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WaveDash [The E-Sports Fighter]


[Jazzy Diamonds]
WaveDash is an indie fighter planned to be the very first Fighting Game specifically designed around the huge culture of other games... E-Sports.

Now... take this all with a large grain of salt because there is no pics or videos of the game and the beta is slated to come out in summer 2017.

oh and it's going to be a Melee look a like...




I'm going to ENJOY this a little too much...
When I saw the name, at first I thought this might have been the supposed project that the PM guys were working on. Nope, no way. This is already worse off than Airdash Online. It's like the Chainsaw Incident without a pitch video.
LOL... oh man.

I've been bounce ideas off with some friends. That the characters will be sponsored by real life companies. So like a character wearing Doritos spandex or something. I almost want to do "ART" for this game.


aw fuck it. this is too much fucking fun.
no i'm excited over the FACT that there is so little information. also it's tailored to E-Sports. because personally I find E-Sports being injected into Fighters to be a very unhealthy thing for the community. So a fighting game like this is just insanely funny to me.

It reeks of the smell of the Chain Saw Indecent only there is no fake prototype footage.

Also there is no artists on the team and they want a beta of the game out NEXT year.

all of that shit right there? Hilarious.

You want this project to succeed just to...spite me?

That's honestly quite dumb.

Now if you said you liked the idea of the game and wanted it to succeed because you believe in this game actually doing good. Then that's fine.
I'm tired of people who have no idea how fighting games work coming in here and trying to get big
mmmmh. Yeah. I get you there. Good thing they're not asking for money... yet. But really there will always be someone doing this as long as there is a market. So get used to it? Sorry that's the best I can suggest. I know that some people would like to tell these guys down, but that's not going to work. It's just best to sit back and watch. Less Stressful that way too.
there will always be someone doing this as long as there is a market. So get used to it?
I'm fine with new blood. I just want them to know what they're doing. Rising Thunder didn't know how Fighting Games worked. Beast's Fury. Chainsaw Incident. Varying levels of Capcom games after SF4. Just do some research. Know what you're doing. And if you don't, hire someone who does. That's literally all I want from new heads on that end of games.
ehhhhhhh... not to make a discussion out of this but, Rising Thunder was more like in this grey area were they did have people who know how fighters worked... and they were working on the game to improve on the main core of gameplay... the other two yeah they were just completely blind. pffffttt... But you're right the only guy in WaveDash that would have an iota of knowledge of Fighters would be that guy who hosted Smash Tourneys... only to leave and jump into advertising.
Wasn't Warchamp supposed to be involved with this? I'll trust that man with anything.

I just really want to believe something can fill the hole in my heart left after Project M died. Please let it be good, please.
ehhhhhhh... not to make a discussion out of this but, Rising Thunder was more like in this grey area were they did have people who know how fighters worked... and they were working on the game to improve on the main core of gameplay...
The opponent could move during super freeze. You could block on reaction to supers and jump out of command grab super. Maybe some of their stuff they knew what they were doing, but that's all I think about when I remember RT.
Summer of 2017:
Thank you for your feedback and support. The WaveDash team has been hard at work, and we're now happy to reveal more details about our upcoming e-sports oriented platform fighter.

The official title for our new game will be:

New screenshots here.
For early access, ask yo mama!
Come on, Zid. Give these guys some credit. They named themselves WaveDash, fer chrissake. They obviously know what they're talking about.
oh and they know about L Canceling...

so we're like golden right? That's all you need to know about Melee, right? Yeah...
Im reading all this and I can't even grip what kind of gameplay they want. A Melee look-alike? How so? Like...with the Wave Dash and other unintended gimmicks? Or have them as intended quirks and balance it around that. It's not really clear...

Yay another train wreck for all of us to reminisce about and laugh at. Im still not quite over Beast's Fury yet lol.
Im still not quite over Beast's Fury yet lol.
wow you're still not over BF? That's old news baby. I mean come on. There is always a new challenger you know that. Here take this bin of pop corn sit back with me and lets just relax as this car slowly combusts in a glorious fashion as advertisements of Vape Companies, Beer, FightSticks, Food, and other what not junk fly past us.
Is that an Overwatch character
i don't know... YOU TELL ME~!

oh and I quote: "The Game will have different Styles to it."

basically this either means they don't know what art style they want yet... OR, they want characters to be in different Art Styles... on purpose.
Personally I don't think characters with realistic proportions work well or animate well in something like Smash Bros.

Rivals of Aether's doing it right. Be cartoonish and creative.

So...this is actually becoming a serious thing.

And they're still slating the beta to be summer 2017. Props to them, although I'm personally not a fan of just making another Melee. Though for a fighter that wants to team up with the community, they really don't give people anything to help them with...
Well pass that popcorn, cause you aren't alone in this. I can't wait to see what happens when they finally put out actual footage.