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Strider and all them other ninjas thread


Feb 13, 2014
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Fukua Filia
With the release of Strider today, I figured we could make a thread about our favorite ninjas in gaming.
1. Sub Zero; He was the first character that got me interested in video games. Subby and I got way back.
2. Ibuki; Super sexy ninja girl, need I say more.
3. Strider; I got attached to Strider when I first played Marvel 2, we have been BFFs since. Good to see him make a return.
4. Yoshimitsu; Hes always stuck out to me thoughout the years with his humorous yet badass moves and actions. Yoshi is the shit
5. Ayane and Kasumi; These two have always been a dynamic duo that could cause ungodly carnage and look super sexy doing it.

Anyways, let's talk ninjas =D
Yeah, I also grew up with the Hayabusa clan. Never got to spend much time with the newer games though.

But hey, do these guys count too? I always thought they were cool:
Of course they do. Ninja Gaiden 2 is just the best. As a game anyway.

The modern Gaiden games kick ass.... but the older ones...my god. I still have yet to beat the infamous 6-2 of the original NG.
Also the new Strider looks awesome. Just wanted to say that.
Shadow armor X is the coolest.

Also Strider in MvC in basically what got me into fighting games in the first place soo...

Actually maybe even Zero too.
I was taken from the battle, neither truly alive, nor truly dead, an undying shadow, in a world of lights.
I've come from another world to do battle with you.
wut abot nayrawtwo and sayskey tho they got vider gams

real talk though
Taki and Valentine
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Yo, the Shinobi soundtracks are so underrated these days. My friend and I tried replaying the old games last year, and we had forgotten how funky those beats were!

Speaking of which, I remember at one point Shinobi had a dog. Wasn't there another famous video game ninja with a dog? Gosh, who could I be thinking of? It's as if he's already been named in this thread a few times..........
Yo, the Shinobi soundtracks are so underrated these days. My friend and I tried replaying the old games last year, and we had forgotten how funky those beats were!
Shinobi 3 has some AMAZING tracks.

Joe Musashi is a cool ninja, but don't forget Hotsuma and Hibana from the PS2 games.
Oh yeah, another AMAZING and under-rated ninja game

Hagane on the Super Nes.

This fucking game man. It's too much fun. I recommend grabbing a rom and playing it right now if you've never heard of it.
A true real ninja is feared not seen. Therefore by that logic....Santa Claus is my favorite ninja. Never once have you seen him, he has clones all over the mall but even they haven't seen him. No scientist has ever reported seeing his workshop while researching at the north pole
Yo, the Shinobi soundtracks are so underrated these days. My friend and I tried replaying the old games last year, and we had forgotten how funky those beats were!
Yuzo Koshiro was at the top of his game during the 16-bit era. Good times to be a gamer. RoS and SoRI-II are among my most cherished childhood gaming memories.

Get yo' 80's freak on!

Anywho, here's two of my favorite shinobi taking down two armies:

*glances at games in shelf* OH! Shout-outs to Yagyuu Munenori from Onimusha, the ultimate asshole ninja.

I honestly prefer samurai though. :P
Munenori can eat a dick.

Also, while we're talkin' Shinobi:

@Sanoblaze that is badass art... And now I'm mentally picturing him as a playable character in Dissidia... FFFFFFFFFF-
@Sanoblaze that is badass art... And now I'm mentally picturing him as a playable character in Dissidia... FFFFFFFFFF-
EVERY FF4 character should have been in Dissidia! I want my Rydia Eidolon combos!
and then one of her victory quotes she talks about her mom and I gotta put the game down so I can cry for a minute.

But yeah, Edge was super cool. one of my favorite ninjas ever.
Speaking of which, I remember at one point Shinobi had a dog. Wasn't there another famous video game ninja with a dog? Gosh, who could I be thinking of? It's as if he's already been named in this thread a few times..........
Is it...

Goemon? Boiled alive after getting caught tryin' to boost Hideyoshi's bling.

Probably Galford and Poppy.

One of my favorite female ninjas is Sheena from Tales of Symphonia.


You think y'all ningas' cool? My Ibuki lives my life, and I'm cool.
Holy fudging shit, Elena is tall. I knew she was tall but compared to them...
Holy fudging shit, Elena is tall. I knew she was tall but compared to them...

Amazon my friend.... gotta love it.
My homequrl. Anyway, a cool ninja* is Alpha-152 from DoA.

* - I don't know if Alpha qualifies as a ninja or not...
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Hayabusa easily for me.

From NG/DoA/or WO he displays why he should be considered the epitome of a video game ninja.
Ninja music is best music.