pianta mafia), it made that tiny cramped world feel a more alive and I appreciate that. For the partners, their dialogue was super improved and made their personalities stand out more, but at the same time, I find that the partners didn't fit in as well? In the first paper mario, all the partners were friendly takes on common enemies and I would think that a sequel would crank that up a little by having a few more like a Magikoopa or a Hammer Bro, but instead we got half of the party being repeats from the first game (in terms of species. Mz. Mowz gets points for being an uncommon enemy, but loses points for being a terrible party member), a yoshi (in a game that doesn't have yoshis!), and two inexplicable beings that can just be called "__ spirits". It didn't feel as genuine, even if the party members themselves were solid enough (Flurrie, Vivian, and Bobbery are all great, and the others are all inoffensive aside from Mz. Mowz who is just terrible at what they wanted her to be, gameplay-wise). But alas, the game has terrible villains. None of them fit in at all. AT ALL. Aside from maybe Doopliss but he loses points for being in the worst, THE WORST, chapter in the game (more on that later). It really says something about the villainous cast when the basic mooks have more personality and fun to them than the actual leaders (Grodus was fucking awful and Crump was an annoyance, Beldam was a shallow bitch and Marilyn was tacked on), to say nothing of that ATROCIOUS final boss some know as the Shadow Queen. Seriously, the Shadow Queen is just some trite, shallow "rool duh wurldz" final boss that isn't even fun to fight, and the whole "possessing Peach" thing was just a case of "like you would really do it" that held no real weight (especially after Peach was essential to beating bowser in the first game!). The only antagonist (key word there) that was actually fun and enjoyable was Rawk Hawk (he's still a little too easy, though), but I digress. Moving on to gameplay, a lot of the improvements that they made to the system were perfectly natural and fit in well, but they came at something of an important cost. To put it bluntly, they made the game too easy. Superguard? The harder timing made it a greater risk, but master it and you were invincible. Giving Partners HP and letting them go in front? It gave them more presence in gameplay but also provided you with meatshields (who could ALSO Superguard), making you even more functionally invincible. Stylish Moves? Removed any need to use your turn to gain precious Star Power, removing any risk born from using a turn building power. That said, I don't necessarily dislike these changes and improvements, but they did remove a lot of challenge. Oh, and uh, I didn't like TEC all that much. I thought it was pretty funny, actually. A computer sees Peach naked and goes "damn I wanna piece of THAT". The Metal Peach Solid segments were a lot more time-wastey too (also not much Metal Peach Soliding. it was more just "go here, maybe do minigame). And finally, YOU BACKTRACK WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH IN THIS GAME LIKE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST. WHO THOUGHT IT WAS A GOOD IDEA TO MAKE CHAPTER 4 A CONSTANT BACK AND FORTH BETWEEN TWO AREAS. WHY DOES A GAME ON A MORE POWERFUL CONSOLE HAVE SMALLER AREAS THAT NECESSITATE SEEING THE SAME SCREENS OVER AND OVER AND OVER. WHO THOUGHT THIS WAS GOOD DESIGN AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH. that said I totally wanna replay it sometime.

