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Her Parasite is as Deadly as her Beauty - it's the Blood Goddess Eliza!!! Thread

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Is it bad the main reason I like Eliza is for her two awesome looking bodyguards/Servants?
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Is it bad the main reason I like Eliza is for her two awesome looking bodyguards/Servants?
No, I feel the exact same way. I'm not saying that I don't like Eliza, her bodyguards just capture my attention more.
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I'm pretty sure she doesn't slosh around like that unless she's moving really fast, i guess no-one expects you to be running around in heels anyway. As she has a certain degree of celebrity i'm thinking the general public aren't allowed close enough to her to uncover her secret and a reclusive nature can add a certain mystique to a person in her position.

IMO it's just that she loosens up a bit for combat.

Ya know, all the shape shifting she dose. Probably want to skip the "dissolve previous form" step as much as possible when launching an attack.
Is it bad the main reason I like Eliza is for her two awesome looking bo...

Of course not. It’s only natural to like great looking boobs, nothing bad to it. But you really shouldn’t reduce a lovely woman with amazing powers and talents to her breasts alone. That’s mean.

Wait, what? He said bodyguards? Not boobs? … Oh crap. Curse you, Tapatalk, for your confusing way of not fully displaying posts in the preview option of a topic!
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Both are acceptable
Shockdingo said:
...I'm curious about how their voices should sound and whether or not they'll be holding auditions for them. (I wanna throw my hat into the ring if possible hah, and am hoping since they're not full fledged characters the L.A. stipulation won't be in effect.)

Part of me wants Horace to be British, but another part wants him to have a bit more of an exotic accent due to the fez.

If you're going to make him sound British, make him sound like TotalBiscuit. He likes Skullgirls.
I wonder if we can get some Anakaris sounds for 'em
I wonder if we can get some Anakaris sounds for 'em
Oh man, that would be neat. I'm not sure where they would even go though, didn't Anakaris just speak in this gibberish?
I wouldn't call Albus and Horace "fat", they are just mountains of muscle. Schwarzeneggeresque.
Let's be honest, Horace has a bit of a gut. Albus is young and lean though.
I've decided that I like Eliza again. When's the next animation stream?
What are you doing


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DDB we can't keeping harboring hate for Eliza just because we want someone to blame for Annie's loss, it's unfair.

Join me DDB, just let it go.
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Speaking of their exchange, I'm curious about how their voices should sound and whether or not they'll be holding auditions for them. (I wanna throw my hat into the ring if possible hah, and am hoping since they're not full fledged characters the L.A. stipulation won't be in effect.)

Part of me wants Horace to be British, but another part wants him to have a bit more of an exotic accent due to the fez.
They still haven't announced a VA for Eliza so there's still a chance those roles are up for grabs...or not. There's no assurance they haven't started negotiating but it's just a matter of asking the L0 folks who are active in the board. You wouldn't be asking as a fan but as someone who believes is professionally competent for the task.

As for voice, my idea of Horace is of him having a British accent and a deep baritone voice, probably monochordic because he's always calm and collected and knowing how to keep a clear head is part of the job...
Albus said:
...apparently so is pigging out on birdseed Doritos. BLAM!
Horace said:
That's it, mop head! YOU GOIN' DOWN NOW! >:[

didn't Anakaris just speak in this gibberish?
Gibberish in Darkstalkers 1 and 2. Japanese in Darkstalkers 3.

Keiji Fujiwara and Akio Ohtsuka for Japanese Albus and Horace - in all seriousness, I think that if we can find the English counterparts to these gentlemen we got the perfect voices. Mr Ohtsuka is famous for his deep, manly voice and voicing aloof characters (Naked Snake, Seth, Wham, etc.) while Mr Fujiwara's voice also has a manly voice but one that is just brimming with sarcasm and mockery, as if everything he says is a thinly-veiled taunt (examples of that are ACDC, Matsunaga Hisahide and Barroch). And that is pretty much how I think A&H are personalitywise - Albus is the type to look the opponent in the eye and mock him/her while Horace always keeps his distance, like a professional. They are a jackal and a hawk so their points of view are quite different, after all.
I hope DDB doesn't have hard feelings because if you think about it Annie, Beowulf, and Eliza are all celebrities(or well known figures) in the Skullgirls universe. In a way there all sorta similar in terms of their status.
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Feelings harder than diamond.
Are we sure we want this dude with Eliza?
Give him a chance to get used to Eliza, he's cool.
Horace is built like a strong man competetor.
Albus looks like he's built like a bodybuilder. Both very strong, both perfect for bodyguards.

I still don't like his new face.
Part of what keeps me from liking Eliza is her rabid-ass fanbase. They act like nothing but Eliza matters and can't shut up about her!

People like that make me siiiiiiiiiick.
ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING DDB. You're literally like that.
I just kind of tune it out.
I just kind of tune it out.
I'm just fucking sick of it and so are several other people.
It's kinda fucking counter-productive when your actions make people HATE annie.

I realize that was the joke, I just wanted to post that image.
Part of what keeps me from liking Eliza is her rabid-ass fanbase. They act like nothing but Eliza matters and can't shut up about her!

People like that make me siiiiiiiiiick.

Best reply on Skullheart ever, ever. Ooooh YOU!
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Water, I don't want to make an enemy out of you by defending DDB, but read the first couple lines of this thread.

This is getting off topic though, let's go back to talking about how radical Eliza's bodyguards are.
This is the week of the bodyguards.
I've been watching the thread, the animation is p good unless I was gonna see something else? (Also, I guess if u want, throw this in a convo and send it my way, because again, let's not clog it up with my shitty pissy fits.)

But yes, let there be bodyguards!
We have enough furries in the fandom, where's the fanart?
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But yes, let there be bodyguards!
We have enough furries in the fandom, where's the fanart?
It's all being used for the Sonic and Pony fandoms. Skullgirls is just not popular enough.
It's all being used for the Sonic and Pony fandoms. Skullgirls is just not popular enough.
We have plenty of furry NPCs, unless they're the "commission everyone for our fursona" kind
They still haven't announced a VA for Eliza so there's still a chance those roles are up for grabs...or not. There's no assurance they haven't started negotiating but it's just a matter of asking the L0 folks who are active in the board. You wouldn't be asking as a fan but as someone who believes is professionally competent for the task.

As for voice, my idea of Horace is of him having a British accent and a deep baritone voice, probably monochordic because he's always calm and collected and knowing how to keep a clear head is part of the job...
Hmm, interesting, I'll try and think of who to ask, don't wanna step on any toes though heh, but definitely worth a shot.
Shock you fuckin' killed it as Brain Drain and Beowulf, to this day your voice is still my head canon for those two.
Go for it, I'd love to hear your take on Albus or Horace.
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