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Indivisible: Lab Zero's Action-RPG! (General Discussion)

@Shadowfury333 You might be missing an important mechanic.
Holding all-block will not consume meter until an enemy attacks. If the cat targets just one character, then you can react by releasing it and block with that character to preserve meter. I don't think the beam is supposed to be reactable for most people.

I did not know that. In fact, I was under the impression that all-block consumed more meter while waiting for the hit, and thus only used per-character blocking (I'm playing on stick*, so it's not that hard to do). Perhaps if I have all-block on my pinky and Iddhi in a less accessible spot I could just hold that to avoid the reaction game while still attacking.

2        3          4     Iddhi
1     Zoom     All-Block  unused
I did not know that. In fact, I was under the impression that all-block consumed more meter while waiting for the hit, and thus only used per-character blocking (I'm playing on stick, so it's not that hard to do). Perhaps if I have all-block on my pinky and Iddhi in a less accessible spot I could just hold that to avoid the reaction game while still attacking.
Yeah hun. They changed it up to not use Iddhi on standard blocking and all block uses less when blocking step is triggered
Yeah hun. They changed it up to not use Iddhi on standard blocking and all block uses less when blocking step is triggered
Wow, I...huh
That explains why I had so much meter (well that and perfect blocks)...and also explains the design a bit...
Ugh, I don't really want to try the fight again right now (Bloodborne is more relaxing atm), but I feel like I have to for fairness's sake.
Wow, I...huh
That explains why I had so much meter...and also explains the design a bit...
Ugh, I don't really want to try the fight again right now (Bloodborne is more relaxing atm), but I feel like I have to for fairness's sake.
It's cool ^_^ But yeah. Iddhi's hugely more useful now, specially with the tiered super charging (Ajna 1 charge = Heal+Rez for example). So I burn a ton of Iddhi now compaired to the proto.
I am going to say that the Cat is easier this time around. Even with the lazer of doom. Only time I've honestly lost to this version was to the laser beam, and only when I wasn't paying attention.
*Bows down to Kit*
It's cool ^_^ But yeah. Iddhi's hugely more useful now, specially with the tiered super charging (Ajna 1 charge = Heal+Rez for example). So I burn a ton of Iddhi now compaired to the proto.
That part I figured out on my 3rd run. I stumbled upon it in my second run, but I thought it might be Up/Down+Iddhi+Attack, not Iddhi+Attack multiple times. It is nice to have it for more than just Razmi saving everyone's butts.

I'm getting the impression my issues are partly a tutorial shortcoming and partly that I shoot the moon on mechanics mastery (i.e. using character-specific blocks with an eye to perfect blocks rather than starting with the simpler all-block and working up from there).
The pit was not that bad and I don't play platformers outside of Metroidvanias.
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if you ever need a pinch for healing, using a fully charged Up for Ginseng then lvl 3 Super will fully heal a party (3,300 for Full charge + 3,500/ton of damage)
Also, is it just me, or does the laser cleanse the cat of Razmi's hex (down attack)?
You hexed the Cat huh? I wonder if this might have something to do with that attack. It was an old habit of mine, and maybe others, to not even bother using it on him.

Anyway, I guess I'm just used to the idea of secret bosses being really hard, as long as the main route is pretty fair. I agree that the finished game shouldn't use challenge secrets as prerequisites for best endings and such. They might just as well leave that type of challenge for hardest difficulties only.
I remember Mike Z always said he doesn't like the idea of bosses being immune to status effects
You can hex the cat, as you can hex everything else, it just might not be as effective or last as long
hey guys, need a bit of help here. i want to play the beta on ps4, however when i go on backer kit all i can find is the steam code. any ideas?
i want to play the beta on ps4, however when i go on backer kit all i can find is the steam code. any ideas?
Answer to a similar question on twitter:
yeah, you can hex the cat (which I do before firing Razmi's lvl 3 XD) but I think they've nerfed how good it was as I don't see much of a difference compaired to the proto
You can hex the cat, as you can hex everything else, it just might not be as effective or last as long
Right, I didn't find the Slow very useful against him in the Prototype, so by habit I just didn't bother using it here and focused on Heals and damage.

But it sounds like this Beam attack might actually be his way to break the Hex. Does anyone who didn't Hex him remember seeing the Beam attack?
I went a couple tries without using Hex at all, didn't see beam attack during those. When I started using Hex on the later forms, I immediately hexed it after it powered up and it beamed right after that. I can't recall from earlier attempts if that outright broke the hex, because in that last one I just died.

Now when I successfully beat it, I hexed it earlier, but not on the form where the beam attack comes online, and it didn't use it.
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Finally beat the kitteh! Yep, don't slow the kitteh. No slow, no lasers. Though I still had to deal with kitteh pot buster.

Also, it says I only got 96%. Annoying.
So apparently this is still planned, which makes me very happy.
Considering the mass exodus from neogaf I'm guessing it's reset era
Huh. Forgot about that site.
The SG thread is very divided. There are people who love the game and others who think the artstyle is ugly because reasons.


Hey uuhhh what's our stretch goal situation anyway?
The gems count for the 100% run?
Oh, i hexed catto several times...
Might explain why i kept losing to the laser afterwards... I did succesfully blocked it once though... *clears throat*
Oh, i hexed catto several times...
Might explain why i kept losing to the laser afterwards... I did succesfully blocked it once though... *clears throat*
I was able to block it once, but then it lasered me again.
Getting ready to do my "Kit's Thoughts" review and looked at my last one.. it's been almost 2 years since the prototype. Just saiyan.
Wait, does using slow on the cat give it laser? I just fought the cat and never used slow and it never lasered me, which is funny given a time earlier it literally lasered me so many times in sequence there was nothing I could do about the chip.

Also, is Razmi the trigger for the tree things coming out? Do they hate her specifically? Maybe that'll be part of her story/sidequest, though they've said no story stuff in here.
Time for some miscellaneous thoughts!

The line graphics for attacks are more necessary than I expected. When you have a whole horde attacking, and one of them is going for a grab, it's pretty important.

Qadira is more feminine than I thought. Pia's voice is lovely but not what I expected (and I know there will be a "fake deep voice" that she puts on, but Naoto Shirogane's original amazing voice was always kind of sultry and she STILL didn't fool a lot of people with the extra-deep voice), and in her Party Select headshot she has very pretty eyes (also isn't she kind of Arabian? She has blue eyes and fair skin, I want the design lore!).
yup, they do. so you're gonna have to hunt them all down Mystic

I see, thanks for the info.
Goofing around, I finally figured out where Ginseng's "pick up item" skill went (Or I forgot and it was the lvl 1).. So i decided to toss it at this Belu. Wasn't what I was expecting o.o
They talked about this in the AX video, you'll also be able to mix it in the mortar and pestle for buffs/effects in the full game.
Contact Peter over at indiegogo (at) labzerogames (dot) com. Let them known the situation and they should be able to help you out. Make sure to provide the email address you used to back.

Ravidrath already send me a PS4 code under an hour after I posted.

This, this is how you maintain good PR. Not through spouting the same damn "Our team will continue to make changes and monitor blah blah blah" platitudes while continuing to screw your players over but through actual ACTIONS.
I'm actually curious how the game looks on Xbox One... My Bf has a one (*stares at the brick under the tv*) and seeing this is the first launch to it, I'm just curious XD
I'm actually curious how the game looks on Xbox One... My Bf has a one (*stares at the brick under the tv*) and seeing this is the first launch to it, I'm just curious XD

I'm playing it at xbone and I don't see the difference.
Same, playing it on my Xbox One X.

Should test it out on my OG system and see if there's any load time savings like it does for other games.