SPM: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHH-Fuck this game. No seriously, you will not find a mario game in existence that fills me with such pure, indignant hatred as this one does. It's honestly the one of the few games I have ever played that I can say that I hate with 100% certainty. While TTYD just made some changes that didn't work out and had shitty villains, it didn't go out of its way to be as utterly BAD as this game seemed to do. Literally nothing in this game is enjoyable or appealing in any way. I can't even laugh at how bad this game. It's just that bad. It's ugly as hell. It sounds ugly as hell, the character designs are awful, the level design is idiotic like nothing else (hey let's advertise being able to switch to 3d, then limit that to one character and put a timer on it. also, let's make switching to 3d completely ugly looking. they didn't even use it for anything clever it was usually just "oh look a wall i can't pass, better flip), and the battles were just "Bowser", if the game didn't force you to use someone otherwise. And you might say that Sticker Star removed partners but oooooh no, I'd rather take no partners than the garbage that was the Pixls, especially after TTYD's partners had such presence. They just throw in these one-note, unfunny pixls to take their places. Note to mention, Peach, Bowser, and Luigi were basically glorified Pixls in themselves (oh I can't do this as mario better switch to so and so then switch back to mario). Really, I see no reason why they couldn't have just divvied the pixl powers among the cast so that you actually needed to change between them for more than the single situations that necessitate them. And the writing, jesus h. samuel l. jackson CHRIST, the writing was TERRIBLE. Any form of wit that you might be able to find in previous games was gone. The humor in the game boiled down to quirks, quirks that weren't even very funny (Dimentio makes nonsensical similes! oh how charming), and...making fun of otaku (YOU'RE BETTER THAN THIS NINTENDO). and that's not even getting into the godawful story that reads like something out a bad Tales of game (or as I like to call them, Tales of games, hachachacha) with a cast that is completely out of place, generic, and so poorly written that they made me wonder when I fell into a cheap jrpg. And the game tried to feign depth by giving all the villains some kind of tragic or mysterious backstory and it just didn't fucking work at all. Nothing within in the story felt like it had any place with a mario game, and NOT in a way that was just something new for the series. I'm okay with stuff like that. I was okay with Luigi's mansion and Super Mario Sunshine and all those things, but Super Paper Mario is just something that feels like it was going to be a completely different series, it's so out of place. None of the characters fit. The romance didn't fit. The backstory didn't fit. Count Bleck doesn't fit. Tippi doesn't fit. Dimentio doesn't fit. Mimi doesn't fit. Mr. L doesn't fit. None of these characters feel in anyway like Mario characters. They felt like cheap, stock characters from a jrpg that only goddamn weeaboos could find to hold any meaningful depth or character. And why did they have a goddamn heaven and hell level that's just pretentious as shit. It just doesn't fit. And the final boss is the ugliest most poorly designed piece of shit I've ever seen.

SS: I'm gonna level with you guys, I was disappointed with what I saw in Sticker Star at first. I was excited when we got the screens that had partners back (a Chain Chomp, no less!), and when the game came out, I was skeptical. But when I got my hands on the game, I immediately understood something: Paper Mario Sticker Star is not an RPG. It's an inventory puzzle game with turn-based battles. And I was able to enjoy the game a lot more when I shed my preconceptions and desires and started looking at the game from the angle I think was intended. The battles in Sticker Star are all puzzles, not "use this sticker to beat that enemy" kind of puzzles. These were puzzles that required making proper judgement calls and being willing to take the right risks to gain better returns. In a way, it was nostalgic to the battles in PM64. Something that I found to be a real challenge was how damage was frequently inevitable, and you had to work around that rather than being able to avoid it completely in most cases. It just added more flavor to the battles. Some might say that the battles weren't necessary or that the game encouraged you to skip them, but I disagree. Battles are generally your best source of money, which serves as your essential lifeblood. And I can tell you, being without money in Sticker Star is a hell of its own kind. Not to mention it costs some good coinage to acquire Things, which are your real powerhouses. The battles just felt like a natural extension of the puzzle gameplay, rather than a distraction from it, really. And you might say that bosses are just "use the weakness" but it allows for some much more than that. Don't want to use a weakness? Well get ready for the ride of your life because fighting bosses head on is an amazing challenge. Even Megasparkle Goomba will test your management abilities if you fight him without using his weakness. Another thing that the game does? Nonlinearity. With clever thinking and a little luck, you can tackle the game in just about any order you please, which is something that no other Paper Mario games lets you do without glitch exploitation. And also, the game FEELS like a mario game. there's so many familiar enemies (that even get used in new and creative ways! Like Mariachi Guys! or Boo Stack!) and the locations didn't feel out of place at all. Even the writing, scant as it admittedly was, had this dry wit permeating it (at points I could swear that this game was localized by a Brit or something) that just felt so organic and welcome. And the music, ye gods, the music is fantastic! So much of the soundtrack is just full of energy and personality that I can't think of a single track that I really dislike! I mean really, if you don't that jazz and mario are a perfect marriage, I'm convinced that you don't really exist. The motif of the final boss theme has even become Bowser's motif in general (and again, if you don't think jazzy metal and bowser are a perfect marriage, you have questionable existence). But, I'm not about to go and say that the game is perfect or anything, I agree with a few complaints on the game (namely the length and lack of memorable characters, and also the lack of writing for characters like Bowser and Peach), but I do think that a lot of people should give the game another go with a different mindset. It has many things about it that I appreciate in spite of it not being the Paper Mario game that I wanted, but it's still a charming and fun puzzle adventure that I think people are just plain too hard on.

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Lots of words

Mind explaining yourself on a couple things? You make some pretty good points here, but at the same time, I don't get some of your complaints, particularly on TTYD.
For one, why did the change in traveling bother you? The curses were a silly arbitrary thing put in place to make sure you do the game in order, yeah, but they were far from obnoxious and I actually rather liked the dialogues with the Paper Forces, so they more than justified themselves to me. I guess maybe the sense of traveling to a new location in a new region was slightly lessened, but I didn't really get too much of a sense of that in the original Paper Mario, either (I'm looking at you, Shy Guy's Toybox). And I still wound up using Toad Town or whatever as the hub world anyway; went there after every boss battle and did stuff.
[opinion] Also, even though getting there the first time on foot is fun, I find that (For the most part) realistic travel times are for squares. [/opinion]

Also, why would a Mario RPG being "Mario-like" appeal to you? To me, a mainstream Mario game is a very typical, boring, same-old same-old story with only one or two new variations on it. They're hackneyed and riddled with spectacle creep (Though 3D Land and 3D World have been smoothing that creep out nicely). Even Miyamoto has said that he views the Mario cast as like actors in a troupe that he can stick into any role he finds convenient, because it benefits his game design style (Which is to build the game itself first, then build the story around the game). Why would that appeal to anyone? I like Mario RPGs because they're an escape from the boring, flat characters and plotline that is quite similar in nature. Can you explain to me why that would be a selling point to you?
some words
You bring up some very good points! I actually neglected to mention how much I enjoyed the paper transformations and the black chests. They were very creative and the black chests were actually quite entertaining (especially the boat one). I actually wish they had done just a bit more with it, like maybe an origami swan or something, heh. As for travel, I just prefer the sense of adventure that comes from going somewhere on my own power, as opposed to viewing a loading cutscene, and just arriving at the destination. It's ultimately a matter of contributing to the atmosphere of an adventure.

As for the characters, it's actually pretty simple. I enjoy them. I enjoy Mario being a happy go lucky hero that goes "WAHOO!" when he jumps, I enjoy Luigi being reluctant and not as courageous as his brother. I enjoy Bowser being the villain. I enjoy Peach being able to help Mario, even when she's captured. I have a pure enjoyment of the simple feelings that Mario characters are able to make me feel and I like for games to continue being those simple, feel-good experiences and not get muddled by out-of-place things like world annihilation plots or tragic lost loves. They just don't have any place in my heart. Really, I feel that the M&L games manage to capture the characters really well and even give them a few more little quirks that just gel incredibly well (Bowser is especially portrayed well in the games, being a real character and even getting smarter as the games went on, as opposed to Paper Mario Bowser, who starred stellar and then just became a joke). But M&L has it's own share of issues (Peach isn't really....portrayed in M&L as strongly as she is in PM...or portrayed at all, really) and those are for another day.

So, I hope that cleared some stuff up for you.
I really do just plain enjoy simplicity where other people might see generic, and I honestly hope that the next and future Paper Mario games manage to recapture the pure and fun experience that 64 was able to.
It's truly fascinating how opinions of one game can vastly change from person to person. Definitely brings up some new perspectives on each of them.

@TheMightyBox I'm almost sad for not reaching that "Time Up" point in my play through of the game when you put it like that.

@Dolfinh Awwww...that was painful to briefly skip through. Like...WHY ARE YOU SKIPPING ALL THE THINGS NO DON'T STHAP!
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It's truly fascinating how opinions of one game can vastly change from person to person. Definitely brings up some new perspectives on each of them.

And as different as our opinions are, we all seem to have that one game in the series that really means something to us. Whether it was 64, TYD, Super, or that other one, it seems that each of us has that one game that makes us go "YEAH! PAPER MARIO! WOO!"
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I personally see every aspect of TTYD (Minus the siren sisters and the Glitz Pit) taken from PM64 in some form or fashion and switched around to make it look like nothing happened.
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So that thar new Paper Mario Game

Personally I'm going to wait until I see actual combat before jumping to conclusions. If the combat is what is what I think it's going to be it might not be as awful as Sticker Star. If RBY paint meter in the top left acts like gauge that needs to fill up each turn and each attack needs a certain amount of each color it might be redeemable. However coloring each attack is going to disrupt the flow of combat drastically, and I'm not looking forward to fetching Super Ultra Rare Chocolaty Goodness Attacks (the fan and such) again and again and again, if that's the case for them again.

Also my opinion on PM series: First 2 are Fantastic as they break down what was/is the complicated RPG stat tracking and make it simple and engage you in combat with timed attacks and guards. The third game is great, the fantastic writing of the first two games are there and while PM's strong point was never platforming, exploring the new artistic worlds was kinda fun. Sticker Star felt like an attempt that felt like it fell strait on its ass, music was fantastic, writing was less than the usual, and there was no point in using lesser than the rare object stickers and avoiding fights when ever possible.
Also I found this

This kinda just makes me sad.
Like sadder than the toad kid in Rougeport whose mother has a gambling addiction and is never home and whose father is depressed writer who avoids conflict with his wife and her gambling problem to the point of hiding away telling himself that he's going to confront her but never does. In thus turning the young toad into the most mature and responsible one in family because he parent refuse to grow up.
The dream is dead
It looks like it still has Sticker Star's disincentive to ever fight anything. Game Design 101, ffs.
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Are there partners?


let paper mario die with dignity
paper mario lost all dignity the moment it tried to make me take the romance between a man and a butterfly seriously
paper mario lost all dignity the moment it tried to make me take the romance between a man and a butterfly seriously
dont kinkshame
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paper mario lost all dignity the moment it tried to make me take the romance between a man and a butterfly seriously

she wasn't originally a butterfly shaddup.

You big bully poopnose
Paper Mario 64: This game was one of my first RPG games that I have played and I have thoroughly enjoyed. When I was about 10, I decided to rent the game and give it a shot since I loved the Mario series and wanted to try a different genre. As I played the game, I really liked the idea of Mario having partners to fight with and having Peach try her best to assist him whenever she can. Not only that, but I get to see many other characters, collect badges and other neat things, and enjoy the turn-based battles. My favorite partners in the game are Lady Bow and Watt.

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door: The game had what I loved about 64 and then some. You can be to counterattack (which I use any chance I get), there is more hilarity, a bit of feels in some parts, and there is the Pit of 100 Trials. Chapter 3 is my favorite chapter and my favorite partners in the game are Yoshi and Vivian. I still have the strategy guide for the game, but it has some wear and tear.

Super Paper Mario: Even without the partners and some other stuff in the game, I still enjoy playing this since I love platformers and I get to play as Peach, Bowser, and Luigi (Although it can be a little annoying when constantly have to switch back to Mario to use his 3D abilities). I enjoyed the parts where you travel in space and are able to shoot things during certain sections in Chapter 4.

Paper Mario: Sticker Star: Well... I don't think it's a really bad game and I have not beaten it yet, but there are some things that I need to say. First, I feel I become hesitant when it comes to using stickers since I try to decided whether to give them to the Toad who keeps them in the house like a collection. It's also a bit tricky when it comes to timing your attacks in battle. Here's a really important thing: Kersti's hints need to be way more specific than just saying things like "We should find the fourth Wiggler piece" and ending it there. I have to say, I really like the music in the game.